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Who here actually likes Karen Traviss?


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Just a sec while I grab the book from upstairs...I should just store it on a special shelf right next to the computer...why do you do this to us, Aurbere...


I didn't mean to start another Traviss war. I was just pointing out a connection between Traviss and Daala.:)

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I didn't mean to start another Traviss war. I was just pointing out a connection between Traviss and Daala.:)


Traviss is the one that brought her out of retirement and gave her her new "All Jedi Must Die" personality, along with Gilead Paleon. Even though Paleon freaking loved the Jedi. Anyway. She basically imprinted herself on any character she could get away with.

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Traviss is the one that brought her out of retirement and gave her her new "All Jedi Must Die" personality, along with Gilead Paleon. Even though Paleon freaking loved the Jedi. Anyway. She basically imprinted herself on any character she could get away with.


That makes sense. You can tell by the way she writes. But I suppose each author has their own ways of leaving their marks in any of their writings.

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That makes sense. You can tell by the way she writes. But I suppose each author has their own ways of leaving their marks in any of their writings.


Yea, the difference is Traviss completely re-wrote several personalities in order to do so. There's a reason she doesn't write for Lucas Arts anymore.

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Yea, the difference is Traviss completely re-wrote several personalities in order to do so. There's a reason she doesn't write for Lucas Arts anymore.


Good thing too. She would have had Luke killed instead of exiled. Good thing Lucas put the no kill order on Luke.:D

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I think Traviss should've written a TOR novel about Republic troopers (with Mandos, of course). :D


That would have been terrible. Jedi almost feature more heavily in the TOR era than they do in the Clone Wars era, she would have had a field day wrecking canon all over the place.


Karen Traviss: Destroyer of Verisimilitude.

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I've enjoyed all of Karen Traviss's Star Wars books, yes including killing Mara (sad to see her go, but it worked imho).


I really liked the Republic Commando series and wished she'd continued the Imperial Commando books; left me hangin with what Darman was gonna do about his kid, which barely gets answered in the Legacy of the Force series (Venku/Kad'ika is still there, but they don't really talk about it).


Unfortunately she stopped writing the Imperial Commando books after the Clone Wars animooted series screwed things up for the billionth time. That series is horrible and imho doesn't count as canon in any respect, it violates continuity worse than episodes 2 and 3 did. (Highlander 2 anyone?)

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Traviss is the one that brought her out of retirement and gave her her new "All Jedi Must Die" personality, along with Gilead Paleon. Even though Paleon freaking loved the Jedi. Anyway. She basically imprinted herself on any character she could get away with.


And don't forget her unrequited love for Boba Fett and the desire to have his babies. :D

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The problem she had is that since she meet some British special forces guys she kinda went full retard, trying to praise/include those people and their lifes in her works.

But I think she learned her lesson, I'm a HUGE Halo fan, and when I heard she was going to writte novels for that franchise I was really scared, then I read her first Halo novel and it looks like she learned to teamplay and not trash the universe she's working on. Sadly, the damage has been already done for SW, but honestly, I only consider canon the Zahn novels.

Edited by yoomazir
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The problem she had is that since she meet some British special forces guys she kinda went full retard, trying to praise/include those people and their lifes.

But I think she learned her lesson, I'm a HUGE Halo fan, and when I heard sh was going to writte novels for that franhcise I was really scared, then I read her first Halo novel and it looks like she learned to teamplay and not trash the universe she's working on. Sadly, the damage has been already done for SW, but honestly, I only consider canon the Zahn novels.


And there aren't any Jedi for her to rage and hate against in the Halo universe.


I just pray to God that she never gets near the Warhammer 40K universe. Stick to crap like Halo and Gears of War.

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I am neutral to Karen Travis, she doesn't seem like the nicest of people but I do have to give her respect for combining two things I really enjoyed reading-Starwars and special forces. I haven't ever really read anything past RotJ So I really don't care about the whole issue with Mandos training jainia. I do really enjoy the commando series. It was nice to have a third opinion in the universe other than super jedi and Sith. Lucas is the one I'm ticked at, constantly making changes and doing stupid things like authorizing pacifict mandalorians.
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And there aren't any Jedi for her to rage and hate against in the Halo universe.


I just pray to God that she never gets near the Warhammer 40K universe. Stick to crap like Halo and Gears of War.


I just imagined her writing about a super secretive IG unit comissioned by the Inquisition that is solely to take on Greater Daemons, with Grey Knights holding their spare ammo incase they need to dramatically reload... <shudders>

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I just imagined her writing about a super secretive IG unit comissioned by the Inquisition that is solely to take on Greater Daemons, with Grey Knights holding their spare ammo incase they need to dramatically reload... <shudders>


Matt Ward and C.S. Goto already do enough damage, we don't need Karen "Talifan" Traviss running amok as well.

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I read all the legacy of the foce books and i liked them.


I also liked the death troopers book, i read the new zombies one "red harvest", i did not like that one.


I dont get mad about killing off characters becasue nobody lives forever, heck in that insane universe you would think people would die alot more oftern TBH.

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  • 4 months later...
I honestly understand all the resentment towards her as force users are the main heroes of star wars, and shouldn't be as easy to kill as she sometimes makes them. However it could be just me but whenever I see Jedi or sith fighting regular soldiers or people I think of all the ways they could negate and go through the force users abilities. One example would be the scene in phantom menace (I know, worst one) where instead of 30 Naboo soldiers just opening up on maul they leave him for Obi and Gon. Another is right before jangos death, USE BOTH YOUR BLASTERS IDIOT ITS SAMUEL *********** JACKSON. Anyway the fact that mandalorians trained from birth to fight and especially kill jedi makes it understandable that they get advantages over them. Jango fett killed 6 jedi in un armed combat at gildaraan and this lore was released far before karen traviss got there. Also many older books envolved mandos and stated that their armor was lightsaber resistant and some said proof. This was at the time of timothy zan and the corran horn related books. I personally own over 70 starwars novels and 5 encyclopidias (not the stupid movie ones). In the trilogy all about boba fett his armor was ridiculous and the mando culture was discussed as entirely warfare driven. I think her republic commando books were actually quite genius as it established that being on the light side doesn't mean morally right and the dark always being bad. Karen should stick to writing on ethics and non force users because mara's end should have been full of force powers and light and dark energy instead of brute force and a poison dart (**** u jason). She rights about soldiers not supernatural beings and is good at what she does. She does gritty, dark and tough and thats what she should stick too. They produced awesome games to! This rant has been biased as you will see from my quote at the bottom and i am a massive Mando fanboy and proud of it! Don't judge me too harshlt its only my opinion. :)
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The only books that she wrote that I read were the Republic Commando series. I honestly really enjoyed them and recommended them to my friends. I really enjoyed the different perspective of the war and the concept that the Clones were basically slaves and that most of the Jedi didn't even bother to treat them more then disposable troops. She had some Jedi treat them like people and being kind but overall they were treated poorly. I also liked how the troopers trained by the mandalorians tended to be more effective then the later generation ones trained by others. It made sense to me as the Clone Troopers from the movies are shown to be FAR more effective then the troopers from the original trilogy.

Did I love everything she did? No, i thought some of her stuff was kinda silly and some of the characters acted strangely but most authors tended to have their strengths and weaknesses. I applauded her trying to show a perspective where Jedi weren't thrust onto a pedestal and were flawed and showed how the Jedi were being in many ways corrupted by the war and were being seen poorly by the public. I think she went a bit to far doing this but I liked the concept. Flawed execution though.


I personally hate the Clone Wars Mandos, it goes against everything that was made about them before. Now if it showed a pacifist movement that was slowly gaining strength and implied that in time would eventually reshape their culture, that would be fine.

Of course all of this is just my opinion and I am fine when many people here will disagree :p

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I just imagined her writing about a super secretive IG unit comissioned by the Inquisition that is solely to take on Greater Daemons, with Grey Knights holding their spare ammo incase they need to dramatically reload... <shudders>


she'd proably all the while run around bashing space marines and haveing people say the emperor was evil for creating them

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It is funny, in the Imperial Commando book the squad take out 1 Jedi, during the entire fight the commandos flounder around totally ineffective, lose their new recruit and basically only win because the Jedi half let them win. He knew he was cornered and there were so many soldiers around and no way for him to escape and he wouldn't be captured. Even the Commandos themselves realize that they were lucky to even have survived that fight.
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There not at Cap levels...more like Bucky, they've completley destroyed the Mandalorians and made entire armies lightsaber fodder for a handfull of jedi.


This was one of the worst ideas out of all this mess, beskar was lightsaber resistant long befroe Traviss.


Im in agreance that shes anti-jedi but my question is why Denning and co. turn Jedi into Gods among lichen and no one says a word? It out of hand and completley absurd, im going back and read my old Bantam SW novels now...you know when Jedi were feirce warrior monks, not unstopable forces of nature.


I hate both those authors takes on Star Wars.

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I'm a relative newcomer to Star Wars and such, so I have a weird, probably unique complaint about the bits of Karen Traviss I've read so far. It's pretty dumb, so brace yourselves:


I don't like how she uses epigraphs.


Normally I don't mind epigraphs at all, they're a nice insight, might make you reflect on the text in a way you wouldn't otherwise consider - and in-universe epigraphs? Sure, even better, worldbuilding! And maybe if the book has a sort of "compiled from events" flair, contemporary in-universe epigraphs from mundane sources could work. But when I read a Karen Traviss book, the epigraphs are things that are happening at the exact same time as the present action, constitutional amendments or memos or journal entries about stuff that's affecting the plot directly, as if to say "also this happened, but I don't feel like actually writing about it so I'll just cram a snippet up here under the chapter number". So I can't even skip them if they annoy me because they're part of the story.


There's probably other authors that use epigraphs this way that I just haven't happened to encounter yet, and I'll take a shot whenever a Zahn character's internal organs tighten and laugh it off, but I can't stand these epigraphs and it's stupid of me but I just can't get over it.


Mandalorians? Bring 'em on, I got no problem with Mandalorians, and I came in late and missed whatever drama went down that turned the fans against her. But epigraphs do not work that way argh


(I did warn you it was dumb.)

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Can we all agree to boycott the TCW Mandos? They aren't correct by anyone's standards.


They're correct by George Lucas' standards, apparently, and his are the only ones that matter.


Seriously, though, can't we all just agree that the EU is filled with a lot of face-slappingly stupid stuff showcasing whatever writer's personal favorite group/race/whatever? Anything post-NJO just pisses me off unbelievably, personally.

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Travis's Mandos are fine.. the fit with all the previous portrayals of the Mando the only difference is that she focused a little more on them in some of her stories than others have...


the only Mando's that don't fit into the "stereotypical" Mando's that have always been in SW are the *********** Clone Wars cartoon peace loving ones... but hey nothing else in that cartoon really fits so why should they... and now back to bringing dead characters back with robot legs

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