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Bioware, Class balance and Powertechs


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The problem is that if you nerf them because too many people want an easy class to pvp on, then you will ruin it as a class for pve (a class that very rarely is used for tanking and is almost unheard of for dps).


I really enjoy using my PT in PvE and PvP - the whole system needs reworking before you start nefing any more classes. Trying to balance pvp and pve using the same skill sets has proven not to work (a great example of this is the operative - since their dps was hit so hard, they are often overlooked for a class that does more DPS and has more survivability at melee range - why take an OP when u can use a marauder - which does higher DPS and brings some very useful skills that benefit the whole raid).

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Sages would dispel your DoTs if they COULD.


They cant.


Totally clueless desperate typical powertech atittude.


This is a lie, as a merc pyro, i have huge issues when facing a good healer who actually cleanses all my dots while i am ccd or casting power shot, to me it just sounds that people are not just using common sense.

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Actually i have. Funny thing is my 2 (almost 3) year old daughter wat pressing 1 and 2 on my keyboard wile standing in middle of civil war next to a turret i tabbed targets for her wile i was on the phone and she got with using 2 buttons to 2nd highest in damage and got 2 mvp votes.


Sounds like that was pretty nice of the enemy team not to attack you at all then.


I've noticed this strange rise in damage. It's like, when nobody on the enemy team attacks me and I never die, I can do so much more DPS!


It's weird, brah.

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and here they are defending powertechs...irony?


No, he speaks truth. People really need to L2P and quit asking for nerfs to everything.


Its pretty pathetic actualy, yall need to man up.

Edited by dirtyboxer
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No, he speaks truth. People really need to L2P and quit asking for nerfs to everything.


Its pretty pathetic actualy, yall need to man up.


They do too much damage, you cannot disagree with that. Ranked PvP should not be based of which healer is going to get 3-shotted first.

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They do too much damage, you cannot disagree with that. Ranked PvP should not be based of which healer is going to get 3-shotted first.


noone is 3 shotting healers, yall need to stop with the exagerations.

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So spoke the Vanguard...


Is that your answer to everything? Seriously? You play a Sentinel and Marauder (at least shown in your sig) and you still have problems with Pyro's? Either learn to counter them or maybe you should move on to greener pastures, this doesn't really seem to be the game for you.


Just about everyone has figured out how to lock down a PT, whether it be AP or Pyro; even going as far as giving you pointers on how to do it, and how to exploit our weaknesses, but you still insist on spouting out the same drivel over and over and over.


Now I know how Arsenal Mercs feel after everyone complained about TM and their whole burst/rotation.


You know what? It's not worth going round and round with this group, you are so hard pressed to believe what you believe, no amount of reasoning and showcasing of talents, specs or numbers is going change a thing.


So just keep on being bad, not listening to what people are telling you to do to locks us down, and stay an easy kill.


P.S. As for that pic in your sig, you post a 600k+ game while two PT's are under 250K and yet you still complain? Is your server that bad, or do you like being a hypocrite?

Edited by StevenKSU
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Is that your answer to everything? Seriously? You play a Sentinel and Marauder (at least shown in your sig) and you still have problems with Pyro's? Either learn to counter them or maybe you should move on to greener pastures, this doesn't really seem to be the game for you.


Just about everyone has figured out how to lock down a PT, whether it be AP or Pyro; even going as far as giving you pointers on how to do it, and how to exploit our weaknesses, but you still insist on spouting out the same drivel over and over and over.


Small wonder the PT community is always pissed off..they get bombarded with this crap over and over again. Hell, it makes me mad, and I don't even play a Pyro, I play Advanced Prototype. Are they next on your list to nerf into oblivion?


Now I know how Arsenal Mercs feel after everyone complained about TM and their whole burst/rotation.


First, i played Arsenal merc for the first 2 months. So i do did suffer from that in the past. The only class i have ever said needed any nerf is powertech, even operative way back then i didnt care about but they got nerfed i thought it was hilarious people actually qq'd about them, or sorc i found were fine even when the qq's were up. The reason i went marauder in the first place was because everyone was saying they were weak and underpowered. Only problems with Sents imo is master strike/Undying Rage, those two are OP, but at least i can admit it.


Also reread my past posts, if u even did once. I have played and play several classes, not just Sentinel, i just enjoy sentinel the most because i love being fluid and love sustained damage. A lot of people are saying we tend to do "the same damage" at the end of a war zone, ya, we probably do. But we have to do all of ours over a span of 10-20 seconds where powertechs just need to set up with dots and few procs and do as much as us in such a small rotation its dumb founding how people can say its skill. Clearly getting the top damage in 90% of every game i am in while averaging 8000-15000 objectives clearly indicates this "isnt my game."


Also here is a fight of now, since that screenie isnt enough for ya.., this is more directed at the others who wish to try to say I dont know pvp ^_ ^ or my class,LOL..even with 3 snipers focusing me down, one of the "Top" marauders was in there as well...also for that screenie that you called out on the reason i even have it like that is becuase that game was less than 10 minutes long and we 3 capped them for a few mins, it was to show how much I did in that small time frame... So that was just a "DPS" race screenie.


Edit - Just made my old Arsenal Merc Pyro..I lol'd, top damage..only 900 Damage (primary) and 750 Expertise..Still got top damage by 2x... Really people? I havnt even ever played this spec. You are saying theres "more to this?" Are you kidding me? Wasnt even powertech with the 90% arp...lol..

Edited by Kayse
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All the ppl crying for nerds of any class should first look at themselves, cause maybe just maybe they need to spend more time working on their skill and learn the class mechanics.


But NO. they come here and cry for making their lives easier so they don't find the faults in their own way of playing. Sure, give them all their own instance and a IWinButton. Problem solved. Single Player game.




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if you see a Vanguard doing 3k with ION Pulse you should report them to BW for they are hacking....


This Is A Public Service Announcement.......... brought to you by winky


This statement demonstrates such an utter lack of knowledge of how the spec works, that I don't even know where to begin.


Stop exaggerating. Learn the class. Learn to counter. Stop spreading rumours that only make you sound like a baddie.


To the OP: it sounds like you're a sorc. Basically, you're paper to the pyro's scissors. Paper calling for scissors nerf. I lol'ed.


We just had a 1v1 server-wide tourney on the Ebon Hawk. Guess which advanced class didn't even make it to the semi-finals?





Ahem..I'll just leave these..right here...








He was hitting anywhere from 1.5k-3.1k with Ion pulses, and 2k ticks with Pulse Cannon... Boy, i sure am over exaggerating. I took screenies from the last hits because its more obvious to where the damage came from, but i can assure you he hit even higher. Anymore "proof" you wish to see?


Also i was in Full BM Gear on my Merc, so yeah. Decided to save these since people want to actually try to call me out on these, just lol.


Should have saved the screenie for mr "can't do 400k with just ion pulse"..well he did use Pulse cannon too.. But he did 460k by the end.

Edited by Kayse
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Ahem..I'll just leave these..right here...








He was hitting anywhere from 1.5k-3.1k with Ion pulses, and 2k ticks with Pulse Cannon... Boy, i sure am over exaggerating. I took screenies from the last hits because its more obvious to where the damage came from, but i can assure you he hit even higher. Anymore "proof" you wish to see?


Also i was in Full BM Gear on my Merc, so yeah. Decided to save these since people want to actually try to call me out on these, just lol.


Should have saved the screenie for mr "can't do 400k with just ion pulse"..well he did use Pulse cannon too.. But he did 460k by the end.


And you prove the best thing : LEARN TO PLAY ..

This is a NERF PYRO thread and that vanguard is plaing tactics (advanced prototype) NOT pyro.

People cry about nerf having NO IDEA how classes work and what is killing them .... that vanguard is not a pyro ...

AP (tactics) gives a 30% bonus crit damag to ion pulse among other things... I mean people really learn the classes and learn to play before posting such nonsense ....

Edited by SajPl
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And you prove the best thing : LEARN TO PLAY ..

This is a NERF PYRO thread and that vanguard is plaing tactics (advanced prototype) NOT pyro.

People cry about nerf having NO IDEA how classes work and what is killing them .... that vanguard is not a pyro ...

AP (tactics) gives a 30% bonus crit damag to ion pulse among other things... I mean people really learn the classes and learn to play before posting such nonsense ....


And clearly someone who does not read past posts. He claimed that any powertech/vangurd hitting anyone for 2-3k with Ion Pulse was impossible, and hacking, I merely showed the screenies to show that it is possible. Not once did he claim it had to be a pyro, or that i said it was one. We both said a vanguard or powertech, not which AC, to which he claimed something was impossible and i provided proof that it is possible.


Learn to actually go back and read peoples posts. Sigh.. these forums..are so..lol


Btw Reread the Thread Title..It's "BIoware, Class balance and Powertechs" not "Pyrotech balance."

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And clearly someone who does not read past posts. He claimed that any powertech/vangurd hitting anyone for 2-3k with Ion Pulse was impossible, and hacking, I merely showed the screenies to show that it is possible.


Learn to actually go back and read peoples posts? Sigh.. these forums..are so..lol


Again learn to play. That is a spec that talents the damage of ion pulse and learn to read - Pyro ion pulse/flame burst will never hit that high end of story.

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Again learn to play. That is a spec that talents the damage of ion pulse and learn to read - Pyro ion pulse/flame burst will never hit that high end of story.


Did..did you even read what i just...said.


Go back and check my edits... Just..Wow..I know i made them after you had started to reply..but I shouldnt have even needed to if you had actually taken the liberty of checking my previous posts.. But that would be asking far too much, clearly.


Lol. I give up. Even with screenie evidence people are still being....well..baddies, to put it very mildly.


I never once said it was a pyro who was doing 2-3k, i Said there were vanguards who were doing that much none stop with Ion pulse consistently. This is not a "pyro" tech only thread, its a "powertech" thread. Then there was Winky who was claiming that was impossible, and i provided proof of it, and you're saying its me who needs to L2P for supplying proof? Really? ....I just..Lol'd. L2R


sidenote edit - running aroudn on my pyro merc...this is just so lol. I am officially washing my hands of this thread, so tired of this none stop looping, even when evidence is provided to back up claims baddies are still trying to be baddies. This is completely redundant.

Edited by Kayse
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Did..did you even read what i just...said.



I never once said it was a pyro who was doing 2-3k, i Said there were vanguards who were doing that much none stop with Ion pulse consistently. This is not a "pyro" tech only thread, its a "powertech" thread. Then there was Winky who was claiming that was impossible, and i provided proof of it, and you're saying its me who needs to L2P for supplying proof? Really? ....I just..Lol'd. L2R



Wait a minute. So you are calling for a nerf for Advance Prototype/Tactics too? AP has considerably less DPS than pyrotech, and is a more complex spec requiring you to build stacks of prototype flame thrower and then use this channeled AOE cone to do your big burst. Not to mention working for charged gauntlet and flame barrage procs. The skill cap for AP is higher than it is for pyro, and if a guy can pull 460k with it I say good on him.


You're messages are completely mixed: you're calling for a global nerf to an entire advanced class while simultaneously linking screenshots of your own damage which is considerably higher than the classes you're complaining about. You're also playing a marauder, which many consider overtuned for PVP.


If you are losing your 1v1s to powertechs, you are playing the game wrong. As a marauder you should be absolutely destroying them.


I can understand frustration with pyrotechs. The burst is high, but no one with even a small grasp of class mechanics would say that Advanced Prototype needs a nerf.


Your complete lack of understanding of how the different specs work isn't the problem here. The problem is that you're posting screenshots of flame burst hitting for 2k+ without telling folks that you're not talking about pyrotech, which is the spec most people here complain about. AP allows spec into raising the damage of flame burst above that of pyro, but AP has lower dps output than pyro.


Basically, you're grabbing screenshots of a different spec and conflating all the abilities a powertech has. You are spreading misinformation about the class.


Your posts and complaints have lost all credibility. Stop trolling and L2P.


Oh, and next time on VS you'll want to pay more attention to the doors. We had a good chuckle over vent when you completely ignored the door while swinging yer sticks and we capped it on you the other day :eek:.

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Basically, you're grabbing screenshots of a different spec and conflating all the abilities a powertech has. You are spreading misinformation about the class.


Your posts and complaints have lost all credibility. Stop trolling and L2P.



Just so you know with whom you are arguing:




He said in a thread about marauders:

That would involve other people actually trying to figure out something on their own and finding counters as opposed to crying none stop for nerfs because they are badies...


Guess he should definetly take his own advice.

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why is this sentinel the one doing hte majority of the whining ?


Dont you pretty much steamroll us powertechs ?


If he is a good sentinel then he is and has no reason to whine, If he's not then his oppinion is irrelevant. A sentinel will allways destroy a powertech of equal skill and gear - In a dps race the guy with 4 defensive cooldowns will beat the guy with 1.

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Wait a minute. So you are calling for a nerf for Advance Prototype/Tactics too? AP has considerably less DPS than pyrotech, and is a more complex spec requiring you to build stacks of prototype flame thrower and then use this channeled AOE cone to do your big burst. Not to mention working for charged gauntlet and flame barrage procs. The skill cap for AP is higher than it is for pyro, and if a guy can pull 460k with it I say good on him.


You're messages are completely mixed: you're calling for a global nerf to an entire advanced class while simultaneously linking screenshots of your own damage which is considerably higher than the classes you're complaining about. You're also playing a marauder, which many consider overtuned for PVP.


If you are losing your 1v1s to powertechs, you are playing the game wrong. As a marauder you should be absolutely destroying them.


I can understand frustration with pyrotechs. The burst is high, but no one with even a small grasp of class mechanics would say that Advanced Prototype needs a nerf.


Your complete lack of understanding of how the different specs work isn't the problem here. The problem is that you're posting screenshots of flame burst hitting for 2k+ without telling folks that you're not talking about pyrotech, which is the spec most people here complain about. AP allows spec into raising the damage of flame burst above that of pyro, but AP has lower dps output than pyro.


Basically, you're grabbing screenshots of a different spec and conflating all the abilities a powertech has. You are spreading misinformation about the class.


Your posts and complaints have lost all credibility. Stop trolling and L2P.


Oh, and next time on VS you'll want to pay more attention to the doors. We had a good chuckle over vent when you completely ignored the door while swinging yer sticks and we capped it on you the other day :eek:.


Pretty much this. I was able to pull off 600k plaing advanced prototype, but calling for a nerf for that tree ... just lol since any class can do those kind of numbers, people just need to L2P.


Might as well nerf the basic attack since I once did an experiment and did 70k damage (biggest hit 223 :D, no power cell active) using my basic attack only and still some badds were lower than me.

So iI propose a new thread. NERF HAMMER SHOT !!!

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