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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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Hello All,


I went from complete and utter nonsense to a smooth experience by doing the following:


===#1 - Modified client_settings.ini to look like this:



D3DFullScreen = true

Height = 1050

NativeHeight = 1050

NativeWidth = 1680

TextureAnisotropy = 1

Width = 1400

WindowX = 0

WindowY = 0

MeshLODQuality = 0

VerticalSyncState = false

EnableBloom = false

TextureQuality = 1

UseMinSpecShaders = false

doShadows = false

PlantDensity = 1

AntiAliasingLevel = 8




MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies

SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic



===#2 - Set Node Interleave to Auto (BIOS Advanced Memory options)


===#3 - I noticed a ton of disk reads at all manner of odd times, so I move the app from relatively slow SATA drives to absurdly fast SSD drives (striped pair). I am sure installing the game on any really fast HDD/SSD will help.



===#4 - Run game graphics at low quality during Warzone PvP (which really isn't)


I do not have a hugely fancy system - Tyan 2915 w/2xAMD 2212 Dual Core Cpu's, 16gb of pc 5300 mem, and a recent add GEFORCE GTX 560 ti.


Note that there was also some setting to make sure the GPU does certain work instead of the CPU's, but i forget what it was.



Anyway - all the instanced PvP was rather glorious without lag/weird fps....hope this helps others...



Good Hunting,




Has anyone else tried this?

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Hello All,


I went from complete and utter nonsense to a smooth experience by doing the following:


===#1 - Modified client_settings.ini to look like this:



D3DFullScreen = true

Height = 1050

NativeHeight = 1050

NativeWidth = 1680

TextureAnisotropy = 1

Width = 1400

WindowX = 0

WindowY = 0

MeshLODQuality = 0

VerticalSyncState = false

EnableBloom = false

TextureQuality = 1

UseMinSpecShaders = false

doShadows = false

PlantDensity = 1

AntiAliasingLevel = 8




MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies

SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic



===#2 - Set Node Interleave to Auto (BIOS Advanced Memory options)


===#3 - I noticed a ton of disk reads at all manner of odd times, so I move the app from relatively slow SATA drives to absurdly fast SSD drives (striped pair). I am sure installing the game on any really fast HDD/SSD will help.



===#4 - Run game graphics at low quality during Warzone PvP (which really isn't)


I do not have a hugely fancy system - Tyan 2915 w/2xAMD 2212 Dual Core Cpu's, 16gb of pc 5300 mem, and a recent add GEFORCE GTX 560 ti.


Note that there was also some setting to make sure the GPU does certain work instead of the CPU's, but i forget what it was.



Anyway - all the instanced PvP was rather glorious without lag/weird fps....hope this helps others...



Good Hunting,





I want to believe it but I don't

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Hello All,


I went from complete and utter nonsense to a smooth experience by doing the following:


===#1 - Modified client_settings.ini to look like this:



D3DFullScreen = true

Height = 1050

NativeHeight = 1050

NativeWidth = 1680

TextureAnisotropy = 1

Width = 1400

WindowX = 0

WindowY = 0

MeshLODQuality = 0

VerticalSyncState = false

EnableBloom = false

TextureQuality = 1

UseMinSpecShaders = false

doShadows = false

PlantDensity = 1

AntiAliasingLevel = 8




MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies

SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic



===#2 - Set Node Interleave to Auto (BIOS Advanced Memory options)


===#3 - I noticed a ton of disk reads at all manner of odd times, so I move the app from relatively slow SATA drives to absurdly fast SSD drives (striped pair). I am sure installing the game on any really fast HDD/SSD will help.



===#4 - Run game graphics at low quality during Warzone PvP (which really isn't)


I do not have a hugely fancy system - Tyan 2915 w/2xAMD 2212 Dual Core Cpu's, 16gb of pc 5300 mem, and a recent add GEFORCE GTX 560 ti.


Note that there was also some setting to make sure the GPU does certain work instead of the CPU's, but i forget what it was.



Anyway - all the instanced PvP was rather glorious without lag/weird fps....hope this helps others...



Good Hunting,





I appriciate the help but tbh this is an issue for the developers to solve. Something is freakishly wrong when the CUSTOMERS have to fix their screw up. I'll pay 1-2 months of game subscription but if these issues are not solved by then im out. Might come back half a year later so that I can experience the full product that I paid for.


to OP im *********** tired of ability lag as well. Specially when you stun someone and you can't do abilities on them because the server can't even keep up with positioning the players right.

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3Ghz 4 Cores


Radeon 5850


Half decent PC, more than enough to run this game, I can play Battlefield 3 in Mid to High graphics.... I put everything on the lowest and stupid amounts of lag in areas with other players. This is an issue that should of been resolved before the game was released.

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Whats annoying is that it doesn't effect everyone. I've seen vids of guys running around without lag.


And its not related to quality of machine. That much is obvious.


I've already unsubscribed because I can't see how large scale orvr can be possible when you have performance issues this bad in 8v8.


That, and the constant crashing on "enter warzone".

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Whats annoying is that it doesn't effect everyone. I've seen vids of guys running around without lag.


And its not related to quality of machine. That much is obvious.


I've already unsubscribed because I can't see how large scale orvr can be possible when you have performance issues this bad in 8v8.


That, and the constant crashing on "enter warzone".


I get those warzone entry crashes too, I wonder if it is related to the performance issues? I've ticketed it with no response.

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This thread needs a bump. All other issues pale in comparison to this.


Yup. It's perhaps one of the two most apparent problems imo with the other being the current state of CCs. The thing is this ability lag issue (plus "Not Available Yet" warning) is so bad I actually get to laugh at it, meanwhile CCs warrants a few /facedesk.

Edited by Akabeth
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Same here,


3.0 duel core AMD

Nvidia 275GTX

8 Gigs DDR 800mhz RAM

clean Sata HD

Gigabite Dura 3 Motherboard

DSL connection


All my parts are about 1 year old. I get 11-30 FPS with shadows off, its even worse in WZ's

Its a shame were all seeing another warhammer type relese with these FPS issues, its a real game killer for me.

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I run around 20 to 35 fps ever where in the game but in WarZones. I run around 7 to 12 fps. the Lag is unreal. If I hit one of my moves it takes sometimes 3-4 seconds before I do it. I have turned my graphics to low everything and I mean everything was on low, I even change my resoulution to way low to see if that would help and nothing did. It was the same. I then put my graphics on high everything and believe it or not it helped smooth things out but fps still are the same. Please fix it I love PVP and its almost impostable to play with the way things are.
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Im running about 50fps + In PvE but as soon as I join a warzone i'm down in the 10-20fps with delays up to 3 seconds on abilitys even though latency shows it's around 50ms.


Playing a Smuggler its really hard work to get cover abilitys to work since the delay to just crouch takes so long. Cant interupt anything, best I can do is the kick to the balls if I smash the keybind ><

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Also having this prob on a decent system...no issues outside warzones. So annoying considering that warzones are the place u need fastet reactions. Having to bash deflection or force cloak about 8 times b4 it triggers is gamebreaking for me.


The only way around it for me at the moment that makes it just about playable is to turn everything low and bloom off, but im gonna say the same thing as everyone else, this is unacceptable.


Please sort this bioware, you made a great game..dont let it be ruined b4 its even started by something that can be easily fixed.

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I didn't notice this in beta, pre-release, nor first few days, but now I have TERRIBLE lag only in War Zones. I don't get this in regular play ever, only in the crowded space station.


Makes fighting in there silly as everything is on a delay.

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I agree, there's soem nasty lag issues in WZ's. Something in the engine is a resource hog. What really kills me is the global cooldown system/latency on button presses.



I've pressed an instant cast non-focus skill like Saber Ward 6 times before it activated even though there was no GCD active.....



Things like that irritate me, or hwo I always miss out on kills because my damage animations are slow compared to a blaster fire.

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