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Sad moments in SWTOR


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I know that, I ran through Balmorra with my Juggeraut long enough ago (and ground up two more characters) so I don't remember that scene. Can anyone describe it?



It was a light side choice in the Silence the Son quest, where you have to infiltrate a outpost-brig area and deal with Commander Rylon's son, Ensign Durmont. The DS choice is to kill him but the scene described is the LS choice to spare him and wipe his memory.


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Has anyone mentioned Corso's final companion quest?



You kill a group of Imperial soldier who turn out to be undercover resistance agents. Then you have to give the information to the widow of one of the soldiers. I think that pretty much killed Corso on the inside.


It wasn't so much that one, but the conversation you have afterward where he's basically like "It's probably not the first time we've devastated a family like that."


I just sat there like, "...damn." after that.

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I planned to play my Smuggler 100% dark...Miel, the Sullustan Lawman who praised me as a hero, changed that. After meeting him, and saving him twice, I planned to go light, change my ways and be the hero everyone thought I was...


I also planned to not yell "No! Goddammit!" at my computer monitor, but Miel's death kinda threw both of those promises out the window. My character ended up as a bloodthirsty, angry psychopath, just as originally intended...but not without a soft spot for hapless lawmen.


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There were only 2 things that I remember that made me sad



The Sullustan you meet on Coruscant as a Smuggler, when he died to be specific






Imperial Agent on Tatooine when you work with that one girl so long and you think she's gonna be your companion but then you have to say goodbye to her at the end


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Battle for Ilum flashpoint (playing as Empire):



OK, this one is more angering than sad, I guess. The final choice after you kill Darth Serevin, where you choose to kill or spare the Voss mystic. I mean, she flat out tells you that if you take the LS choice and spare her, Voss will join the empire. Kill her, and you virtually push a vital and contested planet straight into the hands of the republic. I mean, the dark side choice here is so monumentally, strategically stupid, that I am truly sad every time I run the flashpoint and some dumb dark sider wins the conversation role. Even on my dark side toons, i refrain from choosing anything here because it is sooooo stupid to kill that mystic. *facepalm*


Don't be so quick to judge. Some people make that choice deliberately.



My bounty hunter shoots her. He didn't like the Voss, he didn't like Darth Serevin, and he doesn't like the Sith (although he's essentially obligated to work for them). To him the idea of giving the Sith a planet full of force-sensitives to swell their ranks is unacceptable, and by killing her and pushing Voss towards the Republic, he is not only undermining the Empire's efforts, he's also prolonging the conflict and thus opportunities for him to make more credits. Incidentally, although I invariably make a DS choice for this particular incident, my BH bounces between Neutral and Light I pretty consistently.


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Whenever one of the people in the group for the FP decided to leave the Ambassador on the imperial ship, it made me feel sorry for her. Although I wasn't too fond of her, It made me sad to leave her to die, and for her to try to hide her emotions.


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Whenever one of the people in the group for the FP decided to leave the Ambassador on the imperial ship, it made me feel sorry for her. Although I wasn't too fond of her, It made me sad to leave her to die, and for her to try to hide her emotions.

I would have felt a lot better about that if you could have just shot her and left them her corpse. I hate her, so I would be happy to do that, but it seems both stupid and cruel to give her to them alive.


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IA DS ending



I played light side most of the game, besides being Hand of Jadus and handing the codex to the Sith. In the end, the Minister of Intelligence talks about how he might be executed and how you basically destroyed Imperial Intelligence forever. It made me feel terrible about the choice. But I get to be a high ranking officer in Sith Intelligence instead.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the one side quest on Korriban


The one where the guard outside the Tomb of Naga Sadow asks you to bring the body of the apprentice to his father, the entire thing is a little sad with her conversation revealing that she cares about his welfare, that he was actually a decent guy in the sith and her tone when you finally accept the quest. Then if you pick the LS choice when talking to the father and his small pride that his son died almost 'worthy'.


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Jaxo honestly broke my heart, so much character development to get you to like her just to make you choose like that was horrible and reminded me of the moment in mass effect 1 where you have to choose to save one of your comrades and let one die.





And Quinn aswell, honestly out of all the companions I had he was the last one I expected to get betrayed by,


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For the Bounty Hunter, it really hit me when


You finally trap and defeat Jicoln Cadera. You make a comment along the lines of "Parental issues?" (at least, that's what the wheel says, I didn't pick it). When you do Jicoln is shocked that torian is his son, stating that the Mandalore swore to kill him. Torian then says "Sometimes, I wish he had...". You hear such hurt, betrayal, and sadness in his voice. This man is the reason he is an outcast, rejected, and scorned. Yet, he is still his father, and the one who made him strong. Then Torian shoots his fater, ending him. It was really emotional for me.



Then the Man With The Steel Voice....


The music always gets me. I always feel conflicted.... I always wind up choosing the LS option though.



Then the Quinn thing


I've know about the betrayal since I was leveling my Bounty Hunter. I thought it was messed up. Now that I have a Sith Warrior (Level 20 ATM), I'm really conflicted. He seems like uch a nice character, but now that I know it's coming, it's really difficult. For me, it's his personality/face (he's a handsome character, too bad I didn't pick female), vs. his betrayal/his voice (it has a slight nasal-y twinge to it, it bothers me when I can hear it). I can decided if I want to be nice or not :(



That's what I can think of right now, I'll try and figure out more when I come across them.

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I know it's kind of lame, but it really puts a new spin on things for me if I imagine the Smuggler as a worn out ex-cowboy who took one hurt too many. After that I get the idea the all the dialogue in his story stems from the fact that he really doesn't have anything in the galaxy except for his ship and doesn't care if he lives to see tomorrow. Just me though.


As for a scene that actually happens (Imperial Agent, end of Act 1):



I took Vector with my as my companion when I tracked down the Eagle's accomplice. I ended up choosing to join him, being pro Imperial Alien and all. I was actually sad for some reason when Vector was confused as to why I made this decision. I like Vector and it felt like not only was I betraying his trust but I was doing it in a way that he didn't entirely understand.


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This was a weird one in the BH story on Nar Shaddaa. Now, keep in mind that I play my BH as a strict "Alive is worth more than Dead" type:



When the Eidolon is begging me to kill him after the fight is over, I couldn't do it. Even though I pretty much knew what the Hutt Cartels were going to do to him, I still opted to freeze him instead of putting a round in his skull. I just thought it was a bit sad that he would prefer death over what the Hutts were going to do to him.


Then I remembered what he did to Mako's friends and my contacts and decided he deserved to suffer.


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When Thanaton's servant kills my apprentices. I was sad when they died because it was one of the last parts of Zash's Legacy (excluding me). I felt like I failed her, because simply letting them live meant I decided to take them under my wing since Zash was gone.





Being forced to choose between Khem and Zash. While she betrayed me, I had a soft spot in my heart for her, since she does actually help you so much. And I could just sing "My Little Monster!" with the "My little pony" Melody withKhem. :)


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JC - I haven't actually played this moment but saw it on youtube and thought it was sad, surprised it doesn't seem to have been mentioned yet.



As the JC you have to decide whether to save Republic troops by killing a tram carrying Imperial troops tat also has a group of civilians on. If you do decide to kill everyone on the tram you see the passengers fall off their seats dead. Here's a link if anyone wants to check it out;


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  • 1 month later...

Female Smuggler :(


When you found out that Darmas Pollaran worked for the Voidwolf. It was a great moment and I really loved the conversations between the female Smuggler and Darmas. You could roleplay that your Smuggler loved him and it made it very sad and heartbreaking. Darmas Pollaran broke my Smuggler's heart. </3


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Off the top of my head, as a Sith Warrior:



When you and Vette go to find her mother on Tatooine. Turned out she was a slave to a Hutt who worked her to death. It was heartbreaking to see this happening to my sweet, cheery Vette after all she had been through. I would have killed the Hutt myself but the quest had Vette and her sister sneak into his palace and kill him off-screen. The saddest part was that after that Vette was so shaken and remorseful. Her sister was glad to take vengeance but Vette wasn't... :(




On Corellia, I had to track down the board of directors of the CEC. Aside from the main corporate head man, the others were snivelling, afraid and totally defenceless. But their boss left me with no choice. I gave him a chance to surrender and he threw it in my face, saying how the CEC should stand up against us. At this point, this was the death sentence. Not because I was angry at him, but because he just wasn't going to cooperate and so it made no sense to spare him. Had he surrendered like Czerka did just before, I would have spared them. But noooo, you had to be a hero and defy a Sith in his face, did you, you brave, foolish man :(


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  • 2 weeks later...

Trooper in Act III



I was excited to see Jaxo again in the asteroid prison, I like the recurring NPCs in the game like her. So far the only NPC who gave given me extra missions to come see her ;) I'm even in the middle of a relationship with Elara but still.... When the engineer said he had to lower the shield on her section, I thought "Here comes the Hero to save the day!" but then it doesn't give me the chance. Even Aric says "There's only one right choice here." She begs me too - "Please. Get me out of here. Take me home." But I'm playing LS and I can't trade 300 lives for 1 so I kill her. I was so upset I had to log out of the game. :( Saddest part of the game for me so far.


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New one for me, just now:


Jedi Knight Act III, final quest on Voss:



Tala-Reh sacrificing herself. Just... damn it T_T


yeah....that one made my heart sink.


Has anyone mentioned Corso's final companion quest?



You kill a group of Imperial soldier who turn out to be undercover resistance agents. Then you have to give the information to the widow of one of the soldiers. I think that pretty much killed Corso on the inside.


the fact that she took it so well made me feel even worse.

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