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Did your Transfer go through without problems?


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transfered 3 low characters to the bastion from rmp, didnt notice any problems.


there were 14 ppl on the fleet when i logged in over there... and they were all talking about how they wanted to tramnsfer off their dead server...


so... hopefully 2 dead servers equals one live server...


had to change the names of all my characters and my legacy name.

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I moved two characters to JC from Keller's Void. The server selection screen shows I have 3 on JC now but when I log into the server there are only the two I moved. I logged in and changed my names, picked a new Legacy and made sure all was good. So other than the server select screen everything went very smooth.
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Yep, seeing lots of reports of a fast and flawless transfer. On Twitter, too:
Zan ‏@ZanReigns

@asros @AlanShotFirst @swtor @Joveth Server transfers instant & flawless. even had crew skill pending that transferred & was waiting #SWTOR


That's impressive, since logging back and forth between characters is frequently enough to mess up crafting queues.

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No transferred to Jedi Covenant it is showing 1 more character on account than exists and I cannot transfer my last 50 over :/ transferred 7 of 8, #8 wont transfer due to it showing I have 8 but really only 7, same thing happened to a guildie


Ticket sent in

Edited by IrishTR
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No transferred to Jedi Covenant it is showing 1 more character on account than exists and I cannot transfer my last 50 over :/ transferred 7 of 8, #8 wont transfer due to it showing I have 8 but really only 7, same thing happened to a guildie


Ticket sent in


Yep, that's what they said to do:


The Old Republic ‏@SWTOR

If you are still missing your one character, even with an empty slot, please contact CS (http://bit.ly/sp1SUR) for help. ^MD

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Eight of Eight Characters moved. :)


4 required renaming. :(


The final transfer required the creation then deletion of a character on the destination server to free up the last character slot. After using this CS supplied workaround the last transfer worked.

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I am trying to transfer off Ven Zallow; when i click on my character everything says full.


And it won't let me so not sure what is up.


Nevermind I see my destination server is full of my characters already. That kind of sucks...i hate to tell them this but server to server transfer isn't going to do much for population problems they need multiple clusters to one predestination server for this to do anygood.

Edited by Fireside
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I saw a post in one of the forums saying that if you have items in your mailbox, they will be lost during transfer.


Is there any truth to this?


Any time you do a server transfer you want to be sure you empty your mailbox and have taken all items off the auction house (Galactic market).

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Transferred 8 characters one at a time from Lord Ieldis --> Begeren Colony with a minor hitch on the 8th only, a bug which should now be fixed.


I guess I was in the early transfers as after 7 transferred the 8th did not as Bergeren Colony erroneously thought I had 8 chars when I only had 7. This was addressed in a workaround post but i figured it out anyway. Created an 8th throwaway character on the destination server, played it, deleted it and then was able to transfer the last character. You probably won't have to worry about this as I think they quashed this bug.


Of the 8, 2 had to be renamed as they had popular names. One was my main that started my original legacy, and one was a low level mule alt, but that's okay. I didn't expect to keep as many names as I did, so I was happy enough.


You also get to redo your legacy name, which was good for me as I wasn't overly fond of my original choice anyway. Same rule applies, if it's already taken you'll have to think up a new one.


All legacy unlocks working perfectly after picking a name for my legacy.


All in all I am very impressed at the smoothness of the process, each character transferred almost instantaneously.

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I moved 7 characters 4 of them ended up with names like "DNHELKKBGOMN' no name change was required on the transfer page for these 4 toons. The other 3 who kept their names were the ones I thought I might have to name change lol. Sent in an in game ticket and got a live chat response pretty fast but that droid had to send it to some bigger better droids and I haven't heard back from them yet.:(
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I moved 7 characters 4 of them ended up with names like "DNHELKKBGOMN' no name change was required on the transfer page for these 4 toons. The other 3 who kept their names were the ones I thought I might have to name change lol. Sent in an in game ticket and got a live chat response pretty fast but that droid had to send it to some bigger better droids and I haven't heard back from them yet.:(


When u try to log into the server they will tell you with a pop-up to change ur name. Think I logged in saw goofy names, logged out, then on 2nd log-in got the pop-up.

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I am trying to transfer off Ven Zallow; when i click on my character everything says full.


And it won't let me so not sure what is up.


Nevermind I see my destination server is full of my characters already. That kind of sucks...i hate to tell them this but server to server transfer isn't going to do much for population problems they need multiple clusters to one predestination server for this to do anygood.


Likely the end goal. But out of curiousity what makes you think they would do it all at once and risk going too far, as opposed to slowly adding more and more servers to each destination.


You never know who will transfer, or not, or whos accounts are just sitting, waiting to close sub.


Actual numbers are often difficult to come up with.

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No transferred to Jedi Covenant it is showing 1 more character on account than exists and I cannot transfer my last 50 over :/ transferred 7 of 8, #8 wont transfer due to it showing I have 8 but really only 7, same thing happened to a guildie


Ticket sent in


I heard, and don't quote me on this because I haven't verified it, but if you are having this problem, make a toon on your destination server then delete him. It should work.

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Yes, 3 toons from Soresu to Harbinger in less than 5 minutes, all items in inventory, personal bank and legacy unlocks made it. Same for 3 toons that my wife moved as well. Had to change names for all three of my moved toons and even the legacy, which I didn't think would be that common (it was a name that goes back to my pencil and paper Star Wars RPG days lol). That was a small bummer, but I'll survive. My wife only had to change one toon name and kept her legacy name (which I would have thought would be more common...she's always been lucky that way lol). Whether it's enough to get me to reconsider letting my time run out at the end of the week or not...the jury's still out...RL friends and wife are still working on me lol.
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When u try to log into the server they will tell you with a pop-up to change ur name. Think I logged in saw goofy names, logged out, then on 2nd log-in got the pop-up.

Thanks, I logged out and back in and it gave me the rename option :)

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Just transferred one character from The Corageous to Canderous Ordo.


Went smooth as silk; I did have to rename character, but oh well.


The transfer process was very easy to follow and complete.


Was playing on new server within 10 minutes!

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