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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

40 minute queue for Tomb of Freedon Nadd


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You say it's ok and it's part of MMO but still... you have options to join high populated server and wait one hour in a queue or join light populated server and wait one hour for WZ. That is wrong. I still belive it will be resolved somehow.
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Let's face it, QQ or not, queue's are bloody annoying no matter where they are. Can anyone yet confirm a number on the server capacity? Seems like 3k to me, just a wild guess though,


i guess bioware should have done what people suggested and rasied the caps on friday.. hmm guess bioware should actually pay a bit of attention..


the cap should be around 5k or so min

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Yep I'm loving the 30min wait when it's ops night for my guild and half of us are stuck in this que, I hope this isn't gonna happen every time we doit:(


welcome to the fix lol they just went from under pop servers to loading all into 1 overpop server < such a good idea

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i guess bioware should have done what people suggested and rasied the caps on friday.. hmm guess bioware should actually pay a bit of attention..


the cap should be around 5k or so min


I'm guessing since they haven't raised the caps yet, they aren't capable or aren't ready yet. Takes time bud.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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Same! I'm just watching a movie at the moment, but its so funny seeing people whine about it


i was expecting to come into this thread and see a complaint about this xD


as funny as it sounds. I agree, queue times are great. I know that some people could get very mad about it if they only have X amount of time to play per day. but at least coming from how the server populations were. this is infinitely better :D

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Same! I'm just watching a movie at the moment, but its so funny seeing people whine about it

Some people can have half or all of their time to play waiting for a queue with that kind of length; people are complaining because just maybe they enjoy the game a lot but are pressed for time.


It's not like they're all inconsiderate idiots or something, jeez.


Edit: Though I am very happy that we have enough population on destination servers to have queues -- much better than what it was like before, where Lord Adraas was the first or secondmost highest population RPPVE server in the world[ but still had a pretty small player population.

Edited by Flyceratops
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id rather be in a 40 minutes queue than a dead realm just saying. totally worth it , and mabye they will upgrade some servers in the future nobody knows :) , meanwhile just go make some food and watch Tv or a movie on youtube for 3 0minutes lets not make this a huge problem like World of Warcraft the realm outland did those scrubs there :)
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Some people can have half or all of their time to play waiting for a queue with that kind of length; people are complaining because just maybe they enjoy the game a lot but are pressed for time.



Maybe those people should go get a console and play a game suited to their lifestyle... you know, one with a pause button and all. MMOs are time sinks. It is just the way it is. Queues are a sign of vitality.

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Beats 40 people on fleet...


Not really. While empty servers are bad, you'd think that bioware would manage the merges a little more carefully. With server queues and lagging raids, I'd personally take a low population server where I can have a relatively smooth experience to a full one that is unplayable.

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Not really. While empty servers are bad, you'd think that bioware would manage the merges a little more carefully. With server queues and lagging raids, I'd personally take a low population server where I can have a relatively smooth experience to a full one that is unplayable.


As someone still stuck on a "40 people on fleet at primetime" server I'll respectfully disagree. I'd rather wait at the logins screen and then play during my playtime than spend majority of the time logged in waiting for a chance to play some content.


When the initial novelty of playing on a buisly server subsides again ques will go down. It's not exactly likely pvp and fp posp will get more often for me tho heh.

Edited by aeterno
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