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Why no interrupt?


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Okay, I don't know if the devs read these corners of the forums, or if they're brought up to them but...


From what i've seen, the only direct response we've ever gotten on why mercenaries get no real interrupt is "this is by design"


All I want to know, and not by rumor but from the actual developers is WHY is this by design? What exactly do we have that warrants depriving us of an interrupt (when so much of your game depends on it, and one thing people forget to mention is the fact that real interrupts make the ability uncastable for the next 4 seconds, no merc ability does this)?


I'd like to toss one suggestion/answer out of the running, it's definitely not because we can heal, operatives/sorcs can heal and they get ranged interrupts *sad face*.


If any of you can post a link to an actual dev post/response in regards to this, please do so, i'd rather not have this turn into a he said she said derailment.


It is just purely mind boggling that out of all the abilities in this game, and the usefulness of them available to other classes, mercenaries get NO interrupt. Why?





Edited by rotatorkuf
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This has only really bugged me as of recent. I started an agent healer operative, and low and behold I got an interupt. I knew melee's had it and had no idea operatives did. I know snipers don't have an interupt either so merc qualifies as this long range dps area, but I've always been up close with merc. The jetboost does all right except to the big bosses.
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This has only really bugged me as of recent. I started an agent healer operative, and low and behold I got an interupt. I knew melee's had it and had no idea operatives did. I know snipers don't have an interupt either so merc qualifies as this long range dps area, but I've always been up close with merc. The jetboost does all right except to the big bosses.


Actually, snipers do have an interrupt.

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Mercs initially didn't have a battle rez either, and they gave them one. I think that whatever ideas they had "by design" in the beginning is probably not entirely relevant anymore. It sucks to not have something that everyone else has. I've also felt this way about melee Operatives having no sprint. And let me remind you how many times they've been nerfed now (er, 4?). :rolleyes:
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I came onto the forums today for the sole reason of complaining about interrupts but the OP beat me to it although I play as a Powertech and feel this thread should be moved into the BH General Forum.


I know PT's get Quell but Quell has a range of about 1 meter and sucks. My alt is a Sorcerer and her ranged interrupt is awesome. I have been PVP'ing with my PT a lot and get so frustrated everytime my Death From Above gets interrupted but I cannot counter-interrupt my enemy's best attacks. We deserve a ranged interrupt too.

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Because we were designed as solid DPS class. Then they nerfed us so now we're just garbage easy kills.


Hey devs, you designed our class as burst dps/healer then NERFED our burst and heals. Brilliant move.


DPS Class...that's laughable.


On my guild the top DPS has always been Marauders/PowerTechs/Snipers. Some people have no idea how easy nightmare is when you have a pair of marauders or more timing their abilities.

Edited by Serpieri
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DPS Class...that's laughable.


On my guild the top DPS has always been Marauders/PowerTechs/Snipers. Some people have no idea how easy nightmare is when you have a pair of marauders or more timing their abilities.


i'm usually top int he dps charts on my server, on my mercenary


which is why i keep saying DPS is fine


the part that really bugs me about this class, is the lack of utility/survivability


all that dps goes down dramatically when you're getting so easily murdered in pvp (can't keep melee off you, or powertechs/snipers burst your *** down with def cds better than yours)

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shameless bump...


want to see some kind of official response


the worst part about all this is WHO would be opposed to the mercenaries getting an interrupt? Everyone i've spoken to, even those without a mercenary could care less if a mercenary got an interrupt. At this point it's just cruel and unusual.


(just to add, what are you supposed to do against healers that you can't interrupt? definitely can't outdps their heals on an equally geared opponent, can't rely on knockbacks due to resolve system)


(another note lol, on my merc, i simply cannot kill an operative healer 1v1, i just leave them be unless a group is around to help, i've seen them kite/tank so many ppl.....sorc healers are less of a hassle, killable but still hard to kill....mercenary healers are the least hassle, i can usually 1v1 a merc healer due to heat management or simply crappy heals / l2p issues)

Edited by rotatorkuf
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What's funny is that my other two 50-toons (obviously) have interrupts, and when I'm on my merc, I keep hitting the interrrupt keybind trying to interrupt, LOL!


*By design* is just a lame excuse on Bioware's part... translation is... "Suck it up for now, we will get to it when the stars align...".


TL;DR Mercs absolutely should get an interrupt.

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I think this is the logic behind Mercs not having an interrupt:


Interrupts should only be used by melee against range to balance out the fact that being out of melee range is basically a melee interrupt. Mercs are ranged classes, so they don't need an interrupt against other ranged classes, as they can return fire at all times.


Or it could very well be something else, since this is PvP logic.

Edited by fujeo-finel
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I think this is the logic behind Mercs not having an interrupt:


Interrupts should only be used by melee against range to balance out the fact that being out of melee range is basically a melee interrupt. Mercs are ranged classes, so they don't need an interrupt against other ranged classes, as they can return fire at all times.


Or it could very well be something else, since this is PvP logic.


snipers/powertechs have interrupt

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What can be said about this subject that has not been already?


Mercenarys in BW's eyes in a nutshell is " BH's do not need an interrupt as our STELLAR OVER THE TOP DAMAGE is more than enough to burst through any lowly casters defenses".


They said near exactly that months ago, then the nerfs/fixes from 1.2 lowered our damage to the point where we cant 1v1 ANY CLASS AT ALL.


They are still stupidly stuck to the idea that our damage,utility, survivability are all fine and we need no future changes.


We are better off as a class asking for an Adv. spec change to Power Tech in order to arrive at the numbers mercenary should be at.


Plain and simple BW doesn't have the first idea in regards to BH class balance. They call us the "tank killer" spec and yet we cant even play that role!


We will not receive an interrupt. We will not receive life changing buffs. We will be stuck playing the same broken class as we are now, until the last 700k subs dwindle to 100k and the game goes free to play. If you like being under powered, defenseless and just plain useless then continue playing as Arsenal, because that is just about the only role we excel at.

Edited by Artichokey
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I am curious as to who on the development team for this game thinks that an interrupt is equal to armor and range,

because that is the only vague semblance of logic I can find for the decision to prohibit only one advanced class out of 8 from having an interrupt. As the only class in the game without an interrupt, I really feel at a disadvantage in pve content when I am unable to contribute to handling core mechanics of several fights (like colonel vorgath in hm denova, or even the Lost Island flashpoint; if you don't have interrupts, tough rocks)


As much as I like having interrupts on my sage, if mercs don't have interrupts, then snipers, sages, marauders, and operatives shouldn't have them either. The design balance there would be 'only the three advanced classes with a tank spec should have interrupts', in a similar line to the 'only advanced classes with a heal spec have no cooldown on revive, and get an in-combat revive'.


Then, the two pure-dps classes should have higher dps (and they do as a general rule, with similar gear and skill).

The problem is, of course, that some content in the game assumes that you'll have multiple interrupts available to coordinate for a given fight (like sorno in kp). Fights like that would have to be redesigned to function with only one interrupt.


By far the easier solution is to give mercs an interrupt, as this wouldn't require re-balancing existing content, but one or the other should take place, for the health of the game.

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