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The class you hate to see the most on your team


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To the people earlier complaining about lethality operatives, you obviously have never seen a good one. A lethality operative is EXTREMELY mobile, has arguably the biggest bag of utilities in the game, unquestionably the best AOE, and what he lacks in front loaded burst he makes up for in backloaded cull chains. They also have the distinct advantage of being a hipster class. Almost nobody plays as them so most people don't have any experiance fighting them. The usual stun/kite that shuts down concealment OP's it utterly ineffective and most people don't remmember to clense. I can rake in 300k damage 100k healing, 20-30 kills with 0-2 deaths in a "balanced" warzone. I don't have a single piece of warhero armor and I don't use stims of any sort.

Lethality is a utility class that will rip you a new one if you let them, and they are so frustratingly annoying to chace down and kill that they can slip away from almost any situation, heal from almost dead to full in 6 seconds, and be back for more. (I'm assuming an 8 point offspec into healing for longer TA's and better heals while having a TA).


About a week ago I decided to spec out of concealment and try out lethality. First ever warzone in the spec was a huttball, I did 550k dmg, 35kbs, and about 70 kills. Still thought it was trash compared to concealment, still specced back into concealment. Moral of this story is that while lethality may be able to do a lot of damage it just doesn't have the killing power of other specs/classes.


They also have no where close to the best aoe, that title very firmly belongs to a sab/leth sniper hybrid.

Edited by Zepidel
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Mr. or Mrs. 12kHP. Even healers can burst them down in 6-8 seconds.


This. Honestly this is the only thing that even kinda matters. It doesn't matter what your class is as long as you have gear and now how to play. While there are underpowered classes, none of them are underpowered to the point of being a significant burden to their team. That said, it does annoy me when there's another sorc healer because their bubble lockout messes with my emergency rotation.

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I think this whole thread is unnecessarily negative and critical. You are supposed to be part of a team. You don't hate people on your own team! Face palm.


Except that 9/10 times, it's your own team that is losing you the match, not the enemy.


At least that's definitely how it is on Ajunta Pall / Jung Ma. : P

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Honestly, I get a sad face when I see mercs on my team. Why? They're heals aren't the great, they depend on others to get their dps, and they can't hold their own in any 1 v 1. Them having to rely on others to get their dps is fail, and them being probably the worse 1 v 1 class means they need babysitters with them at key points on maps. You can't depend on to gaurd a target due to them having little survivability. Too bad it will take Bioware about a year before they come around and actually make any viable changes to the class.


On the other hand, I love seeing muraders and assasins on my team.


I could disagree for a few reasons...


personally I can't say anything about a class but there are certain people I see on my server that give me said sad face. The class can be as good and as useful as the player allows.


I have a merc healer in my guild that pretty much always has top heals when he specs for it. Most of the time I hate seeing marauders and assassins on my team because most of them are not good at their class and are simply FOTM rolls.


Anyways... this is just reminding me of one of the many nerf this.... buff that threads but from what I've seen in my experience is any class can be extremely useful and strong when in the right hands. There are a few that I once thought were under powered until I saw certain players dominate with them and then it drew me to one conclusion.


It's not that anything needs a buff other than the character between the keyboard and chair. :rolleyes:

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Let me cite a few examples. There's always this class that pulls a target off me or uses force push to try to steal the kb, but then prevents that person from dying.


There are certain classes that never target the guy I'm on who's at 10%, instead would rather start whacking on the tank at 85% next to him.


There are classes that spam aoe right after I aoe mez 4 people.


Seriously, whoever designed these classes to do things so unproductive is out of their mind. I mean think about it, they even gave them USEFUL tools so that they could contribute positively if they wanted to, yet they don't. Horrible design.


Sorry, troll over. I love every class.

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Any class that could heal in a warzone, yet don't; then whine about not getting healed.


But overall, don't like seeing snipers in a WZ.


A ranged DPS sniper/gunslinger is an asset. The class is an excellent guard of AOE healers. They have the best under 30% health burst dmg. They guard objectives fairly well with cc-immunity skills and a lot of CC.


They suck against maurders. At range unmolested the sniper/gs can really hurt a team. They struggle to kite.


More than 1 is trouble.

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:sy_bountyhunter: Huntards


Not bounty hunters in general.. I mean the "special" BH's I always seem to get grouped with..


They tend to:


1) Use their jet burst to push enemies past hazards/ to goal line in Huttball.

2) Pull enemies towards an objective instead of getting them away.

3) Heal their buddy instead of the guy attempting to do the objective (such as carrying the ball or capping a point).

4) Either attempt to 1v1 far away from objectives OR try to help someone fight away from objectives.

5) Stand on ledges to Pew Pew at a Jugg/Guardian who is carrying the ball.

6) The combination of 1 and 5 where the Jugg charges up, then BH panics and hits jet burst to knock Jugg into the goal.

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Snipers! Buff them plz!


But seriously, just people with low expertise AND crap PVE gear.



To the people earlier complaining about lethality operatives, you obviously have never seen a good one. A lethality operative is EXTREMELY mobile, has arguably the biggest bag of utilities in the game, unquestionably the best AOE, and what he lacks in front loaded burst he makes up for in backloaded cull chains. They also have the distinct advantage of being a hipster class. Almost nobody plays as them so most people don't have any experiance fighting them. The usual stun/kite that shuts down concealment OP's it utterly ineffective and most people don't remmember to clense. I can rake in 300k damage 100k healing, 20-30 kills with 0-2 deaths in a "balanced" warzone. I don't have a single piece of warhero armor and I don't use stims of any sort.

Lethality is a utility class that will rip you a new one if you let them, and they are so frustratingly annoying to chace down and kill that they can slip away from almost any situation, heal from almost dead to full in 6 seconds, and be back for more. (I'm assuming an 8 point offspec into healing for longer TA's and better heals while having a TA).


I agree and think that playstyle is quite fun (jack of all trades kind of thing).


I had a Leth OP on my old server before I moved a few months back and I didn't do THAT bad in spite of having crap gear ( I was new to PVP after patch 1.2 and didn't know about recruit, so I was one of those n00bs with 0 expertise AND crap PVE gear). I moved shortly after that and rolled a sniper but I still want to go back to Leth Op and give it another shot w/ gear.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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