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So, How Many Names Did You Lose?


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I logged on Dec 13th at 4 am. There were 4 PVE west coast servers open. I reserved my name on all of them and started on my legacy on my chosen server (chosen by BIOware for my guild)


The server they transferred me to was not open right away on early access, so I had no opportunity to reserve my names there.


I lost 4 lvl 50 names, and my legacy name (most important).


They lost my subscription.


I did everything I possibly could outside of NOT playing the game during early access and sitting watching for new servers to open to reserve names on... yet the blame goes straight to the customer, because god forbid anyone could intelligently code multiple names on one server.


May seem like small potatoes to some, but why in ****s sake would I take a day off work, and log in at 4 AM on dec 13th if my names were not important to me??? what other benefit is early access???


So, in a game already teetering on the brink of disaster due to bad planning and execution, yet another bad choice has lost more customers.


I put in over a year in beta for free for them, prepaid for CE edition, jumped through every hoop offered, only to be forgotten completely and made to feel like a vagabond who no one even knows on a new server with new names, and no friends lists.


in the immortal words of Silky Johnson at the player haters ball:


"I hate you. I hate you. I don't even know you, and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you. "

So what where you names that you lost.

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I love the people who come in and say "make an original name" and it wont get lost... most of your original names are *********** lame, thats why no one takes them, ever.


Secondly I love the people who come in and say, "Its just a name, who cares?" Bioware made a LEGACY system, if I lose my legacy name, and all my character names, and then move to another server with no friends list (and friends who lost names too) ... so who am I???


I lost my legacy, that was not passed down- which means its not really a LEGACY, and I lost all my regular character names too, so how does anyone find me? When 20 people from my old server run by me, they dont even know me at all.


so who am I?


It may not seem like much to some, but in a game that promised LEGACY, there really is none when you cant even carry on your name.


Edit: to the poster above, it doesnt really matter what names I lost- its the principle of the matter and the lack of foresight on Biowares part that cause the issue.


but for the record, I lost my legacy name Slim, lost my character name Slim which I have played since beta 9/27/09 in each and every beta phase, and then into live. The rest I could live with, but not losing that one.

Edited by SlimsPicken
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I love the people who come in and say "make an original name" and it wont get lost... most of your original names are *********** lame, thats why no one takes them, ever.


Secondly I love the people who come in and say, "Its just a name, who cares?" Bioware made a LEGACY system, if I lose my legacy name, and all my character names, and then move to another server with no friends list (and friends who lost names too) ... so who am I???


I lost my legacy, that was not passed down- which means its not really a LEGACY, and I lost all my regular character names too, so how does anyone find me? When 20 people from my old server run by me, they dont even know me at all.


so who am I?


It may not seem like much to some, but in a game that promised LEGACY, there really is none when you cant even carry on your name.


Legacy should be attached to player names, it's just an idea but I think it could easily work, if bioware puts it in the next major patch remains to be seen.

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I lost two names I cared about, out of six. Oh well. I got to keep the name of my main character, which was the one I was most worried about.


My girlfriend refuses to transfer her characters off our dead server, however, because her perfect character name is taken on the destination server. She's quitting the game instead. :(

Edited by RolyartNala
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You seem in an awful big hurry to characterize this as "forced". To what end? What do you prove by convincing people they were forced?


There just isn't enough information to declare it so absolutely and no benefit in doing so. They could offer multiple destinations to the remaining origin server players because the intial destinations are too full tomorrow and you'd be wrong.


My server is now completely dead, which is exactly what Bioware wanted. I now have 2 options.


A.) Quit

B.) Move to The Ebon Hawk


That's pretty much forced in my book.

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So I'm immediately regretting my transfer, I lost all my character names including my legacy (which even used alt characters). BioWare could have done so many different things for transfers that didn't screw over the majority of player's names they have had since launch. The only ones spared were a few with enough luck to roll on a destination server months ago including plenty that probably haven't even subbed in months. I am genuinely pissed right now and wished I had never transferred.
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I lost my main toon name, an alt name, and my legacy name.


And.... I'm not upset in the least. :) (and I participate in RP).


Quite the contrary, I looked at it as an opportunity for story development. In this case, my main has ticked-off a prominant Hutt-Lord and unfortunately acquired a substantial bounty. So, she had to change her primary name and her family name (legacy). This has also endangered the rest of the family (could be kidnapped or used as bait) and so it was imperative to change the family name. Republic SI has assisted with the identity change and increased surveillance for protection.


Just takes a little imagination. :cool:

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I logged on Dec 13th at 4 am. There were 4 PVE west coast servers open. I reserved my name on all of them and started on my legacy on my chosen server (chosen by BIOware for my guild)


The server they transferred me to was not open right away on early access, so I had no opportunity to reserve my names there.


I lost 4 lvl 50 names, and my legacy name (most important).


They lost my subscription.


I did everything I possibly could outside of NOT playing the game during early access and sitting watching for new servers to open to reserve names on... yet the blame goes straight to the customer, because god forbid anyone could intelligently code multiple names on one server.


May seem like small potatoes to some, but why in ****s sake would I take a day off work, and log in at 4 AM on dec 13th if my names were not important to me??? what other benefit is early access???


So, in a game already teetering on the brink of disaster due to bad planning and execution, yet another bad choice has lost more customers.


I put in over a year in beta for free for them, prepaid for CE edition, jumped through every hoop offered, only to be forgotten completely and made to feel like a vagabond who no one even knows on a new server with new names, and no friends lists.


in the immortal words of Silky Johnson at the player haters ball:


"I hate you. I hate you. I don't even know you, and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you. "


I totally feel you and did everything you did. I was there on day 1 of EGA, one of the first people in the game, just to get my names. My names are everything to me in an MMO. I knew there was no way in hell I had a chance to keep them if I had to leave my server. I havent logged in the game in a few weeks and was holding out specifically for this. Now that I know, its time to leave this game.


Its not just losing the names...I had been on the fence for a while now about canceling. This was just the straw that broke the camels back. My name is my identity just as my avatars looks are. I may as well just start fresh if i'm gonna lose my name.....No way i'm doing that.

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My server is now completely dead, which is exactly what Bioware wanted. I now have 2 options.


A.) Quit

B.) Move to The Ebon Hawk


That's pretty much forced in my book.


We seem to be in the same boat then. I lost one name among three characters on my way from Lord Adraas to Ebon Hawk. If your old server is dead, it would seem like your community mostly made the transfer too. I traded a sort of unoriginal name that I could have taken a very close permutation of for a bunch of extra play opportunites on top of all my old ones.


I bet BioWare hoped that entire servers would transfer. Again "hoped" but, it was not a gurantee and there are a few outliers. I view "forced" differently, especially when things are in play but, let's assume this was "forced". What's your point? The play experience is a better one. If the game is bad and devs can't code out their way out of a paper bag, why are you here and how does whining about it improve anything?

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I think if they had done server merges instead, they could have let the characters with more play time logged keep their name. That would have been the most fair thing. But they can't really do that with transfers.


I'm expecting to lose one or two of my character names whenever I get to transfer, but I think most of my other ones are pretty original. I plan on just using the funny versions of letters to basically keep all my names, if I have to.


But I do agree with everyone that part of the awesomeness of early access was being able to reserve all the names. So losing those is a fail on Bioware's part. At the very least, I think they should have let the transfers keep their names if the people on the destination server didn't have an active subscription.

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I lost 1 out of 8 going from Dark Reaper to Bastion.


But I really didn't lose any. I know not everyone likes special characters but hey, Pris and Prís, aren't really all that different and typing special characters is very simple. Having an accent or whatever on one vowel shouldn't be a game breaker if you really want to keep the name.

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Two... sadly the one still in my signature was one of them... and now I consider not continuing my sub. The other name I had to change had a funny surprise for me, I got the name on the new server which I couldn't get on my old server for that character... but that was anyway just an alt.


Lana is a pretty common name.

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Lost one of five -- luckily the character I just started levelling in earnest and *just* started thinking about in terms of RP (so it was a good time to have to change her name); retained Legacy surname.
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i lost all my names save for one.


bastila is now bastilia

adas is now addas

mission is now spryly

i dont rememeber what carth;s new name is

got to keep casey-hudson

lost the shan legacy, now have the skywalkêr legacy



im super ticked off. this is my first and last mmo. had no idea it was normal to lose all your names after playing since launch.

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I lost 2 names and a legacy name

Infact the only names I kept were random generated ones I got from the name creator.


For the record I am a little bitter about losing my legacy name and character names.

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I lost my legacy name. I didn't do beta, test server, early release, and bust my butt to lose my legacy.


I have only transferred one character, but i am very very angry about losing my legacy. I don't think it's fair, and i don't see any valid reason to only allow one of the same legacy name on a server. Especially since it wasn't even my fault. My fleet had 2 people in it last night before i transferred. That's not my fault.


I am not excited to see how many of my alts lose their names as well.

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i logged on dec 13th at 4 am. There were 4 pve west coast servers open. I reserved my name on all of them and started on my legacy on my chosen server (chosen by bioware for my guild)


the server they transferred me to was not open right away on early access, so i had no opportunity to reserve my names there.


I lost 4 lvl 50 names, and my legacy name (most important).


They lost my subscription.


I did everything i possibly could outside of not playing the game during early access and sitting watching for new servers to open to reserve names on... Yet the blame goes straight to the customer, because god forbid anyone could intelligently code multiple names on one server.


May seem like small potatoes to some, but why in ****s sake would i take a day off work, and log in at 4 am on dec 13th if my names were not important to me??? What other benefit is early access???


So, in a game already teetering on the brink of disaster due to bad planning and execution, yet another bad choice has lost more customers.


I put in over a year in beta for free for them, prepaid for ce edition, jumped through every hoop offered, only to be forgotten completely and made to feel like a vagabond who no one even knows on a new server with new names, and no friends lists.


In the immortal words of silky johnson at the player haters ball:


"i hate you. I hate you. I don't even know you, and i hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you. "


this ^

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I specificly logged in on the first moment of day 1 early start to make sure I got all the names I wanted, and was lucky enough to level and get the legacy name. Now your telling me too bad? I'm pissed. My remaining choices are stay on an empty server to keep the names I want or choose new names. It feels like the NGE all over again


This ^

Looking at my server I see 5 people on the fleet now..5 WTH. SO my guild either stays and lives in a ghost town which will close and force us to transfer anyways..or we loose our names,our legacy names, our guild name ..pretty much everything because Bioware arbitrarily choose some other server to jam everyone into. This sucks and I am bitter actually. Quite bitter.

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This whole situation was handled so very poorly. These are "Transfers", but lets call them what they really are....mergers.


Destination server players should not be spared just for being lucky enough to be on that chosen server. The names should have gone to the person who


A. Had the name/character created earliest...or

B. Logged the most time with said name...


Any name belonging to an unsubbed account would be automatically forfeited if a subbed player came to the server.


At the very least, everyone would have had a fighting chance. Its absolute BS that I lost all my names through no fault of my own and without any hope of retaining them. I have a backup list of names I created which I will try to get, but will probably fail. So I fully expect to cancel my sub tonight when i get home and fail to get a name other than Ramdonsdfsol.


I never experience the NGE, but now I have a little taste of how people felt.

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