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Server Performance and Queue Times


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I'm on the server Tomb of Freedon Nadd and while it was great to see new people see the Imperial Fleet buzzing with life, the consequences of you stuffing the server with so many new people has caused to server to become unstable.


So my question for you BioWare: Are you working on improving the stability and performance of our server and reduce the queue times? Thank you for your time!

Edited by siegedeluxe
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This is a really good question Id like answered.


I Just tried to log in also on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, I placed 336th in the queue so IV quit to play Xbox instead. Really why on earth am I paying a fee to play when I cannot even do just that? Its like giving money away I must be mad.

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This is a really good question Id like answered.


I Just tried to log in also on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, I placed 336th in the queue so IV quit to play Xbox instead. Really why on earth am I paying a fee to play when I cannot even do just that? Its like giving money away I must be mad.


336 in place would take 5 - 10mins, if even that.

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This is a really good question Id like answered.


I Just tried to log in also on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, I placed 336th in the queue so IV quit to play Xbox instead. Really why on earth am I paying a fee to play when I cannot even do just that? Its like giving money away I must be mad.


You really have that much trouble letting the game sit for 5 mins then come back and play?! Queues are not an issue if you are seeing crazy amounts of lag on the other hand that is a bigger issue. I haven't had to much issue with lag on The Harbinger.

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The Answer is not more servers, it never is.


If Population increases Rapidly, do this:

  • Redesign Choke Points(places where alot of players end up at one time), to support more people.
  • Upgrade Sever Hardware/Use a offline servers hardware to host its own planet?, 1 server Just for Dromand Kaas?

Example: Add Multiple Levels to Fleet, not different phases, litterally.. a staircase that goes down to an identical copy of the first level with the same vendors.. or 4 different levels, 1 gtn, etc.

-They could design it so you literally don't load players/npcs on a different level till u enter it.

Edited by Daethorz
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I've been playing since launch in Tomb of Freedon Nadd.


We, Players, have endured hours in queues at launch. Now we have to queue again and no longer just that, as they say, LAG, a lot of LAG to the point that it becomes impossible to do an OP.


If this continues and bioware does not care for his players as it should, especially for a problem that they themselves have caused dumping many servers to Tomb, I will cancel the subscription until this problem is fixed.


So answer us and work on this problem fast.

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In Harbinger it was great seen so many people, but while I was playing I got kicked off the server and found my self in a queue which pissed me off I had to wait 10 mins to get back in, while playing for another 20 mins I got kicked off the server. I then saw that I had a 30 min wait time so I went on to WOW for the night. My problem is that Bioware might have over did things with the toon transfers. I like all the people but it seems the servers cant handle the load. I am not sure if I am the only one that kept getting kicked off. Tonight I am going to try again.
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I've been playing since launch in Tomb of Freedon Nadd.


We, Players, have endured hours in queues at launch. Now we have to queue again and no longer just that, as they say, LAG, a lot of LAG to the point that it becomes impossible to do an OP.


If this continues and bioware does not care for his players as it should, especially for a problem that they themselves have caused dumping many servers to Tomb, I will cancel the subscription until this problem is fixed.


So answer us and work on this problem fast.


Idle threat is idle...

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Yeah bioware needs to upgrade their hardware.


I get no lag on Tomb of Freedon Nadd and yes I do have a problem waiting 10mins to log into a game, so much so once I see the queue size I quit and do something else. If BW doesn’t fix the issue Ill quit paying them also. : P

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Maybe Bioware should sell Priority Log IN slots. You pay for the previledge of logging in faster.


I am joking of course but it just points out how MTs can be abused. How? Do you think BW would make log in to your server quicker if they could possibly sell those PLIs instead?


Just saying.


On topic though, yes BW should eliminate all queues. You should never have to wait to get into a server. Just like you should not have to put up with low pop servers. Both are equal....not seperate.

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You talk like this will be a problem for a long time, at most the queue time will last for a few weeks before people start disappearing again.


The problem is I do not wish to wait 'a few weeks' as I am paying for a monthly fee.

The question, Sir, is how do you know it will not be an ongoing problem??

I do think they over did the stuffing an extreme amount of people on a few servers. I was on

Ice Breaker and it had 30 at best at Fleet on a good day. Every time I see my new server

(Jedi something or other) It has very heavy when I want to play. Not sure if waiting ANY TIME is acceptable.

I hope it does mellow out but I have limited times to play and waiting for 10-20 minutes is UNACCEPTABLE.

I hope for the future they add server slots to each server base. It may backfire on them if people have to wait even five minutes.

I know I will consider other options.


Cheers, DonK

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You talk like this will be a problem for a long time, at most the queue time will last for a few weeks before people start disappearing again.


And that's a good thing? Presumably those of us that like the game (and particularly bioware) should be hoping/planning/wanting the game to INCREASE in popularity/number of players, and not lose any more due to said overcrowding.

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Sorry, but for people complaining of lag, just know that there alot of people in worse of situations (including myself) the lag is probably where your located, or you've got programmes running in the background. My internet is 98% slower than GB according to speedtest.net and I play fine.. [also on nadd]
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Thanks for the free server transfers so that there are actually people.


However, now having all my toons on a server that has a queue starting at < 40 mins climb to < 50 mins is not acceptable. No wonder all my friends are leaving the game.

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I'm on the server Tomb of Freedon Nadd and while it was great to see new people see the Imperial Fleet buzzing with life, the consequences of you stuffing the server with so many new people has caused to server to become unstable.


So my question for you BioWare: Are you working on improving the stability and performance of our server and reduce the queue times? Thank you for your time!


I think some perspective is in order. People were crying about queues the first couple of days of transfers too and then they mostly went away. Same principle here. The population health of the full servers is way more important than whether or not a couple of hundred people are raging over queues on a major patch days.


I urge Bioware to NOT listen to anyone complaining about queues AT ALL. That same kind of crying back at launch is what led us to need server transfers to begin with. Just deal with them for a day until they become much shorter or go away altogether.

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Ugh, queue times. I was worried about that when I transferred my main, but I was more worried about the server I was on (namadii corridor). Since they are offering free transfers off of it, I expect the population of that already light server to decrease even more. I don't want to play on a dead server - but I sure as heck don't want to wait for queue times ;(


They really should have let the server get to a reasonably full stage (without queues), and then move the free transfers to another server.


But what do I know, I'm just a player. =-\

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