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The problem with these two abilities is their cast times. The Trooper spends so much time going through a casting animation instead of actually using the abilities whereas the Bounty Hunter does not.


For example, Mortar Volley is supposed to launch three shells over three seconds. Instead, the Trooper spends the first two seconds going through an animation and the final second launching two shells. The third shell launches after the channel time has already expired. The Bounty Hunter does not have this problem, so obviously he has an advantage especially in PvP because enemies have an additional 2-3 seconds to move from Mortar Volley as opposed to Death from Above.


In addition, Full Auto will only deal damage twice (as opposed to three times) if the Trooper suffers from pushback. This would be fine except the Bounty Hunter's Unload is not vulnerable to pushback and will always deal its full damage. Full Auto must also be channeled for at least 1.4 seconds before it begins doing any damage, whilst Unload must only be channeled for at least .8 seconds.


The following video demonstrates these imbalances:




This should be addressed because the Bounty Hunter and Trooper are supposed to be mirrored and on even ground. The way it is now, the Bounty Hunter is simply better than the Trooper. BioWare, please take note and consider fixing these problems.


Thank you,




I dont know if you played SWG, but, back in SWG, the BH was also the best of these two, i dont know if this has something to do with it.


Btw, your movie link isnt working now..

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Actually the BH and Trooper are not mirrored. The only ones technically mirrored are the warrior/knight and inquisitor/consular. The other 4 are more of an amalgation of mixed abilities that kind of each take from the non similar class. IE. blasters being shared between Bounty Hunters and Smugglers. While medium armor is shared between Smugglers and Agents. Alternatively rifles are shared between Agents and Troopers. So while the Hunter and Trooper are meant to be either tank/healer or DPS they aren't just blindly mirrored.


Anyways my over arching point is you just have to use the abilities you have to the best possibility they can be used


They're still mirrored regardless of different weapons assigned to them.


Vanguard = Powertech

Commando = Mercenery

Gunslinger = Sniper

Scounderal = Operative

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They're still mirrored regardless of different weapons assigned to them.


Vanguard = Powertech

Commando = Mercenery

Gunslinger = Sniper

Scounderal = Operative


It's. It just the weapons as I already pointed out and said.

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I'm not sure what you're complaining about exactly, as I've noticed that several of my abilities do damage before the animation goes off, and in several cases I'm clipping animations with abilities, but still doing attacks. My mortar volley and full auto both do damage before I see any on scren. Yeah it's a little weird, but it's whatever. Also, you mention bounty hunters not suffering push back on their version of full auto? That doesn't seem right, as every time I pvp a bounty hunter and they use it, they only seem to get 2 hits. Maybe you're watching your animations too closely as many of the attacks do damage way before the animation is complete.
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-Two separate classes. Trying to say that abilities from different classes should be the exact same because they look/name similar is foolish. You have no idea of what balancing issues BW had in mind for how these abilities work. The class is more than just the sum of one/two abilities.


-Read what I said, there is a difference between "channeled" and "concentrated." Full Auto is a concentrated spell.


I play trooper and my brother plays the BH and they are not two different classes, they are IDENTICAL just with diff named skills and different animations every skill however is an exact copy from side to side for the most part

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Someone complaining about mortar strike :rolleyes:


Mortar Strike is a powerful ability that is on a relatively short cool down. It is strategic and meant to be used at an opportune time when mobs are bunched up and NOT moving. Learn to use it properly.


I know, i just about spit out my coffee in laughter. Actually complaining about this amazing ability.


It also works great in pvp if you use it properly, hutball is made for Mortar Strike!!

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I got trouble too with Full Auto. It hits only 2 times most of the time because of the pushback while there is no such problems with Unload. Dont know if the pushback was intended at the beginning but the trooper should feel the same as the bounty hunter.


Mortar Strike needs better synchronization to be on par with Death from above.


Im playing all classes because I like to see all their stories but I cant stand to advance my Trooper because of it feeling so sluggish compared to my Bounty Hunter.

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