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So sick of hutball


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how the heck to do pass in hutt ball anyway? I know there is an ability, but do you have to click on team mate and click pass?


Ability is in your general tab as soon as you join a huttball game. Hotkey it (put it on your main bar somewhere), because.... you have to activate it then choose the ground (area circle aoe type pass)... you can't just select a teammate and then click pass, you have to choose where you throw it.


Pro tips for huttball, zerg of 8/out-numbered situation players coming at you what do you do?


1. Attempt to run through them toward goal.


2. Try to mow them down rambo style


3. Look for a teammate to pass to as your death is inevitable


4. Get ready to spike ball before you are stunned to death.


Answer is 3 or 4 is acceptable, 1-2 fail miserably (though in this you will still likely get stunned to death before getting pass / spike off, so pass way early).


Stick together get ready to pass super early if need be or spike if need be.

Edited by Rabbican
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1. Attempt to run through them toward goal.


2. Try to mow them down rambo style


3. Look for a teammate to pass to as your death is inevitable


4. Get ready to spike ball before you are stunned to death.


Answer is 3 or 4 is acceptable, 1-2 fail miserably (though in this you will still likely get stunned to death before getting pass / spike off, so pass way early).


Stick together get ready to pass super early if need be or spike if need be.


Honestly, that depends... I've seen it quite a couple of times when I had the ball that we were able to take out the whole enemy team while they tried to kill me (tank stance, protected by another tank and healed by our two healers). They were so focused on me, they've let themselves get torn apart.


And for number one. When I'm on the top walkway, I honestly just kick force speed and purge any stun I might get when running through the last fire point. Works quite often. ;)


But back to the topic:


Depends on the server I guess, because on our server I get huttball about 50% of the time which is about right, considering both sides can be your opponent there. So I think we're evenly balanced. - And huttball is really fun. :D

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People don't like Huttball because most players don't know what they're doing.


Not saying it's their fault, but if you don't know how to play, then leave the zone and go l2p before trying. Don't stick around and make it difficult for the team. You could be great at the other warzones, but if you're oblivious to the fact you can pass the ball, then you're of no use to your team in Huttball -- no use at all.


Things that would help:


  • Help players l2p Huttball by making it more obvious they have a Throw the Huttball ability on their quickslot. Maybe actually make a floating or static button that appears only in-game that players could position how they like.
  • Turn off the NPC chat because when it's spamming the chatbox, you can't communicate or read text in the Ops/Raid channel to new players on what to do.


That said I enjoy Huttball. Every game we win or I score in is when I and others understand that passing is key. When we lost, it's when ball carriers stay solo for more than 30 seconds, or when the majority of team is pretending it's a game of Quake, or think that a heavy amount of PVP is required at first like in WSG (WoW).

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i would like it if:

-it wasn't a cc jamboree on the ball carrier. suck when you're carrying the ball, sucks for your opponents when you're the only one by the ball carrier and you can cc them for a good 8 seconds until your team arrives.


-those pesky double charges had a counter. When you see a knight get the ball, hop to one guy, then to the next one and be 5 feet from crossing the goal line. I get that warriors need the 2 charges due to the cd on the inherent one(non talents).


-the elevation issues and melee. you either have to cc the bajeesus out of the range guy standing up on the ramp and kill him before he moves, or reserve yourself to the fact that they will knock you off.


-the dot from the flame jets should not be cured through purge. all you have to do is put on a damage shield (which isn't really necessary just a smart move) and purge once you get hit and you'll maybe have 1 or 2 ticks of it.



the start time before the game is long enough for a cut scene that shows the course and explains things like throw/powerups/goals. you could even get away with the loading screen providing the info.

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Huttball is the reason I don't queue for pvp. Chaotic nonsense with a limited number of classes having gamebreaking advantages.


Pity, I really enjoyed my one game of Alderaan, but the 2 Huttball games were enough to alt+f4 out and never look back.

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Use to enjoy hutball but lately it's been pretty boring. Premade vs premade hutball is probably the least fun PvP I've ever had. It's literally a sprint, pull, leap, knockback fest. The map is too small to allow these abilities to be used with the hutball.


Hoping the new warzones include a capture the flag map that is similar to WSG from WoW.

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