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Resuscribers thread: Tell us a few things


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I unsubbed about a month ago, although I still had the free play time, and resubbed today. The server merges and the features in 1.3 are enough to keep me happy for awhile. I am still hoping open world PvP will get a focus at some point.


So techincally my sub never ended, but I had full intention to quite and told BioWare exactly why I was leaving if things didn't turn around.


For the first time in months the game feels alive again. Very happy right now.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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After about 2 months of off time, I felt the itch to come back. I definitely notice the subtle changes they've made and the gameplay is as fun as ever. I actually got 3 other friends to resub as well and now we're all on The Fatman having a blast. This game is just astoundingly fun and after trying our a lot of the other nonWOW mmo's out there in my off time, this one really shines through as the most solid experience available.
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After about 2 months of off time, I felt the itch to come back. I definitely notice the subtle changes they've made and the gameplay is as fun as ever. I actually got 3 other friends to resub as well and now we're all on The Fatman having a blast. This game is just astoundingly fun and after trying our a lot of the other nonWOW mmo's out there in my off time, this one really shines through as the most solid experience available.


All my friends quit back in 1.1.


I kept playing.


They were confused.


I convinced 1 of them to try the game in its current state.


Now 7 of them have resubbed.

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After about 2 months of off time, I felt the itch to come back. I definitely notice the subtle changes they've made and the gameplay is as fun as ever. I actually got 3 other friends to resub as well and now we're all on The Fatman having a blast. This game is just astoundingly fun and after trying our a lot of the other nonWOW mmo's out there in my off time, this one really shines through as the most solid experience available.


Beta tested a much soon to be hyped game also made me come back and now I realize the polish of this game...

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Beta tested a much soon to be hyped game also made me come back and now I realize the polish of this game...


I am -not- trying to derail, because I would honestly like to know- can you give some examples? Maybe my jaded heart has missed something.

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To those like me who left Swtor only to return months later, what are some of the reasons for you returning to this fun game?


I missed the story and lore. I missed my sorcerer.


Because BW was actually SERIOUS about transfers and voluntary server merges. They have pretty much whittled down the servers to 30. I can actually play the game with others again.


That's why.

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Quit SWTOR to resume playing WoW, WoW is seriously boring now with the last content patch released like 7-8 months ago. Left in the first place because of a dying server with no one to play with. The upcoming LFG tool, server transfers and my boyfriend wanting to play again (he's also super bored with WoW) are what made me resub - for the time being, at least.
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I left due to lack of population. I figured I would give the whole transfer process a try. I figured if they botched the transfer process, I'd just keep my account un-subbed (my account expires today). Well, the transfer process was smooth as glass and after playing a full weekend filled with instant PvP queues and a server with 500-750 on the Fleet during peak times, I have decided that I'll give the game a second chance.


So far so good.

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I never unsubbed, but compared to launch, the game is in a far more polished state, certainly. The amount of bugs I used to encounter was ridiculous. I see a couple here and there still, but nothing that makes me want to turn the game off.


Also, many of the UI changes, the customization still needs a lot of work, but it's far better than it was. The Legacy updates, the talent tree reworkings, the changes to gear/augments, crewskills, graphical/fps fixes; I'd say most of this stuff should have been in at launch, but regardless, if people unsubbed before 1.2, I think they'll find a much more enjoyable, less frustrating game now, and in 1.3 especially.

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Hey everyone,


Quick heads up that we recently remove or edit a couple of posts for being off-topic. If your post was quoting or responding to this content, we may have removed or edited your post as well.


As a friendly reminder, please try and keep the discussion focused on why players have chosen to resubscribe to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Members are welcome to ask for clarification and more details from those who have returned and posted in this thread, as long as it's remains polite and constructive.


Any questions regarding this, or any other moderation policy can be sent to us directly at CommunitySupport@swtor.com.


Thank you, and welcome back!

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My game time runs out tomorrow i think it was, not going to resub. But not because the game is boring(it's an amazing game), but because summer's here!, will be back in august :D Edited by DaDe
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  • 2 months later...

I resubbed for another Three months. I believin' second chances and I hope BioWare delivers this time around, we'll see.


Things I'm looking forward too:

1. The New OPs Terror from Beyond

2. Cash Shop

3. Planet Makeb (Depending when this finally gets released)


Things I would like to see in the future:

1. A real Space Game.

2. Continuing our Class stories

3. Expand more on the current planets. I wanna see each selected regions bigger and more exploration.

4. More Events.

Edited by DuckKing
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I never actually unsubbed, but I did leave for a while to investigate other MMOs ...


The Secret World: found combat kind of clunky, character customization very lacking, a really sucky trade network, and a dismal overall look and feel about the graphics (read: depressing). Also, the crafting system is kind of weird. Enjoyed this game, but not enough to stay with it.


Guild Wars 2: Bought the game from Amazon, then cancelled after doing more research. The animations have too much of a cartoon feel about them ... big turn off for me.


Lord of the Rings Online: Downloaded and played for a day. I'd actually played LoTRO a while back, but got fed up with the navigation system, second-rate animation, and really clunky combat feel. Those things haven't changed and I won't be going back.


WoW: Deleted it from my computer without a second thought. It bored me to death after a month and I'd rather not play any MMO than go back there. The character animations and customizations are very last-generation -- again, a huge turnoff for me.


Tera: Was really amped up to play this one. I subbed, downloaded the basic game, then got to the patch process. There was simply NO WAY I was playing any game that required two days to download the patch -- mind you, I'm running a fully optimized i7 laptop with a current high-end graphics device (all drivers up to date), and I've got the best ISP speed money can buy in my area. Just not giving up two days to download a patch.


Pirates of the Burning Sea: Spent a day waiting for the program to download. Gave up (see above).


So I'm back with SWTOR. For MY temperament and playstyle, it's simply the only thing I want to engage in. I've no need to be the biggest or baddest, and I don't do PvP, so SWTOR works fine for me.


Caviat: I understand that I've criticized some much-beloved games. My decision to not play them is entirely personal and does not reflect upon overall game quality or features.

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