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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Getting the impression that Bioware is going to drop class stories


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Bioware has revealed plans to increase player levels and release new story content set on the planet Makeb, however there has been no mention of class stories being continued as part of this update. In an

, James Ohlen was asked directly if Makeb will be a continuation of class quests, and he dodged the question by just saying it's going to be "the highest quality Bioware story telling that we can do." And about an hour ago, James tweeted asking people what type of story telling is their favorite (class, flashpoint or world arcs). This makes me wonder if he's trying to see if enough people prefer flashpoint and world arcs to justify cutting out class arcs.


After all, they don't have as many subscribers as they would have liked, and class quests are probably the most expensive thing to make. Each time they would have to write 8 separate stories and record dialogue for 40 companion characters. It's much cheaper for them to do one story for all of the classes (one Empire version and one Republic version), and not record any companion dialogue for it like they did for the other world quests in the game.


Am I crazy to think this, or am I on to something? Would you be mad if they do not continue class stories?

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Man I hope not. My impression for why there's no class quests on the new planet is because their rushing it out with not enough time to build enough class content to go with it. I'd imagine when they release class quests it'll be an entire chapter at a time. Which would mean building multiple new worlds per chapter. Other wise it would be too frustrating to players to only get a handful of quests every bunch of months.


If they need to cut anything they should cut back on world quests though. Some of the quest chains that run across the entire planet are nice the first time. There's no need to spend so much time on voices and cut scenes for the random "Kill those 15 goons or collect 8 drops and report back" filler quests though.

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Since the 'Class' stories are what give levelling alts a different flavour, they would be pretty mad to stop them now.


Especially so considering that class stories have been one of the majors draws to the game (besides ligthsabres!). It'd be like if chippie stopped serving chips.

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Especially so considering that class stories have been one of the majors draws to the game (besides ligthsabres!). It'd be like if chippie stopped serving chips.


That have several chapters already written. The content is just waiting to be released. The VOs for that content are already done.

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Not gonna happen. Class stories are just one of the many reasons why this game was the most successful launch of ALL TIME.


Also it's been reported everywhere to be the fastest growing MMO of ALL TIME.

So don't worry the game is doing just fine, better than fine actually, don't listen to a few jealous naysayers what do they know.

Edited by Taurusaud
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Gotta remember this aint going to be a small under taking, people will want real substance to more class quests added. That means they have to write, create, do voice overs and cutscenes for all 8 class's with 3 responses and 3 replys for each part of the cutscene.


People will want more then 2-3 quests and wont be happy unless there is about 10-16 parts to new class quests, which is 80-128 quests, all with there own varients and voice over and cutscenes and dark light side options.

Edited by Shingara
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Bioware has revealed plans to increase player levels and release new story content set on the planet Makeb, however there has been no mention of class stories being continued as part of this update. In an
, James Ohlen was asked directly if Makeb will be a continuation of class quests, and he dodged the question by just saying it's going to be "the highest quality Bioware story telling that we can do." And about an hour ago, James tweeted asking people what type of story telling is their favorite (class, flashpoint or world arcs). This makes me wonder if he's trying to see if enough people prefer flashpoint and world arcs to justify cutting out class arcs.


After all, they don't have as many subscribers as they would have liked, and class quests are probably the most expensive thing to make. Each time they would have to write 8 separate stories and record dialogue for 40 companion characters. It's much cheaper for them to do one story for all of the classes (one Empire version and one Republic version), and not record any companion dialogue for it like they did for the other world quests in the game.


Am I crazy to think this, or am I on to something? Would you be mad if they do not continue class stories?


Well if he's doing a poll then its almost guaranteed we'll get more class story, lol. I dont think there are many of us who enjoy the world arcs better ....


.......well ... maybe Consulars. Good god that story was awful.


PS: I wouldnt expect more story until an expansion is out. Its too much work to do a full story chapter (unless they want to leave it half done) for all 8 classes.

Edited by MasterKayote
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The fact that they haven't added any so far is pretty bad.

We're 6 months in, we should have really seen an expansion of the story by now....seeing as that's the one thing that really separates this game from others. It's sort of its niche and it hasn't done anything with it.

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Bioware has revealed plans to increase player levels and release new story content set on the planet Makeb, however there has been no mention of class stories being continued as part of this update. In an
, James Ohlen was asked directly if Makeb will be a continuation of class quests, and he dodged the question by just saying it's going to be "the highest quality Bioware story telling that we can do." And about an hour ago, James tweeted asking people what type of story telling is their favorite (class, flashpoint or world arcs). This makes me wonder if he's trying to see if enough people prefer flashpoint and world arcs to justify cutting out class arcs.


After all, they don't have as many subscribers as they would have liked, and class quests are probably the most expensive thing to make. Each time they would have to write 8 separate stories and record dialogue for 40 companion characters. It's much cheaper for them to do one story for all of the classes (one Empire version and one Republic version), and not record any companion dialogue for it like they did for the other world quests in the game.


Am I crazy to think this, or am I on to something? Would you be mad if they do not continue class stories?


You answered your own question OP.

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You answered your own question OP.


Here's the full quote....

"however there has been NO mention of class stories being continued as part of this update"

Edited by Synxos
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Here's the full quote....

"however there has been NO mention of class stories being continued as part of this update"


I considered doing that part of the sentence....but you do know that it still states what I said right?


There's too much doom n gloom on these forums. If BW doesn't talk about everything at once the forums everyone will be "Oh noes we're f%^#^d ! The game is gonna die! No one plays!!!" That is the type of reaction that I'm seeing.


Maybe....nah...Bioware wouldn't ...well....just a wild notation but....maybe Bioware doesn't want to ruin anything and / or want to mention things that aren't set in stone, so that, when things change, we won't have the usual "*** BIOWARE! YOU SUCK ! FAIL! UNSUBBED!" comments. But nope that can't be it....why would TOR be like other MMO's?

Edited by Eillack
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Not gonna happen. Class stories are just one of the many reasons why this game was the most successful launch of ALL TIME.


Also it's been reported everywhere to be the fastest growing MMO of ALL TIME.

So don't worry the game is doing just fine, better than fine actually, don't listen to a few jealous naysayers what do they know.


As of Q1 Reports (Up through May) they had lost 400k subscribers... just curious if you can give citation on the "Fastest growing" bit.


To the topic, I imagine that we won't see any serious storyline growth until later in the year for individual classes. It's a shame, because that's the only truly unique thing this game has going for it.

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Class quests, along with the IP, are a large part of why I enjoy playing. I prefer the game to the endgame, and planned to level (at my own leisurely pace) and roll alts until they add to the class quest storylines.


Not sure how long I would stick with the game if all they add are more planets, ops, FPs, etc. It's the story that keeps me interested.


ETA: I don't mind if class quests take another 6 months or so to release. I just don't know if I'd be around in another year without them.

Edited by DorkTrooper
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Its extremely naive to think that class quests will come outside of some huge expansion. And Makeb is rumored to be smaller (as in price/content) DLC type pack. So i hope you can make the conclusion will there be class quests there (and this year in general).
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I really think this game would be prospering with small episode class quests released every month, on a consistent basis.


Look at weekly soap operas, er teen shows: a lot of nothing happens, but it happens on a regular basis and people get hooked on particular characters they like.


If they had, say, monthly releases of class story, maybe not even for all classes, instead of whatever they spent time working on for legacy and whatever, the game would be doing great.


The regular class story updates could be relatively tiny mission arcs and if they left people with a tease at the end of it, they'd stay hooked instead of feeling like they're Darth Awesomesauce and done with the game. The game ending as they left it seems like THE END, and how does that lend itself to a monthly sub?

Edited by jgelling
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