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10 Good
  1. Well they got multiple heals with cooldown and 1 spammable. Try to interrupt spammable one and hope other heals is on cooldown.
  2. Well I used macros in UO and in DAOC. Do you think WoW invented those No, community asked those like they asked few years dual-specs. Mouseover/focus macros helps healers to control 3+ targets 10sec faster than selecting targets. Its not easy mode to control so many targets but good players can.
  3. I dont know what you mean with old school players but in UO we used another program that allowed us to "macro" skills together and that was atleast 10 years ago. You can now macro skills together with macro keyboards/mices but I want only focus/mouseover macros.
  4. I love those 1% dmg reduction for 1 talent point and as a tank you have to take 4 of those
  5. Shouldnt it hit even more than tooltip says cos boost from stats. Tooltips usually dont scale with stats just tells that rank damage.
  6. Happens to Unload too. Im BH tank and im suffering from pushbacks all the time when using Unload/Flamethrower. Most of the time Im getting only 2 ticks from Unload while tanking. You should also remove ability queue cos that messes with channeling spells, default is on.
  7. Did this all last night and no problems. My companion kills all bugging mobs cos seems that she dont have problems to shoot through walls/ground.
  8. Well if you are lucky and dont get pushbacks.
  9. Nice guide, I really like it but got one question: Why would you use Flame Thrower in aoe rotation instead of Flame Sweep which get boosted from talents?
  10. I agree, I hope general spam gets as high as it was in WoW before lfg tool(atleast in my server). There you got 0.1sec time to read lfg writing before it was gone and you had to scroll up. Maybe then people will realise that flashpoint finder is needed.
  11. Im not against LFG tool cos if general spam gets as high as it was in WoW before lfg tool, then its needed. There you got 0.1sec time to read LFG writing before it was gone and you had to scroll up. Well atleast in my server.
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