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Consular or Trooper storyline?


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I'm trying to decide what character roll next, I have heard bad things about this 2 classes storylines, but I want to hear more opinions, so please help me telling which one is your favourite and why? Little spoilers are accepted but not big ones please^^ Edited by Lekoveros
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I could never get into the Consular story...

Trooper seems just a bit more exciting than Consular, in my experiences of both...

I found the opposite, Trooper story had hardly anything happen outside of the Havoc Squad main missions, Consular story after the boring Act 1 has unique things I've not seen in any of the other character stories and it's getting better and better.

Edited by AelixVII
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I think trooper is better. But then I'm a sucker for any military-type storyline (I love Karen Traviss' Republic Commando novels, and I watch lots of G.I.Joe). I LOVE my trooper storyline, and even in the parts that don't relate to the story (like the bonus series) I have tons of fun. But I guess it's your choice - mysticism or military.
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Just my point of view here, but to me, Consular is one big "Yaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnn", as my SI would say. At least up until Coruscant, where I usually fall asleep while playing and end up deleting it. :p


Trooper isn't the most epic, or the funniest, or even the most jaw-dropping. However, it forces you to make some REALLY hard choices in certain situations, and I think of it as a good gut-check.

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I thought Act I Trooper was a lot of fun, but after that... bleh. I was very disappointed.


I didn't find the Consular Act I as boring as everybody else seems to... I liked saving people and unraveling the mystery. Act II is dry, but you do a lot of important things. And Act III is more important dry things. Consular in summary: dry, but relevant.

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I've only gotten up to mid-Act 2 with both, so no idea as far as end game.


But so far, I'd say that the advantages of trooper are:


1. You're more the ordinary guy. You're a soldier, fighting a war, with a crew who is mostly enthusiastic. (There are a few outliers.) Most are pretty decent people, who I like, even if I don't find them wildly exciting.


2. Your choices have a lot of shading. There are more than a few cases in the story where you really have to think about what the best choice is, vs. spam the DS/LS button.


But the story is pretty formulaic. I feel like it's very fill in the numbers.


For JC:


1. I find the companions loathsome, in general. (Other than Zenith.) But they are pretty amusing in their own, terrible ways.


2. The story is a bit less formulaic. It's not wildly creative so far, but compared to trooper, it feels a bit less linear.


3. There is no moral shading, really. DS JC comes off as completely insane. LS JC comes off as the fluffiest fluffster to inhabit a rainbow and gemstone world. (Although I do find a lot of DS JC responses hilarious.)

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I've only played the origin planet for Trooper and the first 2 for Consular and I can honestly say that the whole plot of Consular, at least in my opinion, is incredibly boring and uncool, without spoiling anything.

Feels like a mix of Legend of Zelda and E.R.



Trooper origin was amazing. I loved the sense of

betrayal and hopelessness

that you feel at the end of it.


JK is the class I've played the farthest with and I say that if you're open to outside suggestions, that's the best one to go for Republic. The story is phenomenal from beginning to last, at least to me. Not a dull moment and Doc makes it all the better.

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I've played a Trooper through the story and really enjoyed it. Chapters 1 and 3 are great, you really feel a sense of purpose and that you have something to say in the war. Chapter 2 felt a little flat and sort of shoe horned in as a bridge between



Stopping Tavus and hunting down Rakton.



And Chapter 2 has Republic Balmorra which for me was the worst planet ever. I high tailed out of there once I got my class story done.


After my Trooper I rolled a Consular, went Sage and Lightside and man, i feel a little ripped off. My leveling friend chose Darkside Guardian so I picked what was complimentary to him. When he quit the game around mid-Taris i continued on my own. I wish I would have at least rolled Shadow.


Chapter 1 is alright but the person that made the



comment that its a mix of Zelda and ER is spot on. The biggest problem i had was that the shielding process i used to redeem the fallen Jedi was supposed to severely weaken me but out side of the constant commenting by the healed NPC that I looked so pale and weak, I never saw how much the strain affected me.



In my opinion, if you roll a Consular, just throw it all in and go Darkside for the lulz. I has to be more interesting than fluffy bunny it's all going to be okay Sage i have going.

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I thought both stories had their merits. For the Consular, I loved getting to explore the mysteries of the Force and the Jedi.



One part that really stuck with me was the Jedi you track down on Tattoine. His delving into the history of the Sand People was really intriguing.



The above poster who spoke of the difficult choices the Trooper had to make was spot on. It really forces you to consider your actions and their consequences, rather than just spamming LS/DS. War is tough, and a loyal soldier must often way morality, ethics, and the needed results. I really appreciated finishing the story without being solidly at one end of the spectrum, and the mistakes my character learned from as he progressed.


Like some others have indicated, though, Act 2 for both of them seems a bit forced. But overall, I really liked them both.


One note, though, regarding Consular romance, if you choose to pursue it:



The male Colsular's only love interest joins you on Belsavis, so you only have 2 planets to play through the entire relationship. It felt ridiculously rushed


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I've been playing the trooper through about level 40 now and have found it stereotypical for the most part. The complexity you get in the IA story just isn't there. SW has a more interesting and complex story line, as does the SI, although you have to provide some of the connections for yourself in that one. For the trooper, you're either by the book military, yes-sir/no-sir or you are Rambo.


I don't see character development or any thoughtfulness in the story at all. The bounty hunter comes smack up against it at one point, when a famous Mandalorian hunter tells her that she has to believe in something and if she doesn't her life has no meaning. You never get that with the trooper.


Not to say the class isn't fun--it is, but the story doesn't measure up to the others in game.


I've just started playing a consular and suspect it will end up something like the SI, where you'll have to provide the backstory and connections yourself. Smuggler is fun, which makes up for the story line, which isn't so good. I'm having trouble getting into the JK myself. I know the story is the epic one in the game, but again, I don't see much character development here. I keep wanting to play the JK as something of a wise@ss, with a certain amount of pragmatism and sarcasm to leaven that lump of dough. Doesn't happen.


Of course, everyone has preferences, and that's perfectly legitimate.

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I played JC I really enjoyed it, but the story is really slow (not a complaint, just an observation). Act I was okay, Act II was better, and Act III was amazing. By the time you are done with the story, you will be glad you rolled JC. My only two gripes are the romances come too late (and Nadia's romance feels rushed), and the companions are pretty dull (the only companions I liked are Qyzen and Nadia but again not Nadia's romance).
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For the trooper, you're either by the book military, yes-sir/no-sir or you are Rambo.




I found the Trooper story very disappointing. It starts out promising but fizzles out into a formulaic, cut-and-paste non-ending. This is a pity because a soldier's story has so much potential for gritty moral ambiguity and they opted instead for a recruiting commercial. I wanted "Apocalypse Now" and I got "Sands of Iwo Jima."


The Consular story on the other hand... Most people seem to hate it. It's widely panned as the weakest in the game, but I've enjoyed it far more than the Trooper up to chapter 2 precisely because it's less formulaic. Perhaps that's what others don't like about it.

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I'm having trouble getting into the JK myself. I know the story is the epic one in the game, but again, I don't see much character development here. I keep wanting to play the JK as something of a wise@ss, with a certain amount of pragmatism and sarcasm to leaven that lump of dough. Doesn't happen.


Of course, everyone has preferences, and that's perfectly legitimate.


Strangely, I've really liked JK. Not as well as agent, but I suspect that's more me than the quality of the writing. JK really is the epic story, the companions are all pretty likeable so far (Doc cracks me up, I <3 Kira forever and ever, and T7 is so darling I want a plushie made out of him).


I also really love that it's maybe the one class where LS and DS feel about right. LS is so fluffy that it makes my teeth hurt, but it is JK. And it makes sense that a LS JK is going to be pretty flufftastic. Alternately, the bit of DS I've played so far has come off less as needlessly sadistic, and more as Machievellian. (Which makes sense. The whole "kick the puppy" thing feels pretty ridiculous after a while.) It's so much better than JC. (Or, really trooper.)

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I haven't finished JC (being only lvl 26) but I did trooper and really enjoyed the storyline. But imo class stories being liked/loved,disliked/hated compeletly just boils down to personal taste for example I find DW SW waaay too "kill everything just because I can" for my tastes however someone else my have a blast with it.
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Consular did not grab my interest at all. The Tython part is nice (the forge battle is more convincing than the one for the JK. Where did that thing come from?) I lost interest after I got to Nar Shadaa.


Trooper is good, though others have said it trails off after Act 1. I find it is not as interesting after that point, though it is still better than JC

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Well, I've made a great decision for my consular, but also I totally messed up my poor trooper.


You see, everyone who said the consular storyline is rather boring are correct, mostly because the character is quite docile: "yes master, as you say, what can I do for you master?, yes, right, okay..whatever you say, master" (a big YAAWWWWNNN indeed). So I decided to my make my shadow a 100% darksided character: "No, I won't do it. This is my way, kill them all! Yes, teach me the darkside secrets, I want them!. Stop squirming or this will hurt a lot more!" I can't believe just how much fun I had playing my consular and the storyline suddenly became a thousand times more interesting! Many new cutscenes appeared which I wouldn't get to watch if I've chose the light option.


Sadly, when I played my trooper I was fooled by the whole "Good soldier of the Republic", so sometimes, he was noble and good, others he was mean and cold-blooded... by the time I left Nar Shada my vanguard was such a mess that I didn't know what was going on: he was neither light or dark, just a gray boring neutral toon. I didn't erase him because his companions have max affection and maxed crew skills, so I just ended using him as a crafting mule.


Next time I'm planing to unlock the sith pureblood and make a dark-pureblood trooper from the very beginning...I'm pretty sure this time the trooper storyline will be a lot more fun!:cool:

Edited by zorroazul
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I haven't got that far on Trooper but I've completed the consular story and to me it just got better and better.

Someone else (sadly can't remember who sorry) paraphrased it really well which I'll repeat here.

You begin as a padawan and your story is becoming Jedi and saving people.

Then you become a diplomat and finally saviour. to me the logically progression just fit so perfect even if act I is rather slow.

I loved some of the twists and I can honestly say the end of the act III felt very satisfying to me and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

I loved the companions especially Qyzen and Nadia even though a lot of people hate them.

i also adore the va for female consular and would happily roll another just to hear that voice everyday!

Ultimately I think loving or hating the consular is a very individual choice and I say, roll them both!

I have 3 lvl 50's so far and each story I enjoy more than the last and I plan to lvl them all.

Go into story openminded and I doubt you'll be dissapointed:)

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I'm trying to decide what character roll next, I have heard bad things about this 2 classes storylines, but I want to hear more opinions, so please help me telling which one is your favourite and why? Little spoilers are accepted but not big ones please^^


I'd recommend a trooper but I think you should play whichever one sounds funnest to you.

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