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SWTOR and the EA stock plummet


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HAHAHAHA..... no way... SWTOR is gone, noone is coming back. 1.2 was meant to the be the patch which was going to bring back all the initial TOR release players (I am one), and it didn't bring back any, they still lost numbers.


TOR is tarnished forever with the clunky gameplay, patches breaking more things than fixing, no end content, list goes on and on.


GW2 won't be a WoW killer, it will be a TOR killer.


I came back a couple days ago after not playing for 2 months. And I'm not the only one. Your argument is invalid.

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The people who are saying stupid things like "I don't care I'm just having fun playing the game!"

Well guess what? There are only three options for this game now, and two of them is SWTOR going under.

A) The game goes F2P

B) EA goes under and the game gets closed down

C) the game gets shut off

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The people who are saying stupid things like "I don't care I'm just having fun playing the game!"

Well guess what? There are only three options for this game now, and two of them is SWTOR going under.

A) The game goes F2P

B) EA goes under and the game gets closed down

C) the game gets shut off


Must be a sad little world that you live in, looking negatively at everything like that.

Edited by mothear
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EA stated on record they were aiming to take out WoW in sub numbers before the launch of the game. This could lead to people buying up shares of EA. When it was clear that SWTOR wasn't getting anywhere close to WoW sub numbers, and looking like it won't even keep any where near 1 million subs, people who bought stocks based on EA statements would start to dump them. I could see how 1 game not doing anywhere near as expected could have stock prices go down fast.
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The people who are saying stupid things like "I don't care I'm just having fun playing the game!"

Well guess what? There are only three options for this game now, and two of them is SWTOR going under.

A) The game goes F2P

B) EA goes under and the game gets closed down

C) the game gets shut off


Even if EA goes under (unlikely) Bioware will just be bought out by some other company (probably Perfect World International :) and SWtoR will still exist under the new company. Much like what happened to Cryptic and Champions Online / Star Trek Online.

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They should have stuck with Xbox games MMOs are too big and expensive plus, Star Wars has such a diverse fan base it is impossible to please everyone; therefore it was bound to fail


People are starting to ask themselves whether or not it is worth eighty bucks for a six month for a subscription to run around an artificial world chatting with 14 year-olds (NO Offense to 14 year olds) and shooting NPCs; what sold this franchise was a story concept with the illusion of freedom and the illusion of having an effect on the outcome.


this is an MMO there can never be an outcome it doesn't end.


it has a badly composed episodic story structure with no dramatic arch or climax-because to have that you have to have an ending.


The art work is brilliant, but it is basically the same story and game over and over again.


Personally I don't understand why people didn't see this coming.


The law of diminishing marginal utility states, the first unit of consumption of a good or service yields more utility than the second and subsequent units. The rule states that a good or service should be consumed at a quantity at which the marginal utility is equal to the marginal cost


I other words consumers are getting more and more bored with this game ever time they play it. Unless the magic internet fairy craps out billions of more $ to rewrite and create new story/game lines the game has to be doomed.


And you can trust my analysis I got my Degree in Economics


Now if you will excuse me I have to fry up these burgers for the lunch crowd.

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Man I HOPE I am wrong about the game burning-and I hope EA sports pulls through.


I like Star Wars, but the only way to save the game is to get new members to sign on and it looks like the Star Wars Fans are tapped out. Most of us bailed after the first three months.


I don't know what it costs to support this game-but I am assuming at some point the costs of maintaining it will exceed the income it provides and the remaining stock Holders wont be happy about this.


EA is not General Electric or GM or Microsoft they can fail stock holders know this and will run for cover. I really hope they don't fail though, because I loved almost all their products.

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EA stated on record they were aiming to take out WoW in sub numbers before the launch of the game. This could lead to people buying up shares of EA. When it was clear that SWTOR wasn't getting anywhere close to WoW sub numbers, and looking like it won't even keep any where near 1 million subs, people who bought stocks based on EA statements would start to dump them. I could see how 1 game not doing anywhere near as expected could have stock prices go down fast.


which record? the one in your imagination ? now in reality since the announcement of SWTOR they have said nothing even close... in fact they actual said the opposite on many occasions... that they were NOT trying to make a "WoW killer" and that they didn't expect it to surpass or even match WoW in sub numbers..


the ONLY people who said this was going to match or beat WoW in subs were fans... and if you buy stock and base your finances off of random people online's opinions you deserve to loose money because your an idiot and part of the reason most of the world's first world countries are in economic decline

Edited by Liquidacid
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EA losing 50% of it's stock value since the SWTOR launch? Ouch. What implications does this have for everybody's favorite MMO in space (besides Eve)?


None. The game is still viable. Its going to be around a long time. I'm still having fun playing it.


I drive a Chevy, I have a about four Dell computers, I'm not checking their stock either. I'm not sure why anyone would try to draw that correlation to a video game either.

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The people who are saying stupid things like "I don't care I'm just having fun playing the game!"

Well guess what? There are only three options for this game now, and two of them is SWTOR going under.

A) The game goes F2P

B) EA goes under and the game gets closed down

C) the game gets shut off


Actually, which is sillier, playing a video game and not caring about stock options, or pretending to be a stock analyst on a game board and assuming that one knows anything about where the stock, or where this game is going? ;p


You have no idea of what is going on. ;p

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We live in tough times man. the only way to survive is to stop copying Wow and start making games for fun instead of cash. thats why these games fail they don't think in terms of fun they think in terms of dollars and the fastest buck, that's why they fail.


Don't give me "it's a buisness they gotta make money" they pretty much copy the last 10 years of other standard MMO mechanics and features and expect to compete with Wow as a clone. thats not innovation.


Making you game's world's a true virtual open space with the ability to raise violent sith children to help rule the sed galaxy in your own custom built star destroyer with your companion providing lap dances to visitors who buy from your custom ship vendor while you organize a large scale invasion to capture and control coruscant from the republic and hold it ransom for a weeks until other players work as a large scale team to take it back. now that a bit of innovation.


Can I play this game please?

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I hope EA as a comapny fails. Maybe Bioware can be an independent publisher again.


Would you seriously want EA to fail? Would you really want to see thousands of people lose there jobs as studios that EA keep a float get potential shut down which could include Bioware.


I know EA has a bad rep and with good reason they have done and continue some bad practices, but EA are pretty much ingrained into video games as we know it today.

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Would you seriously want EA to fail? Would you really want to see thousands of people lose there jobs as studios that EA keep a float get potential shut down which could include Bioware.


I know EA has a bad rep and with good reason they have done and continue some bad practices, but EA are pretty much ingrained into video games as we know it today.

Not only that, but EA is still one of the major pillars of the western video game industry.


If it were to fail, the domino effect across the board would be disastrous. People need to be more careful about what they wish for.

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Not only that, but EA is still one of the major pillars of the western video game industry.


If it were to fail, the domino effect across the board would be disastrous. People need to be more careful about what they wish for.


For the games industry to survive beyond this century, it must abandon old business models and embrace change. But for that to happen, the hard lesson must be learned... Blood must be shed.

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For the games industry to survive beyond this century, it must abandon old business models and embrace change. But for that to happen, the hard lesson must be learned... Blood must be shed.


ummm no that's just dumb. What would have to happen is the companies would have to embrace change in the ever changing market doing such things as embracing F2P, making games more about story and game play then graphics.


All things that the current companies ARE already doing.

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