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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ajunta Pall Alternative Transfer Location


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Ajunta Pall is the only West Coast RP-PvP server, when transfers opened we got the option to transfer to the East Coast RP-PvP server "Jung Ma".


However it is the sentiment of many in my guild and I expect also of those left on the server is that switching between server locations is worse option than changing server type. So I suggest Bioware provides a second free transfer location of a West Coast PvP Server (eg. The Bastion) for those who prefer this option.


There has been a similar case on the European servers where there was only one RP-PvP server for each language and they were recently provided with the option of transfering to a PvP server of the same language:

We wanted to clarify the current situation with the European RP-PvP servers Lord Calypho, Jen'jidai, and Huntmaster. Our goal for SWTOR players with these free character transfers is to be able to offer a destination server for players to have the best gameplay experience possible. As such, due to the unique nature of having only one European RP-PvP server per language, we wanted to give the three aforementioned servers the choice to transfer to a destination PvP server. As of right now, Lord Calypho characters can transfer to Tomb of Freedon Nadd, Jen’jidai to Jar'Kai Sword, and Huntmaster to Darth Nihilus.
Admittedly the language split was a larger difference than server location but I feel the same course of action should be applied to Ajunta Pall.
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Ajunta Pall is the only West Coast RP-PvP server, when transfers opened we got the option to transfer to the East Coast RP-PvP server "Jung Ma".


However it is the sentiment of many in my guild and I expect also of those left on the server is that switching between server locations is worse option than changing server type. So I suggest Bioware provides a second free transfer location of a West Coast PvP Server (eg. The Bastion) for those who prefer this option.


There has been a similar case on the European servers where there was only one RP-PvP server for each language and they were recently provided with the option of transfering to a PvP server of the same language:Admittedly the language split was a larger difference than server location but I feel the same course of action should be applied to Ajunta Pall.


Didnt someone prove the servers in the US are all in the same physical location and East vs. West was more about having players in the same timezones on together?


If this is the case what objections does your guild have?

Edited by Planar
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Didnt someone prove the servers in the US are all in the same physical location and East vs. West was more about having players in the same timezones on together?


If this is the case what objections does your guild have?

There is a difference in location http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=36811 also there is a difference in latency (about 80ms i think).
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Yes i've definitely noticed an increase in server lag when switching from a West Coast server to an East Coast server and its definitely troubling when trying to PvP in war zones. I'm sure it would be incredibly frustrating when trying to do HM raids, especially Denova where every player has to be on the top of their game. The last thing you want is server issues when trying to down a difficult boss.



Yes! Please give us Ajunta Pall players the option to switch to a West Coast PvP server! Although i greatly enjoy being with a RP community more than a regular one, I'd much rather switch to a non-RP server than have to deal with an increase in latency every time i play and be a detriment to my operation or PvP group or reroll the characters that I've been playing since early access. It's only fair and decent to give us this option as a free transfer and NOT as a paid transfer, especially when many people left on the AP server and that felt pressured to switch feel that Bioware screwed us over with this transfer. To make it even more fair, there should be a free transfer from Jung-Ma to the same West Coast PvP server for those that felt that they had no choice but to switch and deal with the latency.



Please help us out!

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I am paying per month to play on a dead server now because our guild got a bad transfer option (West coast to east coast). I am wholeheartedly supporting this thread!


Ajunta pall --> The Bastion


Edited by Punk_Oblivion
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Agree with OP. This is after giving Jung Ma/East Coast a fair chance. I did transfer over one of my alts to test the server environment (latency, community, etc). On the surface it seemed very acceptable. The community was great (well, for MMO standards). However, the latency increase took away the enjoyment.


The bottom line is that many players choose their server location just as much on technical performance as they do the community (pve, pvp, rp, the peak timezones, etc). In an ideal world, you can have it all, but in this case its not reality. So, it should be the player's choice as to which is more important. Is latency >> community type. Is community type >> latency. And, this choice should have boundaries. Its not fine to say you can have your preferred latency but there is NO community (server is a ghost town).


Anyways, Bioware, please give players a free transfer option to servers in their time zone, not just server type.

Edited by maxolof
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I absolutely support this thread. I along with multiple other guild members transferred over a low level alt to test out the server, and to also pvp to get some use out of my monthly paid subscription (since we clear 16m HM Denova and NM Pilgrim in one night). Maybe things are a bit different for a ranged character, but for melee.....the difference is absolutely noticeable. When I force leap to someone and they are already 10-15 yards away by the time I land and the gcd is up....unacceptable. I can't tell you how many times I "Smashed" directly on top of someone, only to have their character be 10 yards away the next second and no damage numbers scroll across my screen. My internet service is above average in the US, 15 download, 3-5 upload; so lets not even go there for excuses. Fact of the matter, location makes a huge difference.


Help us out Bioware, because force-transferring (which is basically what you did) people off a West coast server to an East coast one is.....___________<----insert choice word/phrase here.

Edited by Toranagasama
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Except that now it is too late too do this. If Ajunta Pall is offered another location, the population get split between the two destinations. This would put a strain on Jung Ma's population, once again rendering unstable in the long-term. They would be forced to transfer players off Jung Ma as well, and would end up eliminating all NA RP-PvP servers.
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Except that now it is too late too do this. If Ajunta Pall is offered another location, the population get split between the two destinations. This would put a strain on Jung Ma's population, once again rendering unstable in the long-term. They would be forced to transfer players off Jung Ma as well, and would end up eliminating all NA RP-PvP servers.


I'm not sure I follow you. How would this put a strain on Jung Ma's population? No one, at least in this thread, is requesting a transfer from Jung Ma to a West Coast PvP server. If you have already gone, this thread does not pertain to you. This is about the remaining players on Ajunta Pall who have not transferred because Jung Ma is unsuitable.

Edited by maxolof
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Ajunta Pall should have the option of transferring to another West Coast server. Since we're the only RP-PvP on the West Coast, then either a RP or PvP server would be viable.


That makes The Bastion (PvP) and Begeren Colony (RP) the logical choices. I'd suggest Bastion given the higher population and PvP focus (no que = good que).


Here's the thing Bioware Staff: on Ajunta Pall I have a 37ms lag, on Jung Ma? 93ms with spikes of as much as 163ms! For PvE that's not the end of the world, but that's more than enough to get you killed in a WarZone.


I'd be willing to accept a small transfer fee if that's what it takes to get BW to agree to this: something in the range of $15 for all 8 characters.


PLEASE Developers; Ajunta Pall has had 20-30 people at PEAK time during the last week. Either give us a 2nd destination (WEST COAST), MAKE US A DESTINATION (option B) or MERGE (option C).

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It kinda boring on AP atm.


I support transfer AP - > The Bastion, doesnt matter free, paid or bribe:) Just have some own issues against JM


At this situation, i tnink devs must take into account user's wishes, imho

Edited by Atmain
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I also believe that those who did transfer to Jung Ma and really wanted to stay on the West Coast should be given the option to go back to the West. I for one did not want to go to Jung Ma, but really what could I do, I logged in to Ajunta Pall and see max 10 players.

I could do nothing. No people for flashpoints or PVP, so I switched hoping that BW will rectify this later

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After two weeks of discussion and more QQing and griefing than you can imagine, Kiyosa of the EU RP-PVP English server Lord Calypho has come up with a solution that I believe might work for you as well:


Have a West-coast PVP server become the destination for Jung Ma, so that players already transferred there can move back to the West Coast if they wish, and players on Ajunta Pall can transfer to Jung Ma, wait 72 hours, and transfer to the West Coast PVP server if they wish. It keeps the process from breaking Bioware's precious "1 destination for each origin" policy, and gets around any limitations their transfer system might have.


I know it's not perfect, because it then raises the issue of PVP or RP server on the West Coast, which is the issue we had on LC. So, it may not be the one-size fits all. But then again, it may work if there is a consensus concerning what players on your server want.


Good luck!


Edited by misterME
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I also strongly support an optional move to a west coast server from AP.


What I would also appreciate from Bioware is some clarification regarding the future of the transfer service. As a paying customer I expect a little more information regarding the impact of my options, currently being stay on AP or transfer free to Jung Ma. Will the free transfer option be open indefinitely? Will other options become available and if so when? How much if anything will other transfer options cost?


Ultimately I am upset that Bioware has lessened the value of the product that I have purchased and continue to pay for by providing me with my current options of stay on a West Coast server that is empty or transfer to an East Coast one that has high latency because of my geographical location.


A prompt reply from a Bioware representative regarding this would be much appreciated.

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A prompt reply from a Bioware representative regarding this would be much appreciated.


^^^^This, this, this, this, and more this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We will not roll over or go away, please respond before things get out of control.


Our server is dead now, only allowing us to play the ONE night we full clear your HM content (maybe 2 nights if training new members), but other than that we cannot do anything, there is NO pvp because there are barely ever 16 people on Rep and Imp side combined, unless we are raiding.


Transferring us from West to East is unacceptable, I do not pay to play a game hindered by connection speed based on location, that is just dumb.

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Dear Bioware, Electronic Arts and Lucas Arts,


Please respond to this thread so we at least know you have heard our suggestions.

Currently I am not aware of whether anything we have posted has actually been read,

certainly none of it has been acknowledged.


It is pertinent to the well-being of SWTOR that you respond to this thread before you lose the remaining players on Ajunta Pall. If you do not allow server transfers to a server other than Jung-Ma, either merge us or make us a destination. Failure to do so will result in losing the remaining players.


It is unlikely that those of us who have transferred will do so in the future, it is likely that we will Unsub.

You must take accountability for the consequences of your decisions and address the issue.


Remaining silent is not being responsible, responsible would be giving an approximate date when you might start paid transfers.


Thank you (if you respond to this thread) for your time and consideration,

Yours truly,


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Remaining silent is not being responsible


Couldn't agree with you more. Every day that goes by without a response shows us how much you care..........and strengthens me and my fellow guildies urge to unsub. Do you really want one of your top end 16m raiding guilds to up and leave? I hope you know there are other games and MMO's out there.


I really hope you (BW) are not banking on 1.3 to keep the peace...time and time again you have disappointed by pushing things back to the "next" content patch, and I'm sorry but I could care less about ranked warzones, sandpeople outfits, oh and nightmare mode IS NOT new content.....

Edited by Toranagasama
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Couldn't agree with you more. Every day that goes by without a response shows us how much you care..........and strengthens me and my fellow guildies urge to unsub. Do you really want one of your top end 16m raiding guilds to up and leave? I hope you know there are other games and MMO's out there.


I really hope you (BW) are not banking on 1.3 to keep the peace...time and time again you have disappointed by pushing things back to the "next" content patch, and I'm sorry but I could care less about ranked warzones, sandpeople outfits, oh and nightmare mode IS NOT new content.....


Completely agree, I am not sure what to do I can't pvp and I don't want to move to JM.


I have launched multiple tickets and emails to them with only 1 acknowledging the issue with data centers and I was told be patient this is phase 1. It sucks to be **** on when they fractured our server and people left because it was the only option, now AP is dead and I can't pvp there with 1.3 launching and this issue not addressed it shows how much they give a crap about the actual player base. They can transfer to other server types so make it happen.

Edited by Avicii
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Also why would they make us post in suggestion? This is more they created the problem now they need to fix it and offer us a PST server I got a similar response and told them the aforementioned in less polite words.
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I'm not sure I follow you. How would this put a strain on Jung Ma's population? No one, at least in this thread, is requesting a transfer from Jung Ma to a West Coast PvP server. If you have already gone, this thread does not pertain to you. This is about the remaining players on Ajunta Pall who have not transferred because Jung Ma is unsuitable.
Some of those who have already transferred will complain, because they were specifically told they have only a single option. Bioware would then have to allow return transfers or face cancelled accounts, either of which damages Jung Ma. Additionally, the stable population the developers hope to create on Jung Ma includes those that have currently chosen to remain on Ajunta Pall. You will be moved at some point, likely as soon as the developers manage to offer us additional character slots per server. It's pretty obvious the eventual goal is to eliminate the source servers.
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Some of those who have already transferred will complain, because they were specifically told they have only a single option. Bioware would then have to allow return transfers or face cancelled accounts, either of which damages Jung Ma. Additionally, the stable population the developers hope to create on Jung Ma includes those that have currently chosen to remain on Ajunta Pall. You will be moved at some point, likely as soon as the developers manage to offer us additional character slots per server. It's pretty obvious the eventual goal is to eliminate the source servers.


This is likely the case however at some point they will allow transfers so characters can be consolidated and people will move to where they prefer to be. Junga Ma is likely to be the most effected by this since there is a smaller player base then the other massive servers. Hopefully people will also transfer to the server as well.


I agree with you completely on the point if they allow the remaining people to transfer to a PST server the people that moved but didn't want to will be pissed as well. Really though forcing people to move data centers shouldn't be acceptable regardless of what people think about latency and such as there are extremely varied opinions however most just take into account their locations and experience.

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