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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Props go out to BW


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I can honestly say...that I was about 2 days out from un-installing this game and moving on. I had lost all faith in you as a company to get anything done right. I honestly felt like it was a waste of time supporting this game, because you guys seemed to not care about it or the players.


Well..a week or so out of transfers and it's like night and day. Not sure who took the IV shot of espresso direct into their bloodstream..but thanks.


You guys are way more conversational with us, addressing more concerns directly with answers to various threads. The xfer system is great. I must admit I was skeptical of the whole you choose my destination server thing, but I must say that it played out well so far. I like that you are trying to update the game at a decent pace. I understand not everything can come out every week, and it needs time, however I must admit that you have made strides in this area. For the first time in a long time, I'm again excited about this game. I re-subbed to RIFT because I think Trion do an awesome job with the development (even though I'm not addicted to RIFT any more, I did want to support them because of their devotion to their player base) but since I do love this game and am addicted to this game, I went ahead and cancelled that re-up and instead chose to re-up here with all the change in what seems like the culture at BW. Keep up the good work and I think you will continue to see numbers grow as people love this game..they just wanted you to get your act together.


Keep things on the upward path, and get back to being the BW that we have all grown to love as game developers.

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Well put OP, though I personally never wavered. (Cringed & kept my fingers crossed a few times though.) The game is coming together & solidifying; and with fewer 5-alarm fires to extinguish Bioware is finally getting to invest more time with its community. 1.2 gave us Legacy and a killer UI. Then came server "consolidations" that seriously boosted online populations and player morale. 1.3 will give us a group finder that takes advantage of the increased server populations, plus a much anticipated upgrade to the PvP system. And along the way they also internally restructured. Been a busy 3 months for them. Edited by GalacticKegger
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yep must must say things are so much better now i moved to EU-Tomb of Freedon Nadd server feels alive again.

groups easy to get for instances

there are plenty of PUGs for EV and KP SM and HM

and doing dailys i always come accross some imps to mix it up with:)

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I transferred as did the remaining members of my guild and I've been super pleased. The transfer process was smooth and easy and now that we've moved the populations are so much better. I'm enjoying the game even more. Also I've had a couple of small issues during play as have some of my guildies and the responses have been quick and helpful. Communication was good and our issues were resolved. I know others have had less positive experiences but I've been really happy with support. I'm looking forward to 1.3 and beyond :D
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The only thing they could have done better, was have this done sooner. Much sooner.


Still, thanks Bioware!


Agreed. But I am glad they took their lumps and did it. Other companies would have simply added X-server junk and called it a day, leaving servers dead.


These transfers/merges are a step in the right direction. Not a total fix, but a solid first step to addressing the issues of the game.

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Transfers went extremely smoothly and unbelievably quickly. Although I really loved my original server, and we had a decent population, The Shadowlands is full to the brim and a ton of fun; grouping has been so much easier, and PVP is an all day long cornucopia!


I was extremely lucky and only lost character names for 2 minor alts that actually went to another server. We DID lose our Guild name, but I actually like our new Guild name better, so all is good.


Thanks, BW, and well done!!


Can't wait for 1.3!

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  • Dev Post
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. We're very avidly reading the forums and taking in all the feedback from free character transfer (the positive AND the negative), and we appreciate everyone who has taken the time to let us know thoughts, concerns, problems, praise, and anything else about the process. For those of you enjoying your new homes, we're very glad!
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Transfers went extremely smoothly and unbelievably quickly. Although I really loved my original server, and we had a decent population, The Shadowlands is full to the brim and a ton of fun; grouping has been so much easier, and PVP is an all day long cornucopia!


I was extremely lucky and only lost character names for 2 minor alts that actually went to another server. We DID lose our Guild name, but I actually like our new Guild name better, so all is good.


Thanks, BW, and well done!!


Can't wait for 1.3!

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250 people on Carrick Station last night on Ebon Hawk. That's as high as I've ever seen it.


And it's very possible you had a second phase of the station, as around 250 is when a new instance is created. On The Shadowlands we had at LEAST 400 people on the Republic Fleet last night.

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I waited patiently for a week for my server to be assigned to a destination server, hoping all the while that you would stay the course and do this right. I logged on the other day and it began raining players all over Corellian Run....and I've been dancing in the rain every since.


In short, this was the single largest issue facing this game today and you came through. So through all the complaining and nasty comments over the last week you do need to hear that it is greatly appreciated, has helped to enhance the experience for many, and many of us look forward to the continued improvement of this game. When all is said and done, it is a fun game.


Now get back to work! ;p

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yeah, but they should have done a mid term solution to not create any more problems.... instead they overflew servers and got new problems where there were none.... They've got a good transfer system but a bad server selection decision.... just my opinion.
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I was rather pleased when i first saw the free transfer.. going from Zaalbar to The Harbinger, but after a few days I am not so excited. yes there are 10x more players, but now the server is full and theres a wait to login..From one extreme to the next it seems...I cant say i like having to wait to play a game i pay monthly for...
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Just echoing the OP's sentiments. I had cancelled, but renewed when the transfers were announced. I haven't really used the increased pop on my 46, but I rolled a brand new alt and dang it was good to have people around again.
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You know what?...It might sound odd, but I don't mind a short queue of up to 15 minutes or so..


It's kind of exciting, and sign of a healthy game, and I have plenty of things to do on my desk and computer while I wait to log in.


So for me at least, short queues beat less populated servers.

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You guys are way more conversational with us, addressing more concerns directly with answers to various threads. The xfer system is great. I must admit I was skeptical of the whole you choose my destination server thing, but I must say that it played out well so far. I like that you are trying to update the game at a decent pace. I understand not everything can come out every week, and it needs time, however I must admit that you have made strides in this area. For the first time in a long time, I'm again excited about this game. I re-subbed to RIFT because I think Trion do an awesome job with the development (even though I'm not addicted to RIFT any more, I did want to support them because of their devotion to their player base) but since I do love this game and am addicted to this game, I went ahead and cancelled that re-up and instead chose to re-up here with all the change in what seems like the culture at BW. Keep up the good work and I think you will continue to see numbers grow as people love this game..they just wanted you to get your act together.


Keep things on the upward path, and get back to being the BW that we have all grown to love as game developers.




The residents of Lord Calypho begs to differ. All 30 of us.

Edited by Twin
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I dont mind a short que either. However, I do hope BW either decreases the respawn rate of objectives for dailies or increases the amount of instances in daily areas. Daily missions were boring to grind and complete before and now that they are taking an extra 30-60 min is not making them any more fun. Other than that I love my new server (shadowlands) and the population.
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I was rather pleased when i first saw the free transfer.. going from Zaalbar to The Harbinger, but after a few days I am not so excited. yes there are 10x more players, but now the server is full and theres a wait to login..From one extreme to the next it seems...I cant say i like having to wait to play a game i pay monthly for...


10 minute wait worth instant groups, or is instance login worth hours of waiting?


My server had a wait the first couple of days. I have no issue with it. Last night it remained very heavy for most of the night. I checked when I logged on for my raid at 8pm, and then again when I logged on at 10pm. I checked again at 1 am when I logged back in. I only saw one queue on all the servers, for 10 minutes. Now granted, there could have been more, but they did not last very long if I was not seeing them as a constant through-out the night.


They can't balance population on an hourly basis, but overall, from what I see, they did it absolutely right.

Edited by Blackardin
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Didn't you guys get the memo? The new complaint is that the servers are over populated now and they want BioWare to let them transfer OFF the servers.


I wonder what's next.

Rest assured something will be resurrected from threads made in January & February that have already been fixed.
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I've been thinking about subbing for more months but at the same time I want to wait and see if I can start transfering anywhere ASAP.(That's like the only issue i have, i want it done, too many issues in the game already but if i can transfer anywhere that will make me a happy sub, otherwise you'll lose me bioware which we both don't want to happen. :( ) Edited by Jonoku
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You guys are way more conversational with us, addressing more concerns directly with answers to various threads. The xfer system is great. I must admit I was skeptical of the whole you choose my destination server thing, but I must say that it played out well so far. I like that you are trying to update the game at a decent pace. I understand not everything can come out every week, and it needs time, however I must admit that you have made strides in this area. For the first time in a long time, I'm again excited about this game. I re-subbed to RIFT because I think Trion do an awesome job with the development (even though I'm not addicted to RIFT any more, I did want to support them because of their devotion to their player base) but since I do love this game and am addicted to this game, I went ahead and cancelled that re-up and instead chose to re-up here with all the change in what seems like the culture at BW. Keep up the good work and I think you will continue to see numbers grow as people love this game..they just wanted you to get your act together.


Keep things on the upward path, and get back to being the BW that we have all grown to love as game developers.


Very happy to hear! As I outlined last month, we definitely are committed to making sure that we address concerns that surface up (even though we may not have an answer to every single question) and we're very glad that your experience with the transfers has been excellent. Thank you for taking the time to write this. It is very much appreciated.

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