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"play to win" VS " play for medals"


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I wanted to make this post because I'm so tired of seeing people playing for medals rather than to play to win. It's kinda annoying.


There are so many examples of people playing for medals rather than playing to win and it just causes matches to be lost.


I'll give my two most recent examples I've seen that are really annoying.


1. a guardian in civil war runs west and caps andthen automatically takes off for mid, leaving nobody west.

2. in Huttball a gunslinger is ontop of the structure overlooking mid, someone passes him the ball, rather than even trying to find someone to pas it to, he throws it to an opposing player instantly ( right after receiving it) and then starts shooting the opposing player. He had people open but did not even try. His goal was to get points.


Hey I could do this too, but I'd rather try and win matches.


My suggestion is to remove all the little medal proc disp[lays and just total them up at the end. What the current system promotes is for people to farm medals, which is a poor pvp design.


I guess if BW does not listen I can just stand there and hit noble sac and heal myself for 500k healing while standing behind a node for the duration of a match and laugh at the people who complain. Which is the current reverse of what I do.


Play to win is much better than play for medals.

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With the ability to invite whomever you wish up to 8 players, you will have the option to not invite those types.


Nope, a majority of players PUG it. The current system promotes poor play.

The system "teaches" p[layers to farm medals, rather than play to win.

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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Nope, a majority of players PUG it. The current system promotes poor play.

The system "teaches" p[layers to farm medals, rather than play to win.


Hence a more effective grouping system shortly, which can eliminate these types, if you so choose to.

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considering that anything over 8 medals is useless and that the faster you wina match earns more medals im not sure why you are still seeing this, usually the people who do the things you mentioned is not because they are farming medals it is because they are truly bad players. if there excuse for being bad is so they can farm medals then they are not only bad but they are stupid as well
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Hence a more effective grouping system shortly, which can eliminate these types, if you so choose to.


Not really, I've used the system on test.


If you knew about how players do things you'd realize this is how it will go for a majority of players":

LFM ranked Wz's. This system does not solve much unless you think it will be the same people all the time running the same groups, which it will not. Nothing solved.


Ranked Wz's does not solve the issue at all. LOL

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considering that anything over 8 medals is useless and that the faster you wina match earns more medals im not sure why you are still seeing this, usually the people who do the things you mentioned is not because they are farming medals it is because they are truly bad players. if there excuse for being bad is so they can farm medals then they are not only bad but they are stupid as well


Not really, flashy medal counts usually mean mvp votes from the clueless. The way the current system is designed it promotes players to be idiots :/

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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People play for medals when there is a perception that the match is already lost. The game does not promote playing for medals instead of playing to win for at least one major reason: you get more comms for winning.


When I play in a pug I go for the win first because its pretty easy to get medals while winning. If its looking like a win is unlikely, I start farming medals while the match comes to an end.


Before you get all upset about other players, take a deep breath and think about what you're raging about... a video game that you are playing for fun.

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Not really, I've used the system on test.


If you knew about how players do things you'd realize this is how it will go for a majority of players":

LFM ranked Wz's. This system does not solve much unless you think it will be the same people all the time running the same groups, which it will not. Nothing solved.


Ranked Wz's does not solve the issue at all. LOL


I won't have this issue when it hits live, at least with our team.

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Before you get all upset about other players, take a deep breath and think about what you're raging about... a video game that you are playing for fun.


Now this type of post annoys me more than any other. There's always "that guy" who posts a generic comment similar to yours always along the lines of, "jeeze guys it's just a game, no need to get mad over it!". The ironic part is your second half of the quoted portion of your comment above is the reason why people have the right to get mad at such a thing, because they are trying to play for fun! If you are losing, your fun is either non-existent or severely diminished, simple as that. If this is because of the other team being flat out better then you whether it be due to skill, better gear, or higher levels, then there's nothing you can do but level more and get better skilled. BUT if it's because of people not playing the game properly due to the game promoting farming medals, then that's something to get annoyed about. If someone was playing sports such as basketball and lost because of the other players goofing off and not playing their positions correctly, they'd get mad. And you wouldn't sit here saying, "God guys it's just a game, get over it. Have fun!" And if you were, you'd deserve to receive the beaten those giants give you.

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There is a political component that gets promoted by the medal farmers on most PvP servers. Lots of people think "you get more medals for winning than for farming" but that's provably false. I know of at least five people who brag about how awesome they are because they usually top out the medals chart even when they lose, which is almost always because in order to do that you have to really work at undermining your own team. The idiots who see these guys doing this are amazed at their "skills" and support their egotistical fantasies, promote the player's guild name, tout the player's greatness, and so forth.


This kind of player is the guy who decided that the only point anyone should bother taking on Novare Coast is the southern point. This is the guy who never passes in huttball, no matter what. This is the guy that screams "MID!" all match in Civil War. This is the guy that screams "LEFT SIDE" when the entire enemy team is already on the left side in the first room of Voidstar.


He cherrypicks nearly dead targets, he remains stealthed until there's a medal to be taken that won't advance the team's objectives for anyone but himself. He makes bad calls on purpose to ensure that nobody else gets medals faster than he does. He screams for reinforcements against the enemy team's frontal assault while he scuttles off the other direction. He follows good players around snagging medals out from under them to keep up his appearances of skill (example, plays a tank/sin and follows marauders around pushing their targets out of range just before they die, then snagging the last hit and the medal for kill-count). He heals people, but only if they're not effective players anyway, healing effective players would result in a lower healing score because the enemies eventually all die and stop doing damage. He takes the huttball back to his own team's pit and waits to be attacked so he can increase his own DPS ratings on the scoreboard.


I can keep listing these behaviors all day. I have to find ways of working around these people all day, so I've become extremely familiar with exactly what they're doing.


Throw the scoreboard away entirely, BioWare. It's counterproductive.

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I dont really care about my medals, because if we win, then i get enough medals to take me past eight, and if we lose, then i dont deserve to be rewaded.


but really, it's easy for me to get medals as a tank, all i have to do is slap a guard on the healer, and then follow that healer, who usually follows the rest of the team.


you would be surprised how fast a pair of tanks can rack up eight medals if both of them guard healers that stay together/

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You play to win, than once the score is 5-0, or you've got two points in alderaan/denova than you play for medals. On voidstar we get the last room, than when its the other team we selectively decide when to let the other team progress(this gives them hope) than we crush them repeatedly at the shields before the last door(you never let them past that, just in case they get lucky). Thats how you grind medals, while winning.


Now that you'll be using wz comm's to buy adrenals only, your going to have to medal farm.

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Not really, flashy medal counts usually mean mvp votes from the clueless. The way the current system is designed it promotes players to be idiots :/


I'm not sure which is more fail, playing for medals only, or playing for medals FOR MVP VOTES...



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Play to win is overall the better option. Winning > Medals


However, when I play my healer on Alderan during a PuG, and the opposing team realizes I'm the healer and insta gibbs me EVERY...SINGLE...TIME I leave spawn, I'll sit on left and just farm a few defender medals.

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People play for medals when there is a perception that the match is already lost. The game does not promote playing for medals instead of playing to win for at least one major reason: you get more comms for winning.


When I play in a pug I go for the win first because its pretty easy to get medals while winning. If its looking like a win is unlikely, I start farming medals while the match comes to an end.




e.g. civil war, the team your fighting against capped 2 and held them from the beginning. They now have more than 2 times your "points". It is game over unless you can cap all 3 and hold them for a while but if you were capable of that then the other team would not have capped 2 and held them all this time. GAME OVER.


Of course you might point out to your farming teammates that a close margin of loss (e.g. civil war by -80) gives the losers more commendations than a crushing loss (e.g. -280) so if your goal is to maximize rewards (commendations, credits) then even if you are certain you'll lose, you should be considering whether you can shrink the loss margin.


There are those situations where the best option is to farm defender medals at the one node your PUG holds.


It would be great to see someone else do some theory craft on medals vs margin of victory and rewards.

Edited by funkiestj
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You play to win, than once the score is 5-0, or you've got two points in alderaan/denova than you play for medals. On voidstar we get the last room, than when its the other team we selectively decide when to let the other team progress(this gives them hope) than we crush them repeatedly at the shields before the last door(you never let them past that, just in case they get lucky). Thats how you grind medals, while winning.


Now that you'll be using wz comm's to buy adrenals only, your going to have to medal farm.


not only is this misinformation but its horrible game play to boot, if you do this you are actually significantly reducing the medals per(amount of time) you get. again as i mentioned previously any medals over 8 do not grant you a bonus to comms. so the faster you win the more comms per hr you get.

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You play to win, than once the score is 5-0, or you've got two points in alderaan/denova than you play for medals. On voidstar we get the last room, than when its the other team we selectively decide when to let the other team progress(this gives them hope) than we crush them repeatedly at the shields before the last door(you never let them past that, just in case they get lucky). Thats how you grind medals, while winning.


Now that you'll be using wz comm's to buy adrenals only, your going to have to medal farm.


This is the post of the quintessential epeen player. And what I think is a major problem in the system. They play to see their names high on the score board then epeen to their buddies how leet they are. This is the type of player that knows exactly what recruit armor looks like and follows those players around for easy kills. They get off on pounding pugs into submission then epeen to each other on vent. Like I said, this is the type of player that seems to be the problem player the OP is talking about. And there seems to be more of this type of player than all out bads. And as a caveat, these are the players that necessitate the need for rated wz to keep premades from farming pugs.

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Wow... I just got flamed on my server for bringing this up essentially... I, as a healer, always try to play to win. Sometimes we get put up against a team that has always out classed us, but you'll never find out how to counter them if you don't try, right?


Wrong, apparently. We were dirt stomped by a premade we typically get dirt stomped by and I came out of the match with 2 medals instead of the minimum 3 you need to get your points. Why? I played to win the whole match and kept trying to find that opening in their defenses to take a node with my dps buddy instead of trying to finish out my medals (I don't check my medal progress until the game ends) but I'm a known healer by their group and was insta killed every time I was found.


I made the fatal mistake of mentioning how I was not a fan of not getting any WZ pts for having tried my damnest out there and played the map to win, not to farm medals and I was flamed to the ground for being fail. I'm not an end all player, but I hold my own well and am always looking to improve. I learn the strategies and I'm always willing to adapt. Getting no WZ pts because I didn't go seeking out the rest of my medals by sitting at a node the whole match and trying to play the match to the very end hurts. It's bad enough getting face rolled by a better geared pre made against our little undergeared pug group...


I think the OP hit the nail on the head... don't show medals, then perhaps more people would be inclined to keep trying to the end despite thinking it could end in defeat... then maybe the opposing team would have more to focus on than just me and one other dps.

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