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Major FPS drop?


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I was playing the game earlier today and everything was running perfectly, now I went to log on a few mins ago and the game is so choppy like it's running at 1 fps.


Anyone else experiencing this or know what is happening?

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I was playing the game earlier today and everything was running perfectly, now I went to log on a few mins ago and the game is so choppy like it's running at 1 fps.


Anyone else experiencing this or know what is happening?

Well i experienced somthing similar a while back, for me it was Microsoft Security Essentials that started its daily scan.

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Idk what is going on with mine. I have a decent comp that can run WoW on all medium settings at 45-60fps but even with everything on low/verylow/off and Game Booster on (shuts down all unneeded programs and processes) my fps is ALL OVER THE PLACE. It will literally change on a second by second basis like so: 14...46....27....59....34....67....10....29....I really don't know what causes it or if its their engine, but it is pretty damn annoying in PvP.
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Idk what is going on with mine. I have a decent comp that can run WoW on all medium settings at 45-60fps but even with everything on low/verylow/off and Game Booster on (shuts down all unneeded programs and processes) my fps is ALL OVER THE PLACE. It will literally change on a second by second basis like so: 14...46....27....59....34....67....10....29....I really don't know what causes it or if its their engine, but it is pretty damn annoying in PvP.


Your problem is your computer being slow as hell if you have to go through all that to get 60 frames on medium.

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on fleet there may be a lot of people. I seen see high pings on fleet now. but a bit of lag is better then what I did have on my old server with no one on to do PvP or Op's or Flash points.
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Your problem is your computer being slow as hell if you have to go through all that to get 60 frames on medium.


This game's engine has so many problems and documented FPS issues and you're still posting crap like this? Not bright, not bright at all.

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This game's engine has so many problems and documented FPS issues and you're still posting crap like this? Not bright, not bright at all.


indeed, not very bright. if that man would take a look at 1.3 patchnotes, he'd notice that bioware announced that they fixed major performance issues in PvP environments. problem: particle effects, just as the community already figured out. so they indirectly admit that their badly optimized engine is the source of all the performance issues people have complained about since launch AND NOT - as bioware claimed - the user's hardware (if recommended system requirements are met).

Edited by Rikeryo
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This game's engine has so many problems and documented FPS issues and you're still posting crap like this? Not bright, not bright at all.


Not bright? The guy has a PC that will ONLY RUN WOW AT 60 FPS ON MEDIUM!!!!!!!!!! Obviously you really have no clue about computer hardware. The OP is bound to struggle as his H/W sucks, its not the software.....it amazes me the kids that scream cuz thier WoW beast wont handle new games with a decent amount of detail :)

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Not bright? The guy has a PC that will ONLY RUN WOW AT 60 FPS ON MEDIUM!!!!!!!!!! Obviously you really have no clue about computer hardware. The OP is bound to struggle as his H/W sucks, its not the software.....it amazes me the kids that scream cuz thier WoW beast wont handle new games with a decent amount of detail :)


ill agree here.. if yo ucant run wow above 60 fps and you have to run game booster and other things to do it..thats not the best system out there... its probably not a bad one..but its not great either..


though to the man opposing you in this.. go ahead and post your comp specs if youd like.. we can see what the issue is if there is one then..

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Ill repost my issues as the thread it was posted in, the mod stopped replying



Most people on the server we tranfered to were saying the FPS has dropped massively. from a fleet of 20, to a fleet of just under 300. The FPS has dropped. All this time i have been thinking the engine and performance has been getting better. When in fact its because there has been less people.


Now its back to the old days of illum.


My system should run this game flawlessly.


Yesterday FPS cap of 111. Today, 30 average and even lower near the GTN or PVP area.


i7 2700k @4.6ghz

16gb vengeance Ram

XFX ATI 7970 Black edition

Installed on a SSD 120gig drive


I have been building PCs for years, and never have I know a gaming engine to be so poorly optimised, In a group of around 30 people, I hit 17fps...17 lol. You might say update your drivers etc. Which everything is updated, Most people gaming who have PCs know how to run a pc, check and update drivers, clear cache. But when the whole fleet is all moaning about the FPS issue. It says it all really. 6months down the line this SHOULD of been pin pointed and sorted by now.

Not to mention the delay behind using abilities, opening the cargohold. guild bank, vendors. Its your gaming engine and server hardware which is at fault.



No wonder you shard, Id hate to see the performance with over 300 players in one shard. No PC in the world would run this game.





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Ill repost my issues as the thread it was posted in, the mod stopped replying



Most people on the server we tranfered to were saying the FPS has dropped massively. from a fleet of 20, to a fleet of just under 300. The FPS has dropped. All this time i have been thinking the engine and performance has been getting better. When in fact its because there has been less people.


Now its back to the old days of illum.


My system should run this game flawlessly.


Yesterday FPS cap of 111. Today, 30 average and even lower near the GTN or PVP area.


i7 2700k @4.6ghz

16gb vengeance Ram

XFX ATI 7970 Black edition

Installed on a SSD 120gig drive


I have been building PCs for years, and never have I know a gaming engine to be so poorly optimised, In a group of around 30 people, I hit 17fps...17 lol. You might say update your drivers etc. Which everything is updated, Most people gaming who have PCs know how to run a pc, check and update drivers, clear cache. But when the whole fleet is all moaning about the FPS issue. It says it all really. 6months down the line this SHOULD of been pin pointed and sorted by now.

Not to mention the delay behind using abilities, opening the cargohold. guild bank, vendors. Its your gaming engine and server hardware which is at fault.



No wonder you shard, Id hate to see the performance with over 300 players in one shard. No PC in the world would run this game.






ouch lol thats alot of expensive unneeded ( as of yet:P)ram..but damn thats a nice computer.


i still maintain that the hero engine was not ever designed to run on a multi core platform and thats where the majority of issues are stemming from... allocation of resources and optimization of cpu usage...the engine confuses up the cores something fierce..


my dual core laptop runs better than my wifes quad core pc

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ouch lol thats alot of expensive unneeded ( as of yet:P)ram..but damn thats a nice computer.


i still maintain that the hero engine was not ever designed to run on a multi core platform and thats where the majority of issues are stemming from... allocation of resources and optimization of cpu usage...the engine confuses up the cores something fierce..


my dual core laptop runs better than my wifes quad core pc


It is needed, I run Ableton live and alot of VST synths ;)

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indeed, not very bright. if that man would take a look at 1.3 patchnotes, he'd notice that bioware announced that they fixed major performance issues in PvP environments. problem: particle effects, just as the community already figured out. so they indirectly admit that their badly optimized engine is the source of all the performance issues people have complained about since launch AND NOT - as bioware claimed - the user's hardware (if recommended system requirements are met).

Would you provide a link?

Can't find such thing.

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There is a problem where if you have shadows on high and use a windowed mode the FPS drops for no apparent reason. Then if you alt tab out and back in it goes back to normal again for a bit. They need to sort it out :/ Edited by NasherUK
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ouch lol thats alot of expensive unneeded ( as of yet:P)ram..but damn thats a nice computer.


i still maintain that the hero engine was not ever designed to run on a multi core platform and thats where the majority of issues are stemming from... allocation of resources and optimization of cpu usage...the engine confuses up the cores something fierce..


my dual core laptop runs better than my wifes quad core pc


I have a I7 2600, 10 GB ram and a Radeon 6850 and I am not having performance issues. Then again I donot do any PVP in the game, but my FPS in 4 man grp runs and on the fleet are over 60. Consistenly. Alll settings maxed out, with Bloom turned off. Do not like how it looks with Bloom on.

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Cntrl + Alt + Del


Sort by CPU


You'll probably have 2 swtor.exe running on top, or system idle process in between or just under. Your browser and taskmgr might register a very tiny number. Anything else and you may need to shut it down.


Sort by Mem Usage


Might want to shut down anything you aren't using while playing. In my case, II shut off Spybots TeamTimer while playing. Can turn it all back on with a restart.


Make sure the swtor.exe has at least a normal priority setting.

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I have same problems and my pc is hi end (i7 4ghz - 12gb ram - ssd corsair gt3 - Asus Nvidia 6800).

In my old server the problem goes away but its a ghost server right now ....in my new server even with 28 ppl on the fleet i get low framerate and jerky movement....... :(

To be honest the problem is major only in republic fleet, tested the pvp warzones was not so bad .

Edited by glabgr
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