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When to stop stacking crit? / BiS items for PVP Powertech discussion.


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Full wh right now and just bought my first WH combat tech gloves for the mod/enhance to swap out my boots and full augmented with adv. critical augments 22. Wondering when I should stop stacking crit and swap to power. At around 45% crit fully buffed/stimmed atm


If there is any good theory crafting / sites that show where the softcaps/hardcaps are feel free to share.

Current build- http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/f50719e8-b476-42df-a633-8bdf801a0fc5


Any other changes to make a BiS build? Comment

Edited by Siphorus
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Whoa, that's some hefty crit rating! Most pyros/vanguards I know stopped at around 35% buffed crit and switched to improve power and aim - I even struggle to get it beyond 33% buffed in full WH (aim augments only).

If there is any good theory crafting / sites that show where the softcaps/hardcaps are feel free to share.

I found jedilace.com quite helpful.

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That's an excessive amount of crit. You could be around +140 and be perfectly fine (that puts you after IA buff around 30%, give or take)


Would recommend dropping some in favor of Power for now.

Would stacking power be more than dps than crit? So what mods/enhancements do you suggest? Or maybe power augments?

Edited by Siphorus
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30% is the bare minimum, though getting to 35% is obviously better. Once you hit 30% you can start stacking power. And yes, go with all power augments, the purple overkill is 12 endurance/18 power and it really adds up. Edited by Sookster
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I am at a similar place where I need to figure out what to min/max. My crit is already over 30% buffed and my surge over 75%. I always hear that you need to get to 30 or 35% crit depending on who you ask and 75% surge, but where did those numbers come from? Is there any reason we are all doing that or did someone run some tests? I understand there are diminishing returns but it would be nice to have some actual numbers.
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Assuming you can use 14 augments in 1.3 and if you run with 7/3/31, the difference between power and aim augments with mark of power is 2 dmg (58 from power and 56 from aim). What I'm wondering about is, would the crit increase from aim be enough to let you use another power mod or enhancement and still be above 30% crit chance with agent buff? Edited by Fronteria
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Hmm, it all depends on personal preference but I like power, a lot


In my opinion because of the passive increase to crit that Aim/End Augments always have priority over Power/End unless you're pushing over 2k Aim where the crit diminishing return from Aim starts to become a factor, and this will often depend on your spec as well with points in Steely Resolve. You may also want more endurance than will be provided should you stack the 27 endurance enhancement in every slot, so YMMV.


Preferred mods are 51 Aim, 32 End, 30 Exp, 39 Power, or the crit one if you need/want more crit.


Preferred enhancements are 27 End, 30 Exp, 41 Power, 53 Surge, or you can switch in some accuracy if that is your preference.


Best Gear for Mods/Enhancements value wise:

War Hero Combat Tech's Boots (2000 commendations): 51 Aim, 32 End, 30 Exp, 39 Pow Mod

War Hero Combat Tech's Gauntlets (2000 commendations): 31 Aim, 32 End, 30 Exp, 39 Crit Mod

War Hero Eliminator's Boots (2000 commendations): 27 End, 30 Exp, 41 Pow, 53 Surge Enhancement

War Hero Combat Tech's Gauntlets (2000 commendations): 27 End, 30 Exp, 41 Crit, 53 Surge Enhancement


If more accuracy is required:

War Hero Stalker's Handwraps (2000 commendations - Sith Inquisitor Vendor): 27 End, 30 Exp, 41 Pow, 53 Acc

War Hero Eliminator's Gauntlets (2000 commendations): 27 End, 30 Exp, 41 Crit, 53 Acc


Unfortunately there are no pieces that give both the preferred power mod enhancement combination.


I would also suggest replacing all of the 64 Aim Mods with the 51 Aim and improved power or crit mods as well, however it also hinges on how much endurance you are comfortable with.


If you need/want your extra 5% accuracy (some people don't use extra accuracy at all). I would suggest getting the Annihilator ear and implants as cheaper options to purchasing mods to add additional accuracy, especially as the Boltblaster ones are a little lackluster. I use the Battlemaster implants myself, but may switch to Annihilators in the future for more accuracy, still debating.

Edited by EarthboundMisfit
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Good topic, there seem to be a great many opinions on the "correct" mods and gear, but in the end it seems that most anything works to a point. It seems to come down to how it "feels"and fits your playstyle. In a way i wish things were a bit more cut and dry as I've spend countless credits swapping mods and have yet to find anything I'm completely satisfied with.


I tend to stack main stat (the +64 aim mods, +12 augments, stim). It just always "feels" better for whatever reason when i have 1750ish aim, but if someone has the reasoning and perhaps some math I would love to hear it. I see the argument who cares what your base damage is if everything crits, but imho you then put your hands even more with the RNG gods than it already is with PPA.


And I also still have the accuracy question, 95% or more? I will say anything under 95 seem to follow the classic MMO rule that if you are shy of the magic number even by .2% you will miss all the freaking time. Bit again the "feel" of anything over 95 doesn't seem to be much better than 95 itself unless you are in a wz vs 6 tankassins (which happens lol).

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