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No more transfers until next week


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Truly disappointing, just when you think they're working hard to ensure the community gets what they've had to BEG for, they decide not to get all hands on deck to ensure that all transfers are done ASAP. I.e. overtime over the weekend.


Instead players can help THEM, test ranked warzones on the PTS this weekend.... I suggest you don't turn up, they can't be bothered to ensure we get the game and population we expect of an MMO and Pay for, then why should we spend our time testing things we eventually want but know won't come anytime soon because they'll screw up again.

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It's the 'I can't wait anymore...open up more servers now' crowd that caused BW to relent and....open up too many servers on Dec 17-20. Impatience led to too many servers being opened. The impatient, like children, should be seen and not heard :w_cool:


this isn't what happened. bioware enforced artificially low server caps in december (and brought them back up in january) in order to force queuing and funnel people to their other servers. they'd already bought all the hardware, they wanted to fill them up. so they manufactured a crisis in order to spread people around, and then had no plan B for when the populations started dropping because they hadn't created a transfer tool that actually worked with the legacies. bioware hasn't 'relented' to anything ever as far as i can tell. they always planned to have a bunch of servers at the start - that wasn't relenting. it took months to get GCD animations and an interface editor - that wasn't relenting - and when the GCD animations sucked, they threw up their hands and said "fine, pick your own then!" - that also wasn't relenting, that was just giving up their lordship over the ui. 6 months to have an actual reason to level the legacy, and now 7 months after release, they finally have the ability to transfer players, but ask 20% of the population to sit on their hands for a while. the only people relenting here are the players who keep paying them for promises of a better future.

Edited by codyr
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this isn't what happened. bioware enforced artificially low server caps in december (and brought them back up in january) in order to force queuing and funnel people to their other servers. they'd already bought all the hardware, they wanted to fill them up. so they manufactured a crisis in order to spread people around, and then had no plan B for when the populations started dropping because they hadn't created a transfer tool that actually worked with the legacies. bioware hasn't 'relented' to anything ever as far as i can tell. they always planned to have a bunch of servers at the start - that wasn't relenting. it took months to get GCD animations and an interface editor - that wasn't relenting - and when the GCD animations sucked, they threw up their hands and said "fine, pick your own then!" - that also wasn't relenting, that was just giving up their lordship over the ui. 6 months to have an actual reason to level the legacy, and now 7 months after release, they finally have the ability to transfer players.


This guy knows what's going on!

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Regardless of what anyone says, everyone that has not had their server listed yet has a right to complain. Whether you people complaining about the complainers like it or not, it's their right as an unhappy customer.


I, for one, know it's not the end of the world that my server is STILL not listed as either, but I am also rather displeased that I am still waiting to see this population problem fixed while many other servers have been addressed. It's not a matter of fair, it's not a matter of whining, it's a matter of we are their customers and we are unhappy with their service at this time. Simple as that. This has not been waiting for a few days, the population issues have been here for a while.

Edited by Sireene
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this isn't what happened. bioware enforced artificially low server caps in december (and brought them back up in january) in order to force queuing and funnel people to their other servers. they'd already bought all the hardware, they wanted to fill them up. so they manufactured a crisis in order to spread people around, and then had no plan B for when the populations started dropping because they hadn't created a transfer tool that actually worked with the legacies. bioware hasn't 'relented' to anything ever as far as i can tell. they always planned to have a bunch of servers at the start - that wasn't relenting. it took months to get GCD animations and an interface editor - that wasn't relenting - and when the GCD animations sucked, they threw up their hands and said "fine, pick your own then!" - that also wasn't relenting, that was just giving up their lordship over the ui. 6 months to have an actual reason to level the legacy, and now 7 months after release, they finally have the ability to transfer players, but ask 20% of the population to sit on their hands for a while. the only people relenting here are the players who keep paying them for promises of a better future.


Do you have anything to support your conjecture that they set artificially low server caps in order to force queueing?


I would be more likely to believe that they enforced low caps because they had no data on how the servers would take as many people as they got on opening week. They then raised them in january as they determined what a safe level would be.


Not disagreeing with your outcome, but I think you attribute to malice something that was not malice.

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Regardless of what anyone says, everyone that has not had their server listed yet has a right to complain. Whether you people complaining about the complainers like it or not, it's their right as an unhappy customer.


I, for one, know it's not the end of the world that my server is STILL not listed as either, but I am also rather displeased that I am still waiting to see this population problem fixed while many other servers have been addressed. It's not a matter of fair, it's not a matter of whining, it's a matter of we are their customers and we are unhappy with their service at this time. Simple as that. This has not been waiting for a few days, the population issues have been here for a while.


I'd like to see all the fools that keep posting complaints about the people making complaints just go eat dung. Get a life, everyone has just as much right as you to post whatever they want about their experience with this game or company on these forums. Don't like a thread, don't frickin read it! That simple. God knows there's no other useful threads being put up that are being pushed down by any of this.....so it really makes no difference.


the irony is that since we're stuck on dead servers, what else can we do but post here? we certainly can't do pvp or raids.

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the irony is that since we're stuck on dead servers, what else can we do but post here? we certainly can't do pvp or raids.


So far the forums have provided the best PVP this game has to offer.

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this isn't what happened. bioware enforced artificially low server caps in december (and brought them back up in january) in order to force queuing and funnel people to their other servers. they'd already bought all the hardware, they wanted to fill them up. so they manufactured a crisis in order to spread people around, and then had no plan B for when the populations started dropping because they hadn't created a transfer tool that actually worked with the legacies. bioware hasn't 'relented' to anything ever as far as i can tell. they always planned to have a bunch of servers at the start - that wasn't relenting. it took months to get GCD animations and an interface editor - that wasn't relenting - and when the GCD animations sucked, they threw up their hands and said "fine, pick your own then!" - that also wasn't relenting, that was just giving up their lordship over the ui. 6 months to have an actual reason to level the legacy, and now 7 months after release, they finally have the ability to transfer players, but ask 20% of the population to sit on their hands for a while. the only people relenting here are the players who keep paying them for promises of a better future.


I agree with most everything here. However it has only been 6 months since early access started and almost 6 months after relase, not 7. Wrong information here will cause people to not belive the rest of your post even though it is accurate.

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Read this:




Shadow Hand is a server that was very popular up until D3. It's population usually bumps up from light to standard ON THE WEEKENDS.


This will probably effect which servers of the remaining PVE East will be chosen as potential Destination servers to follow in the model of The Shadowlands.

I'm hoping Shadow Hand gets a transfer to Canderous Ordo, but Canderous Ordo is kind of heavy now. Would be nice to have all my toons and credits in 1 place.

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Perhaps it is best tl let Bioware analyze what has been done so far, plan the next phase(s) accordingly and make the playing experience better for everyone.


Servers involve a LOT of tuning to make balanced play as fun as it can and is to play. In the end it's a game of many parts, bells, whistles and rotors.


Our server just moved after we waited patiently and the game is back to being a whole lot more fun to play. Now playing with 1000+ players at any one time brings new, minor, issues that undoubtedly Bioware is looking at to address as and where they can.


Would that have happend if they just lumped us together willy-nilly? Most likely not.


Bioware is doing this right, give them time to make sure they can balance their resources and still keep most of us happy.


Rock on Bioware! THANK YOU for your efforts and great patience with all of us!

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Do you have anything to support your conjecture that they set artificially low server caps in order to force queueing?


I would be more likely to believe that they enforced low caps because they had no data on how the servers would take as many people as they got on opening week. They then raised them in january as they determined what a safe level would be.


Not disagreeing with your outcome, but I think you attribute to malice something that was not malice.



I think this is more an issue of Hanlon's Razor than malice. :D


I can tell you there were times in beta where there were near 500 people on Coruscant, and I never saw anything close to that on live. Other planets always seemed to have more population in beta than live servers ever did, even on launch day. I think they were so worried about server stability, they capped the pops waaaaay too low.

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I agree with most everything here. However it has only been 6 months since early access started and almost 6 months after relase, not 7. Wrong information here will cause people to not belive the rest of your post even though it is accurate.


It's not accurate. BioWare hasn't released lordship of their UI either. It's still not moddable. You can only do what they have allowed you to do with it. He is grabbing at straws to attempt to prove a point that is largely just more guessing on his end. I was here since beta. I know the servers couldn't handle the caps they can now. Now where close. I remember our fleet at launch having a seizure because there were 150+ people on it. We even had a guild sit on the fleet with 100 members to purposely cause it.

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Perhaps it is best tl let Bioware analyze what has been done so far, plan the next phase(s) accordingly and make the playing experience better for everyone.


Servers involve a LOT of tuning to make balanced play as fun as it can and is to play. In the end it's a game of many parts, bells, whistles and rotors.


Our server just moved after we waited patiently and the game is back to being a whole lot more fun to play. Now playing with 1000+ players at any one time brings new, minor, issues that undoubtedly Bioware is looking at to address as and where they can.


Would that have happend if they just lumped us together willy-nilly? Most likely not.


Bioware is doing this right, give them time to make sure they can balance their resources and still keep most of us happy.


Rock on Bioware! THANK YOU for your efforts and great patience with all of us!


Clearly you have already been transferred. Also why would they need to test the population now? That's what 5% of people is for, not 82% or however many have already been transferred. We are paying customers, we expect the same treatment as all of the other paying customers.

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Clearly you have already been transferred. Also why would they need to test the population now? That's what 5% of people is for, not 82% or however many have already been transferred. We are paying customers, we expect the same treatment as all of the other paying customers.


You should have a talk with the EU about that :p

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Prediction for the seven West Coast PVE servers left out in the cold (I'm on Darth Sion). After monitoring the servers over the weekend, Bioware will play it safe. They won't want to risk the possibility that stragglers on existing origin servers will eventually decide to migrate. So we're going to get merged with each other. That's going to be their wonderful solution. And it's going to be evident to lots of affected players that this is a bad outcome. Instead of seven light servers, we'll have one standard pop server that doesn't solve the original ghost town problem. In which case the single-server LFG tool will be useless on our short bus server. In which case I'll still struggle to find any other players for anything beyond Taral V, never mind trying to run an operation at off-peak hours. In which case, I quit.
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Prediction for the seven West Coast PVE servers left out in the cold (I'm on Darth Sion). After monitoring the servers over the weekend, Bioware will play it safe. They won't want to risk the possibility that stragglers on existing origin servers will eventually decide to migrate. So we're going to get merged with each other. That's going to be their wonderful solution. And it's going to be evident to lots of affected players that this is a bad outcome. Instead of seven light servers, we'll have one standard pop server that doesn't solve the original ghost town problem. In which case the single-server LFG tool will be useless on our short bus server. In which case I'll still struggle to find any other players for anything beyond Taral V, never mind trying to run an operation at off-peak hours. In which case, I quit.


thats what i suggested was going to happen 3 hours ago.. its the logical out come.. but you know i would be happy with a med pop server

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Do you have anything to support your conjecture that they set artificially low server caps in order to force queueing?


I would be more likely to believe that they enforced low caps because they had no data on how the servers would take as many people as they got on opening week. They then raised them in january as they determined what a safe level would be.


Not disagreeing with your outcome, but I think you attribute to malice something that was not malice.


They had massive populations during thier beta weekends. They had data.

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I think this is more an issue of Hanlon's Razor than malice. :D


I can tell you there were times in beta where there were near 500 people on Coruscant, and I never saw anything close to that on live. Other planets always seemed to have more population in beta than live servers ever did, even on launch day. I think they were so worried about server stability, they capped the pops waaaaay too low.


and yet now we have "Super Servers"



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I think this is more an issue of Hanlon's Razor than malice. :D


I can tell you there were times in beta where there were near 500 people on Coruscant, and I never saw anything close to that on live. Other planets always seemed to have more population in beta than live servers ever did, even on launch day. I think they were so worried about server stability, they capped the pops waaaaay too low.


Exactly, while they had some idea from beta how much the server could take, you could accept a certain amount of risk in a beta environment that you can't in a production one. So they were overly aggressive about risk analysis and mitigation.


Ultimately the end result is the same but at least they had good intentions, eh.

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Prediction for the seven West Coast PVE servers left out in the cold (I'm on Darth Sion). After monitoring the servers over the weekend, Bioware will play it safe. They won't want to risk the possibility that stragglers on existing origin servers will eventually decide to migrate. So we're going to get merged with each other. That's going to be their wonderful solution. And it's going to be evident to lots of affected players that this is a bad outcome. Instead of seven light servers, we'll have one standard pop server that doesn't solve the original ghost town problem. In which case the single-server LFG tool will be useless on our short bus server. In which case I'll still struggle to find any other players for anything beyond Taral V, never mind trying to run an operation at off-peak hours. In which case, I quit.


If this is the case then it would make a great target for their Free to Play to level 15 server. Because I don't think the current servers will be able to handle all those low levels.

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Prediction for the seven West Coast PVE servers left out in the cold (I'm on Darth Sion). After monitoring the servers over the weekend, Bioware will play it safe. They won't want to risk the possibility that stragglers on existing origin servers will eventually decide to migrate. So we're going to get merged with each other. That's going to be their wonderful solution. And it's going to be evident to lots of affected players that this is a bad outcome. Instead of seven light servers, we'll have one standard pop server that doesn't solve the original ghost town problem. In which case the single-server LFG tool will be useless on our short bus server. In which case I'll still struggle to find any other players for anything beyond Taral V, never mind trying to run an operation at off-peak hours. In which case, I quit.


Fellow Darth Sionite.. Howdy!!! /wave


Same concern here... I have a building fear that come next week we will either get merged together, which will only create a server w/ roughly half the pop of the current destination PVE servers... Not a solution, just a bandaid over a gaping wound that will continue to bleed. OR they will say that the remaining are "OK" and we will have to wait for paid xfers...


As you can tell, I have lost quite a bit of faith in BW since December of last year... /sigh.

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