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pure blood sith of the rep side


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Okay with the new idea of playing new races on a different side when you get that person to 50. when you start a pure blood on the rep side there should be something new to say to them because of what they are. the feel and walk thro is the same as if it was always there. the rep give the saying they are a better person but really the story line should have something new if it is a blend.
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Yup just another shortcut they took, unfortunately they can get away with it since every race in this game is just a different coloured human, I honestly don't see them taking any time or effort to improve on this since it's not going to make or break this game. Would've been nice though for them to at least take the time to show that they at least cared.
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Sure. Realistically every race should have gotten minor storyline tweaks based on race, nothing game-making, but just some realistic re-flavoring. But cest'la'vie.


Perhaps in the future they'll add in such content, but I wouldn't count on it and honestly re-voicing rather minor dialog that references your race would probably be more trouble than it's worth.

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Interestingly there IS a race based comment

on the empire side Revan quest where you can tell HK if you aren't pureblood that you aren't on his target list.



Similarly I found one single comment in the Trooper starting area about my trooper being a cyborg. But nowhere else throughout the game.

Edited by Luhrsen
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Interestingly there IS a race based comment

on the empire side Revan quest where you can tell HK if you aren't pureblood that you aren't on his target list.



Similarly I found one single comment in the Trooper starting area about my trooper being a cyborg. But nowhere else throughout the game.


Even more interesting about the option you pointed out...

Its broken.

The option is available even if you are sith pureblood. And it sounds hilarious when you make that comment with the rest of the context.

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ironicaly i found that the agent story was the only one to have tons of species acknowledgement about me being chiss.

the rest have about 1 or 2 but thats it


The IA storyline has quite a bit of acknowledgement for any alien species because it is very rare to have a non-human IA.


I know Republic side differs from Imperial side in terms of aliens because Pubs are more accepting of alien species versus Imps who look down on them. But yes, I agree if you have a pureblood Sith walking through the doors of the Jedi Academy, there is something odd there and should be, if even in a small part, acknowledged.

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Interesting. I didnt have any problem with acknowledgements to the point, when i had Sith Warrior - Chiss and Imperial Agent - Pureblood. :rolleyes:

In the first case, Force Sensitive Chiss are more rare than diamonds, in second case, non-force sensitive Pureblood is also something, what you cant see every day in the galaxy.


And now it bothers me, cause nobody in the game didnt recognized it! :mad:

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I don't know why everyone is annoyed that a race that wasn't originally available for a class isn't directly acknowledged, nor do I understand the surprise when direct mention IS made about the races that are. I play a Miraluka Juggernaut and repeatedly make unironic comments about my eyes. At most I just get a blanketed "alien" comment. But again, the fact that Miraluka weren't originally a playable Empire species means this is to be expected, as is the reverse.
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I don't know why everyone is annoyed that a race that wasn't originally available for a class isn't directly acknowledged, nor do I understand the surprise when direct mention IS made about the races that are. I play a Miraluka Juggernaut and repeatedly make unironic comments about my eyes. At most I just get a blanketed "alien" comment. But again, the fact that Miraluka weren't originally a playable Empire species means this is to be expected, as is the reverse.

What it's expected is that if BW makes changes to an anspect of the game, that they also change whatever is necessary to make it fit The thought of creating a jedi pureblood had actually crossed my mind, just to see what sort of interactions I got from npcs and how much my story would differ But if I'm going to be treated the same as a human I won'ty bother :(

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Yeah, I noticed it too. Bigger issue - on the SI quest line after 1.2 no one recognizes you as a pureblood either. Bet you they tried to tell the Republic side to read you as human and now the game thinks you're human no matter what. It also explains why the pureblood still reads as human. The game THINKS you're human... which removes the entire point of playing that species. Here's an idea: Instead of creating a new species fix the old one BioWare!!!!
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you get a sith lord as your companion named lord scourge and the jedi member show how much they dont like or trust him. one comment i like while playing the pure blood is when one of the person said that they cant trust me for fear of me turning to the dark side. grated it would say that for an toon you play but it really fix at that moment.
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ironicaly i found that the agent story was the only one to have tons of species acknowledgement about me being chiss.

the rest have about 1 or 2 but thats it


Yeah and my Cyborg agent got mistaken as an Alien at one point.


:rak_03: Master of Disguise.

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