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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll


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Jawa : Think about it...a Bounty hunter jawa with blizz...and the stories people could make lol...

Wookie: sure make it a new class, melee and ranged plz *main hand rifle, off hand tech blade*

That's all i can think of that i'd like to play more then a human...i like humans a lot...maybe that's only because i am one though lol.

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I am not quite sure whether more species are truly what this game needs, esepcially considering that it is mostly a purely aestethical choice which has no impact on the game. I find it a bit frustrating how "alien" always refers to non-humans and the perspective never changes - in my own stories from a twi'lek perspective humans are aliens. Non-humans even refer to themselves as aliens. The only time I feel it worked out was when I came in contact with the Chiss Ascendency with my female Chiss Imperial Agent. (I don't want to spoiler too much but there was even a mini-romance involved.)



However this is my choice:


  1. Echani
  2. Togruta
  3. Bothan

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Updated and revived. Thought some fresh eyes might make their way across it. Likewise, after all these pages, I have to ask - what is the fascination with Togruta? I truly don't understand the appeal. I try to remain as neutral as I can, but I honestly don't understand the fascination.


Edit: Ugh, the update didn't go through for some reason. I'll redo it in a bit.

Edited by CelCawdro
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Here are mine please:


1. Togruta

2. Jawa

3. Wookie


I'm really enthusiastic about the Togruta, and hope they are added. To try to answer CelCawdro, for myself I just think they look very neat, exotic, and colorful. They are humanoid, but still more alien and unique looking than some of the options which are so much closer to human. Also, they are distinctly and recognizably Star Wars to me. Many of the choices I am not familiar with and add no appeal to me. If you have the Star Wars IP, you should go out and use the more famous and specifically Star Wars things.


Well, that's just my answer and I hope it makes sense. I really hope Togruta get in some day, it's by far my most hoped for species! Thank you!

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Updated and revived. Thought some fresh eyes might make their way across it. Likewise, after all these pages, I have to ask - what is the fascination with Togruta? I truly don't understand the appeal. I try to remain as neutral as I can, but I honestly don't understand the fascination.


Edit: Ugh, the update didn't go through for some reason. I'll redo it in a bit.


For me, they are human enough to be able to "identify" with and exotic enough to be interesting. And I like reversed grips. They have a majestic look, which I find fitting for a sage.


Purely subjective point of view, based on "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".


Just like a droid would fit a Bounty Hunter... Balmorra heroic 4 giver comes to mind - imperial side.

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A lot of players like to play freakish-looking characters in games like this (run around in Wow or Champions or DCU or GW2 or watch old CoH youtube videos). I don't know why, I don't, but it was an expected feature and letdown amongst people that weren't following the game development. The limited body model choices still just looks cheap compared to most other games nowadays.
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1. Wookie


2. Trandoshan


3. Devaronian



Wookie and Trandoshan will probably not even be considered, but they're my two favorite races that aren't playable, so I had to do it.




1. Devaronian


2. Voss


3. Nautolan

Edited by Azurax
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A lot of players like to play freakish-looking characters in games like this (run around in Wow or Champions or DCU or GW2 or watch old CoH youtube videos). I don't know why, I don't, but it was an expected feature and letdown amongst people that weren't following the game development. The limited body model choices still just looks cheap compared to most other games nowadays.


I agree with this, the lack of playable species was one of the big let downs. We know this is a game (hency why I have killed some daily bosses 20 times) so it doesn't matter if I have to bend relaity a bit that my Mon Cal romances a human. Please Dev's add more species.

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I agree with this, the lack of playable species was one of the big let downs. We know this is a game (hency why I have killed some daily bosses 20 times) so it doesn't matter if I have to bend relaity a bit that my Mon Cal romances a human. Please Dev's add more species.




And as I have stated many times before, I play this game for all the ways in which it isn't WoW. I play WoW when I want to play WoW. The ways in which SW:TOR is unique are its strengths. The story, the characters, the setting - these are things that should be catered to. It's painfully obvious to see where this game was neutered to make it more accessible to the masses of WoW, but there's a catch to that - people that are looking for the WoW experience are going to stick with WoW. Even when they threaten to leave it for the Next Big Thing, they're going to be back the next month after their brief liaison.


But to bring this back to the point of this thread, adding new species caters to SW:TOR's uniqueness. I don't care about new warzones, flashpoints or operations. I don't care about the next tier of gear. I don't care about a new set of dailies. I've been there, I've done that, and I can get a more refined experience for that elsewhere. I play SW:TOR for that which I can't get anywhere else - characters that I care about and a story I can invest in. And unfortunately (I assume because of a certain publisher), I've been quite starved on that front.

Edited by CelCawdro
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Hm. I thought I'd be seeing quite a few more suggestions in this thread in light of species unlocks (albeit for existing species) being listed in the Cartel shop. At the very least, we know that the framework is in place. Edited by CelCawdro
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