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Why do people feel that everything should be easy to obtain?


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Nicely put.In the first place it is a game.Games are suppose to be fun.I could be wrong there


Thanks. My other question to them would be, why does the game have to cater to just one type of player? Why can't it create multiple paths and play styles?


What oh no someone that did go through the same way you did has a piece of gear just as good as yours? How exactly does that hurt you? Play the game how you want and let others play the game how they want.

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Thanks. My other question to them would be, why does the game have to cater to just one type of player? Why can't it create multiple paths and play styles?


What oh no someone that did go through the same way you did has a piece of gear just as good as yours? How exactly does that hurt you? Play the game how you want and let others play the game how they want.


it doesnt hurt you, but it does devalue you!


We see it posted here all the time complaints about crafting being meaningless.


Well crafting is meaningless in this game because everything so easy to get.


I dont want SWG difficulty and nor do I want EQ level curve

But Why would it be so terrible if everyone didnt get everything and people that "dedicate" the time and learning to obtain something special, be special, unigue.

Why does every single flower have to be the same?


Right now the level curve and difficulty in MMORPGs is set to Kids Sports league where they dont keep score and everyone gets a trophy


And in 15 years those tropheys are meaningless and packed away in the garage with the rest of the childhood garbage. Rather then on the mantle place celebrateing an acheivement.


Personally speaking Id like to see a return to DAoC level curve.


At 20-25/hours a week your first character to max was looking at 4-6 months play time

All goods had wear and tear to them so crafters were always in demand to make new items for the average player

And from boss mobs (random chance originally, SMALL random chance, none of this 20% and 10% junk) you stood a chance at getting something truely special.


Course DAoC didnt have Raids originally and thats a whole different problem child of its own

It also didnt have PVP xp and PVP equipment so everyone was equal and the time you put in was the rewards

When the RAs a XP were added is when DAoC started its slide as everyone wanted to be special little flowers


Like it is now.

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Thanks. My other question to them would be, why does the game have to cater to just one type of player? Why can't it create multiple paths and play styles?


What oh no someone that did go through the same way you did has a piece of gear just as good as yours? How exactly does that hurt you? Play the game how you want and let others play the game how they want.


They have done different modes for years.I not sure why SWTOR couldn't.Some people it is all about the story.I don't see why they couldn't run a story mode or a hell mode.It has been done.Even BW had different modes in ME 3.

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it doesnt hurt you, but it does devalue you!


We see it posted here all the time complaints about crafting being meaningless.


Well crafting is meaningless in this game because everything so easy to get.


I dont want SWG difficulty and nor do I want EQ level curve

But Why would it be so terrible if everyone didnt get everything and people that "dedicate" the time and learning to obtain something special, be special, unigue.

Why does every single flower have to be the same?


Right now the level curve and difficulty in MMORPGs is set to Kids Sports league where they dont keep score and everyone gets a trophy


And in 15 years those tropheys are meaningless and packed away in the garage with the rest of the childhood garbage. Rather then on the mantle place celebrateing an acheivement.


Personally speaking Id like to see a return to DAoC level curve.


At 20-25/hours a week your first character to max was looking at 4-6 months play time

All goods had wear and tear to them so crafters were always in demand to make new items for the average player

And from boss mobs (random chance originally, SMALL random chance, none of this 20% and 10% junk) you stood a chance at getting something truely special.


Course DAoC didnt have Raids originally and thats a whole different problem child of its own

It also didnt have PVP xp and PVP equipment so everyone was equal and the time you put in was the rewards

When the RAs a XP were added is when DAoC started its slide as everyone wanted to be special little flowers


Like it is now.


That is your opinion.It is a game.It is what people play for entertainment.What you look for in a game is different than others.Same with me.What I like others probably don't.You have a diverse community with different expectations.BW needs to figure a way that will address the needs of the community not cater to a certain portion.I wish them well.That won't be a easy chore.

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i for one am really looking forward to getting HK, having to do something challenging will be a nice change from running dailies all the time. Although i am not a huge fan of the republic, i will roll a toon to be able to get him but I'm not particularly excited about it. i enjoy the Empire more and my friends and guild are on the Empire side so having to spend some time levelling a toon on the republic. and its not that i don't want to do the work to get him but i would like to be able to do it without a toon on each faction.
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What does that matter to a company that wants to make money? They want more players that will stick around, not a minority of dedicated players.


And I question that claim that they are any more dedicated just because they perhaps have more time to play than someone else.


this i must agree with.. time playing does not equal dedication to said game


my wife and i love the game.. but lately weve been in a slump.. maybe its the fact our server doesnt have transfers yet, or the fact theres no one to play with.. no recent 50 content.. whatever the reason we hit a game slump..it happens to everyone..


it doesnt mean i dont like the game.. just wanted a break for a few

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lol the welfare state of gaming. The gaming entitlement system.


I personally play games for the challenge. I like to have trophy's that no one else can get. Apparently Bioware does not care about people who like to be unique and have things that are unattainable to most people on the server. Thats why there is nothing for having level 10 soical. Nothing for having lvl 100 valor(not even a mount or cool pieces of moddable gear). Nothing special for those who have beat kephas on hard mode.


The mounts are the closest thing people have to being unique. Or karagga's bell hat. And the mounts and bell hat are pretty stupid looking. Where is my death star mount? or my pod racing mount? tie fighter mount? C'mon this is Star Wars.


Everquest was great at this, no one else really has been able to compare.

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lol the welfare state of gaming. The gaming entitlement system.


I personally play games for the challenge. I like to have trophy's that no one else can get. Apparently Bioware does not care about people who like to be unique and have things that are unattainable to most people on the server. Thats why there is nothing for having level 10 soical. Nothing for having lvl 100 valor(not even a mount or cool pieces of moddable gear). Nothing special for those who have beat kephas on hard mode.


The mounts are the closest thing people have to being unique. Or karagga's bell hat. And the mounts and bell hat are pretty stupid looking. Where is my death star mount? or my pod racing mount? tie fighter mount? C'mon this is Star Wars.


Everquest was great at this, no one else really has been able to compare.


well the death star and tie fighters didnt exist back then:P


but i do understand what you are saying and ya i agree.. incentive isnt a strong one here sometimes

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In spite of the quick growth of MMOs in the last decade, there are still many people that are ignorant to the common conventions of MMOs. People who have been dragged in by EAs phenomenally large advertising campaign.


EA, like any MMO publisher needs subscriptions to last, and their is no fun in everyone so easily hitting peak. Some of us don't want to be punished for settling for "standard" just because someone who invests his time elsewhere isn't happy about it. It's their bad for picking the famously worst genre for a "drop in, drop out" gameplay.


Can't keep up with the hardcore? Well what do these pre-occupied people suggest Bioware does about them? Does Bioware tell these gamers "Hey stop playing, you're offending the slower gamers."


Or do they say "Hey, remember those months you put into getting this stuff? Well now everyone can enjoy that same stuff for almost nothing!" Oh wait, they did that with battlemaster gear already. These awful game killers.

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There was a time in MMO's when it was accepted that to have things you had to earn them.......before the dark times....before Blizzard....


Na, you still have to earn things. It's just more mainstream now, less hardcore. How many people were playing mmos before blizzard? Quite a few less than present day, I'd guess.

What it boils down to is playstyle.

Person A is willing to devote alot of spare time and gets item within a week.

Person B hasn't got the time to devote, but wants the item too. Gets said item in a couple of months.


Both people have item. The trouble is that person B is now behind on the new content, dailies, crafting, grinding, because of spending time getting the item. Now, what I'm about to suggest isnt necessarily what I'd want, so don't take this as personal opinion, but if person B had a quicker method of getting the item, they wouldn't be behind, and could spend their time grouping with other people maybe? The end result is the same, both players have the item, both got the item the way they wanted to.

What I'm seeing is person A saying that's not fair, I had to earn it, had to put in more effort. Well, yes you did, but wasn't it you saying you didn't want it easy mode?

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Na, you still have to earn things. It's just more mainstream now, less hardcore. How many people were playing mmos before blizzard? Quite a few less than present day, I'd guess.

What it boils down to is playstyle.

Person A is willing to devote alot of spare time and gets item within a week.

Person B hasn't got the time to devote, but wants the item too. Gets said item in a couple of months.


Both people have item. The trouble is that person B is now behind on the new content, dailies, crafting, grinding, because of spending time getting the item. Now, what I'm about to suggest isnt necessarily what I'd want, so don't take this as personal opinion, but if person B had a quicker method of getting the item, they wouldn't be behind, and could spend their time grouping with other people maybe? The end result is the same, both players have the item, both got the item the way they wanted to.

What I'm seeing is person A saying that's not fair, I had to earn it, had to put in more effort. Well, yes you did, but wasn't it you saying you didn't want it easy mode?


And what i see is an entire generation of MMO players who have been told thier special snowflakes and had thier hand held far too long. I'd love to invent a time machine, drop these "Wrath babies" into the genre circa 1999-2004. They be eaten alive with thier self-entitled attitudes.


And BTW, im person B, im not in college doing 48-hour lan parties anymore, im an adult with kids,a job, a wife, bills, ect. so i cant do it like i used too.

Edited by TKMaster
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And what i see is an entire generation of MMO players who have been told thier special snowflakes and had thier hand held far too long. I'd love to invent a time machine, drop these "Wrath babies" into the genre circa 1999-2004. They be eaten alive with thier self-entitled attitudes.


Maybe lol. But doesn't this all boil down to that special snowflake attitude though? People really want things hard to get so they can show off, be that special snowflake when they have it. Not saying that's wrong, though I'm personally not interested in elitism, but isn't that what all this is about?

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At no point has anyone against the "opposite factions on the same server" way of unlocking HK not wanted it because it is too hard. Anyone can level up alts and if having two 50's is the key then so be it.


The main argument is forcing a play style choice to unlock content.


And yes, it is forced. You are being told that you have to have two opposite faction characters on a server. Never mind that most MMO conventions are against that, never mind that people playing on a PvP server HATE having alts on the opposite faction (at least those I've spoken to)...it is a basic fact that a number of people keep their factions on separate servers.


If Bioware wants me to have a level 50 Imp and a level 50 Rep...I'm perfectly fine with that as long as they don't force me to have them on the same server. If they want me to grind some mind-numbing series of daily quests over a period of a month...I'm good with that too. No part of any MMO is hard...because time consuming does not equal hard, but I will not now nor will I ever have characters from opposite factions on the same server...even if they raise the number of characters per server. I need 8 characters per faction max. One from each Advanced Class. And I don't really need those to be quite honest but I like experiencing the entirety of a game.


No one is asking to have this content unlock handed to them (that I have seen). The only complaint is the WAY Bioware wants to force a game play decision down the throats of their players and we as a whole are a stubborn bunch.


As I've said before, I doubt anyone will quit the game over something like this but it does add a straw to the back of the camel to share space with all the other straws that have players angry at Bioware as a company and at the game as a whole.

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Because people are used to being spoon fed everything in WOW. They move to other games and expect them to be the same. Then when it's not they come and cry on the forums endlessly (in line with traditional wow custom) and try to claim that X feature is "standard" in all MMOs. Edited by NasherUK
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Because people are used to being spoon fed everything in WOW. They move to other games and expect them to be the same. Then when it's not they come and cry on the forums endlessly (in line with traditional wow custom) and try to claim that X feature is "standard" in all MMOs.


You're just being simplistic, and tarring everyone with the same brush. There are more points to this arguement, and indeed, more potential solutions, than you think.

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I agree with the OP, it will be so much more satisfying to unlock him if you have to put in the effort, people are just lazy these days...


As for the issue of seperate servers for different factions i guess people will need more character slots and transfers to get everyone on one server.

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There are 8 slots, 4 professions with 2 advanced classes....So maybe i have an all imp server with 1 character of each advanced class.....That is 8 Imps on one server, 4 of which are level 50 already.


I would have to erase one toon in order to get a new companion unlock. ....



BTW unlocking something by having one of each faction at level 50 on the same server, is hardly difficult. Its actually fairly simple. The problem is it forces people to roll a new faction on the same server, my toons already share a last name.

Edited by kirorx
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anything that can be easily unlocked is not worth unlocking.


If you wanna do that go play a single player game and turn on invincibility and infinite ammo.


So, nothing in this game is worth unlocking? Because nothing in this game is actually difficult.


No one is saying that it is too difficult to unlock the new companion, many people would actually prefer that unlocking it involved more, they simply do not like the method that is currently required.


Instead of needing 2 toons on opposite factions they should have found a different (or have more than 1 way to do it).


Just as you are entitled to your opinion, so is everyone else. As it stands now, I will never get the new companion, because I can not stand the thought of playing on the Rebel side and I flatly refuse to do it. Luckily, I could not care less about the companion being offered. But, in the future I hope that they think of other methods to unlock account wide bonuses. Further, I hope any new bonuses are not as stupid and useless like this one.

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I'm not trolling, I want to have a serious discussion.


For example, the HK-51 companion coming out is probably going to require both a lvl 50 imperial and a lvl republic character on the same legacy to get. People all of a sudden start to complain about how they "don't feel like leveling an opposite faction character" and "Bioware messed this one up I'm quitting". I happen to like the requirement because not everyone is going to get it, it's fun to experience leveling a character on both sides, and it's not another one of those freebies to come in the mail. We have to work for it. People in this game feel they are entitled to get everything that comes out in this game, and if they don't feel like doing it, it becomes "unfair" and "bad business Bioware".


I think some people fail to realize that this is not a single player game. You aren't going to get everything handed to you. In MMOs a lot of the successful players have things the other don't because they put in more effort. This isn't even a diffcult requirement anyway. I applaud Bioware for making this awesome companion at least a little difficult to get. I'm not trying to disparage anyone, I'd really like to know why people feel that if they don't like to do something then it shouldn't be a requirement to get a cool companion. I know some people have filled all their charact6er slots but have like a lvl 40, a lvl 20 and six lvl 1-10 characters. You can afford to delete one of them to level a republic guy if you want HK-51. It is your choice whether to fulfill the requirements or not.


Can we at least have a somewhat civil discussion for once? I have a feeling it's going to be too much to ask.


All paying customers ARE entitled to get everything out of the game. A better question: Why do people think a game that is intended to be entertaining and fun should be a tedious grind? And this is from a guy with a vanguard, scoundrel, juggernaut, sorceror, sentinel, shadow, sniper and mercenary on the same legacy so the requirements aren't impeding me in any way.


The problem I find with Bioware in general is their "rewards" typically demand that you play the game a certain way. Like if people want an chiss jedi they'd have to play a chiss something else that they didn't want to. Or you'd have to play stories from lvl 1-50 one at a time for unlocks. I play all 8 stories chapter by chapter so all 8 slots are filled. Most stuff is useless given my playstyle.


Granted, I could care less about the droid. But I have to ask, what is so great about that droid to warrant the effort involved? He's just another run of the mill companion as far as I can tell.

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All paying customers ARE entitled to get everything out of the game. A better question: Why do people think a game that is intended to be entertaining and fun should be a tedious grind? And this is from a guy with a vanguard, scoundrel, juggernaut, sorceror, sentinel, shadow, sniper and mercenary on the same legacy so the requirements aren't impeding me in any way.


The problem I find with Bioware in general is their "rewards" typically demand that you play the game a certain way. Like if people want an chiss jedi they'd have to play a chiss something else that they didn't want to. Or you'd have to play stories from lvl 1-50 one at a time for unlocks. I play all 8 stories chapter by chapter so all 8 slots are filled. Most stuff is useless given my playstyle.


Granted, I could care less about the droid. But I have to ask, what is so great about that droid to warrant the effort involved? He's just another run of the mill companion as far as I can tell.


You and your ilk need to read the ULA again, Your entiltled to one thing and one thing only by paing a sub....logging in to Bioware's servers when thier available.

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If "meat bags" want HK-51 then they should put in the work to get him. I want him but i dont really want to go out if my way to level another character. If i do end up doing it great! But i am not going to whine about someone else having HK-51 and me not having him when i didn't meet the requirements.


I dont really get the whole "i should jave it because someone else does and i should too" mentality. We are not all going to have the same gear or pets, that is what makes the characters unique.


Sadly, this generation was brought up with the 'no child left behind', 'everyone plays and is a winner'. From kids soccer and other sports to the school system. Soooo its no suprise that they feel that they are 'entitled' just like anyone else to have all the same stuff.

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