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Player Housing and Cities Planet


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Please add a new planet where players can build cities and houses. Don't do paths, make all the expanse on the planet available. Allow customization so players can become more a part of the game. the planet should have multiple regions types ... snow, beach, mountains... My wife and I played SWG for the entire length of the game because of this feature. We PVP, we ran a city, we did all the parts of the game but in the end, having houses and such made the game longevity.
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Please add a new planet where players can build cities and houses. Don't do paths, make all the expanse on the planet available. Allow customization so players can become more a part of the game. the planet should have multiple regions types ... snow, beach, mountains... My wife and I played SWG for the entire length of the game because of this feature. We PVP, we ran a city, we did all the parts of the game but in the end, having houses and such made the game longevity.


I fully support this idea. More SWG features added to this game would be awesome.

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I agree with the OP. We played SWG for years had many many home filled with all the stuff we had hunted down. And if you do add homes and citys I think you would see more couples like us playing.

At least tell us if you plan to add these later down the road.

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what for?


no seriously, i never been in an mmo with housing, can't imagine what it is like. most of the time, i log in and out from the fleet, seems like a reasonable place to start and end today's adventure.


what would push me to visit my owned home?


i used to owned home in rpg (skyrim, fallout) but i end up rarely visiting them. only advantage was to store equipment or ingredient. but on swtor we have the cargo bay accessible from fleet, ship, and every planet.


i truly want to know what player that have had housing in mmo find a good use for?

could the ship also be a housing?

Edited by Vankris
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I love the enthusiasm people had for SWG. I do. That said, this is a different game. Just because something was good in an old game does not make it good here. SWG was a sandbox, and had an entirely different style of play. The housing and crafting elements fit that style. This game, for better or worse, is not a sandbox. And as many other games have shown, many sandbox features do not fit with this style of game. I have nothing against sandboxes in general and SWG specifically. I enjoyed it in it's time, like many. But this game is not SWG. It is SW:TOR. Let it be it's own game, instead of a re-hash of another title.


I personally would prefer options more in line with the character of this game. As our ships are supposed to be our "home base" I would love to be able to customize my ship. Even if it's just paint, furniture, equipment, and maybe some trophies on the wall. I think it would fit nicely. It may not be exactly what you had in another MMO, but isn't that kind of the point, being that this is a different game?

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Not really. I didn't change games to get a different game. I was forced to change games because they shut mine down. I'm the type of player who doesn't game jump to get a different game. I pick a game and stay with it for a long period of time.


I'm not asking to change all the planets or even the game. I'm all for the game like it is on the planets that exist or even with expansions. All I'm saying is give those of us who enjoyed that part of SWG one planet for our homes and cities. I can't imagine it would harm the game at all since it doesn't change the planets that exist, PVP, or anything.


Don't force everyone to play a specific way. It won't work for the long haul. If a player can't play their game, they won't play long term. I'm pretty sure thats what Bioware wants is long term players.


My wife and I played it like it was another place to live. There was so much space that after 8 years we still hadn't seen half of what was really available land wise. I'll have been everywhere in this game by the end of year 1.

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During it's Alpha stages one of the plans was to allow Coruscant and Dromund Kaas to have apartments where we could live when not in our starships. They would be instanced of course, but that was just a concept. In the end, we live in our ships. Hense the beds.
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what for?


no seriously, i never been in an mmo with housing, can't imagine what it is like. most of the time, i log in and out from the fleet, seems like a reasonable place to start and end today's adventure.


what would push me to visit my owned home?


i used to owned home in rpg (skyrim, fallout) but i end up rarely visiting them. only advantage was to store equipment or ingredient. but on swtor we have the cargo bay accessible from fleet, ship, and every planet.


i truly want to know what player that have had housing in mmo find a good use for?

could the ship also be a housing?


My wife liked to decorate the houses. we collected things. We played a bit of everything but having our own home made us feel more immersed in the game. We collected and PVP'd multiple times a week for 8+ years.


It gave us a place to display what we had earned during the game. Similar to real life and the homes we buy and decorate. Don't get me wrong, PVP and the toughest character is still the name of the game for me but I do miss the owning of homes and the expanse of the planets for exploring and such. Without that, we will get board when we have seen everything. And trust me, they can't keep up with us if they don't give us life like things to do.


Again, not trying to change your game, just want a planet so we can have our type of game.

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During it's Alpha stages one of the plans was to allow Coruscant and Dromund Kaas to have apartments where we could live when not in our starships. They would be instanced of course, but that was just a concept. In the end, we live in our ships. Hense the beds.


I would love to have an apartment on Dromund Kaas. :D

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I vote for BOTH.


I want to personalize my ship, and have a house. Of course, the house would have its own spaceport / garage for my ship, in a big bay full of droids to help me tinker with it.


You know what would be really cool? Sure, different planets and such for variation of settings, but if each character class had a "themed" housing area. Troopers could live on a big military base, Jedi could have rooms in a temple, Sith could each have their own evil mansion with underground lairs and deadly security, smugglers could each have their own asteroid or pleasure barge or something. I'm not sure what Bounty Hunters would have, but it would be both deadly and awesome.

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It would be a cool idea for sure, but it's probably somewhat problematic. For one thing, all the extra space required for said housing. Secondly, I was talking to a friend about this who played SWG and he felt that all the individual customization people did made game maintenance overly long and complicated. Perhaps technology for that is better, I don't know.
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This badly needed. No to instanced housing, yes to SWG housing with an option to make your house open to the public. We absolutely need player cities, along with city levels for adding options like space ports, GTN terminals, etc. If anything to get people off the dang fleet. I really hate the whole fleet concept.
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I agree completely with this idea, but i think they would also need to find a way to open the planets up more. The idea that your suggesting has been on alot of peoples minds since release and day one. Simple fact is that the ships dont cut it because they are all cookie cutters of each other nothing new fancy or unique and this game lacks diversity in sad to say alot of areas. If they decided to open up a world for player housing it would be a great idea, but more so if they opened up every planet to actually explore while they did player housing.... That would make people feel right at home in a Star Wars game.

Player housing give a break from the every day grind and quest hoarding that you do in this game and in some cases many people would agree that it's needed. While staying in the fleet it cool and all, theres not much interaction for players to do. everyone just stands around in a mass huddle or aimlessly waiting for something to catch their attention. If they design and implement player housing people would actually go out explore and then go back to their own house to hang out with their friends or guildmates. The open world and player housing in SWG really did make that game last all those years and when it closed it still had only seemed like months it was out. Customization is key in any MMORPG and i think since this is a Star Wars game that it would only do the game real justice to have they open the planets up and add player housing for people to enjoy.

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open world housing is a bad idea it ends up like it did in SWG where you have a ghost town.


Now instanced housing like in EQ2 is a great idea


If the houses are removed after subscriptions have finished on the account that would fix that problem.

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what for?


no seriously, i never been in an mmo with housing, can't imagine what it is like. most of the time, i log in and out from the fleet, seems like a reasonable place to start and end today's adventure.


what would push me to visit my owned home?


i used to owned home in rpg (skyrim, fallout) but i end up rarely visiting them. only advantage was to store equipment or ingredient. but on swtor we have the cargo bay accessible from fleet, ship, and every planet.


i truly want to know what player that have had housing in mmo find a good use for?

could the ship also be a housing?




Nowhere near the high priority list, and should not be either.

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Some of you think it's a bad idea to have as little to do at max level as possible. There's nothing wrong with adding features that many might enjoy.


A couple of new planets set aside for sandbox things like housing/player cities would expand the appeal of the game. It's already as one dimensional as you can get right now. There is nothing to do outside of gear grinding at max level. Obviously, a large number of people didn't find that satisfying, or we wouldn't have lost a million subs.


If you do not want to partake, then you don't have to. You can grind your pve mobs until your fingers fall off, and more power to you. The rest of us would like more things to do that don't require fighting through hostile npcs all the time.


As for your snotty little emu, and sims comments. They're not wanted, nor needed.

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I support this.




The Game engine can't support it. It has better Graphics, better combat system, but cannot support more than a small area at a time - anything bigger, or more complex than the fleet... it'll fail. Hard.


The best we can hope for, is instanced housing. Being able to decorate it... will remain a dream, because of the game engines innate limitations.


I have a better idea, EA... Buy SWG. Add it to our subs. Win for all.

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