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How is this acceptable in 2012?


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http://i.imgur.com/7BulT.png - All settings on high with dual Radeon 6950's in Crossfire 16 GB of ram and a i5 2500k


I really don't understand how a game can look this godawful- I really don't.


Where are the High Res textures we were promised?? The promotional videos sure are happy to show them off!




At launch - Same sex relationships were promised.



True 'neutral' character options were promised.

"James Ohlen, who is the game director working on Star Wars: The Old Republic, has told PC Gamer that, “We knew with the light side/dark side system that there would be an urge, especially for min maxers, to go completely light side or dark side. We have a system for people who want to stay more in the middle. But that’s something coming up in a later release. It’ll let you play a ‘Gray Jedi’. Basically you don’t need to go to the extreme to get rewarded. You can have a different playstyle.”

C'mon guys. This is just embarassing. I know you're busy patting yourselves on the back for managing to pull off server mergers, but this is just getting absurd. 6 Months in and I see jagged lines on shadows? How is that acceptable???


Also- BW White Knights, I am a paying customer and I have a right to be upset when promoted features are not in the game as advertised.

Edited by zerosaint
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Aren't the new textures in the 1.3 update that's in the PTS right now, and will be out in like a week or something? As for the rest, yeah, kinda sad really.


"Choose your path! Be extremely good or extremely evil! or ****!"

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http://i.imgur.com/7BulT.png - All settings on high with dual Radeon 6950's in Crossfire 16 GB of ram and a i5 2500k


I really don't understand how a game can look this godawful- I really don't.


Where are the High Res textures we were promised?? The promotional videos sure are happy to show them off!




At launch - Same sex relationships were promised.



True 'neutral' character options were promised.

"James Ohlen, who is the game director working on Star Wars: The Old Republic, has told PC Gamer that, “We knew with the light side/dark side system that there would be an urge, especially for min maxers, to go completely light side or dark side. We have a system for people who want to stay more in the middle. But that’s something coming up in a later release. It’ll let you play a ‘Gray Jedi’. Basically you don’t need to go to the extreme to get rewarded. You can have a different playstyle.”

C'mon guys. This is just embarassing. I know you're busy patting yourselves on the back for managing to pull off server mergers, but this is just getting absurd. 6 Months in and I see jagged lines on shadows? How is that acceptable???


Also- BW White Knights, I am a paying customer and I have a right to be upset when promoted features are not in the game as advertised.


they were promised... EVENTUALLY


they didn't give us ANY Time line


they said "some time after launch"

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they were promised... EVENTUALLY


they didn't give us ANY Time line


they said "some time after launch"


You're right, that totally absolves them.

Way to settle for mediocrity.


Also I don't want to stop paying, I want BW to deliver what they said they would.

Edited by zerosaint
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You're right, that totally absolves them

Way to settle for mediocrity.


Also I don't want to stop paying, I want BW to deliver what they said they would.


did i say that absolves them? no


They haven't said those features aren't coming in


would you rather have those pitiful aesthetic type systems first when there's PLENTY of room to improve on the actual gameplay aspect? oh sorry you want to settle for mediocrity

Edited by DarthVenizen
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Also- BW White Knights, I am a paying customer and I have a right to be upset when promoted features are not in the game as advertised.


This is one of the biggest fallacies in the world. Especially in pay for playing games. You have a right to play the game, access its servers, and follow the rules as written out in the EULA. That's the only "right" you earn from owning and playing the game.


You can be upset, but it's not in BW's duty to give a damn. Consumers show displeasure with Producers by not buying or supporting their products. Money talks.

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.Way to settle for mediocrity.


Aren't you just as guilty for settling for mediocrity by sticking around? You do have the right to take your holy grail $15 elsewhere.



This is one of the biggest fallacies in the world. Especially in pay for playing games. You have a right to play the game, access its servers, and follow the rules as written out in the EULA. That's the only "right" you earn from owning and playing the game.


You can be upset, but it's not in BW's duty to give a damn. Consumers show displeasure with Producers by not buying or supporting their products. Money talks.


^ This. So many people rant about being paying customers and how much they are entitled to things because their money is so important. Being that your money is soooo important, stop providing your money to a product your deem unsatisfactory. Sure you can argue that if you don't complain, nothing will change. But 6 months later... really?

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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Aren't the new textures in the 1.3 update that's in the PTS right now, and will be out in like a week or something? As for the rest, yeah, kinda sad really.


"Choose your path! Be extremely good or extremely evil! or ****!"


That was patch 1.2

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Well, if you look at that other big MMO, you really feel teleported back a decade in terms of graphics, which I guess you actually are? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but MMOs have never been big with graphics - I think the big mistake was the game puts so much strain on even high end comps. I heard 1.3 should help though, but as far as textures? I think jagged lines would be acceptable if it led to open world PvP.


Same sex romance - they told the guild summit they'd come with the next big story update, and theoretically Makeb is a big story update, so maybe this year? I'm skeptical but there it is.


Neutral characters - yeah, I don't know. That should be easy enough to throw in, you'd think. Still can't be a major deal breaker, can it?

Edited by jgelling
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Aren't the new textures in the 1.3 update that's in the PTS right now, and will be out in like a week or something? As for the rest, yeah, kinda sad really.


"Choose your path! Be extremely good or extremely evil! or ****!"


im pretty sure high res textures were promised for 1.2. with some new fancy technology that lets textures up close be high res, but as you look further away they're shown in less quality(for performance increases)

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Aren't you just as guilty for settling for mediocrity by sticking around? You do have the right to take your holy grail $15 elsewhere.


See, this is exactly what I was talking about. It's not a "Holy Grail $15".

Not even slightly. What I am saying is that I am extremely disheartened by the fact that BW has been consistently failing at some of the basic things that have been promised. I would very much like to hold them accountable for that (e.g. not settle for mediocrity). I also understand that BW is not beholden to me, though it would be nice if, as a paying customer they treated me, you and everyone else playing the game as though they wanted to retain us.


The problem is that from the getgo, people has framed this as what's wrong with me for wanting the best gaming experience for the money I pay question and not a 'why hasn't BW succeeded in things they stated would be in the game' thing. Honestly have you heard any more about neutral alignment or same sex since they were announced 5 months ago?


And honestly when you look at the shadows from your character in this game... how can you in any way say that is what an AAA MMO should be displaying in this day and age?

Edited by zerosaint
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See, this is exactly what I was talking about. It's not a "Holy Grail $15".

Not even slightly. What I am saying is that I am extremely disheartened by the fact that BW has been consistently failing at some of the basic things that have been promised. I would very much like to hold them accountable for that (e.g. not settle for mediocrity). I also understand that BW is not beholden to me, though it would be nice if, as a paying customer they treated me, you and everyone else playing the game as though they wanted to retain us.


The problem is that from the getgo, people has framed this as what's wrong with me for wanting the best gaming experience for the money I pay question and not a 'why hasn't BW succeeded in things they stated would be in the game' thing. Honestly have you heard any more about neutral alignment or same sex since they were announced 5 months ago?


cuz it's more important than improving the gameplay? it'll come out when it comes out, they're still trying to fix more important things

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You can be upset, but it's not in BW's duty to give a damn. Consumers show displeasure with Producers by not buying or supporting their products. Money talks.


You can see this same stuff going on with EA games. Gamers will swear up and down that their games suck. . .yet EA makes millions from them. With the influx of indie games, there is no 'need' to continue to pay for games that you dont like. Back in the 80s and 90s that's how things were. There weren't any alternatives to the quarter sucking arcade machines that everyone KNEW was specifically designed to make you put in more quarters.But there weren't any alternatives so we had to play them.


Today there are more options out there. If you dont like how a game is, you dont play it. . .and more importantly, you dont pay for it.


Gamers talk with their wallets. Not with whines and cries on game forums.

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People seems to forget that game development tends to be a little behind on graphic department because, well, it does take many years to create a game and by the time it's completed it's not gonna catch up with people's upgrades. Fortunately it will be improved over time, if you look at WoW they haven't updated most of their character graphics.
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cuz it's more important than improving the gameplay, it'll come out when it comes out, they're still trying to fix more important things


Fine then, but if that's the case why announce it?

Underpromise and overdeliver. Not the other way round.

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See, this is exactly what I was talking about. It's not a "Holy Grail $15".

Not even slightly. What I am saying is that I am extremely disheartened by the fact that BW has been consistently failing at some of the basic things that have been promised. I would very much like to hold them accountable for that (e.g. not settle for mediocrity). I also understand that BW is not beholden to me, though it would be nice if, as a paying customer they treated me, you and everyone else playing the game as though they wanted to retain us.


The problem is that from the getgo, people has framed this as what's wrong with me for wanting the best gaming experience for the money I pay question and not a 'why hasn't BW succeeded in things they stated would be in the game' thing. Honestly have you heard any more about neutral alignment or same sex since they were announced 5 months ago?


Just because they aren't solving your personal issue of nice shadows doesn't mean they're not treating your as a valuable customer. They've finally done server transfers, bringing a LFG Tool, Ranked Warzones, a new race, new planet, so much new content. Sure it may not be what EVERYONE wants, but they aren't doing these things for themselves. They're expanding. I'm sorry if I came off as a troll, however as a paying customer, you do have the right stop spending your hard earned money on something you may not agree with.


Honestly, there are much bigger issues right now in the game aside from bad shadows and texture. Right now, servers are going through a bit of performance latency due to the vast amount of transfers. Fix that first before making the game look smoother. Smoother first makes Performance worst. And I understand you feel as they promised and didn't deliver, but honestly in this world, you didn't expect it? Big businesses constantly promise and either don't deliver or half ***** it. Look at Apple, ranting about innovation as if a better camera on their next product is such a sweeping evolution.

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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Fine then, but if that's the case why announce it?

Underpromise and overdeliver. Not the other way round.


because people are bugging the **** out of them to do a lot of stuff


We want X: "ok that'll be in eventually"




Sorry we were fixing core gameplay mechanic Y

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Gotta love the sunshine pumpers.


The Op has a point about his grievances.


The one that gets me the most is the shadow issue and even with crappy shadows they still bog down top end machines when on high.


sunshine pumper = pointing out more important things need working on than trivial aesthetic things? OK

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I think the key to this is in the title of the thread.




They may not have met or even exceeded whatever standards they set for themselves, or whatever standards you set for them.


But have they met them to an acceptable level?


If so, keep playing.


If not, and the current game is unacceptable, don't accept it. Quit.


Coaches always say "You go with the players you have, not the players you want."


It's kind of the same here - we play the game we have, not the game we want. You get to decide whether it's worth it or not.

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See, this is exactly what I was talking about. It's not a "Holy Grail $15".

Not even slightly. What I am saying is that I am extremely disheartened by the fact that BW has been consistently failing at some of the basic things that have been promised. I would very much like to hold them accountable for that (e.g. not settle for mediocrity). I also understand that BW is not beholden to me, though it would be nice if, as a paying customer they treated me, you and everyone else playing the game as though they wanted to retain us.


The problem is that from the getgo, people has framed this as what's wrong with me for wanting the best gaming experience for the money I pay question and not a 'why hasn't BW succeeded in things they stated would be in the game' thing. Honestly have you heard any more about neutral alignment or same sex since they were announced 5 months ago?


Zsaint, the thing about the fanboys - hand them a glass with the star wars logo, filled with urine, and they will say you just have to add some sugar and it will taste like lemonade. Problem is the sugar is not coming. I understand where you are coming from, there are things that were scheduled and announced that have been "put back in the closet", and no one seems to care and they think everything is just great. The love them some lemonade..

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