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Will 1.3 And Transfers Save SWTOR?


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And two very big reasons are being addressed, as mentioned. Heck, if you include ranked warzones, that's three.


Yep. By 1.3 I'll wager we have a fair number returning with more to follow when those who did return give their reviews to their friends and whatnot (Hey this is great now, come back and check it out!)

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The game has over a million players. It isn't like it is at death's door or anything. 1.3 and transfers will likely save a lot of subs and bring some back, but the game isn't dying, at least not yet. Honestly, if SWG could last 9 years, I'm sure TOR can as well.
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The game has over a million players. It isn't like it is at death's door or anything. 1.3 and transfers will likely save a lot of subs and bring some back, but the game isn't dying, at least not yet. Honestly, if SWG could last 9 years, I'm sure TOR can as well.


this right here.


quit being dramatic ppl

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The game has over a million players. It isn't like it is at death's door or anything. 1.3 and transfers will likely save a lot of subs and bring some back, but the game isn't dying, at least not yet. Honestly, if SWG could last 9 years, I'm sure TOR can as well.


You have a source for that? There is no way it has over a million anymore. If it had more than a million, then all these merges wouldn't be happening. ;)

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i have recently returned, to find my server is a ghost town and that this problem is wide spread and without a general population this game wont be able to carry on,


my question is will 1.3 be enough to keep old players busy and enough to bring back old subs and encourage new players to join, because this seems like its heading F2P or closure.


No. You are implying in your title that the game needs to be saved. Which is does not. But transfer and 1.3 will make it alot better yes.

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Unless those PvPers are going Guild Wars 2 for that version of PvP.


True. Their PvP better be really good though, because most of the objective reviews about the rest of the game are really, really meh.


I may try out GW2 as well if I get into a beta weekend.

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i have recently returned, to find my server is a ghost town and that this problem is wide spread and without a general population this game wont be able to carry on,


my question is will 1.3 be enough to keep old players busy and enough to bring back old subs and encourage new players to join, because this seems like its heading F2P or closure.


I will just prolong its death for a couple months. I would not be surprised if the game is down to 3 or 4 severs by the end of the year.

Edited by Gomuningen
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All 50 of you will be sorely missed.




To answer the OP question: Absolutely, yes it will. It will at least stop the bleeding thats been going on for a couple months now.


Bioware took far too long to implement this, but to their credit - they've done it right! Much better then I expected...


It will slow down the bleeding for one or two months but thats it. The real problem with the game cannot be fixed and the longer people level up they will be seeing it. Bioware isnt going to fix it so the bleeding will start again soon.


The population change isnt going to fix it. Yes it will make it better for more of the people that play the game but the main problem is people quitting the game because there is nothing to do besides level. Thats what you need to fix to stop the bleeding.


Just like the aussie servers, the same thing will happen. They will be full for a few weeks and then start dropping players. Right now the aussie servers are mostly standard. Remember when all three were full.


The only thing Bioware did right is the actually transfer process of your character.


Most people play on SUN. thats when the servers are at their fullest. Now they merged all the servers together to get full servers on a weekday :rolleyes: What do you think is going to happen on Sun (well maybe not this one because of fathers day) those people are going to log in and complain because the one day they have to play they cant because they are in a q. Most of them would quit because why pay 15 dollars to sit in a q for the 3-4 hours you can play.


But its all good because right now it looks good, who cares about what happens later they will avoid dealing with that when it happens

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It will slow down the bleeding for one or two months but thats it. The real problem with the game cannot be fixed and the longer people level up they will be seeing it. Bioware isnt going to fix it so the bleeding will start again soon.


The population change isnt going to fix it. Yes it will make it better for more of the people that play the game but the main problem is people quitting the game because there is nothing to do besides level. Thats what you need to fix to stop the bleeding.


]Just like the aussie servers, the same thing will happen. They will be full for a few weeks and then start dropping players. Right now the aussie servers are mostly standard. Remember when all three were full.


The only thing Bioware did right is the actually transfer process of your character.


Most people play on SUN. thats when the servers are at their fullest. Now they merged all the servers together to get full servers on a weekday :rolleyes: What do you think is going to happen on Sun (well maybe not this one because of fathers day) those people are going to log in and complain because the one day they have to play they cant because they are in a q. Most of them would quit because why pay 15 dollars to sit in a q for the 3-4 hours you can play.


But its all good because right now it looks good, who cares about what happens later they will avoid dealing with that when it happens


I'm commenting on the bolded part.


There's plenty to do once you hit level 50. Now, if you don't LIKE running dailies, or doing raids, doing flashpoints, or doing group pvp...then guess what? You're going to be bored in any MMORPG, tbh.


WoW may have MORE of the above, but lets face it, even in WoW, people only do the new stuff, not the old stuff. Content volume isn't that much different.

Edited by islander
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Game doesn't need saving and thus the forum topic is misleading. It's not horrible and it's not the best thing ever. It's just good and for many that is more than enough.



They had to many servers at launch and now that things are a bit more condensed you'll see more activity in the game. As long as they keep content and features coming out at a reasonable pace they'll be fine.

Edited by TonyIommi
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Nothing can save swtor. It's whole game design flawed. It tried to copy WoW, but did a seriously bad job at it. Star Wars + WoW game design mechanics does NOT work.


How does it copy WoW? It has the same fighting system? What would you expect, an FPS?


The questing is the same? The same idea used in ALL MMORPG's. You dont get it all, do you?


I could go on and on, but the point is WoW is not the only MMORPG! It happens to be one of the biggest, but hell 1 MIL + subscribers doesnt mean this game dead. 1 Million x 15$ every month. Think about that. Yeah, the game is totally dead.

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I'm commenting on the bolded part.


There's plenty to do once you hit level 50. Now, if you don't LIKE running dailies, or doing raids, doing flashpoints, or doing group pvp...then guess what? You're going to be bored in any MMORPG, tbh.


WoW may have MORE of the above, but lets face it, even in WoW, people only do the new stuff, not the old stuff. Content volume isn't that much different.


You say there is plenty to do once you hit 50 but then in the next sentence you say people only do the new stuff.


So let me get this straight. There is plenty to do in the game the only thing is its old (and by old I mean people have done it already) and players dont like doing old things. Is that it?

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You say there is plenty to do once you hit 50 but then in the next sentence you say people only do the new stuff.


So let me get this straight. There is plenty to do in the game the only thing is its old (and by old I mean people have done it already) and players dont like doing old things. Is that it?


Yes, and it's an issue you'll run across in every MMORPG you play.


anything you've done more then a few times is "old" and then they come QQing on the forums about being bored.


Then Bioware (or Blizz, or whoever) introduces something requiring work (oh no, a grind!) and then you get that QQ going.


It's just like these babies about the server transfers. First they complain about being on a low pop server. OK fine, thats a valid complaint, we were all pretty much in that boat. Now today, you look on the forums and you have a small subset of people crying it's too full.


The forum population in games is pretty comical.


edit: Just an aside, answering your signature question : its because I post on the forums while at work. When i'm at home, I'm playing not on the forums :)

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Yes, and it's an issue you'll run across in every MMORPG you play.


anything you've done more then a few times is "old" and then they come QQing on the forums about being bored.


Then Bioware (or Blizz, or whoever) introduces something requiring work (oh no, a grind!) and then you get that QQ going.


It's just like these babies about the server transfers. First they complain about being on a low pop server. OK fine, thats a valid complaint, we were all pretty much in that boat. Now today, you look on the forums and you have a small subset of people crying it's too full.


The forum population in games is pretty comical.


edit: Just an aside, answering your signature question : its because I post on the forums while at work. When i'm at home, I'm playing not on the forums :)


I get it now.


To support you saying there is plenty of things for a 50 to do in the game you give examples of how its a problem in all the other MMO's?


The problem is all th enew content they make they make so easy that its used up in a week. Its something WoW did to try and make the bad players happy. All it ended up doing is making no one happy and give them a ton more work to do.


As to my sig. Thats what everyone uses as an excuse. Do you know how many people surf SWTOR forums from work instead of working.

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As to my sig. Thats what everyone uses as an excuse. Do you know how many people surf SWTOR forums from work instead of working.


I do it at work, at school, after i play star wars, before i leave for work and school, before i log into star wars, ocassionaly in game as well when theirs a break in the raid or im waiting for a pvp que. Alt tabbing is seriously not hard bro, you could a train a monkey to do it.

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You have a source for that? There is no way it has over a million anymore. If it had more than a million, then all these merges wouldn't be happening. ;)


The last financial report:




Now it's your turn to prove that they have lost 400,000 players in the last month.

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I get it now.


To support you saying there is plenty of things for a 50 to do in the game you give examples of how its a problem in all the other MMO's?


The problem is all th enew content they make they make so easy that its used up in a week. Its something WoW did to try and make the bad players happy. All it ended up doing is making no one happy and give them a ton more work to do.


As to my sig. Thats what everyone uses as an excuse. Do you know how many people surf SWTOR forums from work instead of working.


I don't know, but it's pretty easy for me to multi-task being I've got 3 monitors on my desk.


As far as content being easy, yes, Wrath was for the average gamer. Not sure about "no one" being happy about it, as they only had their highest population ever during that stretch. Then they turned around with Cata and brought it more in line with BC, and then there was nothing but QQ about it being too hard, especially for pugs. Not to mention, the player population from a mindset/maturity standpoint is so terrible, only Runescape is worse.


Result of going back to more difficult end content? Major sub loss.

Edited by islander
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The last financial report:




Now it's your turn to prove that they have lost 400,000 players in the last month.


It would be just over 300k and it would be almost 2 months.


Check out the servers from 2 months ago to last week and see how much of a drop off it had.


No we cant prove that they are under a million yet but using common sense and everything that is available it shows that it is highly likely they dont. I mean they could have 600k subs that just sub and dont ever play the game that we dont know about.

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No we cant prove that they are under a million


All that needs to be said. Your common sense is meaningless since you seem to equate posting on this forums with dissatisfaction with swtor. Common sense says if i hated the game I wouldn't bother coming here.

Edited by TonyIommi
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I don't know, but it's pretty easy for me to multi-task being I've got 3 monitors on my desk.


As far as content being easy, yes, Wrath was for the average gamer. Not sure about "no one" being happy about it, as they only had their highest population ever during that stretch. Then they turned around with Cata and brought it more in line with BC, and then there was nothing but QQ about it being too hard, especially for pugs. Not to mention, the player population from a mindset/maturity standpoint is so terrible, only Runescape is worse.


Result of going back to more difficult end content? Major sub loss.


It wasnt going back to difficult content but actually going to easy content.


Look at the numbers. How many copies of wrath was purchased?

How many copies of cata were purchased?


The drop in subs was during wrath but you noticed it comming into cata. Its not because of cata if people dont purchase it, its because of wrath if people dont purchace cata.


If SWTOR made an expansion and only sold 500k copies that wouldnt mean that the expansion was the reason that the game is in decline its what happened before then.

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All that needs to be said. Your common sense is meaningless since you seem to equate posting on this forums with dissatisfaction with swtor. Common sense says if i hated the game I wouldn't bother coming here.


You cant prove they are over 1 million either. The only thing we can do is look into ways to determine current population and server status is the most accurate way to see the trend. There are alot more light servers now (before the transfers) then there were in april. I cant remember exactly but I think at that time there were about 20-25 servers that hit standard and now they were about 5 or 6. That give it a better chance of being under 1 million then abouve

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