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Serious overloading of servers


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They should probably up the server caps on destination servers. It's not like this game ever suffers from lag :/


They should have upped the caps before they implemented the changes. If they really have accurate data on active players Bioware would have known how many people are playing on each of the origin servers every night. They also should know that for the too few destination servers. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that once the transfers were offered that a very large percentage of players would take advantage of them rather than wait until servers are closed. What you're seeing isn't people trying out the new servers, it's people playing like they always have. The servers that are full and lagged are in their new normal state and will continue to be until Bioware raises the caps. But once again, just as they did in waiting too long to implement server transfers and LFG tools, they seem to have a penchant for being a bit dim witted about mmos.

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Back in december was "i will nerd rage quit because i have 30m-6hrs queues to log in", so BW fix their problem by adding a lot of servers and let me remind you before starting saying "Yeh, but they add more than they were needed" that all servers back than, both in EU and US were at Heavy/Full capacity. Yes, you heard it right, all of the current servers were at 65-95% of their capacity.

After BW fixed our beloved community problem, than it camed "Owh man i will nerd rage quit cause now i cant play with no one, my server is a desert of life, BW sucks".

So what did BW do, they fix it again by making very well made Xfers from a lot of servers to 1-2 mega capacity servers.

What does our community do?? Simple enough: "FFS i will nerd rage quit the game if BW dnt put more servers up, i cant be hassled to w8 10mins in queue.... 10 mins??!? This is unacceptable that i must w8 that long", sigh...

I really hope BW this time dnt listen to their community, cause plain and simple our SWTOR community dnt know what tha hack they want.

Let me also remind you that the mega-capacity servers arent yet made or fully installed, so be prepared for increase capacity for the current assigned destination servers in a near future, most possibly on 1.3 live release.

Plain and simple, play more, QQ less.

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so be prepared for increase capacity for the current assigned destination servers in a near future, most possibly on 1.3 live release.

Plain and simple, play more, QQ less.


I'll lay you odds the 'mega servers' don't happen any time soon and most definitely not with 1.3. They got caught with their pants down again. The brain drain from BW is very telling these days.

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frankly, id be fine with 30 min wait times to log in just to be able to pvp for a change. my old server had 1-3 people on fleet normally and you could wait 8 hours for a pvp match and still not get in


I think that's about the limit.


Up to 30 mins queues are a reasonable price to pay for a active server.


But anything over 30 mins regularly means that Bioware need to up the server cap (or they have over loaded the server).

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more people does not make the game suddenly better. People left for a reason... the servers were dead for a reason. Population was only a smyptom not the actual cause...


not 1 reason, 400000 reasons.


Some ppl checked the game and it didnt fit, some ppl went to the next game, be it fifa 2087 or another mmo or d3.

Some left because their server never reached a critical mass of players and they didnt wanna reroll.


The thing is bioware created their servers to small and any random event could kill a server, they are trying to rectify this, and in the long term they are gonna increase their server capacity, its all about patience now.

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Be patient. And don't forget that they are gonna expand on the server limits soon via shards which should solve the waiting periods.


HAHHAHAAHAH stop saying that PLEAAAAAAAAAASE stop saying that......BE patience? BE patience? Seriously?

Well there is a limit for our money and nerves , and i start thinking that BW thinks we are idiots who just wait to see what will happen and what will change "in time" and test our patience.

Well we are paying, its not free so no i wont be patience at all, they had the time to prepare for transfers and merging or whatever they though will make the game viable but AGAIN they fail with queues and limits and specific trasnsfer from pvp2pvp etc.

Well all you ppl who can wait and BE patience good luck.Not me not again not with BW NO WAY !

Be good :D

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HAHHAHAAHAH stop saying that PLEAAAAAAAAAASE stop saying that......BE patience? BE patience? Seriously?

Well there is a limit for our money and nerves , and i start thinking that BW thinks we are idiots who just wait to see what will happen and what will change "in time" and test our patience.

Well we are paying, its not free so no i wont be patience at all, they had the time to prepare for transfers and merging or whatever they though will make the game viable but AGAIN they fail with queues and limits and specific trasnsfer from pvp2pvp etc.

Well all you ppl who can wait and BE patience good luck.Not me not again not with BW NO WAY !

Be good :D


To be fair, the community as a whole is rather idiotic....


That being said, the servers will stabilize once the hype dies down just like any other big event in MMO gaming. Take a break if that helps.

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I NEVER complained about my LOW Pop server, I liked it that way, never had a problem. somehow we managed to have 200 or so in the guild which was sufficient numbers for us. I play the game for fun, way too many people take it too serious. I play when I have time between my 50 hour a week job and housework and real life stuff. I don't have time to play 6 or 8 or more hours a day even on my off day..Sometimes I dont get 8 hours of play in a week, but of course we are the ones to suffer..Then they move me to an already overpopulated server where I have to change my legacy name and who knows how many other names ? What If I had the Legacy name first ? It's a good thing they didn't move me to one of the other servers I have toons on, then It would be a mess.

And I like my Legacy Name, I took some time and thought into it just Like the game people tell you to and now all of a sudden I got to change it ? Like I said, give us 2 or even 3 server options to go to, if I have to change my Legacy name then, so be it.

Yes I am ************ about it. I'm ************ about being forced to a server I don't want to go to and with no other choices and not even a PAID Transfer service available...I'd gladly pay to transfer my toon to another server if it was not full and eligible..But it's one of those, okay everybody on this side of the boat go to this side then wonder why it capsizes..

Like the one person said, people left the game for other reasons than server population, and I would leave too except I play with my best friend, but when I'm gone I'm taking the other 2 people in the house with me because I pay the bill..:-)

I dont care what anybody says, this whole transfer business is a mess and the only people that are gonna be happy are the people with no jobs that got nothing better to do than grind and look for groups. One more thing, just like WOW I don't like being told by a game that in order to have fun I have to group with people, this is a game not Facebook. and people arent going to use the group thing anyway because just like WOW you got your "Know it all" people and their little groups of friends even in guilds..so PUG it is.


You aren't being forced to transfer...yet. It is likely that EA/BW will enact their paid transfer service prior to shutting down your server. Working 50 hours a week and with housework myself, I find it astounding that people would rather rant on the forum then wait in a 5 minute queue. I guess to each his own though

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HAHHAHAAHAH stop saying that PLEAAAAAAAAAASE stop saying that......BE patience? BE patience? Seriously?

Well there is a limit for our money and nerves , and i start thinking that BW thinks we are idiots who just wait to see what will happen and what will change "in time" and test our patience.

Well we are paying, its not free so no i wont be patience at all, they had the time to prepare for transfers and merging or whatever they though will make the game viable but AGAIN they fail with queues and limits and specific trasnsfer from pvp2pvp etc.

Well all you ppl who can wait and BE patience good luck.Not me not again not with BW NO WAY !

Be good :D


See ya, I just find it kind of funny how you say not again yet you have only had an account for 3 months...

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more people does not make the game suddenly better. People left for a reason... the servers were dead for a reason. Population was only a smyptom not the actual cause...


They had way too many servers in the first place. WoW for example has around 110 pve NA servers while TOR with 1/5th the population at launch and 1/10th the population now has around 70 pve NA servers.

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So I played on Prophecy of the Five last night. From my understanding, this was a dead server that was selected as one of the 'Super Servers.' Well, it was packed more than Fatman. I saw (3) instances last night with a total of about 750 people on the Fleet (Empire) and about 500 people on the Fleet (Republic). It was fun and it was nice to see so many people again. It feels like an MMO!



However ...


I am getting some SERIOUS lag on the Fleet AND in Warzones now. I have a beast of a machine, but it was laggy as all get out.




i7 2700k @ 3.5 Ghz

8 GB G.Skill RAM @ 1600

EvGA OC GTX 560 ti

120 GB SSD with game and OS only

Windows 7 64-bit HP


Latency: 39-45




On the Fleet, my frames per second dipped down into the low 20's. Which is fine I guess due to so many people. However, what is the deal with Warzones and Fleet lag? Anyone know?

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You need to stop whining. THousands of people would kill to be in your situation instead of one where only a dozen people are on fleet during prime time. It's because of whiners like you crying about 10 minute queues that we got way to many servers to begin with. Just deal with your non-problem, it won't even exist in another week or two.


Its your opinion that it won't exist. Higher pops will mean that there will be people who want to do more endgame who will play for a longer total amount each week, some people may resub if the reason they left was just the low population. 1.3 will bring people back to the game.


BW have seriously messed things up. They should never have filled the destination to the point of queuing in the first 3 days of transfers. Adding more and more origins to the destinations announced at the start of the process was very poor planning. They should have announced servers until they were at about 75% max and then stopped until after the weekend. They must have known that Jedi Covenant would be accepting about a dozen origin servers but they should have announced 6-8 then waited until after the weekend and then announced as many more as they needed to get the pop to about 90% of max. In those days they could have started building up the 3rd or 4th PvE server.


We have queues appearing and we have not had a weekend prime time yet.


When it comes down to it having 600 in fleet or 700 makes little difference, both are very good population levels and will allow plenty of groups to form, but its better to have 600 and leave a bit of room because adding or losing 100 would not cause any problems rather than fill he server to capacity which means adding another 100 will cause longer queues.


With servers having 700+ in fleet BW would have to lose a lot of subs before we had population problems on those servers again of the kind we have had in the last few months.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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I'm more worried about all the lag and instability that has been created...many lag spikes at the worst possible times. PvP on some of my server, although frequent now, has a huge chance in getting dc'd, etc than before the transfers.


I hope this upcoming week adresses this problem. Other than that, server cap is going to be raised soon to adjust to the size.

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Be patient. And don't forget that they are gonna expand on the server limits soon via shards which should solve the waiting periods.


This game has been floundering since February. That's about 2/3 of the entire life of the game. I don't know who you're trying to fool, or if you're just trying to convince yourself, but patience has not been effective. Bioware has made a number of mistakes and bad decisions. That's fine, I'm perfectly willing to forgive and forget if they want to try to do better moving forward. However, their communication is still vague 'maybe soon' crap. They won't commit to the future direction of the game and they won't discuss it with us. They're very proud of augment tables and whatever new legacy thing you can sink credits into, but they still have nothing public regarding the implementation, cost, or timeframe for future server transfers.


So that's what your patience will get you. They're going to continue to make bad decisions. They are not going to discuss the decision making process or communicate with you at all regarding future updates that effect core gameplay. You will still get marketing gimmicks and possibly even cooked numbers. If they are pressured into answering where those numbers come from, they'll just say 'it's complicated.' You can probably look forward to new content including legacy credit sinks and maybe even a microtransaction market. And while you can hug-emote your new pet Bioware will continue to procrastinate while watching droves of people cancelling their subscriptions.


I would like to be wrong about that, but I haven't seen anything from Bioware suggesting that they're going to put some effort into actually improving the player's experience. While the current server transfer is a good thing and necessary, doesn't it seem a bit rushed considering they've been working on it for 3 months? 3 months later, no effort into guild transfers. They completely forgot about the solitary rp servers. They can't even make a clear statement on how they're going to consolidate characters that had to reroll. The problem isn't that they made some mistakes. It's that insist on continuing to make mistakes, putting in half the effort of what should be expected, and refusing to communicate with us regarding what they're considering. This game isn't going to be guided by creating the best experience for the user any more than it is currently.


What makes you think they haven't already expanded the server caps? And do you have a link regarding shards?

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Back in december was "i will nerd rage quit because i have 30m-6hrs queues to log in", so BW fix their problem by adding a lot of servers and let me remind you before starting saying "Yeh, but they add more than they were needed" that all servers back than, both in EU and US were at Heavy/Full capacity. Yes, you heard it right, all of the current servers were at 65-95% of their capacity.

After BW fixed our beloved community problem, than it camed "Owh man i will nerd rage quit cause now i cant play with no one, my server is a desert of life, BW sucks".

So what did BW do, they fix it again by making very well made Xfers from a lot of servers to 1-2 mega capacity servers.

What does our community do?? Simple enough: "FFS i will nerd rage quit the game if BW dnt put more servers up, i cant be hassled to w8 10mins in queue.... 10 mins??!? This is unacceptable that i must w8 that long", sigh...

I really hope BW this time dnt listen to their community, cause plain and simple our SWTOR community dnt know what tha hack they want.

Let me also remind you that the mega-capacity servers arent yet made or fully installed, so be prepared for increase capacity for the current assigned destination servers in a near future, most possibly on 1.3 live release.

Plain and simple, play more, QQ less.


I think I can make this easier for you. The players want to have fun. They want an entertaining game. Waiting is not fun for the players that are saying they don't like waiting. So if they implement a solution that caused people to wait instead of having fun, it's not going to go over well. That's pretty simple isn't it?


I'm glad for you that Bioware created a game that is full of the waiting you enjoy.

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I'd rather sit in a queue for 10-15 minutes then wait for 30-90 minutes for a WZ queue to pop, or 1-2 hours to find a group to run a couple flashpoints with.


At this point QQing about waiting a couple minutes to log into a full server is the absolute last thing I will do.


Its not a binary choice.


Would you rather sit in a queue (which is likely to get longer especially on the weekend prime times) and wait 30 mins for a WZ not sit in a queue and wait 30 mins for a WZ (because if they had announced 8 origins rather than 10 you would still be getting 500+ in fleet and they could announce the last 2 next Monday/Tuesday if they are needed) or be on a low pop server and wait 1-2 hours?


BW could have managed the transfer announcements so that servers would be very heavy populated and you could get a WZ or FP quickly and still not have to queue. All they needed to do was delay some of the current origin server announcements to next week with the other remaining origins that are being announced next week.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Considering things were fine before, any queue is too much price to pay. Some people LIKE the non MMO aspects, and were HAPPY with uncrowded servers, as they have no interest whatsoever in the group/PvP content. Remember, from 1-49, this is practically a single player game. One would argue that the vast majority of the game is single player content.


Yes, this game may now be more like a regular MMO. But you know what? I don't *like* regular MMO's. Pretty much the entire reason I was enjoying TOR was because it *wasn't* like a regular MMO.


Please show me where you were forced to Xfer off your dead server if you liked it so much. Because it sounds to me like you just did something without thinking, regretted it, and are now desperatly looking for someone other to blame.


As for this thread: its beyond pathetic. Im no fanboi, trust me its quite the opposite (look at my post history). In my book a private company, let alone one with EA's track reccord, can be trusted about as much as Charles Manson standing behind you with a knife. But this is just ridiculous.


Use youre heads: right now there is a huge influx of players because of Xfers. Lots of people just checking it out, or suddently playing 5-6 hours where they'd normally play for only a couple. Its called the ''New'' factor. When the 'New'' factor runs out, people's gaming habbits settle, and populations drop almost by half. We've seen it on every launch of every online game out there, including expention. Even WoW servers get queues when they release a new content patch.


There is 2 ways to react to this:

1) Knee jerk and spread the population some more: thats what we had on SWTOR's launch, and look where that lead us. When the population settle, the spread makes servers feel deserted.

2) Be patient and wait for a week: thats what smart people do. When population settles, you are left with a thriving and healthy server.

Edited by Stonedsoul
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Speaking for myself only, population was definitely the actual cause. As queues stretched out, so did my impatience. (I pvp pretty much exclusively)


I haven't logged into the game in over a month. Now that transfers are here, I'll prolly give it another go.


Same here.


My guild on Kinrath Spider (one of the lowerpop servers in the game!) still had about 10-15 concurrent logons just two months ago. You know, when the game was well in the tank, and alting was the only viable option. Since then, it got worse, and we couldn't even find 1-49 warzones. That was when I quit, and many who were left.


I'm back. My guild being rebuilt from scratch is going to SUCK, but rest assured not all of those 400k left because they didn't like the game.


This game was literally unplayable - save for solo questing - on 80% of the servers for several weeks. Even the most ardent SW fans couldn't stomach that.

Edited by islander
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I LOVE the packed servers. If you don't want to wait a week for the busy cycle to die down then too bad for you.


The servers finally feel like a packed MMO. People are asking in chat for groups all the time. So much better now.

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