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The real point of a light saber


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To kill someone or to pertect yourself better than a regular sword. And just because it can't cut through everything doesn't make it pointless. You maybe able to cut through walls ,but that isn't its main purpose.
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It CAN cut through most things.


It's just that everyone and their grandmother has cortosis weave armor AT LEAST in this era. Think about it... A single sith would decimate the republic's side if they didn't have a jedi on the field. Soldiers would be like stormtroopers... Dying everywhere. Limbs and robot parts all over the place.


Instead. Saber resistant materials. Force users aren't an incredibly powerful trump-card on either side of the war. People don't die or lose limbs as readily. Kloto (Which is pricy now that Manaan had Ahloto city destroyed) isn't needed for the hundred and six guys who just lost their arms and/or legs to that one sith apprentice punk.

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what is the point of a light saber if it can't cut through anything?:csw_redsaber::csw_bluesaber::mad:


This is where story and lore clash with game balance. Obi-Wan and Anakin sicing up a room full of droids looks neat in the movies, but you can't have a game with 1-hit kill weapons. You know, except KoTOR2 with the crystal exploit...

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This is where story and lore clash with game balance. Obi-Wan and Anakin sicing up a room full of droids looks neat in the movies, but you can't have a game with 1-hit kill weapons. You know, except KoTOR2 with the crystal exploit...



Just no. They should honor the lightsaber.


If you aren't a Jedi, I'd feel bad for you son. Anyone who is playing a Jedi should one-shot other players with every keypress.

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As we all know there are various materials in the Galaxy that are Lightsaber-resistant. These materials are supposed to be rather rare and hard to come by...but in SWTOR it looks like a Hutt has lost the codes to his bankaccount and everybody is rich enough to buy this stuff.


(it is stated in the Bounty Hunter storyline that you wear Durasteel...and Trooper armor is supposed to be made from Plasteel)


And when it comes down to Sith/Jedi themselves, and in particular Assassins and Shadows, they don't wear any armor...so what is there to be lightsaber resistant. Instead they have to really deflect or dodge every attack...until one finally hit and they lose a limb.

I think that they could have implemented a great deal of dodging and deflection for Sith/Jedi, unlike the current slash,slash,slash...you lose 100hp style. Make combat more fluent and 'movie' like(along with clashing lightsabers!). Haven't we evolved over the bashing skulls until their HP reaches 0 kind of gameplay?


just my two cents...

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As we all know there are various materials in the Galaxy that are Lightsaber-resistant. These materials are supposed to be rather rare and hard to come by...but in SWTOR it looks like a Hutt has lost the codes to his bankaccount and everybody is rich enough to buy this stuff.


(it is stated in the Bounty Hunter storyline that you wear Durasteel...and Trooper armor is supposed to be made from Plasteel)


And when it comes down to Sith/Jedi themselves, and in particular Assassins and Shadows, they don't wear any armor...so what is there to be lightsaber resistant. Instead they have to really deflect or dodge every attack...until one finally hit and they lose a limb.

I think that they could have implemented a great deal of dodging and deflection for Sith/Jedi, unlike the current slash,slash,slash...you lose 100hp style. Make combat more fluent and 'movie' like(along with clashing lightsabers!). Haven't we evolved over the bashing skulls until their HP reaches 0 kind of gameplay?


just my two cents...



Of course and after that you have to play your character without limbs or your character is automatically deleted and you have to create a new character, if you die again same scenario, there is certain things you can't do in an MMO, and that's pretty much that, if lightsaber would kill in one hit, swtor would lose a lot of subscribers.

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As we all know there are various materials in the Galaxy that are Lightsaber-resistant. These materials are supposed to be rather rare and hard to come by...but in SWTOR it looks like a Hutt has lost the codes to his bankaccount and everybody is rich enough to buy this stuff.


(it is stated in the Bounty Hunter storyline that you wear Durasteel...and Trooper armor is supposed to be made from Plasteel)


And when it comes down to Sith/Jedi themselves, and in particular Assassins and Shadows, they don't wear any armor...so what is there to be lightsaber resistant. Instead they have to really deflect or dodge every attack...until one finally hit and they lose a limb.

I think that they could have implemented a great deal of dodging and deflection for Sith/Jedi, unlike the current slash,slash,slash...you lose 100hp style. Make combat more fluent and 'movie' like(along with clashing lightsabers!). Haven't we evolved over the bashing skulls until their HP reaches 0 kind of gameplay?


just my two cents...


On my Trooper storyline, I clearly remember Aric Jorgan stating that we wore durasteel. Specifically, "32 pounds of durasteel never looked so good."

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