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Everything posted by Cormaq

  1. lolz @ OP..... Anyone whos in pvp only for gear should not be there at all imo. if people "pvp'd for fun" not easy gear up it would be alot better for everyone. Make pvp gear alot harder to get imo. then the easy mode idiots wont just join for quick wins to cap their dailys and leave in the games that look like they're going bad, instead of pushing to turn it around. God, every therad on this forum is moaning and now im moaning too, this is why forums for mmo's fail so bad.
  2. Lol at that comment from Gabe, what was all this talk before launch from the devs saying how they were dead against cross-server queues because it ruins pvp community. I'll just never go in warzones if it happens, lets hope they sort ilum lag. Already know about 10 ppl who unsubbed the game due to the severe bugs in end game raids, dnt now push out the regular pvpers because of children crying about having to play a warzone they dont win every time.
  3. Tbh, All of my friends and I who are primarily pvp players all have the same opinion on this. PvP isnt about the gear, its about the PvP. You simply adapt to make the most of your class when changes are made. Its kinda obvious that if you're a new 50 and un-geared that you aren't going to fare well against geared pvpers who have put time in on that character, but that doesn't mean you are useless forever, the gearing up in TOR is extreamly fast for pvp, and you can even do it without any pvp at all if you're willing to wait a while just doing the ilum dailys/weeklys in the morning when its dead. People need to stop complaining, if you find yourself not viable in pvp as a new 50, bare with it, have fun instead of QQing and you'll be beating sticks with the best of them in a week or 2. I can't beleive the sheer amount of crying and moaning on the forums about it all, there is none of this Ilum fight clubbing and stuff on my server (Frostclaw), the community is fair and friendly on both sides and ive seen no griefing at all. People should consider re-rolling on other servers if their ones are full of lame ppl wanting insta everything without working for it.
  4. Also having this prob on a decent system...no issues outside warzones. So annoying considering that warzones are the place u need fastet reactions. Having to bash deflection or force cloak about 8 times b4 it triggers is gamebreaking for me. The only way around it for me at the moment that makes it just about playable is to turn everything low and bloom off, but im gonna say the same thing as everyone else, this is unacceptable. Please sort this bioware, you made a great game..dont let it be ruined b4 its even started by something that can be easily fixed.
  5. Its trolls dude, stephen reid already tweeted about it
  6. Seems so, im sure they'll come though..........*crosses fingers & toes and ties knot in another thing for luck*
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