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Lord Calypho RP-PvP to Progenitor RP-PvE Transfers


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RP-PVP LC to RP-PVE Progenitor...I wholheartedly agree that this is exactly what I want and would assume from the various posts/threads what the wider role playing community left on LC want to happen.


As a secondary possible move, I would hope ToFN could also transfer to RP-PVE Progenitor to allow all those people who moved and now regret the choice, or still favour role play over PVP but have moved for the far higher population on ToFN.


At this point, this is the only move thats going to get me to re-sub. I dont want to start my legacy and multiple characters again so the move is the only option for me and the very few guild members we have left.

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I have four different characters on Lord Calypho who are maxed and one in its forties. I've been playing on them since early access and invested a lot of time into both them and the legacy story I've built around them.


Now I would like to keep playing with them, but as pointed out, ToFN isn't exactly a RP server, infact it's a PVP one. One part of the game I'm not hugely interested in. So please, let me transfer to the Progenitor, I don't want to lose half a year of playtime.

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I would like to support this approach as well. The details of the procedere dont matter to me. It just has to be made clear, that we get the possibility to do so. Atm i just wont move my characters, becaus the *server type* issue was so stressed, that i am afraid it might take a long while that i could transfer from a non-rp server to a rp one ;)
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Second post by me, but I forgot to mention...

It does not seem logical to transfer RPers to PvE/PvP focused server. It just seems... STUPID. Why even have any RP servers then? No point at all.


I'll gladly pay for a transfer, or as the other say: Moved to Tomb? Get a move from Tomb to Progneitor as well.

Otherwise, I'll play out my remaining time and then quit the frikken game.

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I remeber when I first heard of this choice, and i was like "Wait, what!?"


I really think the choice of only opening server transfer to a pvp server is straight out ridiculous, they should've offered you two options, a pvp and a rp server. However, they could also have offered your server as a secondary option for some pvp and rp servers, which could have resolved in Lord Calypho's population increasing. The corrent fix is just unacceptable in my eyes.


Anyways I feel with you guys on Lord Calypho I hope to see you on The Prognator sometime soon.

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Bioware hinted on the fact that there can only be one transfer destination per server due to technicalities and that's why Lord Calypho's population can only move to FoTN, which did please the majority considering how many left.


Even if the automated system has such a limitation, there are so few left it seems that they should be able to offer manual transfers for them.


The decision making here has been pretty bad, they weren't originally going to offer transfers at all, based on the fact there was no RP-PVP servers to consolidate due to language/region differences. Then after some (rightful) displeasure at this choice, they decided to let the more PvP focused players move, and leave the more RP focused players stranded on a really dead server. How they ever thought this would be acceptable is beyond me.

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Even if the automated system has such a limitation, there are so few left it seems that they should be able to offer manual transfers for them.


The decision making here has been pretty bad, they weren't originally going to offer transfers at all, based on the fact there was no RP-PVP servers to consolidate due to language/region differences. Then after some (rightful) displeasure at this choice, they decided to let the more PvP focused players move, and leave the more RP focused players stranded on a really dead server. How they ever thought this would be acceptable is beyond me.

Why cut what I said in the middle? :(

However, even if it is limited to one server destination per server there'd be no issue in opening transfers from FoTN to The Progenitor, thus allowing people to first move to FoTN and then to The Progenitor. It's actually the best solution, since those of us who did move to FoTN due to the extremely low population and lack of PVP and PVE on LC, won't feel stabbed in the back.
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Right now, if you want some news from LordCalypho, there are 4 people at Imp.Fleet. Prime time, saturday night.

I don't know what change do you have in mind for the whole population of about 20 people that still reside here out of pure masochism.

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Right now, if you want some news from LordCalypho, there are 4 people at Imp.Fleet. Prime time, saturday night.

I don't know what change do you have in mind for the whole population of about 20 people that still reside here out of pure masochism.


Lol, yep there we were standing on fleet thinking about a glorious transfer to Progenitor :)

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Actually, the thread should be renamed to "Tomb of Freedon Nadd to The Progenitor Transfers", since it was already established that LC won't be getting any more transfer destinations.

wait what? where did you learn this? ._.

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wait what? where did you learn this? ._.


From the last update from BW:


Originally posted by JovethGonzalez


Since our policy for Free Character Transfers is to only allow one destination server per origin server, we had to decide: will we allow these players to transfer to an RP-PvE server or a PvP server?




For players that feel that the RP-PvP experience is more important, there is no requirement to leave the RP-PvP server, and we encourage players who prefer the RP-PvP playstyle to continue playing on these servers.


Please keep in mind that this is all part of our initial phase of the Character Transfer Service and that we will be monitoring the situation closely on these three servers going forward.




Since they've already given us our "one destination server per origin server", we should not be expecting another, especially since they are following it up by telling us that the RP crowd can just stay put if they don't like the option of going to a PVP server.


Then again, that's possibly mitigated by the statement that this is only the "initial" round of transfers, and that there might be other options in the future. But since they won't clarify what in the hell that means, it's anyone's guess. My personal take on it is that they're referring to a paid transfer service (this mostly comes from the language used in response to my in-game tickets on this matter).


I won't use it, not for that. I have characters I abandoned when my old server died, and I'll pay to get them moved to wherever I end up if I'm still here when/if paid transfers become available. And I'm not real happy about paying for that, since my old server died due to Bioware's overconfidence, bad decision-making, and lack of foresight; why then should it cost me? But I'll deal.


Not this time, though. I won't pay to move to an RP server when the entire rest of the community got to at least move to a like-minded server for free. They can kiss my big bald bare *** if they ask for one more red cent for that over what I am (was) already dishing out each month.


Edited by misterME
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Dear BW, the LC server is dying. You can't fairly offer free transfers to only 50% of the server population (PVPers) because by doing so you're discriminating against RPers.


Do the right thing and offer free transfers to the Progenitor (via TOFN if necessary I guess!)

Edited by Ycoga
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As an RPer left stranded on LC, I completely agree with the OP. I am cancelling the auto-renewal of my subscription with means that BW has seen the last of my money unless they resolve the issue within 25 days or so.

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As an RPer left stranded on LC, I completely agree with the OP. I am cancelling the auto-renewal of my subscription with means that BW has seen the last of my money unless they resolve the issue within 25 days or so.

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