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Microtransactions will be in every EA game


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Which pretty much tells me that those saying this would be signalling the end of the game are so very, very wrong.


Whilst I am not a fan of the idea, I do think it's a foregone conclusion as the MMO market continues to grow and evolve.


It's basically the same model that drives along Xbox, PS3 and Wii, just that with them you have to go buy the points to spend, rather than just sumping up a CC number onto your console.

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i dont see how, micro trans are in blizzard games but wow isnt free, stance to that also wow has some of the most expensive micro trans going.
Because as long as people will pay, they will charge and WoW has the a loyal subscriber base still.


Bottom line: MMO's are a business first.

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Because as long as people will pay, they will charge and WoW has the a loyal subscriber base still.


Bottom line: MMO's are a business first.


On those lines then EA has a dedicated loyal playerbase and EA games are vast, if micro trans goes to dlc packs and items that can be the sims, fifa, battlefield etc.


Also top tip is always read the source interview to get the full story http://kotaku.com/5919847/the-strange-scary-fascinating-exciting-future-of-video-games-according-to-a-giant

Edited by Shingara
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On those lines then EA has a dedicated loyal playerbase and EA games are vast, if micro trans goes to dlc packs and items that can be the sims, fifa, battlefield etc.


Also top tip is always read the source interview to get the full story http://kotaku.com/5919847/the-strange-scary-fascinating-exciting-future-of-video-games-according-to-a-giant

We have no idea what it will mean exactly.


The article is about how the MMO market will evolve and adjust and, at this point, no one really knows how that will truely manifest.

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We have no idea what it will mean exactly.


The article is about how the MMO market will evolve and adjust and, at this point, no one really knows how that will truely manifest.


The main one isnt, he is talking about all platforms across ea. The article linked in this topic is speculation from the main article, as normal the article linked here from the OP is senstionalised but the source isnt. So like i say always read the source.

Edited by Shingara
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Then i will quit every EA game.


You will probably have to quit playing games entirely. The gamer market is evolving, and micro-transactions are big business, and most MMOs that have converted to some kind of Micro-transaction based system have grown their users and their profits.


I don't think F2P or Hybrid P2P/F2P like Turbine has done with DDO and LOTRO are signs of failure, there are signs of a changing market.

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Microtransactions will be in every EA game in 5 to 10 years. Another nod to F2P model for SWTOR. EA mindset is on that note.




lol, wow ... "its like shopping at the Gap" ... What?!?! Yeah sure, im going to buy jeans at $40 then pay them an extra $10 if I want pockets. This is the guy in charge of Bioware!? What a tool!


Its guys like this that allow me to wear my ... um... "Skull and Crossbones" flag guilt free.

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lol, wow ... "its like shopping at the Gap" ... What?!?! Yeah sure, im going to buy jeans at $40 then pay them an extra $10 if I want pockets. This is the guy in charge of Bioware!? What a tool!


Its guys like this that allow me to wear my ... um... "Skull and Crossbones" flag guilt free.


Er no its not, the person is Peter Moore, COO of Electronic Arts http://www.ea.com/executives

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The main one isnt, he is talking about all platforms across ea. The article linked in this topic is speculation from the main article, as normal the article linked here from the OP is senstionalised but the source isnt. So like i say always read the source.
Thank you for talking to me like a 5 year old child, however you completely miss my point...


The topic is about THAT article, so I am keeping on topic and addressing the concerns raised, which are baseless in any case.

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Thank you for talking to me like a 5 year old child, however you completely miss my point...


The topic is about THAT article, so I am keeping on topic and addressing the concerns raised, which are baseless in any case.


Actualy i wasnt talking to you like a 5 year old, if you feel like a 5 year old after reading it is another matter, but the source is the main article, the main source is the person talking and the article linked is another person talking about what the person said in there view. And due to that you have to take what the person actualy said not what billybob in the backwoods thought about what they said.


There are more then likly going to be micro trans but the difference between buying a mini yoda pet or char slots and buying missions are a world apart.

Edited by Shingara
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Microtransactions are going to be in pretty much every major game in the future. It's simply the way the industry has headed. You can't specifically blame EA (although their DLC ideas are downright horrible) because Activision, ArenaNet, Blizzard et al. are doing pretty the exact same thing.
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Funny EA mentions this and everyone freaks out. Valve and Blizzard ARE CURRENTLY DOING THIS and everyone is ok with it.


Look at TF2 and the entire hat based economy. TF2 is now 100% F2P with micro transactions. DOTA 2 will be as well.


Blizzard has done it with Diablo 3 by adding a real money Ah where it is 100% Pay to Win but NO ONE COMPLAINS.

They will also being doing micro transactions with their Dota game


On a lesser note Bethesda has been doing paid DLC for its games for a long time.



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Yep and one of the jobs that Turbine has is to add MT's to Warner Bros games, WB wants MT's in every game, it is not just EA, it is an industry trend, that I doubt will be going away for a very long time, the standard sub based game will soon be fading away..The writing is there. Will be one of those things adapt or find a new game to play, but when everyone is doing it hard to escape it. they don't make these games because they love us as nice as that would be, it's all about profit, and more ways to make more profit, I plan on rolling with the times, I like to game. Edited by kevlarto
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Microtransactions will be in every EA game in 5 to 10 years. Another nod to F2P model for SWTOR. EA mindset is on that note.




In 5-10 years there will be only one game left in the world. World of Angry Birds by SpaceBlizzard, running on our SpaceMac (in Windows emulation mode).

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