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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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So, tell me why SWTOR is losing sub, while WoW is not (in spite of being stagnant for the last 6 months)?


Because WoW is still a better game. Half the things Bioware implemented in that time frame should have been in game to start. Custom UI, some sort of Combat log, a LFG tool, guild banks, etc are all things that shouldn't have had to be patched in.


I'll tip my hat to them on content on the assumption they didn't already have most of it designed and are not just releasing it at a gated pace.

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They've dropped that many subscribers since this article? Why would you not count Asian subs? They are paying too right?


Because they don't have subs, at least not the Chineese, they pay per hour played instead.

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i would stop playing this game if it went F2P. it just means that they never half to fix bugs or improve game play. F2P games are generaly BAD games cause the upkeep of the servers are terrible. sure they work for a while but in the long run become worse. not to mention the nickle and diming for content and fixes ends up costing more than a monthly sub.


the real issue here is how many people think they should get everything for free. F2P is BAD!!!


just a side note the cost of running this game couldn't take going to F2P Bioware/EA would lose a ton money.

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That's exactly what I said. Learn to read and/or gain some basic comprehension skills.


Legally, neither Blizzard nor EA/bioware can "mislead" people with sub numbers. Their definitions might be different for what they consider as active subs. But their reporting has to satisfy their definition. They cannot knowingly mislead their investors.


Dude, they made $90/mo last quarter REVENUE not profit, how that translates into "if my company were doing this I'd be herp a derpy do" I have no idea.


If my company only made $90M/MO last quarter we'd be so far in the red we'd be filing for bankruptcy, no f'ing joke. Just because someone is making nearly 100m/mo doesn't mean their business is successful, that's over 100M/quarter LESS than the same fiscal quarter last year, that's not doing good. Did you even read my link? or did you just post about how crappy your business is? Did you mistake revenue for profit or what? Honestly, l2r.


Here's the link again, this time actually read it, or don't bother responding.



pp 22-23

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i would stop playing this game if it went F2P. it just means that they never half to fix bugs or improve game play. F2P games are generaly BAD games cause the upkeep of the servers are terrible. sure they work for a while but in the long run become worse. not to mention the nickle and diming for content and fixes ends up costing more than a monthly sub.


the real issue here is how many people think they should get everything for free. F2P is BAD!!!


just a side note the cost of running this game couldn't take going to F2P Bioware/EA would lose a ton money.


f2p dont = bad look at LoL


tho ea can wreck any of their games for sure maybe well see swtor premium

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what is swtor atm if not mediocre and we pay for it ?


Then why do you? :confused:


The difference is that SWTOR can improve and, from a technical standpoint, it's rather good. Personal preference of playstyles aside. What have they added to DDO since it went F2P besides more things for people to buy? Oh, that's right, NOTHING. AOC? The same thing. STO? Yup, still the same thing. F2P games aren't developed to be good games, they are developed to make you pay more without actually improving the core game, or aspects of it. Just more stuff to fill the cash shop.

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Then why do you? :confused:


The difference is that SWTOR can improve and, from a technical standpoint, it's rather good. Personal preference of playstyles aside. What have they added to DDO since it went F2P besides more things for people to buy? Oh, that's right, NOTHING. AOC? The same thing. STO? Yup, still the same thing. F2P games aren't developed to be good games, they are developed to make you pay more without actually improving the core game, or aspects of it. Just more stuff to fill the cash shop.


cause i was an idiot and got a 6month sub i didnt hit lvl 50 to the 2nd month i rerolled another got to 50 half way thro a 3rd char i was doing the same quests in the same place in a stright line. it gets old real fast why i guess a guild from 90 players is down to 0

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I would quit the moment they announced it. Hell this line alone makes me consider it. Shame because I was just getting excited to play again with 1.3 and transfers.


I did... Money where my mouth is. Stated the reason why in the cancellation reason too.


They want me back, they need to release some ****, offer me a chance to try it for a week for free, and prove they aren't going FTP... but frankly they can't, they are, it's clear the game is dying.


Yes, I admit the FTP will probably bring in a lot of new players, but it will be a totally different game at that point, one I do not wish to be involved with.

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Then why do you? :confused:


The difference is that SWTOR can improve and, from a technical standpoint, it's rather good. Personal preference of playstyles aside. What have they added to DDO since it went F2P besides more things for people to buy? Oh, that's right, NOTHING. AOC? The same thing. STO? Yup, still the same thing. F2P games aren't developed to be good games, they are developed to make you pay more without actually improving the core game, or aspects of it. Just more stuff to fill the cash shop.


DDO added 12 new regions, 4 new character classes, over 130 new items, abilities & spells, raised the level cap twice and currently have a major expansion releasing this summer. MotU expansion Their player base has increased and the have monthly in game events. Seems they are doing rather well after going F2P/

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cause i was an idiot and got a 6month sub i didnt hit lvl 50 to the 2nd month i rerolled another got to 50 half way thro a 3rd char i was doing the same quests in the same place in a stright line. it gets old real fast why i guess a guild from 90 players is down to 0


I hit 50 on new years day. I have 7 50s. I still love the game but unsubbed like an hour ago until they make a definitive statement about this subject. No, I'm not demanding anything or making any ridiculous ultimatums to BW, just simply leave.

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What's got me nervous is the fact this thread is still open and no one from Bioware has come in to claim this is false. Which sucks because I finally convinced a friend to finally buy the game and if this is true he is getting screwed over. Edited by Skidrowbro
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DDO added 12 new regions, 4 new character classes, over 130 new items, abilities & spells, raised the level cap twice and currently have a major expansion releasing this summer. MotU expansion Their player base has increased and the have monthly in game events. Seems they are doing rather well after going F2P/


And you have to pay for ALL of that, separately or pay for a sub. Which was exactly my point. Shame you missed it. Yeah, real F2P isn't it. It's not. They add stuff for you to buy, not to make the game better.

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A diverse variety that constantly reminds you that "You can't do this content yet! Pay me about Tree-fiddy and you can unlock it!".


Besides... MMOs are time sinks. You'll never get any where if you're trying to play a bunch of different one's at the same time.


I've been playing LotrO the last 2 years paying not a penny more than my sub and I haven't missed out on any content. Ok, so I haven't bought all the cosmetic horses and stuff, so what? Been playing the game just fine.

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And you have to pay for ALL of that, separately or pay for a sub. Which was exactly my point. Shame you missed it. Yeah, real F2P isn't it. It's not. They add stuff for you to buy, not to make the game better.


Even if you pay for a sub you still have to buy races, classes, bags etc.

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And you have to pay for ALL of that, separately or pay for a sub. Which was exactly my point. Shame you missed it. Yeah, real F2P isn't it. It's not. They add stuff for you to buy, not to make the game better.


Wait so you are saying that you can access all the important stuff in DDO with a sub, yet you won't because you would rather pay a sub for a different game? Just cause the F2P option exists, you won't play? Weird.

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What's got me nervous is the fact this thread is still open and no one from Bioware has come in to claim this is false. Which sucks because I finally convinced a friend to finally buy the game and if this is true he is getting screwed over.


Nah, you're (probably) still going to have to buy the game even if it goes F2P, like GW2, so he hasn't wasted any money, assuming he actually likes the game and all.


And from the tone of Lusinchi's comments it didn't sound like this is going to happen immediately, more like a plan. They may be eyeing MoP, or GW2 coming out around Thanksgiving according to one analyst, or maybe they're still reacting to Diablo 3. But it didn't sound very immediate.

Edited by jgelling
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I've been playing LotrO the last 2 years paying not a penny more than my sub and I haven't missed out on any content. Ok, so I haven't bought all the cosmetic horses and stuff, so what? Been playing the game just fine.


Ok so, as long as you don't pay for anything it doesn't cost any more than a sub would. If it had a sub, you wouldn't be excluded from those horses in the first place! How hard is that simple concept to comprehend? WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE GET IT! JEEBUS

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Wait so you are saying that you can access all the important stuff in DDO with a sub, yet you won't because you would rather pay a sub for a different game? Just cause the F2P option exists, you won't play? Weird.


If. A. Sub. Was. Man-da-to-ry. You. Would. Get. Everything. Even. The. Unimportant. Stuff.

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Ok so, as long as you don't pay for anything it doesn't cost any more than a sub would. If it had a sub, you wouldn't be excluded from those horses in the first place! How hard is that simple concept to comprehend? WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE GET IT! JEEBUS


If it had a sub, the game would not exist today because THE SUB MODEL IS UNSUSTAINAB:LE FOR MOST COMPANIES NOWADAYS. The game launched with a sub only model. It couldn't sustain that cause people are not going to pay a sub for so many goddamn MMO's on the market. Why is that SO hard for you to understand?

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What's got me nervous is the fact this thread is still open and no one from Bioware has come in to claim this is false. Which sucks because I finally convinced a friend to finally buy the game and if this is true he is getting screwed over.


Par for the corse. Did you really expect them too?

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If. A. Sub. Was. Man-da-to-ry. You. Would. Get. Everything. Even. The. Unimportant. Stuff.


And you are talking up WoW and its sub model so much. So how come when I log in with a full sub, I can't get the Celestial steed and other stuff? Oh wait I have to pay extra for them! OMGOMGOMG. I thought sub guarantees everything for every company nowadays. Even the unimportant stuff.

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