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I <3 empty servers. (not trolling)


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if i wanted to play games with other people i would have been a well rounded, social human being.

i don't and i'm not.


let it be known, i know many people play MMOs to interact with others, i don't enjoy gaming with strangers. if anything, i start a guild so that my gal, brother, best friend and his wife can all keep tabs on each-other, otherwise i'm not interested.


i know this won't be a popular model of gaming, but for me, i will stay on the empty servers because-

1. i never have to fight another player over an atmosphere pickup, a special enemy, or any general group of enemies that needs killing.

2. the game runs great cause there's no cluster of character models and names floating above their heads.

3. i truly feel heroic as opposed to every other MMO that has you waiting in line for your heroic moment, battle and item drop... (the launch of WoW's "The Burning Crusade" is a perfect example... i love that x-pack too. midnight launch there were at least 300-600 Draenei running away from the lv 1 starter area, half of us were the same class, because there was a new class as well as the new race. and all fighting over the same stuff, lol)


i know this isn't even meant be be a design aspect, but think about future massive RPGs... whats to say that instead of picking "A" server and running wild on a server with 1000's of other players, it won't be an option on par with setting GFX preference? or as simple as choosing what area u want to take your character to?


maybe down the road we will be entitled to pick a server each play session based on player amount and then while in the server lock a separate instance up for yourself or set a password that you only tell your family or RL friends.


SWTOR is perfect for me in the because i can enjoy the story while grouping with an NPC companion and do most of the games missions. and even if i want to do a flash point, i only need my brother or gal to come along and to bring their NPC as well.


it really is the perfect gaming scenario for me.


but for those of you who truly enjoy the magic of a human dominated server that feels more alive because it is literally more real based on human input and human decision making, good for you.


you should be able to play the MMO the way you want. it will be nice if in the future, developers keep these different play styles easily accessible for all to enjoy the game the way they want.


good luck to those of you moving servers for more enjoyment, i'm lucky, i'm anti-social to my benefit there.



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Im the same way. I like the very low pop server I am on. Its a transfer from server so its even more empty now. Im loving it.


Dont care about raiding or, pvp or, group stuff.


Fully agree OP.

Edited by Zootskyqua
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It is nice at times to always be in an area where you know all the crafting nodes are free and no one's taking your mission objectives but overall for me I miss the community. I tend to have it both ways by playing late into the night if I want more peace. Just would feel a little eerie to always be alone on the server.
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You know there are games (even made by Bioware) that don't cost a monthly subscription and you can do all the things that you like to do alone. The best part is, the graphics and story are even better because they are designed for solo play. To want to play an mmo alone is a bit odd. But to each their own.
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I get the whole wanting to be alone in games sometimes, but you're playing a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME


That doesn't mean you have to play with other players. It means there are other players playing in the virtual world, whom you can play with if you choose. Just like the roleplaying part isn't mandatory either.

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It is nice at times to always be in an area where you know all the crafting nodes are free and no one's taking your mission objectives but overall for me I miss the community.

The community aspect of MMOs these days is overrated. For years I've seen nothing in General Chat in any MMO that was interesting, witty or even all that articulate. All I see is Guilds pleading for new members (always avoid these lame ducks like the plague), people parroting LFG or selling crap (functional, but hardly "community"), and finally the bulk of the Chat which consists of pointless waffle and stale, boring banter.


Community is not just people all mashed together onto a server. That's just a crowd.

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I don't get it. MMOs are in almost every aspect of gameplay worse than sinlgeplayer games. From story to level/world design. the edge where MMos shine is the persistant multiplayer aspect and community interactions. just sayin... Maybe you should try another genre. You're wasting your time in game with major features that you don't want and don't enjoy.
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Amen my friend. The god of gaming could not have spoken it better himself. There are times where I feel exactly like you, and others where I feel the opposite. The suggestion you put forward is one that should have been in every MMO from launch, especially this one. Heavily story driven elements in things such as the titles that should make you feel special can at times be dulled by the thousand other players that are "Grand Champion of the Great Hunt", and elements such as flashpoints and operations can be boosted by the fact that you know you aren't the only hero in this world, you have back up in this war, and you can very well use it. I see both sides of this argument and am supporting both :p Good show I say, good show.
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I dont get it, playing solo you can never advance once you hit 50 you are gonna be stuck in the same gear etc and you would actully pay to do that?


he's probably that kind of player who enjoy grinding alts over and over like a drone. The story is ok, but the real fun starts with multiplayer. and yes. after you hit lvl 50, you are basicly done. Not even dailies are worth it, cos you don't need better gear.

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I am alot like you OP when it comes to PvE though I am not anti-social.


I do like my random world PvP, Warzones, an active GTN, and chatting in general chat. That to me is community and why I play MMOs. That is why play on the Fatman.


However, Flashpoints, Operations, and Heriocs just baffle me. I do not understand how anyone could like them.


You're playing against a set number of fixed variables, much the same as any single player game. Fallout 3, Mass Effect, or the Legends of Zelda. That's all an operation is, it's essentially an 8 player version of Zelda where all fail if one fails.


How can anyone sit here and tell me that you find it enjoyable because Joe in Topeka is on the phone with his girlfriend and didn't move out of the fire quick enough? That sucks, I do not want to have my experience ruined by some random player that may or may not be putting the same effort into the game that I am.


Zelda was the best game of all time, but there was a reason they never made a two player version of it.

Edited by SajmanPeetee
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I can totally get where the OP is coming from. When I start MMOs, if left to myself, I'll generally pick a server that's a little quieter than the heaviest ones, because I understand what the super heavy servers get like.


My current server hasn't yet been merged (oh, sorry "transfers") yet. And yet, because I have a good guild, the population is solid. While I can see the general pop decline, and I know the server wouldn't survive long term with the trends, it would take, at worst, maybe a combination with 2 other similar servers to get it to critical mass and still be okay for those who would have liked the quieter place.


I'm not one for PvP, so all that former whining and current glee about queue times is lost on me, and I only group within my guild, so group finder will be all but useless. All I see getting ready to go to a mega server is more difficulty getting updates, more rude folks ninja'ing resources while you fight, and a crapton of lag in certain areas. Oh, and my wife will lose about half her names that she likes (she'll deal, unlike some, but she's not thrilled about it).

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Hate to say it, but i enjoy single player games far more than multiplayer ones.


Why? Because its multiplayer. I have to deal with the trash of society in a place i enjoy.


Yes i love the stories. Yes i play 99% of the time on my own. I have multiple 50's, each with operation entry level gear from vendors.


Once i reach 50, and complete the class' story, i log an alt and level them up. I then enjoy that class' story as well. It will take me quite a while to play through all 8 of the class stories - and even then i plan to play each story twice, one from each advanced class and gender.


Will take me another 6 months to be 'done' with the singleplayer aspects of each class. And im happy to be paying a sub for something i enjoy.


Have i done flashpoints? I sure have, many of them. Heroics? Of course! Even operations? I have pretty much completed 2 full operations in ''story mode'' (only once each). My main has done by far the most, and even then i have no plans to do any more operations any time soon, even if i am able to right now. Ive also done a couple warzones, though i do not enjoy pvp at all.


The TL;DR part is, i enjoy doing what i do and i will happily continue doing it and paying a sub for it - even if that means doing it on an EMPTY SERVER.

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The OP doesn't belong in MMOs. There's good reasons why genres are there for you to pick and choose. I'm so sick of SPGamers pissing over a genre I like just because they shout all kinds of 'well I don't have to' or 'people' suck' or 'i'm all kinds of anti-social cool'....


No one is stopping you playing the kind of game you like... which is S I N G L E P L A Y E R. Personally I believe you get more out of ruining someone elses genre. Why else make a thread that basically rubs our noses in you making a mockery of MMOs.

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The OP doesn't belong in MMOs. There's good reasons why genres are there for you to pick and choose. I'm so sick of SPGamers pissing over a genre I like just because they shout all kinds of 'well I don't have to' or 'people' suck' or 'i'm all kinds of anti-social cool'....


No one is stopping you playing the kind of game you like... which is S I N G L E P L A Y E R. Personally I believe you get more out of ruining someone elses genre. Why else make a thread that basically rubs our noses in you making a mockery of MMOs.


sadly i agree.. kotor is a great single player star wars game.. as from the looks of it 1313 will be as well. i would suggest the op go look into those.... the server transffers were needed to maintain this game.. and when they eventaully close down all the other servers ( likely cause running them after a while will be cost prohibitive.) then i will support that..even if there are people like the op enjoying swtor the single player version.. i would defend biowares decision to close those servers..because ultimately though you CAN single player alot of this game..it is meant for more than one person.

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