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Ok, Bioware. Now what? Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?


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Ok, Bioware. Now what?


Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?

I have 8 on Peragus, another 8 on Bacca's Blade, and one more on Sithari.


They all are on the list for free transfer to Nightmare Lands.

So - what am I supposed to do? Delete them? Stop playing?


Both Peragus and Bacca's were a little thin but not dramatically in trouble. By introducing free transfers, though, you have basically pulled the plug on both my srvers.


So, now, I think I'm due a solution.

I'm listening.


I won't bother posting my opinion, since it's not really relevant.


However, I would like to mention that the devs don't really wade through the forums looking for questions posed to them like this. They do a Community Q&A every week, which draws questions from a single thread linked from the previous week's entry. Unfortunately, you missed the deadline for this week's Q&A, but they should be opening the next one this weekend. Of course, there's no guarantee that they'll answer your question, but you'd have better odds of getting an official answer.

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I disagree with everyone saying he should delete his toons... If he Played them he is entitled to keep them. If they are transfering toons due to dead servers (biowares fault) then the op is entitled to transfer all his toons. The op is just unlucky that all his toons were being transfered to a single server. This just goes to show that we dont have enough character slots in a game designed to play alts.... I say close down all dead servers... Free transfers to whatever server we like that is left open and more character slots. That is how it should have been from the beginning but bioware are too lazy to do it that way because it means more effort for them.


The op didnt put himself in this position... Bioware did... So he is entitled to a solution.




Bioware has been screwing things up from the start, and if they honestly want legacy to work, then they should expand character slots per server (more so now that a punch of them are about to die completely) so people can keep their legacies together.

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Answers like this are not helpful. If you don't play alts, and or are not an Altoholic you will never understand. But your answer is just rude and heartless.


For now this is what you have to do. In time it may change.

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No matter what Bioware does. Some ppl got problems all time.


News @ 5... not everyone plays the game with only 1 toon or a few alts.


Personally i think the OP is well within reason to be asking those questions.

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Bioware isn't at fault for this issue, the premise of this game is that it's a result of your choices, and in that sense art is imitating life. You chose to create 17 characters over 3 servers, but you had no way of knowing that this would happen, BW equally had no malicious intent in choosing the servers you just happened to be based on as part of the origin/destination server grouping. To top all of that, as many others have pointed out in this thread...it's an optional transfer, nobody is forcing you to do anything.


The bottom line here is: It sucks, but just like in real life, you can't always get everything you want.


nah the bottom line is give people more choices in the servers they can transfer to. it clears up choices for the player that didn't know and absolves BW for obviously not thinking about it ahead of time. BW has stated many times that they purposefully made too many servers at lauch. For them to not factor in having to reduce that number at some point is hubris of the highest degree. Not giving players choices of servers after the fact is rude.

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I disagree with everyone saying he should delete his toons... If he Played them he is entitled to keep them.


He doesnt <have> to do anything. This is a video game. He can walk outside right now and breath fresh air if wants rather than playing. He just has to choose which characters he plays on high pop servers and which ones he won't play on high pop servers. The ones he won't play on high pop servers will be transferable later. End of Story. Stop QQing and be happy you can play on a high pop server <at all>.

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What do you want? BioWare to give you 20 chars per server because you like playing so many alts? Honestly it's not BioWare's fault you can't have all your 17 chars on one server, you can't have everything. 8 characters per server is pretty darn generous especially considering an 8 char limit allows you to cover all advanced classes FOR ONE FACTION.


It would be better if BioWare increased it to 16 characters per server, but restricted to 8 per faction. That I would so love to see.

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Ok, Bioware. Now what?


Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?

I have 8 on Peragus, another 8 on Bacca's Blade, and one more on Sithari.


They all are on the list for free transfer to Nightmare Lands.

So - what am I supposed to do? Delete them? Stop playing?


Both Peragus and Bacca's were a little thin but not dramatically in trouble. By introducing free transfers, though, you have basically pulled the plug on both my srvers.


So, now, I think I'm due a solution.

I'm listening.


Wow!!! How did u find the time to level up so many characters? And if they arnt high levels, why u worrying about low level characters?

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I say move your 8 favorites to the new server, and at some point in the near future BW will surely let us have more than 8 characters per server. It wouldn't be much of a legacy with only 8 characters! So when the time comes, then move the rest of your characters.


This is all speculation, and i personally asked BW (a week ago) if we would be able to have more than 8 characters per server anytime soon and it has yet to be answered. It just makes sense that at some point they will let us have more per server to keep building out our legacy. Either way, I hope things work out for you OP.

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Nice you find the time to complain about something rather trivial, at least you get to transfer. With so many alts I doubt you really do much on them other then maybe the odd flash point on a few of them or a bit of questing so leaving some behind isn't such a massive issue as you are making out. Suck it up. Your not special and Bioware don't care about your problem.
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Thing is, there should be at least 2 destination servers to pick really. If you load all characters into 1 server then yes, this is going to cause trouble for people who played at more than 1 server. The author of this thread is not asking for an option to have all of his 17 characters on one server, he's asking for an option to have all of his characters on an active server. Edited by Katajinka
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Transfer your favorite 8 to the new server and enjoy the increased population.


Now, you weren't actually expecting a solution that gave you 100% satisfaction, were you? You do actually live on the planet Earth and only play on Tatooine and Hoth, right?


Please, for the love of all that is holy...please tell me I am right. :eek:

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Ok, Bioware. Now what?


Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?

I have 8 on Peragus, another 8 on Bacca's Blade, and one more on Sithari.


They all are on the list for free transfer to Nightmare Lands.

So - what am I supposed to do? Delete them? Stop playing?


Both Peragus and Bacca's were a little thin but not dramatically in trouble. By introducing free transfers, though, you have basically pulled the plug on both my srvers.


So, now, I think I'm due a solution.

I'm listening.


I would just leave them where the are and play the characters on the nightmare lands first because the population should be high now. Not ideal but it is the best I can suggest short of deleting your characters (which sucks).

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