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Everything posted by Necrosaro

  1. Darth Nihilus would win, the rest of the group would distract the Sith Emperor and then Nihilus would pull his auto win ability and suck everyone in the room dry. Then he would consume the universe and we shall have peace
  2. Ah loved the TIE Avenger, the new craft introduced in TIE Fighter really made the game interesting. With this craft, the Assault Gunboat, and the TIE Defender it really added a lot as opposed to the other games which didn't really bother to add much, (besides X Wing Alliance which added a lot of minor side craft which didn't really stand out much) They also managed to tie the new craft into the story line of the game which made them fun and interesting when you got to play them. I wish they would make a remake of TIE Fighter, that was my favorite game in the series. Looking forward to your next fighter analysis! Fun reads TIEs! Woo!!
  3. Doesn't matter if it can destroy it or not, if it blows up the planet then the ring will be tossed through space if it survives. A ring is very very small, the chance that it hits any planet is very very small and it would probably take hundreds if not thousands of years for that to happen if it ever did. Heck it could just as easily fall into a black hole or into a star and get stuck there forever.
  4. If i am not mistaken originally the Emperor wasn't going to be this ultra evil sith lord but a good person who was powerless before the corrupt Moff council. Vader was originally their enforcer. Which is why it seems that in Episode 4 that Tarkin was his boss. After that Lucas decided that the Emperor was the ultimate evil and Vader was his number 2. It does seem a bit confusing from our current perspective.
  5. I disagree that TOR is Kotor 3, the Revan book is Kotor 3. Kotor 3 is Revan's quest to stop the Sith Empire and ends with him being placed into stasis and beginning his influence over the Sith Emperor to stop the war. That would have been a nice game to have before the MMO came out as it would have set the stage quite nicely.
  6. These are very good points however I will disagree about a few things. Yes I do acknowledge that the Black Talon itself does have more troops but remember the Esseles was facing Grand Moff Kilran's flagship which had far superior troops then the Black Talon had. Also while having more soldiers it is still a transport ship which wasn't holding a full force with it, it was simply doing runs to the capital and thus wouldn't be fully stocked on soldiers and munitions. The Esseles proved to have a decent (barely) resistance with Commander Narlok and his men along with the Ambassador who lets remember is willing to launch people out of airlocks to achieve victory. We know from dialog in the Black Talon Flashpoint that their marines aren't elite forces as you are told that they will have a difficult time holding positions even as the player characters are slaughtering the defenders. These troops aren't there to conquer things these are most likely green soldiers who are being kept in the rear. As for the Black Talon shooting out the engines, possible but they weren't trying to do anything so fancy during their flashpoint. Heck you would think they would be trying to disable gun turrets to make it easier to contend with the Brental Star, however their fleet planning was to do evasive maneuvers and launch a boarding party. Now that might have only been the case against a superior warship however as we have never seen the Black Talon face off against anything else, we must assume that both sides will act like they did during the Flashpoints, and if that is the case then I have to give the edge to the Republic who is simply trying to escape while the Black Talon seems more interested in a fast snatch and grab with minimal space combat.
  7. The problem is that both sides aren't that good. Lets face it, the game is designed that whichever side you are playing cannot accomplish their goals without players. That is the points of these flashpoints, for you to carry your side to victory, sometimes kicking and screaming the entire way. Therefore this is tough because we have to look at which side had less trouble assisting the players and that can be tough. As this is a flashpoint battle the fight won't be resolved by spaceship battle, therefore it doesn't matter that the Black Talon is a tougher ship, this fight is going to end inside the ships. Now lets compare when the Essles was boarded to when the Black Talon was boarded. If this is the case I have to give the benefit to the Black Talon, when the Captain survives they hold on far better against the boarders then the Esseles does, then again that might have been different if the Captain of the Esseles survived as we really don't know anything about him. We also need to look at what happens when they each send their respective boarding parties, in this case I have to give the edge to the Esseles, mainly due to the fact that the Black Talon boarding party does absolutely nothing and I believe that Commander Narlok would make a decent boarding action. In the end I think the Esseles would win but only by a small amount. First the Black Talon would show up and attack, it would have the advantage and launch a boarding party, the Ambassador and Commander Narlok would make a successful repelling action I believe and be able to escape though they would take a lot of losses and be very damaged by the tie they escape in my opinion. Now if the Esseles were forced to board the Black Talon for any reason then the results would be different. The Black Talon's captain is the most competent NPC there with Commander Narlok right behind him. So as this is a Black Talon attacking and Esseles defending then the Republic wins this in my opinion but barely.
  8. It is funny, in the Imperial Commando book the squad take out 1 Jedi, during the entire fight the commandos flounder around totally ineffective, lose their new recruit and basically only win because the Jedi half let them win. He knew he was cornered and there were so many soldiers around and no way for him to escape and he wouldn't be captured. Even the Commandos themselves realize that they were lucky to even have survived that fight.
  9. The only books that she wrote that I read were the Republic Commando series. I honestly really enjoyed them and recommended them to my friends. I really enjoyed the different perspective of the war and the concept that the Clones were basically slaves and that most of the Jedi didn't even bother to treat them more then disposable troops. She had some Jedi treat them like people and being kind but overall they were treated poorly. I also liked how the troopers trained by the mandalorians tended to be more effective then the later generation ones trained by others. It made sense to me as the Clone Troopers from the movies are shown to be FAR more effective then the troopers from the original trilogy. Did I love everything she did? No, i thought some of her stuff was kinda silly and some of the characters acted strangely but most authors tended to have their strengths and weaknesses. I applauded her trying to show a perspective where Jedi weren't thrust onto a pedestal and were flawed and showed how the Jedi were being in many ways corrupted by the war and were being seen poorly by the public. I think she went a bit to far doing this but I liked the concept. Flawed execution though. I personally hate the Clone Wars Mandos, it goes against everything that was made about them before. Now if it showed a pacifist movement that was slowly gaining strength and implied that in time would eventually reshape their culture, that would be fine. Of course all of this is just my opinion and I am fine when many people here will disagree
  10. As much as I LOVE the TIE Defender, a starship is usually a better choice, you aren't cramped in a small area and you can have access to toilets and showers :-P
  11. Lets play with a few numbers here, I will make up some numbers but I am just using them as examples not as actual fact. I am going to use KOTOR 2 as a measuring guide. Lets say that Traya has about 500 assassins. (probably being generous here) and with Scion and Nihilus' lets add like 10,000 soldiers and 100 Dark Jedi. That is wonderful for one or two battlefields but honestly she really can't fight more then that at once, just not possible with her very limited resources. She also has to steal things like, food, water, ammo, missiles etc. Lets also be generous about her fleet size, she has 1 battleship and lets say 20 interdictor ships. Each with a full compliment of fighters, so probably a few hundred of them. Traya admits to us that she isn't a leader, nor is she a military commander, she is not going to know how to effectively defeat an enemy army or fleet. She can fight people, maybe a single battle but really that is about it. She isn't going to inspire anyone nor is she going to plan defenses or attacks. Now Revan, he had a third of the Republic's military. Now lets say that the Republic army is really small, and is only like 900 million soldiers. (remember the Republic is hundreds of thousands of planets and has to have an army that can defend at least most of them) and Revan now has 300 million soldiers and probably at minimum tens of thousands of star ships if nor over a hundred thousand. With hundreds of thousands of fighters. Plus lets say Revan has around 300 Jedi, mostly Padawan's maybe 50 of them are Jedi Knights and 5 of them Masters (remember I believe Master Kavar joined the effort against the mandaorians, nothing to suggest he had to be the only Jedi Master who did. Reven has planets which supply him with fresh soldiers, supplies and equipment. So he will never really run out of anything and anything he does lose can be replaced without too much difficulty. Now for the two to fight, lets say those 500 assassins can kill 1,000 soldiers each before being killed. (being VERY generous here with that number) that is 500,000 soldiers gone leaving Revan with 2.5 million more. Now most of Traya's Dark Jedi are mostly the equivalent of Knights and Masters, they can probably outmatch the Padawan's that mostly consist of Revan's Jedi, however with the endless supply of Republic Soldiers backing them up, they will simply be overwhelmed in time, however the Jedi force would also pretty much be exterminated there. Fleet wise, almost no matter what Traya's force does it is screwed. It has no was of sustaining itself. It can do hit and run tactics but it always has to be on the move, picking at the Republic force at it's weak points just like the Rebellion did. However people forget that the Empire did ambush the rebellion sometimes too, sometimes the Rebellion was forced into a straight up fight and in those situations they generally lost, not always but there is a reason why Hit and Fade attacks were the rebellion's MO. Traya doesn't have the numbers, any losses she takes are a major blow to her while Revan can shrug off most defeats. "Oh I lost 20 Hammerheads but we took out 2 Interdictors? oh well who cares?" He just lost an insignificant force and she just lost 10% of her fleet which she has no way of replacing. Traya also has to be out and about to corrupt Revan's forces, she has to be traveling around infiltrating his fleets, she needs spies for that to find the best people to corrupt. She isn't going to corrupt entire crews, she will corrupt people. She cannot be everywhere at once and wherever she isn't her forces will lose by simple attrition. Revan also learns and adapts to enemy tactics, she will corrupt some people, she will gain a dozen capital ships, and he will learn. he will sacrifice fleets to draw her forces out to destroy them. She isn't a commander, she isn't a strategist, she will most likely fall into traps and her forces will pay for that. Scale is the issue here, there is simply no way for a tiny force with out any resources to defeat a massive resource rich force. Now if this was Revan vs Vader then Revan would be done for, however putting him against Traya is just being cruel to an old woman. Like I said in the begining, I just pulled those numbers out my butt, however scale wise it would be something like that, no matter the size of Traya's forces Revan' force would be 100,000 times larger and she is just one woman who needs time to travel to different places to corrupt people and by the time she is even half way done with her corrupt people 2012 tour her entire army would be a smoking ruin. In my opinion of course, if someone can show me how she can gain the numbers to actually pull this off I will happily admit my wrongness. I just don't see how her limited assassin supply can do that much damage to a force so many times larger, space is big and it takes a long time to travel. They can only do so much to an army so big.
  12. Yeah when talking about the X Wing, and the A Wing the TIE Fighter, and the TIE Interceptor do fall short in several ways. However once you bring in the Avenger and the Defender the Alliance fighters tend to fall short which is why I think they nerf them in the EU or tend to leave them out completely. Though I would like to see the E Wing in a flight game.
  13. Which is why the Jedi philosophy was basically wrong. If they waited until the Sith Empire revealed themselves it would have been way too late to save anything. This is why essentially Revan was right. DId he bring untold war and destruction to the Republic? Yes he did, is that horrible? Yes it was, however it was only through his actions of delaying the Sith Empire that the Republic survived long enough to rebuild. If he didn't fight the Mandalorians, then turn against the Republic, etc this wouldn't have ever happened. Thus his actions had to happen, this is why I believe that Kotor 2, story is superior to just about all other Star Wars games, there are no real good guys in this story, no good vs evil, it is flawed vs flawed.
  14. TIE Fighter was my favorite Flight Sim game from Lucas Arts, followed by X Wing Alliance. Playing the imperial fighters was awesome. Plus the fact that they could make a Star Wars game in which you played the Empire and didn't actually feel like you were playing as the bad guy was always incredible to me. Anyway I would love to see more of these types of threads on the other Imperial Fighters. I have always loved the TIE Avenger and the TIE Defender. I will always say that the fact that the EU nerfs the Defender is a travesty. It is the ultimate fighter craft and the fact that the EU frequently underpowers it to make the A Wing saddens me. The draw back for the defender is the fact that there are so few. However this isn't on topic so sorry. the TIE Fighter is a fantastic fighter that is underrated. Remember most factions aren't using X Wings and A Wings, they are using the Z95, or the R41 or other fighters which cannot compete with the TIE Fighter. Only the Rebellion had fighters that could match or surpass the TIE Fighter. By the time ships like the T Wing are getting more out there the TIE Interceptor is out making Imperial Supremacy more absolute. TIE series craft are my favorite (in case you didn't realize
  15. This grew a lot while i was working :-P Lots of very good points on both sides, What some people are ignoring is that the Republic was losing the war against the Mandalorians. This is shown in both Kotor 1 and 2. Canderous in both games comments that the Republic was losing again and again until Revan arrived. Atton reinforces this showing that Republic moral was shattered, their soldiers had little hope and were constantly retreating from a force that was only a fraction of theirs. Every victory brought the Mandalorians more slaves and more resources and higher moral while the opposite was happening to the Republic. If Revan hadn't gone to war and listened to the Council what would have happened? What would they have saved? Lets say that the Outer Rim fell, and the Mandalorians were sacking the Mid Rim? Would the Jedi have intervened then? Why then? Would they know then about the Sith Empire? How would they find out about it? Were they waiting for a vision to explain the entire backstory? Would they have intervened when the Mandalorians were invading the Core Worlds? We don't know exactly what would have caused the Jedi to start fighting back. Like the dialog between the Exile and Atris at Telos shows us (at least from Meetra's point of view) the Jedi watched millions, perhaps billions die and did nothing. Why do you think it was so easy for Revan to get people to turn against the Jedi? People saw the Jedi as cruel uncaring people who were suppose to be their saviors and instead seemed to hide inside their temples as the Mandalorians tore the Republic apart. As it was mentioned before, one of Kotor 2's prime angles was that the Council was wrong, Revan knew that the Republic couldn't defeat the Sith as they were, they had to change, and he had to do what he did. After all, as Kreia said. Did Revan truly fall, or did he stay true to himself no matter what mantle he wore? Revan saved the Republic with his actions, he just sacrificed billions of lives to make sure that it survived. Most of us cannot accept the idea that billions must die to save quadrillions. Just my opinion on the matter, could be wrong but that is how I see it.
  16. Excellent post, very good read. Though i do disagree that the Jedi Masters were right in their caution. We get told multiple times from several sources that the Republic was fracturing under the Mandalorian attacks. Yes the involvement of Revan and his Jedi did indeed lead to the Jedi civial war which was terrible however if they didn't get involved it could have been a lot worse. If the Republic fell to the Mandalorians the Sith could have just walked in and taken over, it was only through the actions of Revan that enabled the Republic to survive in the long term even with it's terrible cost.
  17. I think what the OP is saying that it seems odd and rather silly that the EU takes characters who weren't super amazing and suddenly makes them godlike. After a while the powers of characters like Luke and Sidious get to be ridiculous considering what they were shown to be able to do in the movies. The OP isn't saying that the comics and the EU don't exist, he is just saying that the writers went way to far with the powers of these two characters to the point of just being silly.
  18. It may have taken a while, however there were a group of jedi masters on the planet. If the drain took hours they could have had time to hop on their ships and go fight. The fact that none of the strongest jedi in the galaxy could even mount any kind of defense would imply that it happened fast.
  19. Yeah, the implication was that it was very fast. Visas Marr made it sound like it just happened and she was suddenly on a dead world half dead herself. It seemed that Darth Nihilus was confused about someone surviving so he came down to the planet and found her.
  20. Actually i disagree to a degree, one of the points in KOTOR 2 was that the Jedi weren't right in just sitting around when the Mandalorians were invading. However the game showed that Revan wasn't right either, the Jedi did have a responsibility to the millions upon millions of Republic citizens being slaughtered and they failed them. However to simply wage a war against the mandalorians had consequences as well. The interaction between Meetra and Atris is an excellent scene because it delves into the back and forth debate on what the Jedi are really responsible for. Sure they need to be careful and not just rush into situations, but they cannot lose sight of the people who suffer. When you allow millions upon millions to die and you just say "hey it is necessary," then you have failed as a Jedi. Yes Revan returned to wage war upon the Republic and caused massive damage, however the Mandalorians were doing just that without him. The Emperor didn't really care who crippled the Republic, the fact that it was Revan actually was the best solution as he managed to delay the invasion until the Republic managed to recover. The Jedi were flawed at that point, they were arrogant and too sure of themselves, just like the Jedi in the prequel movies, they lost sight of what they should have been doing and became complacent. They needed to be shaken up and replaced with Jedi who could do their jobs better. Luke wasn't a Jedi in the same vein as the previous order, he taught his students differently and they were better off for that.
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