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Getting the impression that Bioware is going to drop class stories


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Especially so considering that class stories have been one of the majors draws to the game (besides ligthsabres!). It'd be like if chippie stopped serving chips.
Bullseye. The game would have to be reinvented ... can't see that happening. Probably just probing the community for "best of" ideas. Edited by GalacticKegger
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The fact is they have spent time and resources developing leveling content that does not include any class stories. That's already a pretty big step in the wrong direction, IMO. It's not even a question of IF they are going to drop class stories, because they're already doing it for Makeb. Level 50 to 55 (or whatever the new cap is going to be) will be the only part of the game (so far) where you will level up without any unique class story content. I'm sure it'll be cool the first time through, but the novelty will wear off on repeat play. As tedious as it can sometimes be to go through Taris or Hoth for the fourth or fifth time, Makeb is going to be so much worse because it's going to be 100% repeated content without any breaks in the monotony.
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Not gonna happen. Class stories are just one of the many reasons why this game was the most successful launch of ALL TIME.


Also it's been reported everywhere to be the fastest growing MMO of ALL TIME.

So don't worry the game is doing just fine, better than fine actually, don't listen to a few jealous naysayers what do they know.


Excuse me? Did you say fastest growing MMO of all time. Is that why we just had server transfers on an unprecedented scale. It's one thing to support the game but to support it blindly in the face of reason is quite another.

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As of Q1 Reports (Up through May) they had lost 400k subscribers... just curious if you can give citation on the "Fastest growing" bit.


To the topic, I imagine that we won't see any serious storyline growth until later in the year for individual classes. It's a shame, because that's the only truly unique thing this game has going for it.


Excuse me? Did you say fastest growing MMO of all time. Is that why we just had server transfers on an unprecedented scale. It's one thing to support the game but to support it blindly in the face of reason is quite another.






Star Wars: The Old Republic is the fastest-growing subscription MMO in history


hey I didn't say it, BioWare said it. I'm just saying it here.

Edited by Taurusaud
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hey I didn't say it, BioWare said it. I'm just saying it here.


Lol are you crazy. That's from December. We are in June now, things have changed massively since then. The game lost 400k subs according to EA's own figures. Even the 1.3 million subs figure is well out of date and will be much lower when they publish the next round of figures.You don't have free server transfers in the 'fastest growing MMO of all time' lol.

Edited by Cordelia
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I like class story, but if I could choose between class story and for example new warzone. I'm all for warzone. Replayability is rare in this game. We need more. My class tory ended in December. My warzones/ops are still going.
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I think class stories will pick back up with the first real exansion for the game, I hope it is a huge expansion and not some squatty adventure pack.


The game was built around our stories, to drop them just does not seem right.

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Its difficult to say since world arcs are fun out in the open, but on a pvp server with little pvp it makes little difference to have a world arc or an instanced quest chain.


So world arcs are nice, and just as good as stories imo, and better that they can potentially offer more in terms of open world... but I feel the open world is lacking.


There needs to be a certain complexity to the open world that is not there. Open world pvp objectives, rare crafting/resource nodes, castle seiging, day/night cycles, over lapping questing areas that encourage pvp etc


Since without those things, then playing the world arc on alt without pvp, or the need to group as a solo world arc quest would get stale by the 3rd time through.


They can get away with world arcs being over done for alts without open world pvp/features if the options for dark and light alignments were of greater impact as well.


I just feel that the overall feel for an MMO is off to redo world arcs compared to class stories.


So the first time through, I would say in the current state of swtor without the open world touch for an MMO that stories are certainly better since they are long continuation of an already developed class story, which makes it more engaging to continue... however, world arcs have a potential of their own which can be very rewarding in their own way... which I feel is missing to say it is better than class stories atm.

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Bioware has revealed plans to increase player levels and release new story content set on the planet Makeb, however there has been no mention of class stories being continued as part of this update. In an
, James Ohlen was asked directly if Makeb will be a continuation of class quests, and he dodged the question by just saying it's going to be "the highest quality Bioware story telling that we can do." And about an hour ago, James tweeted asking people what type of story telling is their favorite (class, flashpoint or world arcs). This makes me wonder if he's trying to see if enough people prefer flashpoint and world arcs to justify cutting out class arcs.


After all, they don't have as many subscribers as they would have liked, and class quests are probably the most expensive thing to make. Each time they would have to write 8 separate stories and record dialogue for 40 companion characters. It's much cheaper for them to do one story for all of the classes (one Empire version and one Republic version), and not record any companion dialogue for it like they did for the other world quests in the game.


Am I crazy to think this, or am I on to something? Would you be mad if they do not continue class stories?


Without the class story this game would sit somewhere between "its just, meh" and "its sucks".

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Without the class story this game would sit somewhere between "its just, meh" and "its sucks".


Without the class story I can't even imagine giving it a meh. Imagine running an alt on the same faction and doing the exact same quests without any break? I can't.

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Excuse me? Did you say fastest growing MMO of all time. Is that why we just had server transfers on an unprecedented scale. It's one thing to support the game but to support it blindly in the face of reason is quite another.


Agreed, unless Tau was having a major Blackadder esque sarcasm moment, i can't think what the hell they were trying to justify here.


Oh wait it was announced at E3...............what a load of crap.

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The only things I find truly interesting in this game are the class stories - and, by extension, the companion stories. I won't be replying to the tweet because I'm not a twit, so hopefully he's getting information from other sources (like this lovely post).
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if they do drop class stories I'm out


We have to understand that these people must be very careful of what they say as, especially in this business, their words get twisted and abused all the time and to great extent from all the arm chair developers and game critics out there....even those in the media.


Storylines and cinimatics will be in. He has confirmed that right up front in that interview. what he did not state was how they were going to proceed. No one said anything about leaving them out.

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The OP has usually been fair and impartial so I have to believe that this is an honest concern.


In the interview he stated that Makeb will be very story heavy. If you back the clip up he states that he's been asked by journalist how they plan to continue the story content and he stated that Makeb will be the first step. He also stated that they've taken from all the lessons learned so far . He said that the cinematics are going to be better and the story telling is going to be the best that the players have seen thus far.


The "story telling" and "cinimatics" are the class storyline. That tells me, without question, that they will continue. What he did not say is that they will continue as an extension of the linear quest-line that we have seen thus far. In other words, they may be more closely tuned to the conflict on Mekab etc., and not a direct linear story. I see no issue with that. My BH story to 50 ended. I don't want that continued. I want a new and interesting adventure that is tuned to the current content and not just isolated to my personal story. Maybe that is what he was speaking of.


Also, if you back the tape up he spoke of world PvP, almost confirming that it will be in.


Lots of positives in that interview.

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The "story telling" and "cinimatics" are the class storyline. That tells me, without question, that they will continue. What he did not say is that they will continue as an extension of the linear quest-line that we have seen thus far. In other words, they may be more closely tuned to the conflict on Mekab etc., and not a direct linear story. I see no issue with that. My BH story to 50 ended. I don't want that continued. I want a new and interesting adventure that is tuned to the current content and not just isolated to my personal story. Maybe that is what he was speaking of.


Very possible, however he does sort of dodge the question , when a simple 'Yes', or 'No, but..' would have been a better answer to a very straightforward and direct question.


Also, if you back the tape up he spoke of world PvP, almost confirming that it will be in.


This I find more interesting as I can't get from what he said what is actually different to today i.e. what is it exactly that is in ?

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Bioware has revealed plans to increase player levels and release new story content set on the planet Makeb, however there has been no mention of class stories being continued as part of this update. In an
, James Ohlen was asked directly if Makeb will be a continuation of class quests, and he dodged the question by just saying it's going to be "the highest quality Bioware story telling that we can do." And about an hour ago, James tweeted asking people what type of story telling is their favorite (class, flashpoint or world arcs). This makes me wonder if he's trying to see if enough people prefer flashpoint and world arcs to justify cutting out class arcs.


After all, they don't have as many subscribers as they would have liked, and class quests are probably the most expensive thing to make. Each time they would have to write 8 separate stories and record dialogue for 40 companion characters. It's much cheaper for them to do one story for all of the classes (one Empire version and one Republic version), and not record any companion dialogue for it like they did for the other world quests in the game.


Am I crazy to think this, or am I on to something? Would you be mad if they do not continue class stories?


Yeah, no.


They aren't giving up on the only reason we are all here.


Their forth pillar is here to stay.


Otherwise they might as well just shut down the game and walk away.

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I think they will continue it, at least until that point where this new book that is written kicks in.


Also, sry Bioware, but I saw it on twitter and just have to post it xD


Lacey Chabert ‏@IamLaceyChabert


Recorded more "Mako" for @SWTOR - coming soon!


that was on May 22th if you want to prove it's right :p


so yeah, guess it'll continue

Edited by NRN_Hawk
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I think they will continue it, at least until that point where this new book that is written kicks in.


Also, sry Bioware, but I saw it on twitter and just have to post it xD


Lacey Chabert ‏@IamLaceyChabert


Recorded more "Mako" for @SWTOR - coming soon!


that was on May 22th if you want to prove it's right :p


so yeah, guess it'll continue


MMM... Thank you Mako for breaking your NDA.

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I think they will continue it, at least until that point where this new book that is written kicks in.


Also, sry Bioware, but I saw it on twitter and just have to post it xD


Lacey Chabert ‏@IamLaceyChabert


Recorded more "Mako" for @SWTOR - coming soon!


that was on May 22th if you want to prove it's right :p


so yeah, guess it'll continue


Seems a reasonable assumption.

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I have seen several interviews with different BioWare employees saying that the class stories will be expanded before the year is over.


They never ever said anything about CLASS stories, only for story continuation.

Edited by SnkByte
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I would like to see multiple class stories from the get go so you could choose career A, B, or C, which would take you to different planets and each would have a different experience. But this would require a crap ton of new planets and such.
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