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swtor has less servers than rift!


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BW probably wants an answer ready for their next round of interviews if they're asked about soft merging 90% of servers.


They're just going to say "After we instituted the server transfer system, the amount of surpluss servers was completely unnecessary. Therefore we decided to remove some of them to give more power to the servers with the highest populations". Instead of saying "We merged the servers, but we didn't call it a server merge to avoid pissing off our investors and EA who has us grabbed by the balls so lolz cya l8r gaize".

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LOL!! it's been "Dead servers! Dead servers everywhere!! OMG, SOMEONE SAVE THE SEVRERS!" for months. Everyone was complaining, demanding Bioware to fix pop... and now? Well, now the game is a big ol' boat load of fail because "OMG, they merged!"..... :rolleyes:



Jesus Christ in a hand bag you people are insatiable....

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I'm sorry, the first time I read this, all I saw was Baaaa. Baaaaaaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaa.


So, I hooked up my sheeple-translator (sadly, it's a necessary item to own), to see what you were trying to communicate.


Well...I didn't try to paint you as a hater. I didn't have to paint you as anything - you paint yourself as a sheep well enough on your own. You are also quickly establishing who your shepherd is.


There is a difference between criticism, and deliberately coloring commentary to provide a decidedly negative slant on the given topic. This is how journalism works, sadly, but that does not change what it is - Sensationalism for ratings.


This game has issues - issues, that are being solved in order of importance. As to decisions that Bioware has made, apparently you are not even remotely aware as to how much psychology goes into the making of an MMO. No MMO company cares about my opinion, your opinion, or anyone else's opinion because the psychology has already been done, both for what has worked in the past, and what is trending. This is the opinion they all follow. Which leads me to my next point...


Sheeple have an over-inflated opinion as to how much their bleats actually matter. Even to the other sheep, let alone, to the Shepherd.




Here's another website "hating" on swtor. http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/guild-wars-2/1225122p1.html

This guy knows what he's talking about. He predicted Swtor's downfall back in Nov. 2011. You see, there are multiple sources saying the same things as the fans are on these forums. We're just not blinded like you are.

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I like that "don't paint me as a hater" speech. exactly 3 seconds before you post some hate.


Did Bioware close down some servers that I'm not aware of?


That was my attempt at humor, not hating. I guess i failed?

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I have to give the Rift some credit, the game is still going pretty strong, no where near the fail some thought it would be, they are pumping out content like mad dogs, and an expansion coming up that will almost triple the world size a real expansion for a change and not an adventure pack, and the new three faction, pvp, that is not all about a gear grind, leaning more toward DAOC style. I might go back and play it a while, while I wait on glacially slow Bioware to play catch up.

I am TOR fan and I want to play this game for a very long time, hope the ice melts and Bioware gets a move on, some time this decade..:)


I just think the TOR server hold more people, than the rift, to me thats really a non-issue and filed under who cares.. /shrug

Edited by kevlarto
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Here's another website "hating" on swtor. http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/guild-wars-2/1225122p1.html

This guy knows what he's talking about. He predicted Swtor's downfall back in Nov. 2011. You see, there are multiple sources saying the same things as the fans are on these forums. We're just not blinded like you are.




Really? This guy states his opinions. There are no facts there at all (and most of his opinions are completely jaded sounding). And yet he knows what he's talking about and people that love the game are "blinded". :rolleyes:



Wow, the ego you must have.....

Edited by Galbatorrix
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OP you must understand that your opinions are just that...'opinions' and 'yours'. If you find like minded people then that doesn't turn your opinions into facts. I'm sure there are thousands of children who believe the 'Harry Potter' books to be the greatest piece of literature ever created.


I happen to disagree with nearly all your posts. Doesn't mean I'm right and you're wrong but please try not to sound like a prophet. It insults my intelligence and makes me think less of yours.


Seeing as you don't seem to worry about server size and just server amounts wrap your head around this: EvE has only 1 server! :w_cool:

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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Rift has a very small world. So people actually run into each other a lot in open world.


SWTOR has massive worlds - most of them covered with useless empty maps. So, if you run into someone in SWTOR, you feel so darn happy. OMG -- someone else is doing my quest. That's so awesome. I feel loved.

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Really? This guy states his opinions. There are no facts there at all (and most of his opinions are completely jaded sounding). And yet he knows what he's talking about and people that love the game are "blinded". :rolleyes:



Wow, the ego you must have.....


Someone who states their biased opinion, lauds it as fact, and claims that people that disagree with him are blind and don't know what they're talking about.


Must suck to be forced to look in a mirror like that. I feel for ya.

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Someone who states their biased opinion, lauds it as fact, and claims that people that disagree with him are blind and don't know what they're talking about.


Must suck to be forced to look in a mirror like that. I feel for ya.



You go right ahead and link to a post where I've done that. I'll wait patiently for your reply.

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Haha. Don't try to paint me as a hater, because i do give praise to this game, but only when it's due, such as the optimization in 1.3, and also the Group Finder deserves praise. However, i'm not going to blindly support some of Bioware's incompetent decisions, such as, their transfer process, which is really just a merger. I'm also not going to defend their flawed Rated Warzone system either, among many other things. I'm sorry that i don't kneel on the floor and praise everything Bioware does like some blind fanboy. Criticism is good for the game, because it reveals what isn't working. Fanboys such as yourself do this game a disservice, by not having Bioware become aware of what isn't working.


And yet you fail to see the logic that having fewer or more servers compared to another game is irrelevant if you're not comparing the populations on those servers.


Two shuttle services that ferry people from the local airport to local hotels. One has a fleet of 15 Dodge caravans that will take 6-7 adults, the other has 5 Mercedes Sprinters (shuttle bus) that seat 20 passengers. Is the first company inherently doing something better or worse than the 2nd company because they have 3x the number of vehicles in their fleet?


Don't misunderstand me, there are plenty of things that BioWare needs to shore up with this game in my opinion. But, tossing around crap like "ZOMG! TOR has fewer servers than game XYZ ... LOLZ!" is worthless.

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Here's another website "hating" on swtor. http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/guild-wars-2/1225122p1.html

This guy knows what he's talking about. He predicted Swtor's downfall back in Nov. 2011. You see, there are multiple sources saying the same things as the fans are on these forums. We're just not blinded like you are.


Actually I remember Leif Johnson and how he "predicted" the same outcome for Everquest when it first came out aswell for WoW 7years ago before they where released and on the final stages for Beta... Leif is big against a handful of gaming companies.


Lief also swore that Final Fantasy XI (FFXI), City of Heroes/Villians (CoH/V) and Star Trek Online will be the #1 top game out of all the MMOs, as well that would beat all other MMOs for the next 15years after being released in the U.S.


Opinions are just that opinions, not facts. Leif has been and will always be openly against any Star Wars theme/title/concept, and will make any attempt to try to discredit any Star Wars concept.


SWtOR had the most servers out of all MMOs currently active, now the servers are getting a raised cap, more people per server allows for less "low pop/dead pop" servers more player inter action.

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Rift has a very small world. So people actually run into each other a lot in open world.


SWTOR has massive worlds - most of them covered with useless empty maps. So, if you run into someone in SWTOR, you feel so darn happy. OMG -- someone else is doing my quest. That's so awesome. I feel loved.


rofl you must of not have played Rift very long


each zone in Rift is just as big or bigger than each zone in SWTOR, and the zones in Rift are seamless.

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LOL!! it's been "Dead servers! Dead servers everywhere!! OMG, SOMEONE SAVE THE SEVRERS!" for months. Everyone was complaining, demanding Bioware to fix pop... and now? Well, now the game is a big ol' boat load of fail because "OMG, they merged!"..... :rolleyes:



Jesus Christ in a hand bag you people are insatiable....


I'm ecstatic about this merge and it should have happened half a year ago, I just resent their idiotic way of covering it up by calling it server transfers and shutdowns instead of server merges.

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I'm ecstatic about this merge and it should have happened half a year ago, I just resent their idiotic way of covering it up by calling it server transfers and shutdowns instead of server merges.



Why would you resent it though? Yes, for all intents and purposes, it was a "merger", but unlike a normal merger, everyone had a choice. And if you create a character on some of those servers right now, you'll see that there are people still playing on them. So, Bioware did it a little better, IMO. If you're the type of player that doesn't want to play in a heavily populated server (and there have been several people on this board to admit to being just that), then you didn't have to move.



Whether or not they start closing these servers later on is up in the air right now, but if you want to, you can still play on any of them right now.

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You mean the much lauded 1.3 million of them? They have so many customers, they had to open up free transfers! :D


Ya, you're correct. Another 300K have probably unsubbed since April. So there are only a million people playing this game. That's still three times the number of Rift right?

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Ya, you're correct. Another 300K have probably unsubbed since April. So there are only a million people playing this game. That's still three times the number of Rift right?


If it's still a million that'd be fantastic news! But all we know is it was 1.3 million at the end of March and 2.5 months later they merged 90% of servers into what's left.


At one point someone here did a somewhat convincing estimate of about 65,000 simultaneous users on an average day, which often points to 10x that or 650,000 subs. You might be generous and say SWTOR subscribers are much more casual than other MMO players and pad that out, but if they're still 1 million - and I highly, highly doubt that given the layoffs and other evidence we have of server pops - then the game would be doing great.


We will probably have to wait until EA's next quarterly earnings to get an actual number, but going from what they did last time that number will only give us till the end of June, and they won't tell us even that much until the middle of August.

Edited by jgelling
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You mean the much lauded 1.3 million of them? They have so many customers, they had to open up free transfers! :D


move along troll. I remember taking a month off of rift after launch to play red dead redemption, and came back to empty servers. Not swtor style empty where you could see 20 people or so, I mean completely empty. I've also come from WoW servers where I'd be one of 3 people on horde side during primetime. Merges/transfers are inevitable in MMO's, it just means the population has stabilized. Gamebreakers are a joke anyway though and the fact you quote them basically shreds your credibility

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rofl you must of not have played Rift very long


each zone in Rift is just as big or bigger than each zone in SWTOR, and the zones in Rift are seamless.


No, just no. RIFTS zones are nowhere near the size of some of the planets in TOR. Hoth can probably be compared to 3 of Rifts zones, Belsavis may as well be another 4, and Ilum another 3. I dont even remember how many zones Rift had but they are nowhere near massive in size.

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No, just no. RIFTS zones are nowhere near the size of some of the planets in TOR. Hoth can probably be compared to 3 of Rifts zones, Belsavis may as well be another 4, and Ilum another 3. I dont even remember how many zones Rift had but they are nowhere near massive in size.


Rose tinted glasses. I just did Hoth for only my second time, and it is nowhere near as big as you think it is.

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OP forgot to mention Rift PEAKED at about 1.3 million players. :rolleyes:


And what would of this game peaked at if it wasnt Star Wars... honestly now. Rift is unknown name made by an unknown developer. You can try and hide behind the lies of 1.3 million players but somewhere inside you has to realize its only because its Star Wars and made by one of the most popular game makers in the industry. Rift has way more things to do then Star Wars does. It also allows for far more customization. Im not even saying its a better game... im just saying....

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