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Justification of $15 a month


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$60 x 1.7 million = $102 million


$15 per month x 1.7 million = $25.5 million per month


Depending on how many people have been paying per month, I'd say game has paid for itself a few months ago.


I payed £129.99 for my CE, wonder how many people bought the ce and mix that into it. then remember they sold over 2 mil box's. if they sold 500 CEs in the uk thats $101,825.16 with todays convertion rates, wish i had that type of cash

Edited by Shingara
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Thats on you for paying for 6 months and you have no one to blame but yourself. I never pay for advance months even though i know for a fact ill be playing this game well into next year you never know what will come up in RL. For instance i gave myself tendonitis in my wrists from playing the game to much, so i just turned off the sub till i was ready to play again.


F2P mmos are the worst. The communitys are destroyed and as much as i love this game if it went F2P id stop playing. 15$ a month is nothing to me, if its something to you then prehaps you should re-evaluate your lifes prioritys.


Wow, why being so hostile?


1- I never blamed anybody else for me paying for 6 month sub. Just shows you I had a lot of faith in the game, but ended up being wrong.


2- Also, $15 a month is nothing to me as well, but I also do have my life priorities straight to value every dollar I spend, and that includes valuing the $15 a month I spend. I will not spend $15 a month for something I see no value in.


And you are talking about communities? Look at how you come off so hostile for someone having a reasonable opinion. It is people with your attitude that destroys communities.


Also let me be more clear of why I feel the Buy to Play model with Non pay to win cash shop is a better match for me. This article explains it the best


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GW2 is a clone of WoW with a GW skin. Will you get bored of that as well after a few months? Sure it'll probably save you 15-30 bucks when you do.


Well I played Guild Wars 2 enough to know that Guild Wars 2 is very far from being a WoW clone. Calling GW2 a clone of WoW would be like calling a human a clone of a chimpanzee, yeah there are some similarities, but the differences are great. The differences between SWTOR and WoW are not that far apart.


Anyways, back on topic. SWTOR is the type of game that is set out to be, and if one is having fun and feel the $15 is worth it, then great. SWTOR isn't a bad game, far from it, just not one I am willing to pay $15 a month for at this time.

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Complaining about $15 a month to play this game is a bit sad really. Think about it, $15 gets you access to all content for 30 days. Where else can you make $15 stretch all month long? Really I want to know, because that is 50 cents a day (cheaper I think if you buy more months).


Most working people spend this much before they even get to work ever morning. When I was single and going out I could drop easy $50-100 a night at a bar just fooling around.


My other hobbies are freaking expensive, gaming is not (aside from initial investment in computer). Try snowboarding - top of the line setup might set you back $700 for a board and bindings, which under heavy use might last 1-3 seasons - might. Not to mention boots/gear and near $100 lift tickets!


Or how about some digital music production/djing? Since I stopped playing gigs I cant easily write off all that gear now. You know how much a new set of decks cost these days? Try $699 each for the cheapest Pioneers or $1800 for top of the line. Not to mention mixer, sound, software, additional hardware. Hell I used to pay $12 each for import LPs!


Mountain bike - you dont even want to know.


Wont even go into hobbies like dirtbikes, sailing, racing or flying.


Try putting $15 in your pocket one morning and see how far you get on that during the day. This might get you seeing things from a different perspective.


it comes down to how people value their money. The amount may not matter, it is the value they are getting for the amount they are paying. I have no problem paying $8 for a hamburger from a Steak House, but there would be no way in hell I would pay $8.00 for the 89 cent hamburger from Mcdonalds. It is not the amount that matter when it is a low amount to be paid, but it is the value of what I get that does matter.

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Well I played Guild Wars 2 enough to know that Guild Wars 2 is very far from being a WoW clone. Calling GW2 a clone of WoW would be like calling a human a clone of a chimpanzee, yeah there are some similarities, but the differences are great. The differences between SWTOR and WoW are not that far apart.


Anyways, back on topic. SWTOR is the type of game that is set out to be, and if one is having fun and feel the $15 is worth it, then great. SWTOR isn't a bad game, far from it, just not one I am willing to pay $15 a month for at this time.


Not really. Do you quest? Check. Do you gain abilities? Check. Do you get a choice on specialization? Check. Do you have spells, swords, guns? Check. Do you do stuff in group from time to time? Check. Every MMO or group game follows the same checklist. They just have a different twist.

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it comes down to how people value their money. The amount may not matter, it is the value they are getting for the amount they are paying. I have no problem paying $8 for a hamburger from a Steak House, but there would be no way in hell I would pay $8.00 for the 89 cent hamburger from Mcdonalds. It is not the amount that matter when it is a low amount to be paid, but it is the value of what I get that does matter.


I can see your point of view there, but honestly SWTOR is no McDonalds of the MMO world. Its more like the Chipotle Grill lol. If quality over quantity is your thing then I would think SWTOR is exactly where you want to be. If not that's cool, I guess you could always go play that other Star Wars MMO.

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I can see your point of view there, but honestly SWTOR is no McDonalds of the MMO world. Its more like the Chipotle Grill lol. If quality over quantity is your thing then I would think SWTOR is exactly where you want to be. If not that's cool, I guess you could always go play that other Star Wars MMO.


Don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying that SWTOR was the Mcdonalds of the MMOs.

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While I do think that the $15 is for "keeping things running", I do find that there is not a lot to do...

6 sets of dailys done, level a alt for a couple of hours, do a FP (if your lucky) and a OP "maybe" twice a week (which has been cleared, is on farm AND if your lucky!)... It's a snoozefest! (Yes, I play a lot. Yes, I have no life.).

Game over, man! :o

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Not really. Do you quest? Check. Do you gain abilities? Check. Do you get a choice on specialization? Check. Do you have spells, swords, guns? Check. Do you do stuff in group from time to time? Check. Every MMO or group game follows the same checklist. They just have a different twist.


Does the human have hair? Check. Does it have fingers? Check Does it have eyes, ears, mouth, and nose? Check It is a mamal? Check Therefore Human must be a clone of a Chimpanzee?


But you are right, they have different twists, and the twist that GW2 has over SWTOR and WoW is huge, like the differences between a human and a Chimpanzee. The differences between SWTOR and WoW is like the differences between a Bull Terrier and a Border Terrier dogs

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If anyone has played Shaiya they would know F2P is a bad idea. The areas are over packed with players almost literally standing in line to finish quests. Players waiting for hours with others in dungeons to kill a boss that spawns every 3 to 6 hours. Even going out in the middle of no where to find a nice private spot to grind on some non quest mobs. Sooner or later someone shows up to take over the spot. SImple fact is the areas were made too small to handle the influx of freebie players and this is exactly what would happen to SWTOR. That is only one example of why F2P is a bad idea. Between that and people that kill steal in general areas. It becomes annoying to even want to play. One thing if people accidently go after the same mob. However I have had player groups run by and kill my mobs while I am doing it myself. And not for the XP or loot, just to do it to be AHoles and keep going. I love SWTOR so far and do not want to see them streamline or dumbdown anything about it. I would rather them add to the game and I do not mind paying $15 a month to keep it this way.
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So the devs have said that our $15 a month gets us content however the speed at which they release said content takes too long. Looking at it in a mathematical standpoint, 1.1 released a month shortly after the release of the game and that was basically "free" since people had a free month. However, 1.2 came out THREE months later at a low price of basically $45. Now we have 1.3 coming at a another THREE short months. Do you guys feel like you are getting jacked by Bioware for paying $45 dollars for content patches?


Of course people are arguing just play every single class possible thats a load of content. But that content came from the purchase of the original $60 we paid for the game so in turn we pay $15 a month for NEW content.


You should stay clear away from other MMOs then because they all have much longer development cycles than SWTOR. WoW, for example, has in its history gone for more than a year without releasing new endgame content and this has happened several times throughout it's lifespan. Currently, WoW players have been stuck with only "The Dragon Soul" for 8 months, longer than SWTOR has even been out.


The sheer speed that SWTOR has been releasing updates is amazing feat to say the least.


This guy said it best:


Content is one of the things these guys are doing right, if you're complaining about the rate of content in this game then you must be new to MMO's.


In WoW if you get content twice a year then it's big news. I wont even talk about rift or older games like swg/eq.


Welcome to MMO's you pay $15 to play, that's how it works and you knew this before you bought the game.

Edited by Jenzali
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So the devs have said that our $15 a month gets us content however the speed at which they release said content takes too long. Looking at it in a mathematical standpoint, 1.1 released a month shortly after the release of the game and that was basically "free" since people had a free month. However, 1.2 came out THREE months later at a low price of basically $45. Now we have 1.3 coming at a another THREE short months. Do you guys feel like you are getting jacked by Bioware for paying $45 dollars for content patches?


Of course people are arguing just play every single class possible thats a load of content. But that content came from the purchase of the original $60 we paid for the game so in turn we pay $15 a month for NEW content.


If you don't feel like the product is worth it, quit. I don't feel jacked. I wouldn't because I would just leave if I wasn't happy with the game.

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Your $15 per month gets you access to the game servers and the content they contain.

That's it.


What BW does with that money is up to them.

Yes, some of it will be used to develop and deploy new content periodically.

And a lot of it goes to just operating the company and the game itself. Salaries, taxes, rent on facilities, utilities, maintenance of the game servers, recoupment of the initial investment of getting this game out in the first place, etc.


Bottom line... just like any other paid consumer service, if you feel what you get is worth the price you pay, then OK. If not, then stop paying it.


+1 ... saved me from typing it out :)

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Honestly, paying the fee is something each person kind of has to justify to themselves. Some people have finished with the content they once enjoyed, so paying may not make any sense at this point. On the other hand, people like me who only play a few hours a day still have tons of stuff they want to do.


If you still love the game, keep paying. If you're done with everything you once enjoyed, take a break for a while. Nothing wrong with that.

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But this game.... IS FREAKIN' AWESOME!!! I'd say it's justified. And if you think about it, this game is so good that it can't be cheap to make new stuff. I think the fifteen a month could be barely enough to make the new content, considering the kick-butt graphics and game play. Edited by Mardalador
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I pay my $15/month to escape from RL and have fun playing a Jedi or Sith. So far I am still having a ton of fun. The recent Server Transfers actually increased the fun factor. So I'm happy to keep paying my $15.


As far as content goes, I would like to see another 3-5 WZs and some meaningful OPvP. But that's just a preference thing.

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I'm certainly a bit confused as to why it takes so long to create new operations and warzone content. It's my understanding that the bottleneck is the artwork. I can certainly understand how that takes some time. But at the same time, we have a few dozen planets, flashpoints, and raid operations already, and it sure didn't take 6 months a piece for all of them or we would still be waiting on this game.


I think the problem is simply that the people at the corporate level just don't care. They think six months to a year is what people expect in an MMO content cycle, as it is what has been done previously, and refuse to spend a dime more. They could instead spend the little extra dough on more content, and advertising their product, and force the other companies to compete with such a design. That entails some level of risk, one no one at Activision, EA, or Sony is going to take.

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