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RP-PvP "Lord Calypho" - Excluded from Transfers...


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Just my 5c, definitely nothing new.


Ideal world expectations: I can transfer to a server my other toons got transferred to - now that I realised this game can be much more interesting with actual population, I'd rather spend my time there, not on half-dead one.


(Ironically, few months ago my other toons were stuck on *completely* dead server while LC was borderline decent, so there was that incentive to play and level up.)


Real world expectations: No transfers or transfers to server I don't really care about. I don't have to drop sub, but... no reason to play whatsoever. Bioware asked about impact on community - well, if my toon is 100% offline, it might as well be on another server, right?


Surreal expectations:: Custom server transfers, paid service, not exactly great solution... but how about giving a significant discount to LC folks?

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Hi Leute!


Bis jetzt ist eigentlich sogar quasi primär das Forenfeedback beachtet worden. Alle Diskussionen, die wir momentan intern haben, drehen sich um euer Feedback im Forum. Wir nutzen dabei natürlich noch einige andere Metazahlen, also Messungen von Aktivitäten und sicherlich auch Kündigungen. Was die Zahlen angeht, kann ich euch nur sagen, dass das Feedback im Forum wesentlich schwieriger wiegt (wobei ich jetzt nicht damit sage, dass die Population auf eurem Server hoch wäre).


Die Geschwindigkeit hängt dabei auch gerade nicht von der Dauer der Feedbacksammlung ab. Eine Umfrage im Spiel hätte also nicht unbedingt die Sache verkürzt. Auch wenn ich verstehen kann, dass es manchmal etwas schwer nachzuvollziehen ist, warum Dinge dauern können.


Eigentlich eine andere Sache:

Ich möchte gerade Leute von anderen Servern bitten, einen Gang zurückzufahren. Unterstützung ist natürlich im Rahmen okay (damit meine ich kein absichtliches Öl ins Feuer), auch kritische Stimmen zur Situation (von denen es ja auch einige gibt), aber bitte versucht weder durch Solidarität noch Kritik die Sache aus dem Ruder zu bringen. Unser beliebte Bitte um Konstruktivität. Auch, namentlich genannt hier kurz Redeyes, eine gewisse Diskussionsfrequenz hilft der Situation hier gerade nicht weiter.




Hi folks!


Until now, it was even the forum-feedback that was primary considered. All discussions that we have internally take your forum-feedback into account. Of course we use additional meta-counts, for example activity-data and certainly unsubscribtions. According to numbers, I can only tell you, that the forum feedback is taken much more into account (and I do not mean to tell you, that your server-population is high).


The speed [of possible solutions] does definitely not depend on the duration/period of our feedback collection. A poll within the game would not necessarily have shortened the amount of time. Even if I am able to understand, that it’s sometimes quite hard to understand why things require their time.


[(The third paragraph is a request to calm the “discussion” between some of the posting users, since it... well things got a little bit off track.)]

As with the last translation... done by third party and so on... ;)

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Dear Bioware/EA ,


This is second time i start the game... I pay for the game and i pay money to play it. I was going to give a pause to play if you didnt advertise all shiny server xfers feeds at your website... So i decided to give another chance , i pay for your service waiting for xfers (i mostly use 2 months prepaid cards) ... Now my paid days passes for nothing.. In a ghost town i dont feel playing a mmo. I cant believe i trusted you again :(


In business taking someone money with promises and selling ''nothing'' is charlatan business. You are acting like a con man to your customers in Europe that plays in RP/PVP servers . Other vip customers enjoying their healty population meanwhile i have to check that crap forums for information. It is exactly stealing someone money .. Shame on you !! I hope the man in suits, all of responsible ones, use my hard earning money only in hospitals... This is a broken way to do business. You dont have any difference with a pyramid scheme companies that give promises.. Give me promised transfer or server merge... Give me immediatly my service i paid and i deserve !!


Practice what you preach !!

Edited by Pestermite
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i started a conversation about bringing the german to LC. just to get an opinion from there...




And whats their opinions on this so far? Since the only German word I know is "gesundheit"...


Personally, Iam leaning towards this idea. Firstly I only wanted transfers to the PvP server, but bringing together all the EU RP-PvP servers doesn't sound so bad to me. I mean, it's not like we don't have people not speaking english well on our servers now -_- so not really a big difference here. I've also played on multilinguistic servers in other mmo games before, wasn't bad at all.

Edited by Arkadaa
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"Hi folks. Unfortunataly I have bad news for you. We have taken all your feedback into consideration, we discussed many possible solutions, but the harsh reality is, that we cannot offer you transfers at this point.


However it is not all bad news - you will be able to take advantage of the tier 2 transfers, which will allow you to transfer to a server of your choice. Keep in mind however, that said transfers will require a transfer fee. I am also afraid that I cannot specify a timefrime on when we will implement the tier 2 transfers.


We thank you for your patience while we worked on the issue, and we thank you for your continued support.


See you in Star Wars: The Old Republic!"


Something tells me, it's how it is going to end up. :|

Edited by Rogoo
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"Hi folks. Unfortunataly I have bad news for you. We have taken all your feedback into consideration, we discussed many possible solutions, but the harsh reality is, that we cannot offer you transfers at this point.


However it is not all bad news - you will be able to take advantage of the tier 2 transfers, which will allow you to transfer to a server of your choice. Keep in mind however, that said transfers will require a transfer fee. I am also afraid that I cannot specify a timefrime on when we will implement the tier 2 transfers.


We thank you for your patience while we worked on the issue, and we thank you for your continued support.


See you in Star Wars: The Old Republic!"


Something tells me, it's how it is going to end up. :|


You shouldn't quote such things here, there are people who will take it seriously and start a nerd rage. Be reasonable and wait for their final decission.

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You shouldn't quote such things here, there are people who will take it seriously and start a nerd rage. Be reasonable and wait for their final decission.


It's not a quote, it's my prediction. If someone can't understand what they are reading - it is not exactly my problem. :)

Everything they have posted so far indicates that they have NO SOLUTION whatsover, and that they are just stalling us.

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I really want an answer here BioWare, a YES or a NO , a ETA or even an ETA on when you can post something concrete. The silence and the stalling is starting to be beyond ridicilous, we are paying customers and we have been left in the dust on this whole transfer/merger of yours.


Even a manual transfer trough ingame tickets is better than this- form a line and wait, then at least we have something concrete to hold on to.

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I really want an answer here BioWare, a YES or a NO , a ETA or even an ETA on when you can post something concrete. The silence and the stalling is starting to be beyond ridicilous, we are paying customers and we have been left in the dust on this whole transfer/merger of yours.


It's prettty OBVIOUS that Bioware just calculated us as a loss.


- Dev 1: "Ok, we have this transfer policy fleshed out, however we will have to exclude EU RP-PvP servers."

- The Boss: "So no free transfers for them at all ?"

- Dev 2: "We can't transfer them with this policy, they have nowhere to go."

- The Boss: "How many active subs on those three servers ?"

- Dev 1: "4521"

- The Boss: "Ok, that's totally neglible. Proceed with the transfers."


Why else would they implement their shoddy policy ?

Edited by Rogoo
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Pls guys just keep it trooling free and keep it up, as for BW, i would like to hear some vital info asap, as we are still being treated like (and you are still silent like) children ...:/


i am for rp pvp servers merge or be able to choose pvp or rp pve server

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Why can't bioware implement a paid transfer so this drama will stop. Can you believe that telling us about our unique situation? Can those beautiful adjectives will change if the term will be; add more value to our situation by just putting money so the soap opera will have its happy ending. Why are folks letting us walk around the mountain that in the end there will be a paid transfer and this unique situation will just be another lipstick on a pig.
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would love to see you guys on Tomb of Freedon Nadd:csw_falcon:


re rolled here from LC, ye guys are awesome so far. Get this I actually grouped, with people for normal quest. First time I got lots of social points

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re rolled here from LC, ye guys are awesome so far. Get this I actually grouped, with people for normal quest. First time I got lots of social points


this is not helping, pls stop this comments, they are not the core subject....related


its not to where, we need to know IF and WHEN transfers gonna be, then there is question to where...

Edited by paiik
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I am not sure if this has been suggested or not further back in this thread and the previous one but would it not be simpler to duplicate our toons and move them that way.


If they cannot physically move from one server type to another then duplication may be an answer. They do this for the Public Test Server dont they? copy characters across ect? would this not be the same?


I know it would not be as quick as drag & drop to the destination server. ;)


Just a thought...

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Ok, I had a big spoon full of wisdom and came up with the solution, singlehandedly! :cool:


1. Transfer everyone to a PvP server of same language

2. Close the RP-PvP servers

3. Wait for the mega-servers balancing out

4. Open up a new international EU RP-PvP server called "Corosian Phoenix"

5. Allow free transfers from all remaining servers

6. Allow free name change of characters and legacy

7. Profit


This will give everyone the same chance at getting their old and beloved names back and won't make the waiting in exile so hard, as there's really something worth waiting for.


Additionally, a healthy RP-PvP server will attract more customers.

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It appears that PVPers are raising their voice more than RP-PVErs. So, if transfer options is confusing the system, just transfer everyone to ToFN (PVP server). Then, ask the LC folks to open tickets if they want to be transferred to RP server, or PVE server. Edited by Ghostuka
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An idea would be to merge / allow transfers to the US RP PVP server / servers. Of course you arnt in your own time zone for it, but server downtime is the same for all so doesnt really matter, it means you have a good economy and also the US servers normally have alot of people from all other time zones.

One prob is the MS issue, but TBH going from having 30MS to 100MS still isnt that much.

Edited by demonssword
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An idea would be to merge / allow transfers to the US RP PVP server / servers. Of course you arnt in your own time zone for it, but server downtime is the same for all so doesnt really matter, it means you have a good economy and also the US servers normally have alot of people from all other time zones.

One prob is the MS issue, but TBH going from having 30MS to 100MS still isnt that much.


and ops times are very late at night along with the majority of players on those servers to play with/against.

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I wonder why Bioware are not capable to come to a decision or a proposal to present to us? Rapid decisions ought to be reached as part of their everyday work, what is it that is so difficult? That they come up with a policy that was not really well thought out? And now, instead of changing themselves to handle them as ostriches, puts his head the sand and hope it disappears.


After 100 + forum pages, there are not too many options really, to just be quiet and do not even have a reasonable discussion only shows inexperience, and ultimately they become a joke in the gaming industry. Maybe BW had already concluded that they will not change its policy and now only delaying their decision. To be able to squeeze out a few measly dollars from unsuspecting, or hopeful players.


Right now time is running out and their ability to accomplish anything useful runs through your fingers. If so, let us know so that we can all move forward, starting on a new server or to stop playing whichever is most attractive to everyone.


Asia Pacific servers have a very similar problem, and it's not just RP-PVP, but all three need to be addressed. Maybe it feels a little more in their pockets, forcing BW to react.

Edited by Jerro
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