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Things you dont want to hear in a wz


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"Is 50's pvp as hard as 49 and lower?"


"How do you get Battlemaster gear?"


Team leader: "two left, rest mid". Town idiot: "I'll ninja right".


"help east!" ...30 second pause..."I mean right!"



what happens when me the town ninja tank does ninja right as i am very good at it an laugh as there all QQing. Swear me and a buddy of mine took the 2 out side turrets and guarded them from the one or 2 player that tried to take them back. all the while the rest of are team zerged mid in civil war. There team lost and we won cuz 2 good players keep the out side to which my friend said your welcome for the win. i Loled

Edited by Neoforcer
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- You guys really suck (to their own team)


Hehe the pug team may very well suck, but IMO its a huge sign of a poor sport to belittle your own team. Especially while youre still on the playing field.


If only it were limited to just that...usually they'll be the first to rage log and they'll spam chat for about 5 minutes telling the team how much they suck and then log before the scoreboard pops up so they can justify their low scores because they didn't play the whole match.

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what happens when me the town ninja tank does ninja right as i am very good at it an laugh as there all QQing. Swear me and a buddy of mine took the 2 out side turrets and guarded them from the one or 2 player that tried to take them back. all the while the rest of are team zerged mid in civil war. There team lost and we won cuz 2 good players keep the out side to which my friend said your welcome for the win. i Loled




You all think you're good at it. You're not.

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what happens when me the town ninja tank does ninja right as i am very good at it an laugh as there all QQing. Swear me and a buddy of mine took the 2 out side turrets and guarded them from the one or 2 player that tried to take them back. all the while the rest of are team zerged mid in civil war. There team lost and we won cuz 2 good players keep the out side to which my friend said your welcome for the win. i Loled




cool story bro

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"Don't tell me what to do"

"Why did you kill him?I WAS GONNA 1V1 FFS"

"Oh well,can't win them all"(After they cap mid on alderaan..1 minute in)

"If I typed I would of died faster"

"Run infront of me for gods sake I had nobody to pass too"((Would be ok except this guy was running towards OUR side))

I'm sure theres some I've missed.

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- "Grass / Snow ... screw mid" - Every losing pug ever.




2 days ago i had a guy tell us to leave mid and let them have it, and just play defense on the sides. ***. then called my strats bad... AFTER WE 3 cap'd.



also my personal favorite...

"we aren't very good at pvp. you guys might have to carry us" - 4 man premade of all pve'ers.

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If I'm ops leader...


Me: "stealth left, rest hit right"

random newb: "everyone go left!!!"

Me: "/facepalm random newb"


some other gems:

newb with 0 expertise: "stop harping about gear!!1"


newb that died with the huttball: "didnt want to pass it backwards"

me: "right, my mistake. better to give the enemy the ball straight away"

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"It's been a few months since I played."


I hear that one a lot during WZ countdown.


Team leader: "two left, rest mid". Town idiot: "I'll ninja right".


Lol, was going to put the same thing. In fact, I've gotten so pissed about it, I made the Alderaan 101 post, since 90% of the PuGs I get into seem to think it's a good strategy.


what happens when me the town ninja tank does ninja right as i am very good at it an laugh as there all QQing. Swear me and a buddy of mine took the 2 out side turrets and guarded them from the one or 2 player that tried to take them back. all the while the rest of are team zerged mid in civil war. There team lost and we won cuz 2 good players keep the out side to which my friend said your welcome for the win. i Loled


Yay!!! So it worked once.......


....and failed the other 10 times and made your team lose because of it.



If I'm ops leader...


Me: "stealth left, rest hit right"


Actually, I feel sending stealth a different direction, at the beginning, is a poor strategy. It fails 90% of the time, because 90% of the time the enemy will have ample defenders there......Ample defenders that would be wasting their time doing nothing, if everyone on your team had gone left (or right), including your stealthers.


In fact, usually when you get into a position when your team can't, for the life of you, bomb a door, it's because your team is too spread out.

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In voidstar:


I was defending. I noticed someone sneaking towards our other door so I ran over there. It was only 1 enemy but we had a stealther guarding the door so I figured I was ok even though I was half health.


I proceeded to interrupt his bomb planting and fight 1 on 1, and the stealther never joined in. After I died, I asked him what was going on. He said he wanted to remain stealthed because he was guarding the door. :( I'm not really sure what happened after I died tho.




Something that somehow still seems to happen ever single day. You always see it coming. In slow motion. The enemy team Mara has the ball and is walking across your pit just below your end zone. Some noob is waiting to respawn and as soon as he does, he frolics to the edge and is suddenly baffled when the Mara leaps to him and then scores.

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"I tried to pass but I couldn't find anyone"

-- No, really what happened is you got the ball and ran ahead of your team. There is no pro bowl in huttball, wait for blockers and receivers.


"You guys suck"

-- Almost always from the guy who stayed the whole match and doesn't top any one stat. Needs to point out that everyone besides him sucks and if we were all just better we would win.


"Zerg left stealth right"

-- Anytime I see everyone go one way I go the opposite if I am on defense. Never fails, two or 3 stealth. I can't be the only one who see's that.


"just hold the ball"

-- This is not so much a complaint about players as it is huttball. Why is there no sudden death in huttball? Why should a tie game end in keep away?


"" - Nothing

- No communication . Almost always a loss.


"Who wants guard"

-- I don't know about you, but I guard people who need guarding. How do you know that before they take damage? What are you going to follow this person around the whole match?

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On zerg left stealth right (or vice versa), this pretty much never works because the enemy has no idea which side you're rushing first, so they ought to have at least 2 guys by each door at start. This means unless you've a team of stunlocking Ops, you simply won't have enough stealth character to overpower the 2 guys waiting at the other door. These two guys usually won't be leaving their door unless the other door is under duress, but since your stealth guys are not participating in the other door by definition, there's less of a chance they'd need to leave their door.


Usually you either don't hit a door at all or hit it roughly evenly (4/4). Either way, this means you ought to be winning in one of the matchup at a door (if you can't win either matchup with a 4/4 you probably won't win no matter what) and this forces the enemy to pull guys from one door to deal with side that they're losing, and then you actually have opportunity to stealth attack or do other useful things.

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- "Some heals would be nice"


"erm, there's no healer"




- "Why aren't you guys killing their healers???"

"They're all healers..."




"where are you?"




- "Pass! arrrrghhh"

"you were out of range"



- "u r all noobs l2p omg"



- "I hate joining losing matches"



tbf this stuff is too funny to get mad over (mostly)

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On zerg left stealth right (or vice versa), this pretty much never works because the enemy has no idea which side you're rushing first, so they ought to have at least 2 guys by each door at start. This means unless you've a team of stunlocking Ops, you simply won't have enough stealth character to overpower the 2 guys waiting at the other door. These two guys usually won't be leaving their door unless the other door is under duress, but since your stealth guys are not participating in the other door by definition, there's less of a chance they'd need to leave their door.


Usually you either don't hit a door at all or hit it roughly evenly (4/4). Either way, this means you ought to be winning in one of the matchup at a door (if you can't win either matchup with a 4/4 you probably won't win no matter what) and this forces the enemy to pull guys from one door to deal with side that they're losing, and then you actually have opportunity to stealth attack or do other useful things.


Everyone up the middle, first 4 in the ops list go left, last 4 go right.


Works wonders when people actually listen.

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While in Alderaan I noticed what looked like a sentinel whip out dual pistols. I said to myself "That's odd let me inspect this loose cannon." He was in fact a gunslinger, wearing a Jedi chest and head (not oranges modded for a smuggler just straight up Jedi blues and greens) . Here's how our convo went (I was on my gunslinger alt, below 50 queue):


me: Dude you need to change your gear.

him: why it's really good

m: It's specced for a Jedi knight. Strength is useless for our class.

h: ahhhh but it has good armor.

m: Your missing the point. Your skills would be better.

h: i do really good with this char.

m: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


I'll let you guess how that WZ went.

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