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PvP noob healer requests advice


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I'm a healer and looking for advice and strategy for PvP.


I'm regularly the first or second ranked healer in the WZ, but looking for some strategy and tips to be better.


Here's my game- Stay behind the group and heal/ protect the group. When I get mugged, kite the idiots away to some pointless part of the WZ, where they will be useless to their team. Wait for death, respawn and repeat. No point standing my ground to fight, I'm not much good at that.

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I'm a healer and looking for advice and strategy for PvP.


I'm regularly the first or second ranked healer in the WZ, but looking for some strategy and tips to be better.


Here's my game- Stay behind the group and heal/ protect the group. When I get mugged, kite the idiots away to some pointless part of the WZ, where they will be useless to their team. Wait for death, respawn and repeat. No point standing my ground to fight, I'm not much good at that.


Your game plan is decent, especially the kiting part... sometimes as a healer you're most beneficial as a distraction to the enemy team, which will allow (hopefully) the other people on your team a better chance to complete the objectives. I'd also suggest using line of sight when possible and a few key-binds, the more you're able to actually pay attention to what's going on around you the better. Sometimes I get a little tunnel vision when staring at all the little health boxes and when I do.. I don't perform as well.


Make sure to pop consumables, relics, and any abilities that boost your healing as well.


Good Luck!

Edited by Nakazia
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The whole "distraction" role is really fun sometimes. Had a game last night, 330k dmg taken...2 deaths lol.


But if you are playing with a pre-made, the better option might be to kite them towards your DPS and let them lay waste to the people harassing you. Of course that depends on the map and what is happening around you at the time, but you dont want to end up away from your teammates every time someone focus' you.


Another fun little trick is to kite them close to the edge in huttball then blast them over the edge. Takes them out of the match for a good 20 seconds while they have to run back, and you continue to heal your team.


anyways. gl and hf with the heals.

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Another thing is to make friends with a tank. Next time you are in a WZ and you notice a guy guarding you , staying close so guard stay up on you, taunts and ccs the guys attacking you, Friend them and ask to que with them in between games. A good tank will make your life much easier.
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I think the strat varies on what class you heal on. Generally speaking I really dislike the kiting away tactic unless I have half a team on me. My main heals is a Scoundrel so I can usually kite 2 or so people around for awhile whilst keeping up heals on my team through instants, HoTs, and AoEs. Overall I'm still distracting a couple of people yet still healing my team. The benefit generally helps my team more than running away and leaving them without heals (I can also usually throw out a few big heals if I pop my stun/mezz). On my Commando, if my shield is up I just pop it and laugh while they try to kill me. If I have no shield, then I stun n run (generally away from the group). If it's just 1 person then I usually can keep heals up on both myself and the team, just not as effectively as if I was not being attacked. As for my Sage healer, if there's no cross-healing/guard available, then I run and buy my team as much time as possible.
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On voidstar,when attacking,stand as far away from the door as possible and still heal your team.

When you start getting focused run back towards your spawn,letting your team get behind the people focusing you and giving them time to plant.

Also use your CC smartly.

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I'm a healer and looking for advice and strategy for PvP.


I'm regularly the first or second ranked healer in the WZ, but looking for some strategy and tips to be better.


Here's my game- Stay behind the group and heal/ protect the group. When I get mugged, kite the idiots away to some pointless part of the WZ, where they will be useless to their team. Wait for death, respawn and repeat. No point standing my ground to fight, I'm not much good at that.


Dont kite your trainers to the middle of the desert, try to kite them around the battlefield while throwing healers at your team.


If a dps takes you out in the desert and you guys dont have another healer the chances is that the dps will have won not you.


Other that practice and have fun.

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Don't worry about keeping everyone alive.


Keep the people who are performing up if you can. Tanks, to keep you alive and vice versa, long enough for dead DPSers to return to the fray etc.


Keep DPSers up who are actually going for the enemy healers or other marked targets.


Don't waste power and attention on solo brawlers who are merely seeking 1 on 1 kills, they are of no real use to the team in any of our current warzones.


Good luck.

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I'm a healer and looking for advice and strategy for PvP.


I'm regularly the first or second ranked healer in the WZ, but looking for some strategy and tips to be better.


Here's my game- Stay behind the group and heal/ protect the group. When I get mugged, kite the idiots away to some pointless part of the WZ, where they will be useless to their team. Wait for death, respawn and repeat. No point standing my ground to fight, I'm not much good at that.


The issue I have with this gameplan is that all it takes is one of their DPS in order to cancel you from helping out the warzone. Sure it pads your numbers since you're trying to out heal his DPS to keep yourself alive. . .but it doesn't really help out the team does it? Your team loses a healer(which there's typically only 1 or 2 in a warzone) and they just lose out on some DPS.


This is actually my whole plan when I start sticking on a healer like glue. If I can make them kite me away and do nothing but keep themselves alive, then I've done my job. Who cares if I never kill you. . .you dont heal your team while my team beats on your team.


Ideally you want to have a tank guarding you. With both the ability and physically doing peels for you. Of course if you solo queue then this probably NEVER happens for you. And it sucks. . .so kiting is probably your best option in those cases.


If you tell your team to help peel for you then some might actively start doing it though. I know healers throw some pre-match heals in order to signal a tank to guard them. But when I see my teammate do this and I'm not a tank I will mark the healer on our team with a shield. For me at least, I will always gravitate toward marked players. Whether it's an opponent or a healer on our team. I will always go toward them. So when I mark someone on our team that is a healer it helps me visually stay near them and protect them. At least a lot easier than trying to read name tags over and over again.

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True, you don't have to keep everyone alive. Only the key members will do perfectly.


Also, after a while, you will suddenly become very popular amongst the dpsers on the other sides. Up against them, you will die. But the point is the longer you can keep them occupied (in killing you), the longer your team will have in fulfilling the objectives.


I just did a Huttball as soon as I have transferred my healers to the new servers. An IA healer and my sorc healer managed to cross heal each other while keeping the eyes of 5 to 6 players on us. Before I realised it, our team was 3-0 up. Occasionally one of our dpser would come to help a bit. But the point is, you have to think outside the box: healing is not the only job for a healer, you can do some other things to benefit the team as well. Team work is the key.

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If you're on a low pop server at the moment like me, you'll find yourself targeted straight away by the other team which means you can lead 2 or 3 enemies away from the objective on things like voidstar and huttball giving your team time to do what they need to before you get mullered :D


That's my role in WZ's at the moment, punching bag! :)


Hide, Kite, run around a tank.... place yourself in places you believe won't be looked at by the opposition until you start healing that is.

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Try to avoid cast-time heals. They'll get you tagged as a healer by the other team faster than anything.


Scoundrel Tips:


Cast Underworld Medicine while waiting for the door to drop to get Upper Hand, then recover your energy. Use Blaster Whip in combat to get UH - it's faster than UM, and doesn't tag you as a healer.


Diagnostic Scan is less dangerous to cast mid-combat, because it's icon isn't green. Of course, it does crap for healing, but it in a pinch can help you recover energy if you've specced that way.


Don't forget to use your defensive abilities.

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Another thing is to make friends with a tank. Next time you are in a WZ and you notice a guy guarding you , staying close so guard stay up on you, taunts and ccs the guys attacking you, Friend them and ask to que with them in between games. A good tank will make your life much easier.


If your tank isn't following you around (they should be), follow your tank all the time and make them a heal priority, they take half of the damage meant for you, so it's like healing yourself.

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With time the other team dpsers WILL start to HATE you.


They will mark you on sight and gang up upon you. After they do that they will say that you are bad while they fest upon your corpse.


Dont be sad when this happens, just know that if they need to mobilize their entire team to kill you it means that your friends are outnumbering them in the other side of the battlefield and, if they are competent, that will win the match for your team.


On my old server the dps crowd hate me so much that 3 of them spent like 2 mins hunting me on my home pit in huttball. They DID kill me and they DID smack talk me, but at this point the score already was 3-0 for my team. Whos bad?

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This is actually my whole plan when I start sticking on a healer like glue. If I can make them kite me away and do nothing but keep themselves alive, then I've done my job. Who cares if I never kill you. . .you dont heal your team while my team beats on your team.

I have spent a lot of time playing a tank. I will often do this to healers. You catch one solo and just keep hounding them. I had on completely tied up in one of the pits in a Huttball match for the entire game while they kept healing themselves. We won 6-0 even though the other team controlled mid and had a decent set up for scoring, but we were able to kill their ball carrier before they could get the ball to the ramps because their healer never got into the game. The healer kept standing their healing themselves while I used my ccs and just enough dps to force them to keep self-healing.

Ideally you want to have a tank guarding you. With both the ability and physically doing peels for you. Of course if you solo queue then this probably NEVER happens for you. And it sucks. . .so kiting is probably your best option in those cases.


If you tell your team to help peel for you then some might actively start doing it though. I know healers throw some pre-match heals in order to signal a tank to guard them. But when I see my teammate do this and I'm not a tank I will mark the healer on our team with a shield. For me at least, I will always gravitate toward marked players. Whether it's an opponent or a healer on our team. I will always go toward them. So when I mark someone on our team that is a healer it helps me visually stay near them and protect them. At least a lot easier than trying to read name tags over and over again.


Tanks love having a pocket healer. Find one, stick to him, tell him you're doing it, and unless he's a terrible player, he will do everything he can to keep you alive.

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Dont kite your trainers to the middle of the desert, try to kite them around the battlefield while throwing healers at your team.


If a dps takes you out in the desert and you guys dont have another healer the chances is that the dps will have won not you.


Other that practice and have fun.




Kiting an enemy away from your time usually means the enemy is winning - not you. You want to recognize and avoid the enemy "peeling" you away from your teammates - or out of guard range. If you're a sage/sorc healer, make liberal use of your friendly pull to orchestrate support - pull a friendly to you to help peel the enemy off of you.


Always remember that your specific role (outside of objectives which everyone is held to the same standards) is to support and heal your team and if an enemy player is preventing you from doing that, you need to do something about it instead of just accepting it.

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Healers can play great distraction roles using multiple abilities. My favorite is heroically charging at a zerg with all my relics popped and shield up and slow down the enemy incs for a couple seconds. Yes I will likely die, but I've given my team the extra couple seconds to cap an objective. Got to be smart about things like this because your always worth more to your team alive.


Learn how to keep distance using your knockbacks, stuns and saps strategically. Just because your standing still blasting heals untouched doesn't mean you shouldn't be on the defensive by checking your 6, see whats inc, see if the enemy is capping in obj matches.


Simple mechanics stuff like no-cast main heals can follow a cast heal providing very bursty healing.


Instead of kiting them away, throw a target on them and run them through your dps. (auto run and type fast) Setting targets on Enemies can be binded to your keyboard, bind them and get use to using them.


I've thrown out "Mid, need heals," "West, need guard" "on my target" in ops chat and usually get some aid. The better people you play with the better and faster they will correctly respond and take action to help clear you so you can return to healing duty.


DPS and Tanks enjoy staying alive, hell everybody does! The good ones know that to keep themselves alive, they need to do their best to keep the healer alive.

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On my old server the dps crowd hate me so much that 3 of them spent like 2 mins hunting me on my home pit in huttball. They DID kill me and they DID smack talk me, but at this point the score already was 3-0 for my team. Whos bad?


hahaha, I love when they do that. It's such a complement to skill. This is always a sign of the enemy giving up. They will only kill me once, after that its full on utility, stunning, aoe dmg (commandos have a **** load), and playing distraction. I always smile at the end of these hb matches.

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A lot of people have averted to this in this thread, but healers are excellent bait. Bring all those Marauders and such straight into the line of fire for Snipers. Most Maras are easy kills for Snipers. You can control a lot of the battlefield just by where you stand. You're going to get a lot of enemy dps killed pretty easily with practice.


On the other hand, let's look at a good dps, here's his train of thought:


"Ok, that healer is standing wide open, right flank to his team, easy left field for me. However, If I jump him, a Sniper and a Marauder will immediately open on me, and that Tank will Guardian Leap back to the healer. I'll die, he won't, 0-1 trade, that's bad for my team. Instead, I'll hang back and wait for their dps to make a mistake and blow him up quick.

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Stuns and well times cloaks are the best way to keep someone off your b*lls

Learn the best stun to use when and plan the best usage of your defensive cool downs as best as possible


Sometimes if the DPs that is pestering you sees that you are not exactly a push over, they will simply back away and go find someone else to dps down

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Stuns and well times cloaks are the best way to keep someone off your b*lls

Learn the best stun to use when and plan the best usage of your defensive cool downs as best as possible


Sometimes if the DPs that is pestering you sees that you are not exactly a push over, they will simply back away and go find someone else to dps down


I find this works well. Kite them away, hit them with a 4 second stun. They use their escape to get out of the stun, then hit them with a 60 second stun. Leaves them in the middle of nowhere like a fart in a trance and none of my team mates nearby, to hit them and break the stun. Perfect.


Seeing them wobble for 60 seconds is just hilarious.

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