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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Always down during Australian prime time.


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Alternating maintenance would be nice... One week, do it at 12am PST... the next, do it at 12PM PST... That would satisfy everyone.


Or have maintenance for US at one time and Aussies another time? Seriously, though too much work. They have to please the masses.

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Or have maintenance for US at one time and Aussies another time? Seriously, though too much work. They have to please the masses.


as ,much as i hate to say this..becuase its not fair..but very true.


by keeping the maint times the way they are they ARE pleasing the masses..


the majority of the players are from NA keeping the scheudal the way it is is the best for them..therefore the masses are pleased.


not fair.. but by your logic very correct..

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Incorrect. The physical servers are located (if memory serves) Australia for AP and in Ireland for all the EU servers.


Maybe you want to reread what I wrote :) I said that sometimes they will open a node in another country however it is not often done due to cost.

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Alternating maintenance would be nice... One week, do it at 12am PST... the next, do it at 12PM PST... That would satisfy everyone.

What time do you currently work? 9am to 5pm? What would you do if your boss came up to you and said that every other Tuesday you would have to work 9pm to 5am?

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Alternating maintenance would be nice... One week, do it at 12am PST... the next, do it at 12PM PST... That would satisfy everyone.


1st rule of the interwebz: You cannot satisfy anyone.

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What time do you currently work? 9am to 5pm? What would you do if your boss came up to you and said that every other Tuesday you would have to work 9pm to 5am?


Oh noes. They will have the hire someone who will work shifts. The horror!

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What time do you currently work? 9am to 5pm? What would you do if your boss came up to you and said that every other Tuesday you would have to work 9pm to 5am?


Um... You do know that they do maintenance at 12am their time, right? :)

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Oh noes. They will have the hire someone who will work shifts. The horror!


My point exactly. Would it be that hard to hire 4 - 5 people that can do shift work. Hell I'd apply for it.

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Australia isn't a big enough part of the subscription base for them to care that it is down during your prime time.

Asia Pacific makes up a large enough number of players that Bioware added 3 servers for us. Why not have some maintenance times they aren't right in the middle of the evening?

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Asia Pacific makes up a large enough number of players that Bioware added 3 servers for us. Why not have some maintenance times they aren't right in the middle of the evening?


Because they can't do it atm and chose to prioritize other things before.

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Whenever servers go down it is prime time somewhere in the world. If you don't like it then get your country to develop MMOs which would have maintenance during your off time.


No lol. Company blah blah, based in country blahblahblah, makes a game, and invites the population of country blahblahblah to play it. Downtimes are based around one set of players, so everything is hunky dory.


Company blah blah sells the game to the world. Downtimes are based around one set of players, so everything is most definitely not hunky dory.


Customers are customers, no matter where they live. You can't favour one set of customers over another and expect no complaints.

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People have different skills, and the better you are at your job, the easier it will be for you to find a job that fits the conditions you want. For most people, that includes not having to do shifts, so demanding that would make the really good devs that can get a job anywhere to choose a different company to work for. That would reduce the quality of the work being done and cause a need for more frequent and longer maintenance downtimes.

Regardless of how big a potential market is, it's how many customers from that market that actually gets your product that matters. Currently, that number is very low for Australia, so since it has to be down for someone, they choose the market with the least people, so that the 2 large markets are unaffected. US is sleeping and EU are at work.

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Asia Pacific makes up a large enough number of players that Bioware added 3 servers for us. Why not have some maintenance times they aren't right in the middle of the evening?


Three Vs all the US and EU servers? Yeah, I think I can see how three would not be the priority.

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Why are people still complaining about this? It has been roughly the same time since launch, so I don't know but wouldn't people start organizing their schedules accordingly? I know it was an emergency patch today, but we see these for EVERY Tuesday patch and it is getting old.
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Why are people still complaining about this? It has been roughly the same time since launch, so I don't know but wouldn't people start organizing their schedules accordingly? I know it was an emergency patch today, but we see these for EVERY Tuesday patch and it is getting old.


If a patch ran every tuesday in the us we'd see the same stuff. case in point the nerdrage tornado that hits whenever any mmo undergoes even a restart during us prime time. the au/nz complaining is pretty moderate really, largely because large portions of the population are just used to being stuffed around like this by now.


the one which really pisses people off are the multiple nights, which bioware's been waaaay too regular with (e.g. there've been months where three out of four weeks had multiple primetime maintenances). tonight's non-regular maintenance was probably reasonable, but that makes it most definitely the exception to bioware's regular non-regular maintenances. the only time i've seen anything like it has been with D3, but that was due to people being flat out unable to connect rather than the in-game tinkering bioware normally indulges in.


but au/nz servers are locally based & have had good population since their inception. providing 30ms ping gets a lot of leeway with me, and i'm not the only one.

Edited by Lakhesis
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Why are people still complaining about this? It has been roughly the same time since launch, so I don't know but wouldn't people start organizing their schedules accordingly? I know it was an emergency patch today, but we see these for EVERY Tuesday patch and it is getting old.


It's been like this since WoW launched. Maybe since Everquest.


If they kept it to one day per week, it'd be fine. I personally won't complain if it's just tuesday night. But SWTOR has had weeks where it's been 3 or 4 patch days a week... all of which cut into Asia Pacific's primetime.

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Personally i think that each region should have their own clients and downtimes limited per region...


((note: I am not fussed either way to be honest, i have had my peak time affected by midday downtimes being extended due to problems, and also had a long time downtime actually end waaay ahead of schedule across various MMO's))

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