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The Pyrotech playstyle that needs to be addressed.


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It is the "Burst damage, Insta gib many people, respawn as heat management." playstyle. I suspect the developers didn't quite predict this one. Here is the spotlight post for it.


How does it work?


- Pyrotech wants to die as quickly as possible.

- Ideal for the Pryotech is to Burst damage / flood heat meter, then die

- Death only helps the Pryotech

- If done ideally, they die fast enough they they always make the next release of doors from the spawn, spending next to zero time in the respawn.

- Death is the fastest/best way for them to manage heat.

Why is this an issue?


- When they come out bursting AoE damage, insta gibbing players, they are blowing out objectives

- Enemy team on doors of Voidstar? LOL Pyrotech everyone and insta respawn

- Everyone fighting at a node in Civil War? LOL Pyrotech everyone and insta respawn

- Oh, a battle at the south battery of Nova Coast? LOL Pryotech everyone and insta respawn

- Huttball, well just pull the ball carrier into the fire.


In the worse case issue, they drag 2-4 people with them to the respawn everytime. It is always a lopsided exchange that will clear objectives for the Pryotechs team to take.


In the best case issue, they just burst everyone dead, and are left there with no way to vent heat, except for some slow out of combat rest channel.


Dying favors the Pyrotech, but other classes are put at a disadvantage from death, like Snipers have to reapply DoTs before going for a Burst kill, or Marauders have to start again at zero rage and rebuild resources, and the list goes on.


Something should be addressed in the "Burst - respawn to reset heat - Burst" of the Pyrotech.

Edited by Asphen
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It is the "Burst AoE damage, Insta gib many people, respawn as heat management." playstyle. I suspect the developers didn't quite predict this one. Here is the spotlight post for it.


How does it work?


- Pyrotech wants to die as quickly as possible.

- Ideal for the Pryotech is to Burst as much AoE damage / flood heat meter, then die

- Death only helps the Pryotech

- If done ideally, they die fast enough they they always make the next release of doors from the spawn, spending next to zero time in the respawn.

- Death is the fastest/best way for them to manage heat.

Why is this an issue?


- When they come out bursting AoE damage, insta gibbing players, they are blowing out objectives

- Enemy team on doors of Voidstar? LOL Pyrotech everyone and insta respawn

- Everyone fighting at a node in Civil War? LOL Pyrotech everyone and insta respawn

- Oh, a battle at the south battery of Nova Coast? LOL Pryotech everyone and insta respawn

- Huttball, well just pull the ball carrier into the fire.


In the worse case issue, they drag 2-4 people with them to the respawn everytime. It is always a lopsided exchange that will clear objectives for the Pryotechs team to take.


In the best case issue, they just AoE burst everyone dead, and are left there with no way to vent heat, except for some slow out of combat rest channel.


Dying favors the Pyrotech, but other classes are put at a disadvantage from death, like Snipers have to reapply DoTs before going for a Burst kill, or Marauders have to start again at zero rage and rebuild resources, Assassin's just don't burst out massive AoE damaage, and the list goes on.


Something should be addressed in the "Burst AoE - respawn to reset heat - Burst AoE" of the Pyrotech.


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If you are trying to get yourself killed to reset heat so you can burst again you are doing it wrong.


Yes pyrotechs have high burst but it takes a good 15 seconds for everything to reset to burst like that again. We are pretty easy to take down and we can't do anywhere near that burst damage until things reset. If you wait it out and manage your heat instead of just spamming FB as much as possible you are going to do a TON more damage by not dying, not to mention you are going to help your team achieve victory by staying alive instead of waiting for the spawn door to drop.

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What are you smoking dude? Wha burat AoE? Pyro is single target damage.


Pyrotech is a single target tree if you are using a Merc class and using aoes on the merc with it your really missing out. I hate say it but the pyrotech tree is more for a powertech class who wants to kill 1v1 fast. Also when your using the pyrotech properly your dots and a few auto attacks pretty much all you need kill people most times you could add a flame or two to speed it up while in close range otherwise if your not having dots up your missing out on alot of damage and kills.

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If you are trying to get yourself killed to reset heat so you can burst again you are doing it wrong.


Yes pyrotechs have high burst but it takes a good 15 seconds for everything to reset to burst like that again. We are pretty easy to take down and we can't do anywhere near that burst damage until things reset. If you wait it out and manage your heat instead of just spamming FB as much as possible you are going to do a TON more damage by not dying, not to mention you are going to help your team achieve victory by staying alive instead of waiting for the spawn door to drop.


It should be like this.


However, the "Burst - Die - Burst" is too effective for this class. What you are talking about is great in the hands of a good player, and ideally how things should flow.


Respawns are far to rapid in SWTOR, and the Pyrotech comes out the gate at each one far too strong.

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Sookster, I just read your sig. Serious question here: Are you honestly not smart enough to understand that


- they had a team of 16 nerds that fought against each other in warzones

- The test players could just create maxed out characters of any class

- through this testing, they learned that stunlock teams were FAR to strong

- They made changes to prevent this, before players discovered / rerolled and leveled into it.



Is this something you really can't grasp? Do you honestly not understand? Blows my mind.

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It should be like this.


However, the "Burst - Die - Burst" is too effective for this class. What you are talking about is great in the hands of a good player, and ideally how things should flow.


Respawns are far to rapid in SWTOR, and the Pyrotech comes out the gate at each one far too strong.


Have you played a PT at 50? I don't think you understand how it works. First off not many of them go and AE till max heat, you might do that situationally maybe once every 10 matches to stop a cap but then you die right after. Are AE damage is a joke anyway I ONLY use it to stop door caps and for that Death From Above is way more effective. I know you think that the death helps a PT, but it only helps the worst PT I have ever heard of. A PT is about single target burst damage and it is not heat that usually stops us it is cooldowns. Even if I go and die and respawn instantly (which doesn't happen to me near as often as you seem to imply) all of my cooldowns still don't reset just my heat. A PT worth a crap is gonig to be able to burst down people and manage their heat so when the cooldowns are ready they can burst down another, and another, and another .. etc.

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It is the "Burst damage, Insta gib many people, respawn as heat management." playstyle. I suspect the developers didn't quite predict this one. Here is the spotlight post for it.


How does it work?


- Pyrotech wants to die as quickly as possible.

- Ideal for the Pryotech is to Burst damage / flood heat meter, then die

- Death only helps the Pryotech

- If done ideally, they die fast enough they they always make the next release of doors from the spawn, spending next to zero time in the respawn.

- Death is the fastest/best way for them to manage heat.

Why is this an issue?


- When they come out bursting AoE damage, insta gibbing players, they are blowing out objectives

- Enemy team on doors of Voidstar? LOL Pyrotech everyone and insta respawn

- Everyone fighting at a node in Civil War? LOL Pyrotech everyone and insta respawn

- Oh, a battle at the south battery of Nova Coast? LOL Pryotech everyone and insta respawn

- Huttball, well just pull the ball carrier into the fire.


In the worse case issue, they drag 2-4 people with them to the respawn everytime. It is always a lopsided exchange that will clear objectives for the Pryotechs team to take.


In the best case issue, they just burst everyone dead, and are left there with no way to vent heat, except for some slow out of combat rest channel.


Dying favors the Pyrotech, but other classes are put at a disadvantage from death, like Snipers have to reapply DoTs before going for a Burst kill, or Marauders have to start again at zero rage and rebuild resources, and the list goes on.


Something should be addressed in the "Burst - respawn to reset heat - Burst" of the Pyrotech.


You're overthinking. It's like this brother:

Talk with your team and chain stun the ****er. Once his resolve bar is full, then burn him down. If your team is talking and can execute this, that silly PT will not be a factor.

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Your marvellous technique doesn't work because of random respawn timers.

Secondly, Pyrotech is single target damage.


Thank you, come again!



- There is nothing random about respawn timers. If you watch the door, the symbol on the door is in "pulsing quarters". When the last pulsing quarter on the door goes from light to dark, the door opens. Always has been like this, always will be.


- AoE or not, "Burst, Die, Burst" is too strong for this class. I'll admit though, I think I see them come out with AoE to stop objective caps in the most likely case.


- Pretty noobish for you to not understand respawn timers, since you take advantage of them so much.

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You're overthinking. It's like this brother:

Talk with your team and chain stun the ****er. Once his resolve bar is full, then burn him down. If your team is talking and can execute this, that silly PT will not be a factor.



This is good.


However, it's like in threads that say "Focus Fire Pyrotechs and they DIEeeee"


Well, Yeah, it works on every other class in the game too. This game is fondly called Stun Wars for a reason. They Pryotech is too strong if "chain stun them the split second you see them" is the master plan here.

Edited by Asphen
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This is good.


However, it's like in threads that say "Focus Fire Pyrotechs and they DIEeeee"


Well, Yeah, it works on every other class in the game too. This game is fondly called Stun Wars for a reason. They Pryotech is too strong if "chain stun them the split second you see them" is the master plan here.


Yeah, I know it's pretty much focus fire and that it works on every class. Which is why I said he's overthinking. If you're worried about an oppenent - any oppenent - single handedly taking control of the area around a node, then why not disable him and burn him down before he has the chance to make a difference?

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