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Where is Georg Zoeller?


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Where is Georg Zoeller?


He used to actively comment/respond to the community about changes in the battle system. Yet, I haven't seen a post from him since 1.2 was released. Was he let go in the restructuring? Are the dramatic changes in the opposite direction a result of him leaving?


If not, Georg, could you please comment on the battle system changes that are being slated for 1.3. Specifically in regards to overall burst damage reduction in pvp, Removal of clicky relics (PVP WZ), and the dramatic drop in DPS of tanks followed by an increase to their AOE threat (which did not really seem needed)?


Here are some of my thoughts below:


In terms of the burst damage, why not adjust existing mechanics rather than remove the variable consumables coming from the PVE economy (referring to adrenals). This seems to limit the market for adrenals because the new warzone adrenals are tied to wz participation which ultimately limits their supply. Lets be honest, the biggest usage of adrenals comes from both ops and pvp warzones.


Removal of clicky relics in warzones sounds like we are losing a dynamic of PVP. Why not just adjust their performance? Now we have less options available.


Were Guardian tanks really outside the expected damage? Because the update seems to undo some of the damage enhancements of 1.2 and further reduce their damage in the defense tree.


Georg if you are still there, please respond in regards to where the pvp is heading and explain the changes that are occuring so that we can understand the direction.

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Where is Georg Zoeller?


He used to actively comment/respond to the community about changes in the battle system. Yet, I haven't seen a post from him since 1.2 was released. Was he let go in the restructuring? Are the dramatic changes in the opposite direction a result of him leaving?


If not, Georg, could you please comment on the battle system changes that are being slated for 1.3. Specifically in regards to overall burst damage reduction in pvp, Removal of clicky relics (PVP WZ), and the dramatic drop in DPS of tanks followed by an increase to their AOE threat (which did not really seem needed)?


Here are some of my thoughts below:


In terms of the burst damage, why not adjust existing mechanics rather than remove the variable consumables coming from the PVE economy (referring to adrenals). This seems to limit the market for adrenals because the new warzone adrenals are tied to wz participation which ultimately limits their supply. Lets be honest, the biggest usage of adrenals comes from both ops and pvp warzones.


Removal of clicky relics in warzones sounds like we are losing a dynamic of PVP. Why not just adjust their performance? Now we have less options available.


Were Guardian tanks really outside the expected damage? Because the update seems to undo some of the damage enhancements of 1.2 and further reduce their damage in the defense tree.


Georg if you are still there, please respond in regards to where the pvp is heading and explain the changes that are occuring so that we can understand the direction.


Think he's on a covert mission to find those pesky operatives that have been stun locking people into canceling their accounts.

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Where is Georg Zoeller?


He used to actively comment/respond to the community about changes in the battle system. Yet, I haven't seen a post from him since 1.2 was released. Was he let go in the restructuring? Are the dramatic changes in the opposite direction a result of him leaving?


If not, Georg, could you please comment on the battle system changes that are being slated for 1.3. Specifically in regards to overall burst damage reduction in pvp, Removal of clicky relics (PVP WZ), and the dramatic drop in DPS of tanks followed by an increase to their AOE threat (which did not really seem needed)?


Here are some of my thoughts below:


In terms of the burst damage, why not adjust existing mechanics rather than remove the variable consumables coming from the PVE economy (referring to adrenals). This seems to limit the market for adrenals because the new warzone adrenals are tied to wz participation which ultimately limits their supply. Lets be honest, the biggest usage of adrenals comes from both ops and pvp warzones.


Removal of clicky relics in warzones sounds like we are losing a dynamic of PVP. Why not just adjust their performance? Now we have less options available.


Were Guardian tanks really outside the expected damage? Because the update seems to undo some of the damage enhancements of 1.2 and further reduce their damage in the defense tree.


Georg if you are still there, please respond in regards to where the pvp is heading and explain the changes that are occuring so that we can understand the direction.


He doesn't need to be on the forums. He needs to be working because there is a lot to do to fix.PVP. Then again every time he makes a post he implies that just about everything is fine. Then... huge nerfs hit and he's nowhere to be seen.

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My guess, CSR's & peeps from the PR department went over to his desk and gagged him.


Told him to concentrate on metrics. He also probably found out some operatives are still playing a dps spec, he's working on his evil master plan to round them up ;)


(I thought at times he was spot on, it was also kinda funny. But he shouldn't be left out in the wild/forums unguided. ;) )


((maybe this thread will lure him out :p )

Edited by SinnedQWERTY
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Think he's on a covert mission to find those pesky operatives that have been stun locking people into canceling their accounts.


I'm thinking HE was stunlocked out of a subscription xD


but seriously. . .I imagine from that quote alone he had his forum privileges taken away from him.

Edited by FourTwent
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Think he's on a covert mission to find those pesky operatives that have been stun locking people into canceling their accounts.




That being said, the resolve system is still not working as advertised. Note I said advertised, not intended.


Resolve was supposed to prevent someone from being stunlocked until death which DOES NOT WORK. Oh sure I read the Resolve guide, but that is an apologetic rag for it not working as it is supposed to. I am not supposed to save a CC break for when my resolve bar is up, the resolve bar fills and I am supposed to be broken out automatically, then have a period where I cannot be CC'd. Anything else is insufficient with the massive amounts of CC's given to clothies. If you cannot move you are by definition CC'd and that should count in your resolve build up.


Hundreds of times I have been left doing the funky fish, or gripping my head in some form of CC, I look down my resolve bar is totally full yet there I am, stuck, unable to do a GD thing.


It should be called the annoyed bar as opposed to the resolve bar

Edited by Arzhanin
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Georg is a good guy.


He is operating under a lot of pressure to meet deadlines and probably didnt have a lot of say about when the game was launched- ready or not.


Now he is doing his darndest to herd a bunch of wild cats... I dont envy his position.


When hes not posting, I have to figure hes hard at work trying to sort this mess out.


More communication would be great, but its understandable that he just doesnt have the time.

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Georg is a good guy.


He is operating under a lot of pressure to meet deadlines and probably didnt have a lot of say about when the game was launched- ready or not.


Now he is doing his darndest to herd a bunch of wild cats... I dont envy his position.


When hes not posting, I have to figure hes hard at work trying to sort this mess out.


More communication would be great, but its understandable that he just doesnt have the time.



beta tester..nuf said

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beta tester..nuf said


Not my fault they invited me and then didnt listen to any of my feedback.


meh, after this transfer fiasco its more than apparent the inmates are running the asylum. Foe Georg's sake I hope he gets out while the getting is good.

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My guess, CSR's & peeps from the PR department went over to his desk and gagged him.


Told him to concentrate on metrics. He also probably found out some operatives are still playing a dps spec, he's working on his evil master plan to round them up ;)


(I thought at times he was spot on, it was also kinda funny. But he shouldn't be left out in the wild/forums unguided. ;) )


((maybe this thread will lure him out :p )


100%. I remember in closed beta you'd see him responding all the time talking ish to players and backing it up with math and opinions about game mechanics. lol. Definitely needed a muzzle. I agree with a lot of what he has to say, if you were around to see him post more openly then the guy is really smart, and knows his stuff, but he's pretty passionate about what he does,

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Georg is a good guy.


He is operating under a lot of pressure to meet deadlines and probably didnt have a lot of say about when the game was launched- ready or not.


Now he is doing his darndest to herd a bunch of wild cats... I dont envy his position.


When hes not posting, I have to figure hes hard at work trying to sort this mess out.


More communication would be great, but its understandable that he just doesnt have the time.


I agree. In closed Beta he was much more open on the forums and I don't think anyone thought he was incompetent. Though there's a reason they have community managers and CSRs.


BTW to the post about resolve, l2p.

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Where is Georg Zoeller?


He used to actively comment/respond to the community about changes in the battle system. Yet, I haven't seen a post from him since 1.2 was released. Was he let go in the restructuring? Are the dramatic changes in the opposite direction a result of him leaving?


If not, Georg, could you please comment on the battle system changes that are being slated for 1.3. Specifically in regards to overall burst damage reduction in pvp, Removal of clicky relics (PVP WZ), and the dramatic drop in DPS of tanks followed by an increase to their AOE threat (which did not really seem needed)?


Here are some of my thoughts below:


In terms of the burst damage, why not adjust existing mechanics rather than remove the variable consumables coming from the PVE economy (referring to adrenals). This seems to limit the market for adrenals because the new warzone adrenals are tied to wz participation which ultimately limits their supply. Lets be honest, the biggest usage of adrenals comes from both ops and pvp warzones.


Removal of clicky relics in warzones sounds like we are losing a dynamic of PVP. Why not just adjust their performance? Now we have less options available.


Were Guardian tanks really outside the expected damage? Because the update seems to undo some of the damage enhancements of 1.2 and further reduce their damage in the defense tree.


Georg if you are still there, please respond in regards to where the pvp is heading and explain the changes that are occuring so that we can understand the direction.


EA BW Shidcanned half of their swtor dev team a couple weeks ago. Maybe he was one of them.

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I believe he was testing a much needed buff to the marauder class when a team of Stun Locking Operatives (SLOs' ) descended on him before he could get off a single ravage......He is now investigating whether giving undying rage an additional 5 seconds of cc immunity after it ends would prevent people from cancelling subs.
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