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Dual specs. What happened to them?


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Well you see that's the choices you have to make if you want to the the all around super hero. You don't have to PvP on the same toon. You don't have to pve on the same toon.


So much wrong with this statement.


Those in the one character only camp will disagree with you vehemently.


Many have come from games that allow for duel spec and it has become a given feature in many of the top MMORPGs.


BW stated that this game was "play your way" and some only want ( or have time ) to play one character.


But then again you probably don't believe in the both/and sort of solutions only the either/or .... so continue to follow Khan Noonien Sigh in your elucidations. :D

Edited by Urael
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Please pass it on to the devs that the player base hopes that dual specs is a top priority for 1.4!


in 1.4....RIGHT NOW!!! it ridiculous that I have to pay so much for respecin' when I can have multiple specs, yes multiple (DPS, PVE DPS, Tank Pve, Tank PVP)... I went to respec yesterday since I"m on an RVR server I usually spec RVR tank spec and had to respec for PVE Raid it was almost 73k to respec that just .........filing the blank....

Edited by Roadblck
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I agree - the game really needs dual specs.


Even if they start off with re-speccing in the field for the 3 trees in each advanced class, that would be great.


Having said that, I've heard that this is going to be a legacy feature - but why? BW should be doing their utmost to get good groups for Flashpoints going and not have people waiting around because you're waiting for a healer - and yes, you could heal as you're a DPS spec merc, scoundrel etc. but you don't want to pay X credits just to change your spec for 30 minutes.


Come on BW - sort this out :)


PS I think that the game truly needs dual specs between advanced classes. I mean come on, the classes aren't that different. A Jedi Guardian and Sentinal are like playing either a Prot or Fury Warrior from WoW.


PPS And whilst we're at it, please allow changing spec up to level 15. There's nothing more annoying than playing 3 hours through 1-10, choosing an advanced class and within 30 mins realising that you really don't like that advanced spec and wished that you'd chosen the other. Don't punish people for making choices... Make it fun...

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I am neither for nor against them so if they put it in cool, if not, cool. Now my concern is when people start abusing it just to get a group with the group finder that's coming in. What I mean is players choosing to make a healing or tanking spec but have no desire to actually ay that spec. And yes the kick option is there but people complain enough about time cconstraints. Edited by Skidrowbro
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I am neither for nor against them so if they put it in cool, if not, cool. Now my concern is when people start abusing it just to get a group with the group finder that's coming in. What I mean is players choosing to make a healing or tanking spec but have no desire to actually ay that spec. And yes the kick option is there but people complain enough about time cconstraints.


Coming from several games that had multi-specs and group fingers, that's not really an issue. You already found bad tanks and bad healers sometimes anyway, and the addition of these tools doesn't really change the ratios.

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Yeah...good luck finding a tank at all if 1.3 goes live at is. IMO (and based on PTR forums) most every tank Guard/Jug is respeccing to DPS. Other tanks are also getting nerfs. I guess BW wants everyone to be DPS and not worry about dual specs.



good tanks will adjust and bad ones will QQ/unsub or roll another fotm class. which are you?

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Level of importance is in the eye of the beholder.


That, and there's always something more important than the current topic at hand it seems. It's not a reason not to discuss it and ask for it.


Well that depends on whether the beholder is a majority or just a discontent few. If we were to poll 100 players as to whether server transfers or dual specs were a higher priority, I would take an educated guess, based on current feedback, that server transfers were the priority.....and there are still a few more to go.


As Andarilhodoceu said, just eliminate the respec cost for now until dual speccing is put in place in 1.4 (or whenever that may be).


This I can agree with, at least a reduction to such.

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i really have never seen the apeal of duel spec's

but i would like to point out that duel spec wont mean u can spec in both AC i know most of you probbaly know this but ive seen some posts in the past who think thats what it will be

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i really have never seen the apeal of duel spec's

but i would like to point out that duel spec wont mean u can spec in both AC i know most of you probbaly know this but ive seen some posts in the past who think thats what it will be


That will come later after they implement dual spec. First it will be complaints about not having enough speccing slots, even tho it's called dual. Then it will be about classes. Then about having to carry to many different sets of gear for the different specs

Edited by Skidrowbro
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The thing is...It's not hard at all...


I'm suspecting that a designer who only played dps classes decided not to add them anymore. And instead of telling us they just thought "meh, they will soon forget we ever said anything..".



yeah right....lol.....and this Legacy stuff just seems to be a dev that loves' role playing scheme..... there's really no benefit to it.....just lame.....it would be nice other than a the connection between characters to have cultivating and leveling buffs....10 - 15 crit on gathering, engineering and de-engineering stuff, also levelin'.... just seems to me that since the beginning the role players have been getting all the love in this game........what we PVP/RVR players get is a none working planet and 3 warzones/ scenerios..........

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The only thing that baffles me is this resistance to make the game fun and engaging. Why do I even have to pay to respec? I understand we have to have credit sinks to keep the inflation down but come on. There are so many different ways to suck credits out of the economy.


Just eliminate respec cost and be done with it. At some point we'll get dual specs and respec credit sink will be a thing of the past. I know you want to implement all the nice features like separate skill-bars and whatnot but come on, don't be so stubborn, implementing temporary fixes is OK, really.


I would rather see incremental steps to a feature we all want than wait for who knows how many months to get the whole package implemented. Setting respec cost to zero shouldn't take you more than 2 minutes and you would make a lot of us very happy.

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I does but there are players who like to experiment with their builds and would like to respec more than several times a week.


It's more to do with the following scenario-


Say you are chain running Warzones and are specced into PvP. Now a guild group asks you if you can heal for them in a HM FP. So, now you have to respec twice unless you turn them down -- "Sorry, specced for Wz right now"

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I'm certainly on the side of dual-specs are needed like yesterday (or launch to be honest). However we also have to consider that key bindings and abilities will have to be remapped (or have dual key mappings / ability mappings on a per spec basis). Not to mention the differences in gear and how that would impact our inventory. It is an issue that can be resolved, but I think it's a bit more complex. I'd rather wait a bit longer and have this done right then have a half-baked implementation that is a pain to work with. The server transfers and group finder are definitely a higher priority IMHO.


Also completely agree that we should be able to choose a different AC up to a certain level, was seriously irritating when choosing an operative and then having to re-roll to a sniper (with the 3 hour grind for the origin planet).

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I'm certainly on the side of dual-specs are needed like yesterday (or launch to be honest). However we also have to consider that key bindings and abilities will have to be remapped (or have dual key mappings / ability mappings on a per spec basis).


Current UI allows u to save templates. So, you can just switch your key bindings back and forth when you switch specs.

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And by the way,it's not "ridiculous"...you have to make a choice of what role you want to play.


It's a privilege, not a right. :) My opinion...



It's standard on a competing product. And it's purely a convenience issue, but this game wastes enough of my time, a few thousand or small tens of thousands of credits a week is immaterial. It's the time wasted making sure I get the right spec for tonight, depending on who shows up. And then changing back to my old spec (wastes more time). Worse still is that you tend to need to respec because someone had to go or the like, and you're trying to fill in, which means the time you spend respecing is not only wasting your time, but it's wasting 7 or 15 other peoples time.


Clicking buttons to set a spec, and then set bars back up isn't fun. One can argue about whether or not choosing a spec can be fun, but there's nothing 'fun' about trying to select the right talents quickly when you already know what you want them to be.


it's a time waster, and importantly, it's not a fun time waster, it's busy work, and busy work should be done by computers, not people.

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Then about having to carry to many different sets of gear for the different specs
As a Trooper, I'm currently using my companions as a portable wardrobe to carry around my off-sets.

My Consular at least has Nadia for a dps set

Summgler has Corso

Knight has. Um. Well I don't think Sentinels need an off set.


As far as I know the binding dont change and all it changes is where you've placed everything on your ui

This. UI is for layout, not content.

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That will come later after they implement dual spec. First it will be complaints about not having enough speccing slots, even tho it's called dual. Then it will be about classes. Then about having to carry to many different sets of gear for the different specs


That won't happen. Even WoW, the biggest pandering to the "gimme gimme i want it all" Veruca Salt types of the world MMO, has never even considered implementing class changes.

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