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I'd like to add another frustrating bug with the trooper - Mortar volley obviously has a minimum range and the target reticule turns grey when it is too close, but even if you click when it is blue it doesn't fire because it is too close, so you have to move it even further away.


Also what is up with the target reticule for mortar volley?! It's tiny compared to the AoE making it almost impossible to use when a mob is CC'd because there's a huge chance that mob will get hit in the AoE, I'm amazing so usually I can predict about right but this is just frustrating to be honest, FIX FIX FIX.

Edited by pezit
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Posting as a Commando in pretty much full Champ gear. Mortar won't ever hit anything for more one tick because people have brains and run out of the circle. But DFA will get at least 2 ticks even if you react the instant it's casted. The animation to "fire" NEEDS to be faster.


Also, Full Auto being pushed back is the most annoying thing ever. It would be fine if BHs were pushed too, but they're not.

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Also how full auto will sometimes trigger but do nothing.


Happens to Unload too.


Also, Full Auto being pushed back is the most annoying thing ever. It would be fine if BHs were pushed too, but they're not.


Im BH tank and im suffering from pushbacks all the time when using Unload/Flamethrower. Most of the time Im getting only 2 ticks from Unload while tanking.


You should also remove ability queue cos that messes with channeling spells, default is on.

Edited by pheuno
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Yep, both need fixed badly. Also how full auto will sometimes trigger but do nothing.


THIS. And it gets to me in PvP how if i fire mortar volley and a enemy walk into in while firing they take no damage what so ever.They have to stand there from the start to actually take damage.

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i find it kinda odd that the inquisters channeled abilities work perfectly in its context . ie force lightning , yet our abilities look brocken , maybe just not enough developer time invested into trooper ? .i would take more shots at lesser damage per shot just for it to look smooth
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-Two separate classes. Trying to say that abilities from different classes should be the exact same because they look/name similar is foolish. You have no idea of what balancing issues BW had in mind for how these abilities work. The class is more than just the sum of one/two abilities.


-Read what I said, there is a difference between "channeled" and "concentrated." Full Auto is a concentrated spell.




What abilities do Troopers get that are better than the BH version? If there are none, it is a balance problem.

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first off mortar volley is only used on stationary mobs or as an opener..if your using it beynd that...perhaps u just dont know what your doing?....its a powerful atk..its not your bread and butter move..hence the long CD...seriously...plan out your atk better perhaps?, I use MV all the time to start an atk on mobs of 3 or more..and in pvp i use it once i see a sith channel..anything ^_^, learn your class folks..crying wont fix something thats not broken
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first off mortar volley is only used on stationary mobs or as an opener..if your using it beynd that...perhaps u just dont know what your doing?....its a powerful atk..its not your bread and butter move..hence the long CD...seriously...plan out your atk better perhaps?, I use MV all the time to start an atk on mobs of 3 or more..and in pvp i use it once i see a sith channel..anything ^_^, learn your class folks..crying wont fix something thats not broken


Intentionally thick? DFA guarantees two ticks of damage if you place the circle directly on someone without sprint. Mortar gives one tick at best. You've also never heard of lead targeting it seems.

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Posting as a Commando in pretty much full Champ gear. Mortar won't ever hit anything for more one tick because people have brains and run out of the circle. But DFA will get at least 2 ticks even if you react the instant it's casted. The animation to "fire" NEEDS to be faster.


Also, Full Auto being pushed back is the most annoying thing ever. It would be fine if BHs were pushed too, but they're not.


Seconded. Exactly this. Mortar and Full auto need to be addressed. It's a much bigger issue for PvP, I think the person above was talking about PvE.

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first off mortar volley is only used on stationary mobs or as an opener..if your using it beynd that...perhaps u just dont know what your doing?....its a powerful atk..its not your bread and butter move..hence the long CD...seriously...plan out your atk better perhaps?, I use MV all the time to start an atk on mobs of 3 or more..and in pvp i use it once i see a sith channel..anything ^_^, learn your class folks..crying wont fix something thats not broken




These abilities worked perfectly during my time in Beta, until the 11/17 build, when they screwed it up, and they haven't fixed it yet, even with the 1.01 patch.

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If you're playing a story game designed for casual enjoyment by solely PVP'ing, you're doing it wrong.


If you're telling people how they should be playing an mmo, you're doing it wrong, especially with the rewards from pvp.


Anyways, be back later, busy harpooning that sith into a pool of acid.

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How does this have 17 pages? It's entirely wrong.



As someone who played a mercenary in beta, both of those problems exist for mercenaries as well. The reason that Mortar Volley has a delay on it is ACTUALLY TO MAKE THE CLASSES EVEN, as Bounty Hunters have a 2 second animation where they launch their jetpack into the air before the damage begins. Unload, the Bounty hunter equivalent, also loses a tick if you are attacked, just like every other channeled spell in the game.

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Regardless on "what you've played" and your opinion on what constitutes a channeled spell there is a talent called STEADIED AIM that "reduces pushback by 75% for the ability Full Auto.... Despite spening 3 points into this talent Full Auto has a 100% chance to be interrupted while taking damage thus removing the 3rd tick on the attack.


Therefore regardless of your opinion this 3 point talent is clearly bugged. Full Auto needs to be fixed or the tooltip needs to be reworked...

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I'm not going to say I don't want tweaking on the trooper since it's my class of choice, however I think homogenizing for the reason "This guy can do this so I want to as well" is taking things too far. That's how WoW got into the situation it's in, every class the same now.
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Each sides classes are the same beside a few different animations/tooltips. In this case one side got an updated version while the other side was forgotten. I don't get it how you "cast" or "channel" something using a rifle to begin with. It's not like you're focusing on casting a spell. It's their game design and they can do whatever they want, if it makes any sense or not that can be debated.
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I just wish team mates would stand still when I use it. That sith warrior beating on you has 2 choices. Keep fighting you and take the mortar volley or stop fighting you and move away (thus you're the only one attacking). For the love of god, stop running around like chickens with your head cut off. If you see a friendly target thingy... stay still so it can hit the guy attacking you.
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A lot of misinformation in the earlier pages of this thread. Full Auto and Mortar Volley function differently.


Full Auto suffers pushback during its channeling which can cause one or more of its hits (out of three) to not fire. It's not an ability you want to use if anything is actively attacking you. The BH version works the same way.


Mortar Volley does not suffer pushback from anything. It will always fire its three shots unless you are completely interrupted. The BH version works the same way.


The only difference between the BH and Trooper versions of these abilities is that the Troopers have a longer wind-up before their abilities do anything. BHs start firing missiles about half a second after triggering the ability, while a Trooper doesn't fire the first shot of Mortar Volley until about 1.6 seconds in.


That's all.

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Regardless on "what you've played" and your opinion on what constitutes a channeled spell there is a talent called STEADIED AIM that "reduces pushback by 75% for the ability Full Auto.... Despite spening 3 points into this talent Full Auto has a 100% chance to be interrupted while taking damage thus removing the 3rd tick on the attack.


Therefore regardless of your opinion this 3 point talent is clearly bugged. Full Auto needs to be fixed or the tooltip needs to be reworked...


This happens to every channeled spell. Not just full auto.

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