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Serious overloading of servers


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more people does not make the game suddenly better. People left for a reason... the servers were dead for a reason. Population was only a smyptom not the actual cause...


Speaking for myself only, population was definitely the actual cause. As queues stretched out, so did my impatience. (I pvp pretty much exclusively)


I haven't logged into the game in over a month. Now that transfers are here, I'll prolly give it another go.

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I don't even think they're overpopulated. The hype will die down by next week and people will play as normal, so we can expect like 300-400 prime time instead of 500+


The qeues are the only downside I can see, and a bit of lag. But that's a tiny price to pay compared to empty servers. You can't have the cake and eat it too.


And the qeues are tiny anyways. Yes there are exceptions to this rule, but usually when it says 30 min it ends up being like 5-10 min max.

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I'm in a boat where I want to transfer to a server that alot of my friends are on only I'm on a RP server and they are on a PVE server..And can not do that so yeah a tad bummed about that part but *shrugs* Oh well, I'm sure they will allow that possibly when paid transfers are available.
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more people does not make the game suddenly better. People left for a reason... the servers were dead for a reason. Population was only a smyptom not the actual cause...


The problem is the locust players that flood a new game and eat thru content and then leave in a swarm. Every new game has them

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Wait... so people are quitting and leaving due to dead/ghost servers

now people are quitting and leaving because of full servers?


I think most of the complaints are really due to the lag and queues on the consolidated servers now and the apparent lack of BW in significantly raising the caps on the servers.

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I think most of the complaints are really due to the lag and queues on the consolidated servers now and the apparent lack of BW in significantly raising the caps on the servers.


This and the fact there were far more origin servers than any of us imagined and far too few destination servers.:confused: BW took some servers with pretty decent community sizes and made them origin servers, I think allot of QQ comes from here. The more homes they up root the more unhappy people they will inadvertently create, not every server and every player was demanding transfers, only those on dead servers. food for thought

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This and the fact there were far more origin servers than any of us imagined and far too few destination servers.:confused: BW took some servers with pretty decent community sizes and made them origin servers, I think allot of QQ comes from here. The more homes they up root the more unhappy people they will inadvertently create, not every server and every player was demanding transfers, only those on dead servers. food for thought


Exactly. Personaly, I have no problems with ques and I was playing during early access and release when the servers were almost always full and never had too much of a problem with lag, but I do have to question if the way they are doing things is the best way possible.

Moving pretty much all EU PvP servers to Tomb of Freedon Nadd seems a little excessive. I don't have BWs population numbers, but I thought the idea was to consolidate the population into several equaly healthy servers not into a few overpopulated servers.


Again, I'm happy they did transfers and I'd rather wait in a que than have nobody to do stuff with, but this just seems a bit wrong to me.

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I am astounded at the attitude many gamers have nowadays. I honestly think that bioware is doing this correctly. People have to be patient while this change is going on. Bioware are the only people that have actual metrics to work with. No third party, including subscribers are able to say with confidence whether they are doing this correctly or incorrectly. Bioware is actively monitoring the transfers and gradually opening them to servers that will be able to handle them. If they spread out the transfers over more servers, the population problem will be solved short term (during the initial hype) and then drop, ultimately leading to a situation that occurred over the past few months. By loading the servers to full and adjusting the caps, even with queues, will allow for the initial hype to pass and for there to be a well populated server. As they see each server is reaching their "target" they change the destination to a new server until the subscription base is covered with a buffer. IMO they are doing the right thing. S*** happens people, if you don't like it, unsubscribe or come back in a few weeks when the servers are heavy at prime time. I did not see one server except for Prophecy at full tonight and the queue was 5 mins or less. QQers are gonna QQ
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So I'm in a situation where the server I have rolled on since December is now SO full that I'm unable to log in. I'm all for populated servers but this seems to be a large oversight on the part of BW ... do they not have the ability to count players and estimate how capable a server is to handle a specific number of players? I'm sure they do ... so why would they open a server for transfers BEYOND it's capacity? I'm pretty upset about it. What is the rational in increasing a server population by orders of magnitude and preventing people from playing their established characters?


Oh poor you, I'm stranded on a dead server where the fleet peaked at about 30 players today...you should consider yourself lucky that the server you picked from launch ended up being the populated one.

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So I'm in a situation where the server I have rolled on since December is now SO full that I'm unable to log in. I'm all for populated servers but this seems to be a large oversight on the part of BW ... do they not have the ability to count players and estimate how capable a server is to handle a specific number of players? I'm sure they do ... so why would they open a server for transfers BEYOND it's capacity? I'm pretty upset about it. What is the rational in increasing a server population by orders of magnitude and preventing people from playing their established characters?


Stop whining. Its either a queue each time you try to log in during the so called "prime time" or dead server where you cant do anything. This is the only thing Bioware did to the game that can be considered smart.


Once people transfer, get in, do some FP's, they will stop playing that much and your queues will go down.

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wait wait..


Am I hearing this right? First there was moaning about NOT ENOUGH people in the servers....now that there are plenty of people to play with, you are moaning about TOO MANY people on the servers before they have even raised the limit to the mega capability?


I grow weary of this...

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I NEVER complained about my LOW Pop server, I liked it that way, never had a problem. somehow we managed to have 200 or so in the guild which was sufficient numbers for us. I play the game for fun, way too many people take it too serious. I play when I have time between my 50 hour a week job and housework and real life stuff. I don't have time to play 6 or 8 or more hours a day even on my off day..Sometimes I dont get 8 hours of play in a week, but of course we are the ones to suffer..Then they move me to an already overpopulated server where I have to change my legacy name and who knows how many other names ? What If I had the Legacy name first ? It's a good thing they didn't move me to one of the other servers I have toons on, then It would be a mess.

And I like my Legacy Name, I took some time and thought into it just Like the game people tell you to and now all of a sudden I got to change it ? Like I said, give us 2 or even 3 server options to go to, if I have to change my Legacy name then, so be it.

Yes I am ************ about it. I'm ************ about being forced to a server I don't want to go to and with no other choices and not even a PAID Transfer service available...I'd gladly pay to transfer my toon to another server if it was not full and eligible..But it's one of those, okay everybody on this side of the boat go to this side then wonder why it capsizes..

Like the one person said, people left the game for other reasons than server population, and I would leave too except I play with my best friend, but when I'm gone I'm taking the other 2 people in the house with me because I pay the bill..:-)

I dont care what anybody says, this whole transfer business is a mess and the only people that are gonna be happy are the people with no jobs that got nothing better to do than grind and look for groups. One more thing, just like WOW I don't like being told by a game that in order to have fun I have to group with people, this is a game not Facebook. and people arent going to use the group thing anyway because just like WOW you got your "Know it all" people and their little groups of friends even in guilds..so PUG it is.

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I NEVER complained about my LOW Pop server, I liked it that way, never had a problem. somehow we managed to have 200 or so in the guild which was sufficient numbers for us. I play the game for fun, way too many people take it too serious. I play when I have time between my 50 hour a week job and housework and real life stuff. I don't have time to play 6 or 8 or more hours a day even on my off day..Sometimes I dont get 8 hours of play in a week, but of course we are the ones to suffer..Then they move me to an already overpopulated server where I have to change my legacy name and who knows how many other names ? What If I had the Legacy name first ? It's a good thing they didn't move me to one of the other servers I have toons on, then It would be a mess.

And I like my Legacy Name, I took some time and thought into it just Like the game people tell you to and now all of a sudden I got to change it ? Like I said, give us 2 or even 3 server options to go to, if I have to change my Legacy name then, so be it.

Yes I am ************ about it. I'm ************ about being forced to a server I don't want to go to and with no other choices and not even a PAID Transfer service available...I'd gladly pay to transfer my toon to another server if it was not full and eligible..But it's one of those, okay everybody on this side of the boat go to this side then wonder why it capsizes..

Like the one person said, people left the game for other reasons than server population, and I would leave too except I play with my best friend, but when I'm gone I'm taking the other 2 people in the house with me because I pay the bill..:-)

I dont care what anybody says, this whole transfer business is a mess and the only people that are gonna be happy are the people with no jobs that got nothing better to do than grind and look for groups. One more thing, just like WOW I don't like being told by a game that in order to have fun I have to group with people, this is a game not Facebook. and people arent going to use the group thing anyway because just like WOW you got your "Know it all" people and their little groups of friends even in guilds..so PUG it is.


Wait for the "pseudogenius" IQ people to tell you that you have a choice to play on a dead server, or transfer, and lose your names. You don't really HAVE to transfer, they'll say. It's OPTIONAL. At least until they close your server.

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Wait for the "pseudogenius" IQ people to tell you that you have a choice to play on a dead server, or transfer, and lose your names. You don't really HAVE to transfer, they'll say. It's OPTIONAL. At least until they close your server.


They say it because its a fact. Theres no alternative really and maybe there should be one but theres not. The name thing though ...... gtf over it. If a lvl 10 has your name he/she deserves it because regardless of transfers he/she had it first on that server and regardless of level/legacy he/she deserves it because if it was you, you would not give it up. And don't come back with the unsubbbed/inactive argument because you have no way of proving thats the case.

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Wait for the "pseudogenius" IQ people to tell you that you have a choice to play on a dead server, or transfer, and lose your names. You don't really HAVE to transfer, they'll say. It's OPTIONAL. At least until they close your server.


Since you're a real genius, why don't you tell us idiots the feasible alternative. Or, you know, you could just stop spouting nonsense.

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